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Snowdog 09-12-2003 07:23 PM

Um.. yeah... I will be way out then!

Yes, my Atlas is full of markers and also a 3x5 card with the various scale of miles marked on them, so I can measure the distance and determine how long it would take to get places both on foot and on horse.

Yeah, I'm spoardic in my posts anyway, so join the club Imladris.

Elora 09-12-2003 07:41 PM

OK, Naiore has sprung. [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]

I plan to send her on a circle around Staddle, Coombe and Archet, using the cover of the Chetwood, to come into Bree from the Western Gate rather than the more obvious Eastern Gate. Certainly going is slow when one is riding through a forest, but this is true of those who pursue her.

As Naiore's stolen horse carries two riders, an open pursuit across the plains before the South Downs would only lead to Naiore being run down before she gets to Bree.

Everdawn 09-13-2003 05:31 AM

Just a question... When is Avanill supposed ot meet up woth Naiore? He doesnt seem to have much to do at the moment, any suggestions of how he can make himself useful for the time being?

Nerindel 09-13-2003 07:36 AM

Hey everyone,

I won't be able to post today/night. (Sister-in-laws hen night [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] )

anyways I was planning on Amandur taking up Rauthains offer of assistance and following the Geldings tracks into the grove and discovering Vanwe's and Naiore's prints together! I pm'ed this Idea to Hilde so if she whats to use it she can [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Then after informing Hanasían and Maethor of our find, we would go with the Hanasíans plan to search the ways north and east.

This was just my thoughts and don't need to be used.

The only thing I ask is that Amandur go's north as I will be diverting Léspheria to Chetwood [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Everdawn I think Elora is the best one to answer your question, but I would think Bree would be the place for you to take up with Naiore, maybe Avanill has some buisness in Bree? or perhaps he over hears the rangers talking about Naiore?

Anyway got to go, I'll be sure to have a drink for all of you [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Have fun [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] and I'll post on the morrow.


Ealasaide 09-13-2003 07:59 AM

Benia & Gilly are making for Archet, with Kaldir on their trail.

Since Kaldir does not know that Naiore has made her move already, he needs to pick up her trail somehow without going all the way back to the inn first. I can see him finding the trail just outside Chetwood, but he needs some kind of visual confirmation that it is Naiore's trail, not that of just some random elf.

Short of an actual sighting -- which is possible -- do you have any thoughts or preferences, Elora?

Hilde Bracegirdle 09-13-2003 08:30 PM

I apologize if my posts are a bit off geographically. I'm working without benefit of an atlas and the maps I am using are lacking detail. Does anyone know of a detailed one on-line?

Nerindel - I also apologize for not carrying on further, but had a long post written on Rauthain speaking with Maethor and then decided Rauthain was getting out of character and pruned it back very hard. Ran out of time to write more with Amandur. Hope the time with your sister-in-law went well. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Elora 09-14-2003 05:44 AM

Everdawn - Bree seems good to me for our characters to meet. Naiore could not meet with any at the inn, as she was maintaining cover. In Bree, though, she will stop to gather information and supplies.

She'll be staying with Barrold and will have need of a rare elixir that is hard to get in latter days. It's a derivation of the orc-stuff that Merry and Pippin were given to lend them energy. Given your character's background with Naiore, she'll be pleased to see your character there.

How does that work for you? [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Ealasaide - I figured on a sighting on the trail too in my planning. Naiore will be stopping to capitalise on an opportunity with Vanwe. I'll set that up now, which will create an opening for Kaldir to observe whilst she is distracted.

I hope that works for you. Let me know if it doesn't. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Nerindel Hope that hen's night goes off for you all. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Hilde You have no atlas to refer to? The accuracy of your geographical locations is astonishing all the more. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Ealasaide 09-14-2003 06:09 AM

Elora - perfect! I'll read your post before moving on with Kaldir, et al.

Nerindel 09-14-2003 06:32 AM

Thanks Hilde, Elora it was a great night, anyway getting back to business [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Amandur is now with Rauthain and they are heading roughly Northwest to Chetwood [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Elora when you said 'The worn leather of the belt snapped with the forceful search' were you describing the sound or did you mean it came off? I wasn't sure whether Amandur and Rauthain should find it or not?

Elora 09-14-2003 06:47 AM

I've put up the pause on the trail. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Naiore is using the last of a substance that is no longer in wide production since Mordor was gate-crashed by the Free Peoples. It's like the exlir that orcs would use, but Naiore's has a twist. Hers dulls the mind also. She would use it to disarm the mental defences of her prey and strengthen their physical resilience so that she could "play" with them a little longer.

For Naiore, a play mate who expires too soon is a real disappointment. Nasty, ain't she! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

I'm struggling a little to capture Vanwe's complicated state of mind. She's not an idiot but she is gullible to the fantasy of a loving mother. Naiore will never be able to build a maternal bond that is genuine. She will only be able to create the guise of one, faster if Vanwe's senses are befuddled.

I'm deliberately not writing in that Naiore and Vanwe are cantering or galloping yet, as I don't want to give rise to an unreasonable lead of time or distance before everyone has departed from the inn.

NerindelThe worn leather belt did come off. I didn't know just how well the Rangers would have inspected the site beyond the footprints. The belt and puch could well have fallen into undergrowth.

However, if you think it would be found, I'd be perfectly happy for that to occur. The contents of the pouch are as follows, just in case you think this could be used for insight:

* A piece of paper that Vanwe made her notes on (I described what they actually were for future reference in a post for Vanwe prior to her capture). Vanwe's hand writing is feminine and distinctly smooth and graceful, but it is written in Common Tongue as she was raised by the Haradrim and does not know Aduanic or Eldar modes of written expression.

*A length of braided leather - it's a piece of the flail that the Villagers would use to correct Vanwe. She cut it up the night she fled and took it with her for impetus on the road should she ever think about falling back.

* A lock of hair given to her recently by Hanasian - it's the same colour as her own and Naiore's and it's bound by the leather braid - an ironic juxtaposition that Vanwe will come to fully appreciate later.

*Carrot - to entice Deor should she have found him.

*A small belt knife - Vanwe used it for carving.

*A small carving of a swan - Vanwe made it on the road when she learned of her mother's noble title "Lady of the Swan". It's a symbol of what Vanwe wanted to be true of her mother as opposed to what she had been told. In that carving, Vanwe invested all of her creative ability, hopes and dreams and she is a remarkably gifted carver.

* 3 copper coins, the last of her financial means.

That pouch contains all of Vanwe's worldly possessions. But that pouch also says a lot about the person who owned it, depending on who looks at it and what they know of Vanwe. For Vanwe, that pouch is her life and she guarded the meagre contents of it with all she was worth. She had planned to give the notes to Hanasian in hopes it helped him as he had her.

Hope that helps! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Snowdog 09-14-2003 08:38 PM

Good writing folks! I'll have a bit of a post up here soon, working on the pursuit where Hanasían and Maethor will find Kaldir's trail I suppose. I weighted the thought of one of us riding straight to Bree via the road, hence will have a presence there before the arrival of Naiore & Vanwe. However, Avanill may want to make time down the road to Bree now, to do the same.

Well, off to write some....

Nerindel 09-14-2003 09:25 PM

Wow! Thanks for all that Elora,

But I decided to have Amandur give the belt to Hanasían, so that he would get to read Vanwe's notes after all [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Yay! Léspheria is on the move and is now heading towards the southern reaches of the Chetwood, she should get there by nightfall [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Ok, like Hilde I don't have Fonstads maps. (Soon to be remedied [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] ) But I do have Barbara Strachey's Journeys of Frodo, Atlas, But I query her location of Archet! on her map of Bree she has Archet east of Combe, but I'm sure that in FOTR (A knife in the dark, I think?) we are told that Archet was hidden in the trees just beyond Combe, So if this is seen from the east road looking left as they traveled east(Before they enter the wilds) then surely Archet is to the north, I'm I right or am I just confusing myself more? [img]smilies/confused.gif[/img]

Elora 09-14-2003 09:46 PM

Snowdog I surely hope that this does not come to pass. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] If there is any assistance we can offer, please let us know.

Nerindel I'm looking at the Fonstad map on page 74-75 right now. Archet is placed slightly north-east of Combe, deeper in Chetwood. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Hope that helps. By slightly north-east, I'd estimate about 6 to 9 miles.

piosenniel 09-15-2003 01:58 AM



It had not surprised him that one of the horses had been stolen. He highly doubted that it was his. That horse is the most horrible creature one could ever meet.
Your most recent post was very humorous - I enjoyed it!

Hilde Bracegirdle 09-15-2003 04:21 AM

Good grief! I did a search on google for a map of Archet and all I found was a Shirepost entry talking about it's postal stamp. Did find that the post master there these days is one Penny D. Thorney. I wonder how much it would cost to send a letter?
Thanks for the help folks. But if I make a serious blunder, please let me know.

Snowdog - I hope that things work out alright and that you can find computer time.
I end up with an hour or so before work somedays, to post. But it's hard to spent time on computer at home, even just to type.

piosenniel 09-15-2003 04:37 AM

Here is a map of The Shire & Bree-land.

And here's one of Eriador.

Nerindel 09-15-2003 05:06 AM

Oh! No! Snowdog please say it ain't true, who will Lead the rangers if you go [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]

Elorathanks, thats roughly where I assumed it should be, It just confused me that Strachey had it southeast rather than northeast [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

EverdawnI have to agree with Pio very funny [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

[/B]Everyone[/B] Should anyone think they would encounter my newest NCE here is a brief description: to all appearances Fallas looks to be nothing more than an old hermit, Dressed in a shabby woollen robe tied at the waist by a well worn brown leather belt.

His hair is grey, as are his eyes and his beard which is tuck in his belt, he has a wooden staff which supports his seemingly frail body, But these thing are Deceptive, for in need he is swift and agile. His age and origins are unknown, but It is rumoured that he was once one of the Dunedain and has some of the foresight of his kin.

The Breelanders for the most part ignore him fearing that his long life is caused by some kind of sorcery. which of course is not true, and is only heightened by rumours that people have gone into the wood and not return.

These people being theives and bandits, who have heard of Tallas' trade and sought to aquire some of his more rare potions, But Tallas does not hold with these sorts of people and would have sent then on their way or their death if they refused to leave.

Snowdog 09-15-2003 07:56 AM

I guess I have some explaining to do here. Basicly my situation is this... When I got started on this great story, and I LOVE this story to pieces, I would spend a couple hours every couple nights to read and write and stay in it. However, things move fast here, so it was every night I needed to stay on top of it all. Well, I won't now be getting on the internet at home, and very seldom at work, so I will have little to no time to write a post that would be meaningful, let alone understandable and with correct grammer. I will try and do my best to stay current on reading this, but I am afraid I will will not be able to post. Again, my apologies.

[ September 16, 2003: Message edited by: Snowdog ]

Ealasaide 09-15-2003 08:22 AM

Sorry I have been away from the computer for a couple of days. Seems like a lot is going on! I will read both threads & try to get caught up.

I'll do my best to get posts up today for both Benia & Kaldir.

Snowdog Wow! I'm sorry to hear about your situation, but I hope you will try to hang in with us for awhile. Maybe things will simmer down in a few days & you can come back in on a regular basis. I feel like I am constantly playing catch-up, too, especially on the weekends. Let us know if there is anyhting any of us can do to help!

[ September 15, 2003: Message edited by: Ealasaide ]

piosenniel 09-15-2003 10:37 AM


How large a part in this game will your NCE have? Will other players be using him?

If this will be an ongoing character that will be used throughout the game then please do a very brief character description form for him so that he's fairly firmly established in everyone's mind.

Thanks! ~~ Pio

Hilde Bracegirdle 09-15-2003 10:40 AM

Pio Thanks a mint for the maps!!!! The Shire/Bree one is marvelous! I can actually read it! I had seen it listed on the site, but assumed the one was only the Shire so hadn't examined it yet. (It does look like a fun site to check out.)

Snowdog I understand down to my furry feet what you are saying. This RP has kind of taken all of my freetime and then some, also. I've even temporarily halted my "Walk to Rivendell" (actually Lorien now), something I was loath to do, in order to have more time to write. Oh if days were only 36 hours long! (I'd probably get a lot more sleep! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] )

Proposal - Seeing now that I'm not the only harried person in our group, do you think we could make an effort to slow down so that everyone can relax a bit more? It seems to have been happening on it's own these past few days, but I know it's hard when ideas come to mind and you want to get them out before they are obsolete. There are ways around that though too, right? [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Nerindel - Is Halwain a man or an elf? I thought man first then elf, so I thought I'd better ask. I've probably overlooked something somewhere.

[ September 15, 2003: Message edited by: Hilde Bracegirdle ]

Elora 09-15-2003 06:56 PM

Hilde, my thoughts precisely.

I would like to second her proposal and throw my agreement and whole hearted support behind it with all I have.

Snowdog you don't me any explanations, for one. I hope that there is a way through this. Slowing down is probably a good idea so that we can all have the benefit of more time to work on our characters. A number of us are playing a few.

Speaking for myself here, I find that when I am not posting for a character on this RP, I'm frantically trying to forward plan with any free time I have. I guess that shows how much I love role playing more than anything else. I sure would appreciate some breathing time to make sure I capture the essence of the story and the individuals I am working on each time.

Imladris 09-15-2003 07:54 PM

I was skimming through the Rohan games and I came across one (the Brotherhood, I think) and the game-owner said that he only wanted two or three posts a week maximam on the game. Now I think that that is too few (especially for one with so many characters) so I thought that maybe, to slow things down a bit, it would be a good idea to limit each character to one post a week. That way, it would give people with problems (such as Snowdog and Hilde) time to craft a creative post as well as letting people who have more than one character (such as Elora and Elesaide) not loose the essence of their character.

So what do you think?


[ September 15, 2003: Message edited by: Imladris ]

Elora 09-15-2003 09:23 PM

An interesting suggestion that has merit, in my opinion, Imladris.

Would this cause us to run into difficulty with time limits on the rp? Are those limits negotiable?

Ealasaide 09-15-2003 09:33 PM

I agree wholeheartedly that we need to slow down a little bit!!! After all, we have 13 weeks to write this thing. Like Hilde & Snowdog, I was feeling a bit harried, like I was constantly falling behind and having to work as hard as I could just to read everything... Then I would spend all my time reading & not have any time left to write.

I think it's wonderful that everyone is so enthusiastic, but we need to keep this fun, not a chore.

Having said that, I am also very hesitant to put a formal limit to the number of posts anyone is allowed to write. My thought is that we just give everyone else a reasonable amount of time to post after we post.

I guess my point is this: let's just keep in mind that some people have more time to write than others, and give the people with less time a little consideration.

If THAT doesn't work, then we can try limiting the number of posts.

How does that sound?

[ September 15, 2003: Message edited by: Ealasaide ]

Hilde Bracegirdle 09-16-2003 03:29 AM

Whoa! thirteen weeks? I thought we had six! And here we are with stuff from act two already being accomplished!

Which ever way we want to slow down is Ok with me.

Nerindel 09-16-2003 04:17 AM

Yes, I too believe slowing down is a good Idea, My partner too is feeling a bit neglected of late [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] and I have promised my son that I would start writing a story for him and I just haven't had the time. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]


Nerindel - Is Halwain a man or an elf? I thought man first then elf, so I thought I'd better ask. I've probably overlooked something somewhere.
Hilde sorry I should have made that more clearer Halwain is a man (He was made Captain of the Annúminas when Amandur refused the post [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] )


How large a part in this game will your NCE have? Will other players be using him?

If this will be an ongoing character that will be used throughout the game then please do a very brief character description form for him so that he's fairly firmly established in everyone's mind.
His part is not large at all, he will not leave Chetwood, he was merely added as a means to turn Léspheria towards Bree.

But if anyone else wants to use him they are free to do so.

If a Proper description is required I am happy to do one, just let me know! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Everyone Just a remainder that I will be on holiday and have no internet access from the 24th to 29th September, So I don't know what will happen to Léspheria and Amandur in this time, but hopefully if we are slowing down, they won't get left to far behind! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Snowdog 09-16-2003 08:31 AM

Some comments here:

1. DON'T put limits on the number of posts. This impedes creativity. Also, this is one of the drawbacks to having a timelimit on an RP in the first place in that it causes people to post frequently in the hopes they stay ahead of the 'script'. If not, then the time-squeeze issue comes into play and people hurry through their posts.

2. My personal situation is a bit more than just not having the time to read and write, and I am activly talking to another to take over my part in this RP (if this is acceptable to everyone). If I do get them interested enough to take it over, I will post a 'crossover' post followed by theirs to give the character continuity. If this does not work out, I will write the finish of Hanasían of the Dúnedain.

3. I think everyone writing to this story has done, and will continue to do a fantastic job in telling this tale, and my hope is that everyone will continue to do their best!

Ealasaide 09-16-2003 09:50 AM

Well, bummer, Snowdog! You will be a tremendous loss. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]

Good luck with your situation. Just let us know what you will end up doing where the game is concerned. Since Hanasian was your character before this game came along, please don't feel obliged to kill him off in order to take him out of the game. He can always be called away by Elessar on some urgent business elsewhere. If necessary, one of us can handle the scene for you. That way, Hanasian will be alive & well and able to carry on elsewhere at a later date.

With that in mind, your friend can come in as his own character. Maybe his guy can arrive with the message that Hanasian must return to Gondor at once... Then the new character can take over Hanasian's mission. Just a thought! That way, it takes the pressure off your friend to stay true to Hanasian. I'll miss the connection between Hanasian & Benia, but... oh, well!

We will miss you (& Hanasian) very much!

[ September 16, 2003: Message edited by: Ealasaide ]

Imladris 09-16-2003 10:15 AM

Yeah, I'll miss you, too, Snowdog; Maethor will miss Hanasian...


Hilde Bracegirdle 09-16-2003 10:21 AM

I second (oops, third) that sentiment!

On the practical side what is to become of Maethor in the interim?

Looks like we are posting at the same time here, Imladris!

Nerindel 09-16-2003 11:00 AM

Namaarie Snowdog,

Sorry to hear that you are leaving us. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]

Your first person narrative, is always a joy to read and will be sorely missed, as will you by all here.

And listen to Ealasaid don't kill Hanasían of the Dunedain [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Snowdog 09-16-2003 12:33 PM

Alright, if it is ok with the writers, I have recruited a daring soul from among the ranks of my workmates, who also happens to be a Tolkien book fanatic. He is willing to give it a go as he has written in RP before. I had told him about this site earlier when we were recruiting for people, but he never did get into it. Anyway, he is reading the story outline I had printed earlier, and he will hopefully post here as soon as he is registered. I gave him the freedom to use Hanasían if he wants to, but he may take your idea of a different character.

Well, I am officially 'off the internet'.


Ealasaide 09-16-2003 12:59 PM

Okay - thanks, Snowdog! You probably won't see this, but, if you do, please feel free to pop in to the Discussion Thread & say hello if you get the chance.

Snowdog's Friend - please post here on the Discussion Thread as soon as you can so that we will know who you are and what your plans are in terms of a character, i.e. whether you will be carrying on with Hanasian or writing someone new.

If the character is new, I'm sure Snowdog will have told you how to go about constructing a character profile, which should be posted to this thread ASAP.

If you have any questions, please be sure to ask. We are all a bunch of enthusiastic busy-bodies who would be more than happy to help out... probably more than you would like! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Arveleg 09-16-2003 02:36 PM

Hello all! I have taken the daunting task of writing for Snowdog, and as I have read much of what you all have done here, it will be a daunting task indeed. What I will do is carry on with Snowdogs character as that will cause less confusion in the thread. Also, I think I have a pretty good handle on it based on the character profile and what has been written so far. So I will try and construct a post, and please let me know if I am doing anything wrong or missed any details. I look forward to writing with you all!

piosenniel 09-16-2003 02:45 PM

Welcome to the Shire and to this excellent game, Arveleg! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Please do check your PM's (Private Messages).

~~ Pio, Shire Moderator

[ September 16, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]

Ealasaide 09-16-2003 02:48 PM

Arveleg - Welcome to the BD, brave soul! You will be filling some big snowshoes! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]
I'm looking forward to writing with you. Any one of us would be happy to try to answer any questions you might have about characters, plot, etc.
In the meantime, feel free to jump in with Hanasian whenever you are ready.

Imladris 09-16-2003 03:20 PM

Welcome to the game, Arveleg!!

Imladris 09-16-2003 09:45 PM

Elora, what happens to Vanwe once Naiore dumps her as it were to her fate? Does she fall in with the rangers or...? I'm sorry if I'm jumping too far ahead, but I was just wondering...

BTW, do you have an answer for Naiore's question for where does fear spawn?

Hilde Bracegirdle 09-17-2003 03:47 AM

Salutations Arevleg! And thanks so much for taking up Hanasian and helping all of us out here. Have fun!

Nerindel – Belated thanks for letting me know about Halwain. His name didn't look elvish, but then again I don't know the languages.


BTW, do you have an answer for Naiore's question for where does fear spawn?
Imladris & Elora – I certainly hope you don’t feel the need to research this question?! [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

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