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mark12_30 05-01-2003 08:20 PM

LinGalad cautiously slipped into the party, melted into a shadow, and watched for several minutes. There was a song, and a toast, and then much discussion. But he had arrived late and after a long day, was already yawning. But one item demanded comment, and LinGalad slipped quietly up next to SaucePan Man, and quietly whispered,

"That was the most technically brilliant paper-and-comb solo I have ever heard. Really quite impressive. And I did enjoy the rest of the sing a well. Nicely done."

Glancing around, and wishing he had more time to listen, but thinking that the festivities would still be in full swing for a long while yet, LinGalad slipped back into the shadows.

Frodo Baggins 05-01-2003 08:24 PM

Cromthal sat bolt upright at the first notes of Kenelm's song. He stared immovable tears spilling from his eyes as he watched and listened. In all his bardic days he had never heard anything quite so hauntingly beautiful.

"El-Elrond? Is that the one of whom you told me?" he asked shakily.

"Who? Kenelm? Yes, why do you go met him."

Cromthal slipped across the floor on his satin shoes and said "Good evening, I am Cromthal of Rathcoe. You are Kenelm the Elven spirit. I know you because Master Elrond has told me of you. I have wanted to meet you for a long time, it is my pleasure."

Cromthal was so excited and nervous that he could hardly stand.

Orual 05-01-2003 08:35 PM

Talômi scanned the room as he sipped his water. Rie was doing the same, though she had a specific mission in mind.

He put down his glass and ran a hand through his hair. "You keep looking for Nuru and Don," he said to his sister. "I'm going to look for a dance partner."

Rie smiled wickedly. "Spend all your time looking for a certain lady, and as soon as you find her you go looking for another one," she said, her lower lip protruding in a mock-pout. Then she laughed and put a hand on his arm. "Have fun. Don't trip your lovely lady, mind!"

Talômi assured her that he would not, and went to the crowd. There were lots of ladies present, but most of them were no longer available. He frowned. That Findorfin character seemed to have taken more than his share of the women.

His frown dissipated when he caught sight of a young elven maiden, in a turquoise-and-tan gown. He was sure that his eyebrows were all the way to his hairline as he stared at her. He rubbed his arm absently for a moment before he got up his courage.

"If I am not mistaken, you are the lady Eärwen?" he asked, trying not to trip over his words. "I am Talômi, son of Almarien. A, uh, a ranger." He mentally slapped himself for his lack of eloquence. "Would you like to dance?" he finished, extending a hand to her.

Guo Si 05-01-2003 08:39 PM

A lone figure stood at the entrance to the party. He was a tall, imposing (Or so he thought) figure who brought a gasp from all those assembled. Was it fear? Admiration? Or just the fact that he was wearing the same tacky suit of mithril armor he wore to last year's party? Then, at long last, the figure spoke in the phoniest of Elvish accents.

"Er, hello. I'm here for the party. I'm Guo Si"

elven maiden Earwen 05-01-2003 08:42 PM

"Yes I would love to dance." Eärwen said to the handsome man. She took his hand and he led her towards the floor. Wow I just arrived and i already have someone to dance with she thought and smiled.

[ May 01, 2003: Message edited by: elven maiden Earwen ]

Samwise 05-01-2003 08:54 PM

A Rolls-Royce with gold plated fenders pulled up in front of the building. Stacey stepped out of the front passengers' seat, turning to the driver.
"Thank you so much, Worthington."

"Twas my pleasure, my lady....erm, do you suppose the lad is all right? "

Primrose hopped out of the back, in a mauve-colored dress with far more frills than she cared for and her bow over her shoulder.
"Tennyson's fine. I saw him just--"

Just then a small hover vehichle with the front open so that it's blond-blue eyed pilot could be seen landed on the sidewalk next to them.

Sam breathed a sigh of relief as he slid from the back seat onto the sidewalk. "Thank goodness--you had me a bit nervous there for a moment, lad." Turning to Stacey, he said, "Do you suppose Mr. Frodo and everyone are here? "

"I should think so. Mr. Baggins was here first the last time. "

Tennyson swallowed hard, looking through the open doors of the building.

Primrose patted his arm. "Don't worry. Miss Stacey's not from these parts, either. "

Stacey looked at the boy, who was a paraplegic deaf-mute but was brilliant computer and book-wise. A thick mane of blond hair and large blue eyes actually made him quite handsome. The fact that he hailed from the 22nd century and had a hovering "wheelchair without wheels", which was equipped with a synthisizer-like device with which he spoke his own language probably made him feel more out of place than even she.

"Hey," she whispered close to one of his hearing aids, putting a hand on the navy-blue waistcoat that had been made for him, "I don't fit in here, either, remember? Let's find Mr. Baggins and the others and everything will be fine. "

The boy exhaled heavily and nodded.

"All right then, come on." Primrose said, slinging her bow over her shoulder and heading down the red carpet, completely ignoring any cameras.

Stacey snickered. "Sam, that girl is SO your daughter..."

Sam just grinned and followed her, and Stacey and Tennyson followed behind.

[ May 01, 2003: Message edited by: Samwise ]

The X Phial 05-01-2003 08:55 PM

X was startled by the unconsidered attention from the angelic and oh-so-innocent Lush. She buzzed at Merendis..."Looks like we've caught some attention"

Then, in her most civil (and tiny) human voice she greeted Lush.

"Good to see you, oh enebriated one. Your drink is smoking, dear."

Antien 05-01-2003 09:04 PM

Antien returned after a long trip to the bathroom and looked around. Where was sillabub? oh well. She'd just have to dance now. She looked for a person who would dance to disco in

5...4...3...2...1...Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayn' alive...

Her rigged discoball and music went off. this would be FUN!

[ May 01, 2003: Message edited by: Antien ]

[ May 01, 2003: Message edited by: Antien ]

Samwise 05-01-2003 09:05 PM

The foursome entered the building, all eight eyes scanning for the ones they were supposed to meet.

"However will we find them in this crowd? "
Sam wondered aloud.

"Easy." Prim answered. "Tennsyon? "

The boy looked at her a second, then upward. He bit his tounge as if nervous.

Primrose shook her head. "It's okay, go on. No one's going to notice, anyway. "

Stacey wondered how a huge crowd of people like this could NOT notice Tennyson doing what he was about to do, but gave him a reassuring grin.

Tennyson sighed, then fiddled with some controls on his hoverchair and headed for the celing. Looking down over the crowd, he looked to see if he recognized anyone from the pictures he'd been shown of the party they were supposed to meet.

Trippo The Hippo 05-01-2003 09:07 PM

Trippo stands up and announces to everyone that he will be stepping outside to sleep under the stars. He steps away from the table and proceeds to exit. When he is stopped by his adorring fans. He tells them that he will be back in the morning, and that he simply must get some rest.

Dont post to much while I am asleep please.

kittiewhirl1677 05-01-2003 09:09 PM

As usual, Eladoriel had been mistaken about the date of the party. Luckily, she was soon informed, and had immediately gotten ready and went off to the party. She had then arrived and had found her group of friends and approached them quickly.

"Hi. I'm so sorry! I thought the party was four days from now! I am SO confused. What has been going on here?"

She stood around impatiently, waiting for her words to sink in. She waited for her friends' reply, because she obviously had no idea what was going on...

Arafangwen 05-01-2003 09:10 PM

"I'm back from the grave! Well, kinda." Arafangwen exclaimed as she walked over to the table where Trippo, the Saucepan man, and Menelien sat, well Menelien was asleep but that didn't discourage her one bit.

"Trippo, would you kindly introduce your friend here?" Arafangwen asked, as she stood before The Saucepan man and Trippo. Of cours she knew who he was, who didn't, but she wanted a proper introduction.

"Of course! Arafangwen, this is The Saucepan man. Saucepan man meet Arafangwen! There you go! Now I shall take my leave for some much needed rest! Good bye!"

"Good bye Trippo!" said Arafangwen as she happily waved good bye to her new friend.

"Well hello there Eladoriel! Glad to see you figured out the date in the end! I would have told you, but I thought you already knew! So how are you tonight?"

[ May 01, 2003: Message edited by: Arafangwen ]

Orual 05-01-2003 09:11 PM

Talômi could feel his sister's eyes--and smirk--on his back as he led Eärwen onto the dance floor. He made quite a business out of ignored her, and smiling his most charmingly at Eärwen. The elf's raven hair, strung with white gems, shifted in a most appealing way as she walked...his face flushing, Talômi tried to keep his mind on not stepping on his partner's feet with his heavy (if clean) boots.

The dance was lively and quick, which was fine with Talômi. His face might have burned to cinders if it had been a slow dance. It was also agreeable to him that the lights were low; perhaps Eärwen couldn't see his face, which matched approximately in colour with his hair.

"You're a wonderful dancer," he said, looking down quickly as she met his gaze. He could see her grin, and hoped that she didn't think him too much of a fool. Unfortunately, 'down' wasn't all that much better; his eyes caught on her anklet, with a white gem to match those in her hair, and he found himself thinking about her slender, pale ankle. He figured that her eyes were the better place for him to concentrate on, and he firmly set himself to look at them. "Thank you for dancing with me," he said as the music ended, and bowed low, the best bow that his father had taught him. "Would you like something to drink?"

The Saucepan Man 05-01-2003 09:14 PM

The Saucepan Man thanked LinGalad for his kind comments, noting that Eruanna deserved the credit for her wonderful paper and comb solo. He would liked to have talked further, but the stranger melted back into the shadows.

He turned back to Trippo and Iarwain as they discussed the evening's wierd and wonderful events. They were joined by Arafangwen, as Trippo made his excuses and left for the night. Conversing happily with Arafangwen and Iarwain, Saucepan remembered that he had wanted to debate with Iarwain the magical qualities, or was it powers, of his enchanted Pot.

Suddenly, he gasped with horror. He had glanced over to where he had left the Fantastic Feastpot of the Fanatical Foodies and saw that it was ... missing!

Arafangwen and Iarwain stared in amazement as he rummaged frantically through his pots and pans.

"It's gone! The magic word has gone!" wailed Saucepan.

"What magic word?", enquired Iarwain.

"The note on which I wrote the magic word for the Feastpot. It's gone! And so has the Feastpot!" A look of utter horror crossed his face.

"What's the problem?" asked Arafangwen.

"Well, the Feastpot is a magical item which can produce any item of food that the user asks for, provided he knows the magic word. Time and time again."

"Sounds like a useful thing to have at a party to me" said Arafangwen, not at all clear as to why Saucepan was making such a fuss. "I'm sure someone hungry just borrowed it."

"You don't understand" moaned the Saucepan Man. "If it gets into the wrong hands ... imagine the things that an Orc would ask for, or a Dragon ... or ... no, sweet mercy ... Hobbits!"

The consequences were unthinkable. Saucepan pulled himself together with much clattering of pans and dashed off at pace in the direction of the kitchens.

"This could take some time" he thought to himself. "I may be away from the party for a while."

[ May 01, 2003: Message edited by: The Saucepan Man ]

Samwise 05-01-2003 09:16 PM

While Tennyson went to look for Frodo and the others his way, Stacey took both Sam and Primrose's hands and went through the crowd.

So many strangers, she thought. This party's going to be different from the last one.

Behind her, she heard the doorkeeper say something about checking weapons. Looking down, she could plainly see Primrose's bow and quiver over her shoulders.

Oh, great....

Frodo Baggins 05-01-2003 09:18 PM

Frodo saw them first.

"SAM!!!"ped up fromt he table and flew across the room. The others stood quickly, Elrond nearly upset his cup of miruvor.

Frodo reached them first, nearly knoking Sam flat with a hug. MAgge skipped behind in her white dress. Cromthal Elrond and the late arriver to their group, Isildae followed. Hugs and greetings were exchanged.

"Well, Samwise, you finally came." Elrond said, and Tennyson, good to have you, Stacey of course, and Primrose, who really can wear a dress."

Maggie smiled braodly "I was hoping you would come, This is the newest member of our group, Cromthal of Rathcoe, you will learn of him as we go, come join us at our table.

Iarwain 05-01-2003 09:26 PM

Iarwain, in great dismay, turned away from the Saucepan Man, who had turned out to look very much like Johnny Appleseed.

"I wonder what happened to that pot." He enquired to himself. But then, the greatest of things happened, for Iarwain's dearest Golberry had arrived and stood clothed in flowers just three feet away.

"I'm glad you made it, Derry Dol!" Iarwain said, "I was afraid you might forget."

"I would never forget a chance to see the Master sing," stated Goldberry in quiet mirth.

Then the two fell into deep discourse, discussing the wonderful assembly of characters around them. They were so immersed that they didn't realize what was happening...

Arafangwen 05-01-2003 09:29 PM

"So Eladoriel, what would you like to do?" asked Arafangwen.

"We could dance if you don't think it would create to much of a spectacle." she said to the seemingly pre-ocupied Eladoriel.

"I was saving my first dance for The Phantom, but as it seems, he told me he would be off the phone around 11:00, but that has come and gone and he is still talking. So would you think it too strange? I've just had so much sugar to wake me up that I'm brimming with energie for the moment." she finished with a deep breath as she had said all of that in one breath.

elven maiden Earwen 05-01-2003 09:37 PM

Talômi led Eärwen out to dance. He was so sweet. She studied him. He had dark red hair. Eärwen didn't know many people with red hair. He was quite handsome. In Mithlond she didn't meet many rangers.

The dance ended.
"Would you like something to drink" Talômi asked.
"Yes I would love something" she said smiling at how nice he was. Eärwen was shy around most people, but if they were nice to hershe would talk to him. I hope he can't see how nevous I am Eärwen thought as they walked off the floor.

Arafangwen 05-01-2003 09:39 PM

"Shall no one dance with me?" Arafangwen cried out in her sugar rush of despair seeing that her commrads had all left her side and that The Phantom was still talking on the phone.

[ May 01, 2003: Message edited by: Arafangwen ]

Antien 05-01-2003 09:46 PM

Antien wanted to dance too. Would NO-ONE ask her toDANCE! Then she remembered. She took a little gold key out of her pocket. She walked behind a pillar, where a wardrobe was hidden. she turned the key and the door swung open, revealing a walk-in closet. she walked n and emerged two minutes later, in a tight-fitting black dress that faded into smoke at the bottom. It totally showed off her slender body, and she was wearing a sliver and garnet charm on a simple, black string. Now, she changed the music back to at least slightly formal and looked for someone to dance.

Where was sillabub? Scratch that, where were some avalible guys?

[ May 01, 2003: Message edited by: Antien ]

Sillabub 05-01-2003 09:47 PM

Sillabub sat in her chair, playing with her lighter for the 10th time that night. She swore she'd never been so BORED in her entire life! She hadn't seen SNYONE she knew, and she was running out of things to burn. To top it all of, the music being played was HORRIBLE! Everyone else seemed to be having such a good time dancing to the music, while she just watched. The food table had run out of black forest cake long ago and most of the other downies were looking drunk or reallllly hyper. Suddenly Sillabub got an idea. Creeping over to the cd (IN MIDDLE EARTH?!) player she crept underneath the table. She somehow managed to hotwire the CD player and attach it to her ever-so-conveniently located laptop and program the CD player's system into her harddrive, so it would play her MP3s. Chuckling evilly to herself she clicked 'play' and slid out from under the table. This would be a night to remember...

Everyone froze as they heard the first few bars of the Phantom of the Opera theme playing instead of 'complicated'.

Antien 05-01-2003 09:50 PM

Antien heard the familier music.

'Sillabub has struck again...' she thought.

she abruptly went to her closet and changed into a flowing dark blue dress and shouted "sillabub!"

[ May 01, 2003: Message edited by: Antien ]

Samwise 05-01-2003 09:53 PM

Primrose stamped her foot, making her frilly skirt rustle. "YES, Mr. Elrond, I can!"

Sam rolled his eyes. "Tiny Rose..."

Tennyson came down next to Primrose, looking a little shy.

Sam laughed, steadying himself after Frodo's greeting. "It's so good to see you again, sir. He nodded to the newcomer. "Cromthal, hello. "

"Whirr..." came the noise from Tennyson's keyboard.

"See, I told you it was going to be okay." Primrose whispered close to his hearing aid.

Stacey looked down at Primrose and hoped so. [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Sillabub 05-01-2003 09:54 PM

Sillabub thought she would die from laughing. the situation was strangely ridiculous, even though onlt some of the downies seemed to mind the change of music. The Phantom of the Opera ended, giving way to Saria's Song. Suddenly she saw a familliar face.
"ANTIEN!" She yelled.

Arafangwen 05-01-2003 09:54 PM

"Is that The Phantom of the Opera I hear?!" Arafangwen exlaimed in joy, then the name of the song made her think of The Phantom and that made her think about how much she wished she wasn't the only one here that she knew.

"I will not be depressed!" Arafangwen resolved to herself and then proceded to gather all her sugar rush energie together and walk out onto the dance floor where she started dancing all by herself to the beautiful music foating through the air around her.

[ May 02, 2003: Message edited by: Arafangwen ]

Nurumaiel 05-01-2003 09:55 PM

A scream escaped Nuru's lips as Alasse pulled up the tablecloth and greeted her. Satisfied that the stranger wasn't a reporter, she grabbed her arm and pulled her underneath the table with her. "Quickly, before we're spotted," she whispered.

"Spotted?" Alasse looked a bit puzzled. "I'm afraid I don't quite understand."

"I'm hiding from all the reporters," Nuru explained with a grin. "This place seemed safe enough, and perfectly away from all the reeling drunkards." She stopped and smiled in apology. "I'm sorry, I don't really consider them to be reeling drunkards. It's just that I can't stand the stuff myself and it's... er... rather odd, if you follow me. Rivendell, where I come from, has never experienced anything like this!"

"Oh, yes, I can understand that," Alasse replied. "So that's what you're doing under here? Hiding, I mean?"

"Yes. And I'm looking for a friend. Rie... she's a redhead. Might you have seen her?" Alasse shook her head slowly, trying to remember if she had spotted a redhead in the crowds. "Well, she's a wonderful woman and you'll love her."

It just so happened that at that moment someone kicked up the tablecloth and Nuru spotted a woman in a forest-green dress that went well with her red hair. "Come on, Alasse, I see her!" Nuru cried, grabbing her newly-found friend's hand and dragging her out from underneath the table. "Let's go, snatch Rie up, and get back under cover."

This seemed like a good idea to Alasse, who was curious to meet Rie, so she followed Nuru through the crowd as the latter called out from time to time, "Rie, Rie, over here! Rie!"

Sillabub 05-01-2003 09:58 PM

As Saria's Song finished, Jesus Christ Superstar began. Some people looked absolutely bewildered at the change in music- after all, citizens of middle-earth have no clue who ALW or Jesus are, let alone musicals- but they adjusted to the change of pace.

Arafangwen 05-01-2003 10:02 PM

Arafangwen was not concerned at all with the looks she got from the others in the room. She was happy for once that night!

All of the sudden the music came to a dramatic change as "Jesus Christ Superstar" began playing. Arafangwen stood there looking bewildered for a moment and then decided that she liked the new song and started to dance to it anyways.

Iarwain 05-01-2003 10:06 PM

Suddenly a voice broke out from the middle of the crowd:

"Come now, come now! We cannot only sing Andrew Lloyd Webber songs! Perhaps I should contribute?"

At this the crowd fell silent in dread.

"Iarwain is my name.
And I am eldest.
Some say that I am jolly,
Others argue that I'm a bore.
People even want to cut me
Out of Tolkien lore!

But I will not allow it,
Eldest I will be.
And such I will remain
Because I cannot alter Me."

After this, the talking and bustle resumed, almost unnafected. Iarwain walked away and began to look for the Saucepan Man.

Arafangwen 05-01-2003 10:15 PM

Arafangwen wondered at this speech from Iarwain, "who is Andrew Loyd Webber?" she thought to herself, then all at once, her thoughts were interupted as he proceded to "sing" a song of himself. She quite enjoyed his little song and made a note to herself of asking him about it later.

Then a few moments later, the music returned and Arafangwen returned to dancing with herself, a few people stared at her but she ignored them as she relished the moment, imagining that her husband was at her side dancing with her the whole time, and she sailed daintly across the floor as she wished and waited.

Nerindel 05-01-2003 10:19 PM

Nerindel Nimsûl of Lothlórien rode up to the entrance on her beautifull white elven mare Losmír. After dismounting she whispered something in the mares ear, Losmír whinned then trotted off.

Nerindel is wearing a stunning gown from top Lothlórien designer store Galadrim's Gladrag's, The strapless figure hugging bodice is a light periwinkle blue with intricate silver embroidery, which just inhances the sparkle in her deep blue eyes.The skirt of the gown is made of several layers of the fineness white gossamer,which hangs delicately from her slim waist to her delicate ankles, around her right ankle sits a delicate mithral anklet. Her shoes match the bodice of the gown and to top of this outfit she has a simple ring of Elanor flowers sitting atop her long blonde hair.

She smoothes out the the folds in her dress and takes a deep breath "here go's" she mutters to herself. She walks up the red carpet, she is suprised to see the press are still out in full force even at this late hour, she had hoped to avoid the press by coming at this late, some of them were shouting for her to turn, she obliged them smiling nervously, after all this was her first time attending a barrow downs party.

She turned back and was stopped by the orc guard at the door "Weapons" he grunted Nerindel looked at him suprised " and were do you suppose I could hide weapons on this outfit?" she said haughtily, the orc looked her up and down and said "ok, you can go in" "Thank you very much" she muttered sarcastically as she entered to hall.

Nerindel gaped the hall was more magnificent than she had imagined.There was already many merry folk here some she had seen in various Quiz Forums, some she recognised from the Green Dragon, some from the Shire RPG Forum and some she had never seen before. Just then a waiter stopped before her and offered her a glass of champagne from his silver tray, she accepted gratefully, then looked around nervously to see if their was room left at any of the numerous tables.

Antien 05-01-2003 10:24 PM

Antien jerked out of her trance. Didn't she hear her name, about ten minutes ago? "Sillabub? If that's you, play Cats, exept can you play memory?" She started to search for her friend.

[ May 02, 2003: Message edited by: Antien ]

Antien 05-01-2003 10:35 PM

Antien totally gave up on fraul, who said he might be coming. She thought

'Well, sillabub's probobly gone to bed. What am I still doing here? What should I do? Why won't anyone take the hint that I want to dance?'

And with that, she murmured " I am now haunting this place...should I stay, or will it just bug people? And when are the awards?"

So many questions, so little answers...

[ May 02, 2003: Message edited by: Antien ]

the phantom 05-01-2003 10:35 PM

"Hello again", said The Phantom, who seemed to grow out the ground right before Arafangwen's eyes. "I cannot understand why a pretty lady would be dancing alone".

The Phantom immediately launched into a stunning brake-dancing routine. The laws of physics seemed to have no effect on him as he whirled, spun, and jumped around the floor.

All the other dancers on the floor stopped. Seeing The Phantom dance was a once in a lifetime experience. He was, after all, the one that tutored Boromir in disco, and it was even rumored that he had taught Luthien her captivating dance as well.

He ended the song with a triple flip and landed doing the splits. Everyone applauded his amazing show as a slow song began.

"May I have this dance?", he asked Arafangwen.

[ May 02, 2003: Message edited by: the phantom ]

Antien 05-01-2003 10:39 PM

Antien was impressed by the phantom's footwork. but she was tired. So she laid down in the swan ship amd fell asleep.

Arafangwen 05-01-2003 10:40 PM

"Surely good sir!" Arafangwen replied in a very happy mood now.

"I thought you would never "re-arive", so to speak. I was afraid I would have to dance alone the rest of the night or utterly die of boredom!" She grinned up at him as he wisked her away across the dance floor.

the phantom 05-01-2003 10:45 PM

"Aren't you going to ask me where I've been for the past hour, and what I've been doing?" The Phantom asked Arafangwen.

[ May 02, 2003: Message edited by: the phantom ]

Arafangwen 05-01-2003 10:49 PM

"I would not but if it were by your wish. And as you seem to want me to know I shall ask. Where have you gone off to for so long and what was your buisness?" She asked him non-chalantly as they swept their merry way across the dance floor. "I for one never disapeared for more than five minutes at a time! I am very pleased that I could entertain myself so well for such a time!"

[ May 02, 2003: Message edited by: Arafangwen ]

Child of the 7th Age 05-01-2003 10:49 PM

Angara stared intently at Mithadan for a moment. At least the Man had taken time to introduce his friends. Then she carefully scrutinized all those sitting at the bar or in the general vicinity. Her gaze hurriedly passed over Mattius, Diamond, and Heren Istarion. Nice folk indeed, but not quite what she was seeking.

One look at Lush and Angara's nostrils twitched. It was not just the smell, but the uncomfortable feeling that she'd met another creature of intelligence and wit who could probably match her stroke for stroke. Angara felt an insatiable desire to propel a large ball of fire directly beside Lush, no more than an inch from her nose. But when she stretched out her wings and lowered her head to strike, Cami glared back and muttered, "Cut that out, Wyrm. Do you want to get us in trouble? Lush is one of the true legends of the Downs."

The Dragon snorted. Hobbits could be such killjoys, and Cami was no exception. With great difficulty, the Wyrm reined in her capricious nature and set her eyes on the last occupant at the bar. She stared and stared again, finding her breath coming in quick jagged gasps. Who was this? The others called him Squatter. Such a simple name for a gentleman, and such a gentleman he was!

Angara leaned over directly in front of Squatter and batted her eyelashes several times, hoping to attract his attention. Failing to produce the desired results, she pushed her snout out a bit further and sent a gentle smokering floating in his direction. Cami shifted uncomfortably in her seat and tried muttering at the dragon under her breath. But, this time, her efforts failed miserably. Totally mesmerized by the gallant if groggy Squatter, Angara trudged over behind her beloved's barstool, and protectively draped a tail about his neck, flicking it back and forth with obvious delight.

"Oh, bother," moaned Cami. "What is she doing? Can't you stop her?" The hobbit shook her head and looked imploringly at Mithadan who shrugged his shoulders and chuckled. "You're the one who brought her here. Don't look at me."

It was only after Squatter passed out at the bar several minutes later that Angara agreed to back off and take a stroll with Cami.

[ May 02, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]

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