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Samwise 05-21-2002 09:44 PM

Sam: *Smiles* Not a problem, Rosie. It was rather tasty, actually.

Daisy Sandybanks 05-21-2002 11:16 PM

Daisy accepts the asprin Sindacuion gave to her graciously and quickly gulps it down
with a glass of wine. “Wait a minute....” Daisy slowly and reluctently swallows before
realizing what she had just done. “”Uh-oh.... drugs and alcohol don’t mix......” Daisy groans and sits down in the grass next to a passed out, drooling Orc. Suddenly hearing twigs snapping and leaves rustling above her, Daisy jumps to her feet and starins her neck upwards. There, sitting all alone, is Sin. who had given her the asprin. “Sindacuion, darling, what are you doing up there all by yourself?” asks Daisy. “Come down from there, the least that we could both do is help clean up this unsightly joint.” Not waiting for him to make his way down, Daisy grabs a trash bag and begins to pick up bits of garbage here and there. “Well.... this is just fantastic” she grumbles “I came hopping to have a fun time, and what do I end up doing? Picking up trash and having what must be the worst headache I have ever had....” Though being just a bit angry, Daisy continues to do her part in helping out. As s

Daisy Sandybanks 05-21-2002 11:53 PM

(Heh, sorry, that last post didn't seem to quite make it....)

Daisy accepts the asprin Sindacuion gave to her graciously and quickly gulps it down
with a glass of wine. “Wait a minute....” Daisy slowly and reluctently swallows before
realizing what she had just done. “”Uh-oh.... drugs and alcohol don’t mix......” Daisy groans and sits down in the grass next to a passed out, drooling Orc. Suddenly hearing twigs snapping and leaves rustling above her, Daisy jumps to her feet and starins her neck upwards. There, sitting all alone, is Sin. who had given her the asprin. “Sindacuion, darling, what are you doing up there all by yourself?” asks Daisy. “Come down from there, the least that we could both do is help clean up this unsightly joint.” Not waiting for him to make his way down, Daisy grabs a trash bag and begins to pick up bits of garbage here and there. “Well.... this is just fantastic” she grumbles “I came hopping to have a fun time, and what do I end up doing? Picking up trash and having what must be the worst headache I have ever had....” Though being just a bit angry, Daisy continues to do her part in helping out. As she goes from table to table (or passed out creature to passed out creature...) Daisy catches bits of conversations going on in various tents, somthing about the Beatles playing here, spiked Dr. Pepper, food fights and other random weirdness that she decided to just overlook. “Hmmm.... this place has become somthing of a Middle Earth Woodstock it seems...” she mumbles to herslelf while plucking off a peice of toilet paper hanging from a nearby branch and stuffing it into her all ready full trash bag. Seeing that many of the creatures about are leaving, and that the party seems to be almost over, Daisy throws her trash bag onto a heap of other trash bags and walks over to nearby stream to wash herself off.

Veritas 05-22-2002 12:48 AM

As it seems that when she's awake, most people are resting, she dicides to play a game of chesswith with a little dwarf that's looking a bit angry.
"Why are you looking this angry?" the wizard asks.
"Me beard is not the longest of this party." he growls, "Gimli's longer."
Veritas thinks he doesn't like chess so asks him if he want to play a game of gambling.
"What have you to offer?" asks the dwarf.
"Nothing, a glass of wine for the winner!" the wizard replies laughing.
"Nothing to offer, I'm not in for playing!" cries the dwarf with a heard voice. A few people are looking in their way. Then the dwarf takes off to be not been seen again by Veritas.
"A pity, ah well, what does it matter, and she sits down at a table where dire Halflings are sleeping above their ale.
"Another wine please!"

Veritas 05-22-2002 12:53 AM

When one of the tree (sorry, last message was a mistake) Halflings awakes, Veritas asks if he wants to play a game of chess. This time the answer was satisfying, but halfway the game, the Halfling fals asleep again. The wizard thinks that she just have to wait until everybody's awake, and the party is rising again.

Rose Cotton 05-22-2002 04:20 AM

Rose stops spinning and goes to sit down,

"I must stay awake" She looks around hoplessly as almost everyone else is in a doze.

I thought this party was going to last longer than this.It hasn't been even 3 days yet. How pathetic.

She goes to play a game of chess.

Rose Cotton 05-22-2002 04:28 AM

After losing a game of chess Rose decides to take a look at the Random Events Generator.

The Random Events Generator:

-Silly Events

-Scary Events

-Suprising Events

-Imposible Events

"Hm, I think I'll try the Imposible Events."





"Hey everyone wake up!!!!!!! This really is imposible. Oh well. Come on everyone, you don't want to miss this,"

Rose grabs a seat and some popcorn and starts to watch the movie.

Estelyn Telcontar 05-22-2002 04:36 AM

At the edge of the Cormallen Fields, Estelyn and Chrysophylax sat, talking quietly. A common love for all things Tolkien had yet again succeeded in reconciling two formerly hostile races; the princess and the dragon had become fast friends.

Estelyn looked down at her dancing shoes regretfully – she would have loved to keep going, but apparently everyone was either sleeping or cleaning up. The festivities would hopefully continue with the dawning of the new day, but until then, what was an enterprising princess to undertake?

“This will never do,” she thought. “I am Estelyn of the House of Telcontar – I do not get deserted by all of my dancing partners!” With a sudden gleam in her eyes, she whispered to Chrysophylax and kicked off her sliver slippers, hoping that some gallant gentleman/dwarf/hobbit/elf would find them for her later.

She carefully mounted the dragon’s back and held on while he spread his wings and circled the party grounds. They spotted Sindacuion in his tree; he was so startled when the dragon flew under his branch that he dropped right onto Chrysophylax’ back. “Hang on,” shouted Estelyn, “we’re going for a ride!”

Now for the other dance partner, who had basely deserted not only the princess but also the Barrow-Downs’ birthday party! “Beatles concert indeed!” she humphed, “who needs a yellow submarine when you can have a live dragon?!” Chrysophylax swooped over the concert grounds, where only a few stragglers lingered. One looked particularly apathetic and melancholy. “That’s Stephanos, alright!” Estelyn cried out, and the dragon landed next to him just long enough for Sind and Esty to grab a hand each and pull him onto Chrys’ back. Bewilderment gave way to recognition, then to fear, then to delight as they rose higher and higher above the party fields.

“Now for the show,” Estelyn urged, “or the sun will rise and spoil the effect!” Chrysophylax began producing the most wonderful fireworks, combining smoke rings with fire images for spectacular effects. The cleaning crews stopped and gazed in wonder; those sleeping awoke, frightened and thinking it was a nightmare at first, then awed in astonished appreciation.

A proud Chrysophylax was greeted by enthusiastic applause as he landed near the Barrow-Wight’s tent-encased mound. (“Do be careful not to come too close to Cimmerian,” Estelyn had admonished him, “if he realizes that you’re a talking dragon, he’ll pester you to take part in the RPGs!&#8221 [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

As the sun rose to a new day of partying, Estelyn stood on Chrysophylax’ back and led the assembled Barrow-Downers in a rousing song:

“Happy Deathday to you,
happy Deathday to you,
happy Deathday, dear Barrow-Wight,
happy Deathday to you!”

Rose Cotton 05-22-2002 04:53 AM

Wow! That was great, but Um....if you didn't notice,



Sindacuion 05-22-2002 05:57 AM

Sindacuion, still startled from the dragon ride, looks at the fireworks in astonishment. "Wow.. That's just amazing.." he whispers to Estelyns ear. "Yes, of course." Estelyn replies. "Well, I think I'll head back to my tree now.." he says. "No way! You're not going back there!" Before Sind can say but, Estelyn has grabbed his arm. The princess drags him to the dance floor. Suddenly, out of the blue, there came music, music of the Elves. Sind grabbed Estelyns other hand, now holding both of her hands. They begin to spin as the music grows stronger. "Is this a party or what!!"

Sindacuion 05-22-2002 06:02 AM

Suddenly, the music changes... into a birthday song! Sindacuion adds his share to the singing.

"Happy deathday to you,
happy deathday to you,
happy deathday dear Barrow-Wight,
happy deathday to you!!"


Rimbaud 05-22-2002 06:37 AM

"Yes, well, that's just what comes from messing with royalty," muttered Stephanos, carefully brushing dragon scale glitter from his very very crushed velvet jacket. "I've really been taken for a ride on this one."

Seeing Estelyn beaming insouciantly at him, he managed a wan smile in return. He hoped no-one had seen his lunch, deposited with the fireworks some minutes earlier. He still felt rather shaken, albeit not stirred. Straining his ears, he found he could no longer discern the Fab Four and he supposed that the REG had cancelled that ill-fated reunion. A pity...they were playing songs that had never been played live before...

He bowed to Sindacuion, his dragon riding Padawan, who was murmuring softly about the need for pastries and muffins. He noticed Rosa Baggins sitting near-by staring blankly into space. Her could not discern what she was staring so fixatedly upon; he shrugged and looked around for other amusements.

Seeing that someone had dared to enter Bee-Dubya's tent, he emitted a low rasping chuckle as the sound of gnawing bones floated through the stiff black canvas opening.

He saw The Frodo Lives clan planning their folly against Mithadan. He adjusted his own badge, given to him in childhood by an older friend, who had clearly predicted the young man he would become with unerring accuracy, proudly and thought of joining them but realised that hugging trees in the 80s and writing faintly anarchial anti-globalisation texts in the 90s probably didin't match up to 60s and 70s student radicalism. Instead he retook his place under the tree, after flourishing an unnecessarily elaborate bow to the radiant Princess Estelyn, and opened a book of poems and other works by Arthur Rimbaud.

Who da poet?

Soon thereafter, zifnab came and sat beside him and Estelyn too. They sat in companionable silence as twinkle, Telchar and Glorfindel crossed the dew-sodden lawns towards them. The sun awoke, sending pink illuminations darting across the impenetrable depth of morning blue-black sky.

They sat and watched as Arien stained the canvas with lights fantastic. Stephanos smiled contentedly; he saw other companions come to sit beneath the canopy of branches. An amalgamation of friends and acquaintances all drawn together by this daily wonder. As he watched a young hobbit girl lower her tousled head into the Princess Tar-Miriel's lap with sleep, a poem came to mind.

He cleared his throat and gently quoted, words from the tortured young lady Emily Dickinson:

’T IS sunrise, little maid, hast thou
No station in the day?
’T was not thy wont to hinder so,—
Retrieve thine industry.

’T is noon, my little maid, alas!
And art thou sleeping yet?
The lily waiting to be wed,
The bee, dost thou forget?

My little maid, ’t is night; alas,
That night should be to thee
Instead of morning! Hadst thou broached
Thy little plan to me,
Dissuade thee if I could not, sweet,
I might have aided thee.


The loneliest tear in a thousand years escaped his eye and travelled earthwards. Remembrance fierce within him, he gathered his friends in his sight and blessed them thricely.

Happy Birthday.

[ May 22, 2002: Message edited by: Stephanos ]

Sindacuion 05-22-2002 06:50 AM

Sindacuion is deeply touched by Stephanos' words. As the flood gates open, he retires to his tree. He gets out the box of tissues and sits on the branch, alone...

Sindacuion 05-22-2002 07:14 AM

"Oh! Now I remember!!" Sindacuion looks in his pocket. "Uh oh.. Pastry gone bad.. Nah!" Sind grabs the pastry and stuffs it in his mouth. "Hmm.. Ugh.. I think it had ants in it.."

Mithadan 05-22-2002 08:18 AM

As the new day dawns, Mithadan wanders back from the concert field. A pun wraith floats by bearing a fistful of citations for Stephanos (I warned him... $10 for the first pun, $25 for each subsequent offense). To his surprise, not only has the party wound down a bit but also a number of guests were cleaning...CLEANING! This will not do. He pulls a laptop from behind one of the bars, enters the administrators' area and clears the cache. Then...refresh...and the detritus of two days of partying have disappeared. He e-mails the catering company to send over more food and refreshments, then stretches. Behind him, a twig snaps. He spins around only to find Pio, Birdie and Cof7A standing together, each looking in a different direction with hands clasped behind their backs. Also, they are whistling innocently. He turns away. That wasn't suspicious at all...

Kuruharan 05-22-2002 08:22 AM

Estelyn, come back here with my dragon! You don't know what he's trying to do! He's lulling you into a false sense of security. When you are not watching he'll pounce and eat you!!!

You know how dragons are about princesses. Kind of like how Barrow Wights are always having to abduct and sacrifice people. It's their nature. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Frodo Baggins 05-22-2002 09:16 AM

Frodo has just finished stuffing his face (and pockets) with the overlooked toseed mushrooms *gasp* Sam?? SAM!!!! He does a little skip and jump over to where Sam, Primrose, and Stacey are. "Well you finally got here. Hehe I'd hug all of you but you'd get pie all over you *buisily brushing pie off his clothes with a red silk pocket-handkerchief* "I spent a whole day on this outfit and now look!! And I still don't have my necklace back *sigh* Well, at least youre here and Tiny Rose, I may say you look rather beautiful this evening
People this party is supposed to last 15 days we still have 13 to go, Stop asking if it's over!!!!!

Niere-Teleliniel 05-22-2002 09:36 AM

Niere stands in the middle of the chaos, wide-eyed. "Oooooooooh myyyyyyyyyy." Sighing, she suddenly notices the bulging trashbag in her hand. She shrugs, tosses it aside and goes to find her book. Retrieving it from beneath a pile of rubble, she dusts it off and heads for the nearest egress. "See ya'll back at the language forum!" She yells over her shoulder and then she is gone.

[ May 22, 2002: Message edited by: Niere-Teleliniel ]

Belin 05-22-2002 09:50 AM

Much has been happening, but Belin has been going about her business in the background.. Sometime last night, she somehow managed to find a place to change and reemerged in the simple dress of a freakishly tall hobbit-maid. After a quick snack, a perfectly lovely dance with Stephanos (for which great thanks [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] ), and a chorus of "Happy Deathday," she wanders over toward the gift table.

Of course, it's a hideous and rapidly dimishing mess. Hobbits at birthday parties follow no rules but their own, and many have decided that the lack of labels on the gifts is due to the busy life of the Barrow-Wight, and that they should simply pick the gifts themselves. All around the field, in addition to Princess Estelyn's "party favors," can be seen hobbits decked out in belts, crowns, and some truly astonishing pieces of jewelery. What a generous and open-handed Barrow-Wight! thinks Belin, then stops to consider. Something about the yoking of the terms "generous" and "barrow-wight" strikes an ominous chord, or maybe that's just the organ music one of the Shirriffs has begun to play. Is he playing for them, Belin wonders, or for the fall of a semi-respectable hobbit into conspiracy? At any rate, he's very good, and seems to have missed his true calling in life, doubtless because of the lack of organs in Middle-Earth.

[ May 22, 2002: Message edited by: Belin ]

piosenniel 05-22-2002 10:49 AM

Mithadan returned the laptop to it's place behind the bar, & flipped on the the neon welcome sign - a ghastly greenish hued hand with the index finger beckoning thirsty partygoers. A hastily scrawled sign,in runic characters by some passing southron, identified this particular watering hole as the Khumaun Inn.

His attention taken by setting up the bar and polishing pint mugs, he took no notice of the trio as they approached the bar in a studiously casual manner.

Entering the bar, the trio halted just inside the doorway, blinking the sunlight from their eyes. The interior was dark shading up to dim where pale sunlight trickled through the dense holly leaves making up a sort of portico at the cave entrance.

Pio poked C7A gently in the ribs, just enough to stop her from her now nervous sounding whistling. 'I think it best if you stop whistling the "Knife in the Dark" theme!', she whispers in her companion's ear.

C7A glared at pio, kicking herself mentally for agreeing to go along. Her eyes swept the room and fixed on Mithadan. Her short gasping intake of breath and a hasty step backward toward the door brought his attention to the trio.

'What can I get you, ladies?! Miruvor? Ale? A glass of water for the gasping hobbit? Take a seat at the the bar, there's plenty of room!'

The room seemed curiously empty. A little chill shivered up the back of pio's neck. Spying a familiar looking wizard sitting in the dim recesses of a booth, she nodded toward her and said to the barkeep, 'A round of dwarf spirits, if you please - and one for my friend here. We'll be joining her.'

'I live but to serve!' came the reply from behind the bar. A ghostly smile playing about the corners of his lips.

'Birdie, get Child into the booth, and see if you can do something about that whimpering. She's starting to sound like Bilbo before his adventures with the dwarves.'

Pio turned her attention to Veritas, who sat quietly taking in the scene and fingering the edges of an empty chessboard. 'So,long time, no see, my northern friend. What are you doing on this gloriously sunny day, sitting in this gloomy place?'

The long sad story of an ill-timed arrival at the party and the rude refusal of a dwarf to play a friendly game of chess without the promise of a wager took up the next 10 minutes, punctuated finally by the arrival of a large flagon of dwarven spirits and 5 silver goblets.

'5 goblets?' queried pio. 'There are only 4 of us here.'

Mithadan, his smile now in full bloom, poured the 5 drinks and raised one high in the direction of the trio. 'To your very good health, ladies; & a pleasant day for all!' '& to you, good wizard, you are in some *interesting* company. To your continued good health while you're with them!' & with those last words, he slammed back his drink and returned, humming, to the bar.

'Should I be sitting near you?', said Veritas. 'There seems a dangerous friction in the air!'

'Don't worry, Veritas. We have things well in hand, don't we girls?'

'I'm not so sure about that,' replied Birdie, fanning Child who had fainted dead away at the approach of Mithadan. Gulping her own drink down, she trickled a thin stream into the mouth of Child, who sputtered once, opened an eye for a furtive glance about, and then crawled under the table with her goblet.

'Why is he standing over there with a decidedly Cheshire cat grin on his face?', asked Birdie. 'Don't know.', said pio. 'But now's the time to put our plan into action.'

'P-p-p-p-p-plan?! What plan?' came the thin voice from beneath the table.

'Don't worry, I have one. Now get up here and listen to it.'

Three heads huddled together; the rise and fall of hushed arguing accompanied by wild gesturing and the slamming of goblets on the table filled the small corner of the room. Veritas leaned back in the booth, as if to distance herself as far as possible from the trio, but not far enough that the flagon couldn't be reached.

'We're agreed, then,?', said pio, looking pointedly at each of her companions. They nodded their heads mutely. 'Let's have another drink, and then we're for it!'

Birdie downed her drink and glanced toward Mithadan whose ghostly smile was now directed entirely at their table.'Why do I feel as if I've walked into Shelob's Lair?!, she shuddered to herself.

Daisy Sandybanks 05-22-2002 11:14 AM

To distraut to thoroughly read the last couple of posts, Daisy cleans herslef off in the stream. She makes a hasty attempt to comb her hair with her own fingers, and takes her leave, walking at a fast pace from the not so enjoyable party. Singing quietly to herself, Daisy disappears into a low mist on the ground.
"Happy birthday to you…
Happy birthday to you…
Happy birthday dear Barrow-Wight…
Happy birthday to you…"

(Great party everyone! I really enjoyed it! Keep posting! And, again HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARROW-DOWNS!!!!)

Child of the 7th Age 05-22-2002 11:16 AM


Treasure, did someone mention TREASURE? And my own leatherbound volume.....?

It's amazing how such things make one bolder. (Tears of joy streamed down Child's sweet face.) She had begin to relax noticeably and was no longer shaking. Pictures of a tall and vengeful Mithadan faded into oblivion, as she envisioned showing off this new tomb (er, tome)to her admiring friends.

Then, to the dismay of her companions Birdland and Piosenniel, Child began
speaking of several related and unrelated topics in quite loud tones. Birdland hesitated to stop her, but rolled her eyes upwards as she knew from experience that this might go on for some time.

Child fondly related: "I do have certain points in common with my relation Bilbo Baggins. Did you know I was his fifth cousin twice removed?.... He has promised me that I may add a very small appendix to the revised Purple Book of Westmarch which is due to be reissued later this year in connection with the retelling of the story of the Twin (that is, Two!) Towers."

"And, of course, Bilbo and I do like a bit of treasure now and then as long as there are no rings involved. Hobbits get quite nervous when it comes to rings. We far prefer bracelets and necklaces."

"But to be frank, I am a far better burglar than that rascal Bilbo. Despite what Master Tolkien implies, female hobbits have superior skills in this regard. We are always needing to hide our mushrooms and other food, since we have children who may sneak into the pantry and devour everything in sight. So we mothers have become extremely clever in the art of concealment."

"Now, when you first mentioned a conspiracy, I had assumed you meant that I should instantly go and steal Sting from Frodo(who by the way is my fourth cousin twice removed) and then run Mithadan though with this sword. This seemed a bit ambitious for one of my size and nature."

"Plus, I would not like to distress cousin Frodo unduly as he is already laying on the ground and hyperventilating in relation to some piece of jewelry which he has evidently mislaid."

"But, should you require the skills of an expert burglar, with no assasination thrown in, I am confident that something might be arranged. Any swordplay or other violent measures would, of course, have to be left to the two of you. (Looks at Piosenniel and Birdland expectently. They have huddled about her in a small circle and are attempting to get Child to lower her voice).

All voices now drop to an indistinguishable whisper....."Now, what sort of theft did you have in mind? Perhaps, the master key to the Barrow-downs, or perhaps something else........."

Mithadan continues to glare at the group from the adjoining table. He takes out a notebook and a writing instrument and begins to scratch slowly on the sheets. Elsewhere the party continues to spin onwards.

[ May 22, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]

[ May 22, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]

Sindacuion 05-22-2002 11:29 AM

Sindacuion gets tired of sitting in the tree and climbs down. He doesn't spot very many people. "Where is everybody?! The party isn't over yet!!" He walks down to the buffet table now laden with new food and wine. "Ahh.. Wine." He pours himself some dark red wine and sat down on one of the chairs. As he sat there, he put his hand in his pocket. "What's this?" said he in his mind. He took the object from his pocket and looked at it. "Oh my! It's a necklace! There's some writing here.. 'To FrodoBaggins. Love, Arwen.' Hmm.. That's strange." As he pondered the subject, he decided to keep it for the time being. "I don't think anyone will miss it."
Now, that he had eaten, he wanted to party. "Come on people! The party's just begun!!" He runs to Kuruharan. "Hello! Nice to meet you? Is that dragon yours? Nice pet."

[ May 22, 2002: Message edited by: Sindacuion ]

[ May 22, 2002: Message edited by: Sindacuion ]

Mithadan 05-22-2002 12:54 PM

Taking the opportunity to seize a little "down time" after the business of the previous two days, Mithadan elects to tend bar for a while. This will also give him an opportunity to monitor the intake of some of the "less restrained" guests.

Nearby, a large rabbit is engaged in an animated debate with a small balrog about the similarities between LoTR and 'Watership Down'. After several minutes of discussion, the balrog flies (the use of the word "flies" is not metaphorical; this balrog has wings) to seek less confrontational environs. He also notes that a silver tree has suddenly sprouted by the stage. Perhaps the gain on the Random Events Generator should be turned down?

Before he can decide about the REG, Piosennial, Birdland and Cof7A walk over and join Veritas at a table. He takes their strangely nervous order and returns with their refreshments (what is wrong with Cof7A?). Then he sits and pulls out a pen and paper. With a scowl, he begins to write 'Tales from Tol Eressea 5; Whatever happened to that Oliphaunt?' Then he growls and scratches out the title. Writer's block is a horrible thing... The REG is forgotten for now. One thing drives out another as they say.

[ May 22, 2002: Message edited by: Mithadan ]

Samwise 05-22-2002 01:08 PM

Stacey: *Stretches, yawns, and blinks* What...? oh, yeah...*looks around, then up sleepily into a friendly looking hobbit face.* Frodo? Well, hello, there! Glad we finally found each other!
*Glances at the two hobbits sleeping beside her* Eh...just a sec.....Sam, Prim! SAM! PRIM!
Primrose:*Draws back a fist to her chest, then opens her hand as if letting go of her bowstring* A three, eh? Take that, mister pious Barrow Wight!
Stacey: [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] *Looks apologetically at Frodo* Agh...I think it's cause the story's about HER...
Sam: *Blinks sleepily* What....*His eyes fly open as he sees Frodo! Mister Frodo, sir! Yay! *Jumps up and gives Frodo a (possibly too enthusiastic) squeeze.
Primrose: Huh? *Rolls over. Seeing her father is up, jumps to her feet and yanks her skirt out of her waistband.* M-Mister Frodo? [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] *The tomboy does a nervous curtsey*

Samwise 05-22-2002 01:12 PM

*Stacey, Sam and Primrose get up*
Stacey looks toward the bar, wondering if they actually serve coffee. As she wanders over, she notes someone sitting at a table, appearing to be busily writing. He mumbles something about "Tales of Tol Eressa 5" and she stops.
*GULP* No way. Nowaynowaynoway. It can't be.... [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

Sindacuion 05-22-2002 01:13 PM

As there was no response from Kuruharan, Sindacuion walked around. He noted the balrog had returned. "I wonder if the wine was spiked too.." He ignores the tiny balrog and goes along the path to the bar. "Could you give me one red wine please, Mith?" Mith fulls a glass on to the top with Oldwinyards. "Ahh.." He sips some of the fine wine and greets the women sitting by the table. "Hello, ladies!" The ladies murmur something to him. Sind sits down and sips more wine. "This party needs more action.." *sigh*

[ May 22, 2002: Message edited by: Sindacuion ]

Veritas 05-22-2002 01:49 PM

While the trio was making up a plan, Veritas sits back and thinks by herself what it could be: A kind of 'waking everybody up' song, or maybe to give everbody a free round of ale? But she thinks that the last one is not nessecary for Child of 7th Age, cuz she's so drunk that she didn't even know where she is. "Personally, I'll go for the first idea," she says to herself, "Although the last one isn't bad too."

After the 'another drink', wich was her 6th since she arrived, she lends over to pio, who seems to be the most awoken one of the trio. "What is that 'plan' of yours?"
"What do you think?" the elf says
"A waking up song, or a free round of drinks?" Veritas gisses
"Hmmm..." Piosenniel thinks loudly, "You'll see... Hé, Birdie, are you ready for the plan?"
"Yes I am!" She replies, "Just one for the road, please." And she gives her glass to Veritas, who took a whole bottle from the bar, just in case anybody was in the need for a drink.
"Well, if everybody's taking another one, I wont stay behind!" That was Child.
"Okay, I think we'll stay here then a lil while." Veritas says softly, still thinking about the 'mysterious plan'.

Galadrie1 05-22-2002 02:37 PM

Galadriel wakes up with a start. She looks around, puzzled. She has not idea what's going on, as she didn't bother to read the last page and a half. She shrugs, pulls a thermos of coffee from some pocket on her dress, and starts to spin around in circles...

Frodo Baggins 05-22-2002 02:46 PM

Never too enthusiastic, Sam! Good to see you. Well, I'm getthing something to eat *walks off*

True C7A hyperventilating is right, but i did not mislay it,(though I have a habit of doing that with my possessions)it was pinched from me by Rose.
frodo decises to qiut chasing Rose, as it seems imposiilbe to catch her anyway. He is sitting at a table over a glass of Old Winyards "My necklace and my jewel, all the pretty emeralds, and rubies, and amethysts, and dark opals, and chrysoberyl. *sigh* and my white jewel. My white jewel, my elven jewel.......
Well *shrug* at least Sam got here.

I got a picture!!!! yayyyy!!!!

[ May 22, 2002: Message edited by: Frodo Baggins ]

Laiedheliel 05-22-2002 02:54 PM

Laie pops up again, probably coming from the dance floor or someplace (she honestly doesn't remember what has happened since last night, and she also didn't bother to read all that...), and glances around. Where is everyone?

She heads down to the tavern and takes a seat at the bar. "What'll ya have?" Mithadan asks.

"Ugh, iced tea please..." she replies. She had the biggest headache in all of Middle Earth, but she was sure it would go away soon...

Nevfeniel 05-22-2002 02:56 PM

Walks over and somehow manages to tap Galadriel on the shoulder (which was very difficult, since she was spinning so fast) and asks, "Galadriel? Aren't you getting dizzy? Or does your magical dress prevent dizzines?"

Samwise 05-22-2002 02:57 PM

Sam *Yawns* Well, perhaps something will get going, now...where in Middle Earth did Miss Stacey get to? Hm....
*He picks up a battered vessel and sets it on the smouldering fire, stoking it a bit.* where to find some coffee....

Galadrie1 05-22-2002 03:01 PM

Galadriel looks at Nev. "yes, it does prevent dizziness, actually." She spins over to Laie. "Hi there!" she exclaims, and sits next to her. She pulls a thermos of coffee from the Mystery pocket and takes a sip...

Laiedheliel 05-22-2002 03:06 PM

"Hi, Gala!" Laie exclaimed, and thanked Mithadan for her drink. "What have you been up to? And does that magic dress of yours have any asprin in it?" Laie smiled a rueful smile, "I think all that wine and spinning has finally gone to my head...but I'll be better soon, if I avoid alcohol..."

Frodo Baggins 05-22-2002 03:09 PM

Frodo waves wildly " Sam! SAM!!! Over here!!!!!

Galadrie1 05-22-2002 03:09 PM

Galadriel smiles at Laie as she pulls some aspirin out of some pocket on her dress. "Here ya go," she says, handing Laie the bottle. "Luckily my wonderful Magic Dress repels hangovers as well. I simply LOVE it!" she adds, sipping her coffee..

Laiedheliel 05-22-2002 03:13 PM

"Oh, that's not fair..!" Laie cried, but stopped 'cuz it hurt her head. "Thanx for the asprin," she said, and swallowed the little pills, washing them down with some yummy iced tea. "What do you think those three are up to?" she asked, gesturing to the trio in the corner (now having read bits and pieces of what she missed).

Samwise 05-22-2002 03:16 PM

Sam: *gives up on the fire, and gladly goes to sit with Frodo* Well, sir, I'm glad we finally ran into each other. *Looks concerned* You were lookin' awful sad like a minute ago. Can I help? "

Galadrie1 05-22-2002 03:17 PM

Galadriel looks puzzled "Trio in the corner?" (she hasn't read most of the last page and a half) "do u mean Stacey, Sam and Primrose?" she asks, looking over her shoulder...

[ May 22, 2002: Message edited by: Galadrie1 ]

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