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Azaelia of Willowbottom 01-16-2006 08:18 AM

Apologies for my lack of appearance yesterDay...And apologies for my soon-coming early vote, as I will be out all day, and may not be back before 5:00 (Though as a side note, does the day end at the same time? I was a little confused by the change...)

Naria was at the top of my suspect list...She seems somewhat inconsistant, and her suspicions of Alcarillo seem to me to be unreasonable...but this has given me pause:


Originally Posted by Naria
I hope to hunt down the real wolves before they hunt down us.

What are you implying here, Naria? If you are implying what I think you are, it's pretty much a sure bet you'll be someone's meal tonight...

This calls for a re-think of my voting strategy for the day.

ETA: Also, Lhuna's revelation is a big thing, too. And it also means that Naria may not be a meal tonight either (wasn't reading very carefully, oops.)...
Back to plumb the depths of the thread for anything remotely suspicious.

Azaelia of Willowbottom 01-16-2006 08:54 AM

la-la-la, listing...

Ok, people still alive...

People I just don't know about...
Farael-comes off as rather suspicious... His cries for the Seer to come out and share would lead to the death of the seer (though that may be inevitable at this stage)...Lhuna chose to hide it, but there are other ways for a seer to say who is, and isn't, innocent. Little hints buried inside posts, etc. So for that reason alone, he is most suspicious to me.
TGWBS-Of all those on this list, I know the least about him...and feel that he could be the most dangerous of everyone on this list, were it true that he was a wolf.
Kuru-Again, rather dangerous, especially if the other wolf is TGWBS...
Obviously, at least one of those three has to be innocent, so I dunno.

Who I think is innocent:
Cailin...for now, based on a dead person's assumption, and at that I am inclined to let her go for a while, unless we see something that really points to the contrary.
Me (innocent, but I can say that all I want and I still won't be a known...)
Rune -I'm inclined to say Rune is innocent simply because I feel like I know the most about his thinking than anyone else up there...though that's not particularly a good reason in and of itself...
Meneltarmacil-My gut instinct told me to put him here. Not much consolation, as my instincts have been very wrong in the past...

People I can no longer wonder about:
Alcarillo-known innocent
Naria-Hunter...We have had hunter-bluffs before, but since no one else has spoken up and said, "no, I'm the hunter", I believe she is the real deal.
Gurthang-known innocent

Azaelia of Willowbottom 01-16-2006 09:45 AM

And now I have triple-posted...

I face a dilemma. I have to vote now because I honestly have no idea when I will get home this afternoon, and it could very well be after 5:00...Because I didn't vote yesterDay, I have to vote toDay or will die.

So voting early is better than not voting at all, no?

I have been thinking it over, and it's between the three people I listed in the first group in my last post. I honestly don't know what to do... Farael seems most suspicious, but not the most dangerous particularly if TGWBS and Kuru are working together.

So should I vote for Farael whose seer request is one big red flag? Or for TGWBS who also seems suspicious to me?

Well, innocent people make mistakes...Everyone does. So I think that I will watch Farael's behavior over the next day, and vote for


(And if you're innocent, I apologize...but you'd be too dangerous as a wolf, if my reasoning makes any sense at all...)

Kuruharan 01-16-2006 09:54 AM


I am the Seer.
I thought so. And if you don’t believe me, please go back and reread how I always tried to defend you but not be too obvious about it. And you being the Seer was one thing I thought Nilp’s death definitively proved…since you asked so politely. (Some confusion had crept into my mind and I wasn’t sure on DAY THREE and felt I needed confirmation.) The reason why I wanted you to come forward was because I didn't want your information to be lost if the wolves reached the same conclusion about you that I had.


I wonder that he is yet alive considering that someone of his caliber should have been killed early on by the wolves.
I’ve wondered this myself, but the continual clouds of irrational (and ill-founded) suspicion that permanently hang over my head is reason enough, don’t you think? Why kill somebody that might lead back to you if the villagers might do it for you?


There's Garin's lynching
Truly, my work in this department brought on utter catastrophe for the village. (I would spread the credit around to other people who deserve it, but that might do them more harm than good at the moment since, to hear some people talk, lynching Garin was the greatest mistake the village has made thus far. :rolleyes: )


then later on Nilp's lynching.
I was hardly the only one. Some of our proved innocents were rather forward in that. However, if being suspicious of Nilp is enough to get one hanged, why is it enough to suspect me and not enough for the other six people who voted for him?


Now I'm sure this will elicit another tirade from our dear Dwarf, but that's another thing that scares me; he's being overly defensive.
If you will take a look back up at post 315 (as a matter of fact, the one above yours) you will see our now proved innocent Gurthang behaving in a manner that could be described as defensive. I’m left wondering why people can’t take the lesson learned from this example and apply it elsewhere. However, defensiveness is not just about self-preservation. It is also about keeping others from making mistakes and not wasting this brilliant start (that somebody helped in obtaining for you).

Final comment in my own defense that I’m ever going to make (since I’m tired of wasting time on this), I would ask everyone here to remember who here has voted for known wolves the most, me. If you think this is an elaborate plot on my part to get rid of fellow wolves so I can win on my own, then I can only laugh at you. (And will unceasingly if you hang me.)

Now, on to actual stuff that might help us.

Ummm…Amanaduial, need I remind you that you are one of the people who actually voted for Lhunardawen. Indeed, your behavior throughout has been rather puzzling. You have gone on lengthy expositions that have usually not amounted to a whole lot of substantial information, seemed to go out of your way to inject confusion into the mix, and generally carried on crazy.

I continue to wonder about malkatoj. Unfortunately, there is not much substance to go on there.

However, I will defer to our proven innocents to suggest real plans of action since they don’t have to worry about their suggestions being taken the wrong way and are free to say what they please, but I hope they don’t overlook Amanaduial.

Oh, and another thing, I’m pretty confident Rune is innocent as well. He voted for Garin pretty early on DAY TWO. I’m sticking him in the innocent column on my list anyway.

Meneltarmacil 01-16-2006 10:59 AM

*heh heh* Not what I expected at all *heh heh*
Okay, we now have four known innocents.

However, Lhuna and Gurthang were my primary suspects, so it's *heh heh* back to square one for me.

If we want more known innocents, (though this would run the risk of losing another Gifted) I suggest that at some point in the future the Ranger could declare him/herself nd give the name of the person he/she successfully protected. That would add two more known innocents, bringing the total up to six.

I don't know who to vote for, honestly. Maybe TGWBS, but I'm really not sure.

Gurthang 01-16-2006 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by the guy who be short
Thanks Loony. :D That's excellent. We can narrow our lists now, though we must sadly say goodbye to Alcarillo or Gurthang tonight. Hopefully, they aren't gifted.

Not necessarily. The Ranger has a tricky job toNight. On the one hand, he will protect Lhuna, so that she can dream of the wolf we will kill toDay. But, knowing that the wolves know that, and so will obviously not choose Lhuna, they can protect someone else, and hopefully pick the same as the wolves. Yet the wolves are reading this thinking 'now we can kill Lhuna because the Ranger won't protect her.' So the Ranger has to protect Lhuna. Which means the wolves won't pick her...

Well, you get the picture. Basically it's an endless ring, so it just comes down to what the Ranger thinks will be the wolves priority. Choose wisely, friend. :D

Originally Posted by the guy who be short
In any case, Naria has made her role quite clear. Let's not kill our hunter, please?

Yes, it's pretty obvious that Naria has left Hunter hints. But that makes me even more convinced of her guilt. There is another, one who has come on toDay and said they would not be here to do anything, who left Hunter hints... on Day 1! Cailin won't be here to come out, so let me show you.


Originally Posted by Cailin, #50
So, it seems we have traitors in our midst! Let it then be known now, that whoever I find guilty of these crimes, will have reason to fear my wrath. Such brutalities will not go unanswered! *cough* but I fear there are more people than me who have a say in this. Though should they?


Originally Posted by Cailin, #90
Well I never said I have nothing to hide – though no furry things, make no mistake, I prefer my secrets aahhh smooth, shiny, silverish – but I am talking too much. I will definitely say, though, I do not ‘chatter.’ You will find my conversation is always dignified, my friend.

I take these to be Hunter hints. Does anyone agree? I think that Lhuna did, although she isn't here to say so.

I believe Cailin over you Naria, and if you are the Hunter, I would almost think that the above hints (from Cailin) are more of a Ranger nature. So I am still wanting to lynch you toDay. If you are a wolf, hooray for the village. If you are the Hunter, then I would not advise you to pick Cailin. But that is your choice not mine.

But I still think you are a wolf. :p

Alcarillo 01-16-2006 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Lhunardawen
Alcarillo is innocent, as well as Gurthang. Also Valier, but that is not much help now for she had already been killed. A dead one guesses that Cailin too is innocent, but obviously we can't trust that completely. The information is not much, but I can't risk losing all these in one fell swoop, bringing you all back to square one.

Ah, thank you. Now I don't have to fight any accusations anymore. It's all smooth-sailing from here. :cool:

As for suspects, well, I don't have any. TGWBS, I guess.

the guy who be short 01-16-2006 12:01 PM

Predictions and a vote of confidence
First thing's first:

Originally Posted by Kuru
I thought so. And if you don’t believe me, please go back and reread how I always tried to defend you but not be too obvious about it. And you being the Seer was one thing I thought Nilp’s death definitively proved…since you asked so politely. (Some confusion had crept into my mind and I wasn’t sure on DAY THREE and felt I needed confirmation.) The reason why I wanted you to come forward was because I didn't want your information to be lost if the wolves reached the same conclusion about you that I had.

This definitely speaks in your favour, Kuru. I'm not willing to name you innocent, but I'm now confident enough to pursue other investigations. Voila les loups-garous!

Naria will not be killed. We still have an Apprentice to replace her.
Lhuna will definitely not be killed. We still have an Apprentice to replace her. And the Ranger will most probably guard her.

I think it's incredibly important that we all, as a village, discuss who Lhuna should dream of this Night. I say discuss, but there are two major drawbacks. The first is that lupine influence will exist, marring the suggestions. The second is that, if one name is definitely chosen, the wolves can just kill that person (if innocent) in the Night. While discussion is necessary, Lhuna should have the final say.

And for Lhuna to decide, she will need evidence to work off of. Which means more analyses. :) I myself will return in a few hours.

I have just noticed Gurthang's post.


Not necessarily. The Ranger has a tricky job toNight. On the one hand, he will protect Lhuna, so that she can dream of the wolf we will kill toDay. But, knowing that the wolves know that, and so will obviously not choose Lhuna, they can protect someone else, and hopefully pick the same as the wolves. Yet the wolves are reading this thinking 'now we can kill Lhuna because the Ranger won't protect her.' So the Ranger has to protect Lhuna. Which means the wolves won't pick her...
We have an apprentice. So the situation isn't quite as dire as you make it out to be.

As for Cailin as Hunter, well, she hasn't mentioned it so far today. However, I do believe that Cailin is probably the Hunter now, as a wolf would not feign Hunterism so early in the village's life. To do so would immediately bring the suspicion of the real Hunter upon them. So, my vote too will probably go to Naria. Thank's for pointing that out.

I think I now know who the Ranger is too, though perhaps it's just me picking up on things that aren't there.

In any case, Gurthang, I hope you're not gifted, because you will almost certainly die tonight. You're the loudest certain innocent.

As for the Ranger, choose wisely tonight.

the guy who be short 01-16-2006 12:03 PM

A few things to add
I'm not allowed to edit, so ignore the first part of my last post about Naria, where I speak of her as our Hunter.

And now, to my own defence! So far I believe I have counted three people pointing their fingers firmly at me. Evidence, please? Analyses? Motives? Reasons, people! I'm quite happy to die, but fain to do so foolhardily for no cause.

Gurthang 01-16-2006 12:18 PM

Thoughts on everyone:

Meneltarmacil - Seems to be having way to much fun *hehe*ing to seriously be a wolf. I'm actually willing to say he's innocent.
Cailin - Either the Ranger, Hunter, or a wolf. I'd bank on Hunter.
Azaelia - Unsure. Hasn't said a whole lot. Voted third for Garin, which speaks in his favor.
Farael - Voted first for Garin on his deathday. Could be a wolf, but that's a stretch.
TGWBS - Quiet and therefore suspicious. He actually did some analysis, so I'm will to push him down the list a little.
Rune – His voting makes me think him innocent.
Alcarillo - Proven innocent.
Lhunardawen - Seer
Gurthang - Proven innocent
Amanaduial - Quite a bit she's said has made me jump. Evidence seems to be building up against her in my mind.
Naria - Either the Hunter or a wolf. I'm thinking wolf.
Kuruharan - He's been climbing in suspicion. He's a very smooth talker, though, so very dangerous if a wolf.
Malkatoj – Bad feeling that I can't shake. I really wish she'd speak more. She hasn't even been here yet toDay.


More likely innocent



In any case, Gurthang, I hope you're not gifted, because you will almost certainly die tonight. You're the loudest certain innocent.
That is, unless the Ranger protects me, but then that means the wolves won't pick me, which means.... :D

Yes, Ranger, you've got your work cut out for you. Oh, I'm not gifted, so don't worry about that. Just a plain old innocent, five straight now. *sigh*

Naria 01-16-2006 12:34 PM

Looks like I have a few people who don't believe me! I am the HUNTER!! and by saying that I will more than likely be dead tonight, but I would rather go by the fangs of a wolf than by the knives of the villagers. I hope the Ranger protects me so I can go on for at least one more day, but if I die sobeit. Cailin is NOT the HUNTER. Because of this and my inevitable lynching; what she has said in her original postings about "being a hunter". I am going too vote for her today. She isn't a Seer, she isn't a Hunter(ME), and I have a different idea about who the Ranger is.


the guy who be short 01-16-2006 12:47 PM

Naria, I'm afraid I don't believe you - my reasons are outlined above.

However, in case you are the Hunter, it is a simple matter of killing Cailin. You must understand that your death is a win-win situation for the village.

In scenario one, you are a Werewolf. You die, we cheer.

In scenario two, you are the Hunter. This means Cailin is obviously a werewolf. You kill her as you die, and we catch a werewolf anyway.

Either way, I believe we have a wolf in the bag today.


Naria 01-16-2006 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by TGWBS
In scenario two, you are the Hunter. This means Cailin is obviously a werewolf. You kill her as you die, and we catch a werewolf anyway.

How does this make her "obviously" a werewolf? I don't really know, just like the rest of you, who the werewolves are. I wouldn't be so sure of the win-win for the villagers. You don't know who I have picked to come down with me. It could be you or it could be someone else. I understand my role as a Hunter thank you and believe I will make the right decision when it comes too who will die with me.

Gurthang 01-16-2006 01:42 PM


Naria - 3 (Cailin, Lhuna, TGWBS)
TGWBS - 1 (Azaelia)
Cailin - 1 (Naria)

Left - 8 (Menel, Farael, Rune, Alcarillo, Gurthang, Amana, Kuru, malkatoj)


How does this make her "obviously" a werewolf? I don't really know, just like the rest of you, who the werewolves are. I wouldn't be so sure of the win-win for the villagers. You don't know who I have picked to come down with me. It could be you or it could be someone else. I understand my role as a Hunter thank you and believe I will make the right decision when it comes too who will die with me.
If Cailin intentionally left those hints (I cannot believe that she didn't) then she is either the Hunter or a wolf. Leaving hints of being a gifted is not something an innocent villager is going to do. Unless you have some deranged far-fetched plot that almost works but was screwed up by the wolves. *cough*me in WWXIV*cough*

Sorry. Anyway she is one or the other. If she is innocent, she made a poor choice by leaving fake hints. Regardless, I still think you are a wolf, Naria, so I'm not too worried about it.

Rune Son of Bjarne 01-16-2006 01:51 PM

Hey gang what's up!? Did I miss anything important ?


First let me appologise for my absence of late. This will end now! I will dedicate lots of time to this subject, well it depends on how long I will live.

I did not mention Naria in my last post because the hints that was left was so darn obvious and there for I did not know what to make of it. If she really is the hunter it did not make much sense to come forth like that. This could of course be because of inexpirience or because she is a wolf. (Those relative sweet creaturs)

Gurthangs post has made me lean more to the latter posibilety. . .

Originally Posted by Gurthang
Yes, it's pretty obvious that Naria has left Hunter hints. But that makes me even more convinced of her guilt. There is another, one who has come on toDay and said they would not be here to do anything, who left Hunter hints... on Day 1! Cailin won't be here to come out, so let me show you.

and thank you for that.

At the moment I will be willing to vote for:



Cailín 01-16-2006 01:52 PM

Ai, it is a good thing I got home earlier than expected.

I am NOT the Hunter and I believe Naria when she says she is, so sorry I voted for you. Your voting pattern was seriously incriminating, but I suppose we all make mistakes.

I am an INNOCENT VILLAGER. Yes, this claim does not prove much and I doubt anyone will believe me. I hardly intended to leave these clues and the second one was referring to my occupation, not my 'role' in this game. I feel a bit foolish now for not considering you might think it clues.

Anyway, should Naria be lynched toDay and pick me, we'd lose two innocents in one Day. That would be bad. I am now personally looking at Amanaduial, TGWBS, Meneltarmacil and Kuru, but since I just got home I have not yet had time to do proper analyses.

Lynch me or shoot me for I have been foolish - I should not have been so ambiguous but I was getting into the noble thief thingie a little too much.

Gurthang, I ask you to reconsider. Start with imagining me as a terrible fool.

Cailín 01-16-2006 01:53 PM

I don't know if I can still stop this, but what I basically said is:

Narnia is indeed the Hunter. Whatever you do, do not kill HER!

Gurthang 01-16-2006 02:03 PM

Cailin, I actually believe you, to a certain extent.

I believe you in so much that I will consider Naria the Hunter. Sorry Naria. :rolleyes:

On the other hand, I am not so sure about you Cailin. I think you may have intentionally left those hints, but then reconsidered, and now you are worried about you own hide and so have reliquished them. But that wouldn't make a lot of sense either. You are looking more wolvish, though.

Gurthang 01-16-2006 02:05 PM

So, back to the drawing board. I think that either Kuru or malkatoj would be a good choice for toDay. I'll be back with more later.

Farael 01-16-2006 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by the guy who be short
Naria, I'm afraid I don't believe you - my reasons are outlined above.

However, in case you are the Hunter, it is a simple matter of killing Cailin. You must understand that your death is a win-win situation for the village.

In scenario one, you are a Werewolf. You die, we cheer.

In scenario two, you are the Hunter. This means Cailin is obviously a werewolf. You kill her as you die, and we catch a werewolf anyway.

Either way, I believe we have a wolf in the bag today.


Not as simple as Mr. TWBS puts it because
a) As it happened, Cailin could have meant something else... for the time being I will believe that her comment on shiny things was regarding her being a noble cleptomaniac... after all, the first days is when most roleplaying is done as there is nothing else to go on with.

b) The Ranger cannot protect anyone without at the very least, a nasty looking knife... what if she was hinting at another type of giftedness? wouldn't it be too convenient for the wolves for the Hunter to take down the Ranger so that that very same night they can take off the Seer? if that happened, it would be smooth sailing from there, barring any majour wolvish mistakes.

c) If you study your history books you will see that long time ago there was a village populated by werewolves which was infiltrated by brave heroes... yes, quite ironic that now the opposite has happened... yet that village also had a "Hunter" who decided to come forward because he was about to be lynched and did not have any good clues with regards to whom to take down with him. He thought that his revelation would stir conversation and it did, alas from the wrong person. The point here is that as Naria saw she was soon to be killed, tried to warn us because if she took down another innocent with her, it would be just playing into the hands of the wolves.

Really, I believe you smarter than that and I think you were trying to push us into making a BIG mistake. Even if you were not, we should try to save Naria, so I propose


the guy who be short 01-16-2006 02:16 PM

Buggrit, buggrit, buggrit! Millenium Hand and Shrimp!

By which I mean, roughly: crud.

Basically, I'm lost. Utterly bamboozled. Suspicious of Malkatoj. Regretting the vote. Even more lost.

I suppose it was a bit rash to vote before Cailin reappeared, though as I believed her to be a wolf I didn't think she'd come back anyway. I'm not even sure what I think anymore - maybe Cailin actually is a wolf.

The entire message above is condensed in the following: Anybody have any ideas about what to do now?

Farael 01-16-2006 02:16 PM

I know, I'm double-posting but I just wanted to add that on point b) I actually thought she meant she was the ranger for some reason... probably because a hunter would hint at taking someone down, or so I think.

Farael 01-16-2006 02:17 PM

Crossposted twice with TGBS.... but I guess I did not double-post after all!!

Meneltarmacil 01-16-2006 02:31 PM

Saving our Hunter before it's too late *heh heh* does sound like a good idea. A very good idea, in fact.

++the guy who be short

*heh heh* I can just see people posting "Menel's a bandwagoning wolf" coming in... But I'm not a wolf! Seriously!

*snarls, howls*

Cailín 01-16-2006 02:33 PM

I feel terrible for leaving you in disarray again, but this will probably be my last post toDay.

Just to try to organize the chaos, this is what we now know:

Seer- Lhunardarwen
Hunter- Naria
Innocent- Gurthang
Innocent- Alcarillo

We all think Rune innocent, but we don't know. We do hardly doubt Farael, and yet we don't know. Some dead guy or gal thinks I'm innocent but you don't know.

We must catch a wolf toDay to make Lhuna's last dreams worthwile. Now the ones who proposed the plan of lynching me and Naria simultaneously (cause that would have been the result) would normally be my immediate suspects. However, it was Gurthang mostly, supported by Guy... and we know Gurthang is innocent, plus, he had a point (that rarely happens during these games and is therefore an important occasion).

I do not trust Kuru. I'd ask Lhuna to dream of him toNight, in the happy event that we do catch a wolf. Mostly because I very much wish to be able to believe him, and that is the only way. I hardly trust Amanaduial. She makes less sense each Day and was especially confusing this early morning. Malkatoj is extremely sneaky, and so is Meneltarmacil - someone we have hardly yet discussed or pointed at since Day 1. I'm not quite fond of the TGWBS is guilty theory, for though he has made some possible incriminating votes, it seems he's only accused because of his silence.

I have to leave now, so sorry. Choose wisely, dears.

the guy who be short 01-16-2006 02:46 PM

Looks like I'm dying today... ah well. And, unfortunately, I have little time to analyse you lot before I retire.

When it's all over, look to Malkatoj and Menel. I especially dislike Malkatoj's silence since I accused her, and Menel just feels odd.

For the record, Cailin, Naria, Kuru, I believe to be innocent.

Rune and Farael and Azaelia and Amanduial are wild cards. Rune is the one I feel safest of, the others worry me a little.


Rune Son of Bjarne 01-16-2006 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Cailín
We all think Rune innocent, but we don't know. We do hardly doubt Farael, and yet we don't know. Some dead guy or gal thinks I'm innocent but you don't know.

and I am glad, but it is a dangours thing to do.


Originally Posted by Cailín

I do not trust Kuru. I'd ask Lhuna to dream of him toNight, in the happy event that we do catch a wolf. Mostly because I very much wish to be able to believe him, and that is the only way. I hardly trust Amanaduial. She makes less sense each Day and was especially confusing this early morning. Malkatoj is extremely sneaky, and so is Meneltarmacil - someone we have hardly yet discussed or pointed at since Day 1. I'm not quite fond of the TGWBS is guilty theory, for though he has made some possible incriminating votes, it seems he's only accused because of his silence.

I must agree that Kuru would be a good person to dream about.

I am glad that you chose to mention both Menel and Malkatoj, I have been suspecting them both since day one. Unfortunatley people stopped thinking about Menel when he pointet out the cobbler. (exept Luhna who belived it to be a wolfish plot to confuse us) Malkatoj made a wolfish vote on day 1 and have been sneeky this is enough for me to vote for her, yet another time.

the guy who be short 01-16-2006 02:56 PM

Today is going very badly for the village. So far, all the 7 votes have been for people I am now confident are, in fact, innocent. Perhaps the best thing to do is to kill me off, as I know I am not gifted. Or maybe there can be some sort of effort against Malkatoj, who many people seem to suspect. I don't much mind, my life isn't that valuable.

Before I go, however, I have some final things to say.

Firstly, I am relocating Farael and Azaelia to "suspicious" status, along with Malkatoj and Menel.

A final note. I am certain that Naria will die this night. Please choose somebody sensible to kill - i.e. nobody I think is innocent!

Farael 01-16-2006 03:00 PM

I almost forgot to make a quick statement with regars to me asking the Seer to come forward. At the present time and unless we nail another wolf, the Seer is useless. That's probably what Lhuna thought when she came forward.

Now, what reminded me of this? oh yeah, dreaming about Kuruharan.... well, I think we should wait until we get a werewolf before asking about him, because if you ask half of the innocent people still alive they will say him innocent... while the other half will say him guilty. Problem is that innocents know nothing about who is guilty and who is not and so someone might think Kuruharan is innocent and set him somewhat free of suspicion while he might be a cunning wolf. I say this because from what I understand, you can't ask about the same person twice, so I'd wait a little. Although who knows? maybe we'll get a werewolf by the end of the day. I'm half-regretting having cast a quick vote against TGWBS but I think we should save Naria, and he had a vote and was looking suspicious. No, I stand by my choice and as I said before, I'll die for it if needed be.

Gurthang 01-16-2006 03:11 PM


Naria - 3 (Cailin, Lhuna, TGWBS)
TGWBS - 3 (Azaelia, Farael, Menel)
Cailin - 1 (Naria)

Left - 8 (Rune, Alcarillo, Gurthang, Amana, Kuru, malkatoj)


I'm almost at a loss. But then in the darkness, a phrase shone through:


Originally Posted by the guy who be short
For the record, Cailin, Naria, Kuru, I believe to be innocent.

Why do you believe Kuru to be innocent?! Was it not just yesterday that you voted for him? Hmmm... this could do with some looking into.

Rune Son of Bjarne 01-16-2006 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Gurthang

Naria - 3 (Cailin, Lhuna, TGWBS)
TGWBS - 3 (Azaelia, Farael, Menel)
Cailin - 1 (Naria)

Left - 8 (Rune, Alcarillo, Gurthang, Amana, Kuru, malkatoj)

ehm this does not add up Gurthang.

since I am really confused about TGWBS I will not vote for him, but for Malkatoj.


Kuruharan 01-16-2006 03:25 PM

Things seem to have gotten into a bit of a muddle all of a sudden.

I’m torn between voting for Amanaduial and TGWBS. Both of their behavior has been strange. I still have half an hour to re-read the thread.

Where has malkatoj got to?

Gurthang 01-16-2006 03:26 PM

I am now in full support of lynching Guy toDay. He has been extremely inconsistent; Quietness speaks against him.

The main reason I now call for his death is his switch on Kuru. He jumped onto Kuru after little or no previous inclination, and then simply dropped the attack the next Day. Just a little while ago, he decided that Kuru is innocent. The last time he said anything about Kuru, prior to that post, he stated he was NOT willing to call him innocent. Between those two posts, Kuru has said nothing.

Not to mention that those two are one of the pairs. In fact, they are the only pair left, since Naria was in both of the others.

Expect me to vote for TGWBS later.

If, and only if, he is a wolf, I would advise the following.

Lhuna, please ask TGWBS about Kuru.
Ranger, please protect Lhuna, so she can tell us about Kuru.
Naria, do not hunt Kuru. We will know everything about him tomorrow. Pick someone else, like malkatoj perhaps.

Remember, only follow that if Guy is a wolf. If he is not, you can still do it, but it won't be nearly as effective.

I'll be back later to explain why this will help us.

Amanaduial the archer 01-16-2006 03:36 PM

Well, I'm with TGWBS on one thing: Buggrit!

Hom. Oh, firstly, I'd like to start off with a fact that has apparently still been overlooked: very much female in this corner. If you want to suspect me, fine, your choice, but, y'know, at least put me down as wily female rather than Sauron-figure male. ;)


Ummm…Amanaduial...your behavior throughout has been rather puzzling. You have gone on lengthy expositions that have usually not amounted to a whole lot of substantial information, seemed to go out of your way to inject confusion into the mix, and generally carried on crazy.
*sigh* Seems I'd have been labeled as Cobbler had she not been taken out quite so early in the game.'s a habit. I was procrastinating from an RS essay (Virtue ethics: what makes someone Good? Lol, relevant or what...) at that time, so I was somewhat in that mindset when I made my last two posts. But Cailin, Cailin, Cailin - O how you have fallen, you who believed so firmly that I was innocent earlier in the game? Shows how far things can change since the beginning, and indeed, on that note I once again refer to TGWBS - all my suspicions has been forced to alter, and I am now somewhat back at square one. Well, maybe not completely...


Originally Posted by Azaelia
Naria-Hunter...We have had hunter-bluffs before, but since no one else has spoken up and said, "no, I'm the hunter", I believe she is the real deal.

Well...I mean, actually, no - I've already voiced my doubt on exactly how wise announcing that you are the Hunter is. How likely is it that the real Hunter is going to come forward and blow their own cover? Maybe they might vote for her, suspecting her to be a wolf - talk about a good cover - but I find it unlikely that they would come forward. I think Naria being a wolf is still more likely - it would, as I've said, be an excellent cover for a wolf, and she secures her safety from the other villagers. Well, theoretically - the fact remains that she is still jointly in the lead with votes, and as the first person to have accumulated three votes, she is still first in line to execution. Sure, we might think twice about denouncing her as a wolf (the total irony of the possibility that we might kill one of our greatest assets is one that certainly makes me a little jumpy) but this would be an almost perfect lupine plan.

My doubts on Farael, as seen in my previous post; apparently this view is not solidly held, although I note that people are no longer totally overlooking him - "wildcard" "suspicious status", "hardly doubted but we don't know." We sure don't - and as I feel less sure on him that on Naria, it will probably be Naria who gains my vote tonight. But, half an hour left, depends on whether a vote by either may sway my ideas...

(Oh, and Kuru and Cailin: I solemnly swear to try to be more one-sided and less rounded in future. Sound good? :p )

(Crosspost with Gurthang, Kuru and Rune)

Kuruharan 01-16-2006 03:48 PM

Well, I’ve re-read the thread. (Well, re-skimmed might be more accurate.)

I see Gurthang also finds this individual’s switch on me to be a little strange.


++ The Guy Who Be Short

I’ve been suspicious of him from DAY ONE and his behavior has continued to be bizarre. He was almost totally silent (except to vote for innocents, including our Seer) before. Now that we may be closing in on him he is certainly vocal enough. He had the appearance of somebody watching the rest of the people slash at each other. Plus, his sudden reversal on me is a bit…odd. It is almost like he is canvassing for support or something. Since I’ve been suspicious of him for so long I think I carry on through with it.

Umm…malkatoj did vote yesterday…didn’t she?

Formendacil 01-16-2006 03:48 PM

Mod's Note
In case I have not been perfectly clear about times, Day 4 has approximately 15 minutes left to run.

~Michael A. Joosten - WW XVI Moderator~

Amanaduial the archer 01-16-2006 03:48 PM

Oh, meh, I'm off to play the cello, and I won't be back probably until after the deadline, so I hereby make my vote with quarter of an hour to go of the Day:


EDIT: Crosspost with Kuru and Modacil. And yes, Kuru, Malka did vote yesterday.

Gurthang 01-16-2006 03:55 PM

Amana, if you are trying to say you are the Hunter, you really should just say it. It's almost like you were saying it in a round about way. If you are, say so. There's not time left.

Kuruharan 01-16-2006 03:57 PM


Malka did vote yesterday.
That's right. I remember that now. *Whew* we're not going to have another summary execution toDAY, thank goodness.

Gurthang 01-16-2006 03:58 PM

I dare not wait longer.


Let's hope he's a wolf.

Gifteds, good luck toNight. Wolves, crappy luck to you. :p

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