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Aiwendil 10-21-2017 10:40 AM

Dating of Texts
In looking back through my Tolkien files to get back into this project, I found that I had begun compiling a document giving the dates, as best I could establish them, of each Tolkien text. It occurs to me that this could be of some general use for this project, so I provide it here. It is not complete - it covers only HoMe IV, V, X, XI, and XII, as well as most of UT and a few items from VT. I would like to try to expand it to cover the rest of HoMe at some point. I also make no claim that it is without errors; one should always check the sources. But it may be of some use as a quick reference guide.

Prose fragment ‘Turlin and the Exiles of Gondolin’: c. 1920; after Lost Tales; before S (source: IV)
Prose fragment on the coming of the Noldor to Middl-earth: c. 1920; contemporary with ‘Turlin’ (source: IV)
Outline fragment on the flight of the Noldoli: c. 1920; after Lost Tales; before S (source: IV)

‘Sketch of the Mythology’ (S): 1926 (source: IV)
Emendations to S: c. 1926-1930 (source: IV)

‘Quenta Noldorinwa’ (Q) first typescript (QI): 1930 (source: IV)
‘Quenta Noldorinwa’ second typescript (QII): 1930, after QI (source: IV)
First layer of emendations to Q: 1930 (source: IV)
Later emendations to Q: 1930 to 1937?, before QS. (source: IV)
Fragment of Old English version of Q: c. 1930?, after Q (source: IV)
List of Old English equivalents of Elvish names: c. 1930? (source: IV)

First version of ‘The Horns of Ylmir’ (titled ‘The Tides’): 4 Dec. 1914, based on lost version from 1910-11? (source: IV)
Second version of ‘The Horns of Ylmir’ (titled ‘Sea Chant of an Elder Day’): March 1915 (source: IV)
Third version of ‘The Horns of Ylmir’ (titled ‘The Horns of Ulmo’): 1917 (source: IV)

Outline for 'The Fall of Numenor': c. 1936-1937 (source: V. 11)
First version of 'The Fall of Numenor' (FN I): c. 1936-1937 (source: V. 14)
Emendations to FN I: c. 1936-1937 (source: V)
Second version of 'The Fall of Numenor' (FN II): c. 1937 (source: V)
Typescript of FN II: c. 1937 (source: V)
Loose manuscript page with FN II emendations: c. early 1940s; before 1946 (source: V)
Manuscript of FN II including emendations: c. early 1940s; before 1946 (source: V)

The Lost Road: c. 1936-1937 (source: V)
Outlining for The Lost Road: c. 1936-1937 (source: V)
'King Sheave': c. 1936-1937 (source: V)

'The Nameless Land': May 1924 (source: V. 109)
'The Song of Aelfwine' first version (revised version of 'The Nameless Land'): c. 1936-1937 (source: V. 112)
'The Song of Aelfwine' second version: c. 1936-1937 (source: V.113)

Later Annals of Valinor (AV 2): Middle to late 1930s, likely after AB 2 and before Lhammas (source: V. 121)

Later Annals of Beleriand (AB 2): Middle to late 1930s, likely before AV 2 (source: V. 137)

Lhammas A: Middle to late 1930s, likely after AV 2 and before QS (source: V. 182)
Lhammas B: Middle to late 1930s (after Lhammas A) (source: V)
Lammasethen: Middle to late 1930s (after Lhammas B) (source: V)

Quenta Silmarillion manuscript up to 'Beren and Tinuviel' (QS): 1937 (source: V)
Draft of long version of 'Beren and Tinuviel' (QS(A)): 1937 (source: V)
QS manuscript of 'Beren and Tinuviel', long version (QS I): 1937; after QS(A) (source: V)
Draft of short version of 'Beren and Tinuviel' (QS(B)): 1937; after QS I (source: V)
QS manuscript of 'Beren and Tinuviel', short version (QS II):1937, up to 15 November; after QS(B) (source: V)
Draft of continuation of QSII (QS(C)): 15 November - December 1937 (source: V)
Revision and extension of QS(C) (QS(D)): November - December 1937; after QS(C) (source: V)
Quenta Silmarillion 'Eldenyare' partial typescript: Late 1937 - early 1938 (source: V)

Etymologies: Late 1937 - early 1938 (source: V)

Genealogies: Contemporary with AB I (source: V)

Second Silmarillion Map: Early 1930s (source: V)

Ainulindale A: Middle to late 1930s, before QS (source: V)
Ainulindale B: Middle to late 1930s; after Ainulindale A (source: V)

Lost draft preceding Ainulindale C*: 1946 (source: X)
Typescript Ainulindale C*: 1946-1948 (source: X)
Ainulindale C (via emendations to Ainulindale B): 1948-1951; after Ainulindale C* (source: X)
Ainulindale D: 1948-1951; after Ainulindale C (source: X)

Later Quenta Silmarillion drafting (via emendations to QS): 1951 (source: X, XI)
Later Quenta Silmarillion phase 1 amanuensis typescript and emendations (LQ 1): 1951-1952 (source: X, XI)
Emendations to LQ 1: c. 1958 (source: X, XI)
Later Quenta Silmarillion phase 2 amanuensis typescript and few emendations (LQ 2): 1958 (source: X, XI)
Valaquenta first typescript (Vq 1): (1958 or) 1959; after FM2 (source: X)
Valaquenta second typescript (Vq 2): (1958 or) 1959; after Vq 1 (source: X)
Rider to LQ 2 concerning Finwe and Miriel (FM 1): 1958 (source: X)
Typescript concerning Finwe and Miriel (FM 2): 1958; after Laws and Customs A (source: X)
Typescript ‘Of Finwe and Miriel’ (FM 3): (1958 or) 1959; after FM 2 (source: X)
Typescript ‘Of Finwe and Miriel’ (FM 4): (1958 or) 1959; after FM 3 (source: X)
Typescript of remainder of ‘The Darkening of Valinor’ (continuous with FM 3) (A): (1958 or) 1959; after FM 2 (source: X)
Typescript of remainder of ‘The Darkening of Valinor (continuous with FM 4) (B): (1958 or) 1959; after FM 3 (source: X)

Laws and Customs among the Eldar manuscript (Laws and Customs A) with appended notes: 1958; after FM 1 (source: X)
Laws and Customs among the Eldar typescript (Laws and Customs B): 1958-1959; after FM2 (source: X)

Annals of Aman drafting (via emendations to AV 2): c. 1950-1952 (source: X)
Annals of Aman (AAm) manuscript: c. 1951-1952; after Ainulindale D; after (at least some of) LQ1. (source: X)
Annals of Aman (AAm) amanuensis typescript with emendations: 1958 (source: X)
Annals of Aman divergent typescript (AAm*) (X.64-68, 79-80): c. 1951-1952; after AAm manuscript (source: X)

Drafting for Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth: (1955-)1959 (source: X)
Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth manuscript (Athrabeth A): probably 1959; after 1955 and before 1960; after Laws & Customs B (source: X)
Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth amuensis typescript with few emendations (Athrabeth B): 1959; after Athrabeth A (source: X)
Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth amuensis typescript with some emendations (Athrabeth C): 1959; after Athrabeth A (source: X)
Converse of Eru and Manwë: c. 1959-1960 after Athrabeth A and before ‘Reincarnation of the Elves’ (source: X)
Manuscript ‘Reincarnation of the Elves’: After Converse of Eru and Manwë; before Athrabeth commentary (source: X)
Drafting for Athrabeth commentary: after Athrabeth B and C (source: X)
Commentary on Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth: after Athrabeth B and C (source: X)

Myths Transformed I (MT I): 1958 or later (source: X)
Myths Transformed II (MT II): c. 1958-1959; before Athrabeth commentary (source: X)
Myths Transformed III (MT III): c.1958-1959; after 1955 (source: X)
Myths Transformed IV (MT IV): Late 1950s (source: X)
Myths Transformed V (MT V): 1958 (source: X)
Myths Transformed VI, ‘Melkor Morgoth’ (MT VI): c. 1958-1959; after 1955 (source: X)
Myths Transformed VII, ‘Notes on Motives in the Silmarillion’, first manuscript (MT VII A): c. 1955-1960 (source: X)
Myths Transformed VII, ‘Notes on Motives in the Silmarillion’, second manuscript (MT VII B): c. 1955-1960 (source: X)
Myths Transformed VIII, ‘Orcs’ (MT VIII): c. 1958-1959; after 1955 (source: X)
Myths Transformed IX (MT IX): c. 1955-1960 (source: X)
Myths Transformed X, ‘Orcs’ (associated with Quendi & Eldar) (MT X): 1959-1960 (source: X)
Myths Transformed XI, ‘Aman’ (associated with Athrabeth) (MT XI): Late 1950s (source: X)

Drafting for Grey Annals (via emendations to AB 2): 1950-1952 (source: XI)
Grey Annals aborted manuscript (GA 1): 1950-1952 (source: XI)
Grey Annals manuscript (GA 2): 1951-1952; after GA 1 probably closely following AAm (source: XI)
Rider to GA 2 concerning Isfin and Eol: late 1951 or 1952 (source: XI)
Rider to GA 2 concerning Hurin and Huor: late 1951 or 1952 (source: XI)
Grey Annals amanuensis typescript: c. 1958 (source: XI)

‘Aelfwine and Dirhaval’ A: c. 1957-1959 (source: XI)
‘Aelfwine and Dirhaval’ B: c. 1957-1959; after Aelfwine and Dirhaval A (source: XI)

Variant endings for Narn i Chin Hurin: c. 1950-1951; before NE (source: XI. 161-162)
Variant ending for Narn i Chin Hurin : c. 1950-1951; probably after NE (source: XI. 163)
‘Narn’ account of the Battle of Unnumbered Tears: c. 1955-1960; after GA (source: XI. 165)
‘Narn’ account of Hurin and Huor in Gondolin: c. 1955-1960; after GA (source: XI. 169)
End of the Narn i Chin Hurin (NE): c. 1950-1951; before corresponding sections of GA (source: UT, XI)

Continuation of GA: Late 1950s (source: XI. 254)
‘Narn’ plot-synopsis continuing past Turin’s death: Late 1950s (source: XI. 258)
‘Wanderings of Hurin’ draft manuscript: c. 1958-1959 (source: XI)
‘Wanderings of Hurin’ typescript: c. 1958-1959 (source: XI)
‘Wanderings of Hurin’ amanuensis typescript: c. 1958-1959 (source: XI)

‘Of Maeglin’ manuscript (A): 1951 (source: XI)
‘Of Maeglin’ typescript with emendations and manuscript insertions (B(i)): 1970 (source: XI)
‘Of Maeglin’ typescript carbon copy with emendations (B(ii)): 1970 (source: XI)

Anaxartamel manuscript: 1958-1959 or later (source: XI)
Anaxartamel typescript: 1958-1959 or later (source: XI)
Anaxartaron Onyalie amanuensis typescript: 1958-1959 or later (source: XI)
Of the Ents and the Eagles amanuensis typescript: 1958-1959 or later (source: XI)

Of Dwarves and Men: c. 1969-1970; at least some after September 1969 (source: XII)

The Shibboleth of Feanor: c. 1968; at least some after February 1968 (source: XII)

The Problem of Ros: c. 1968-1969; after The Shibboleth of Feanor (source: XII)

Glorfindel I: c. 1972 (source: XII)
Glorfindel II: c. 1972; after Glorfindel I (source: XII)
Discussion of Elvish reincarnation with concluding material on Dwarvish resurrection: c. 1972 (source: XII)
Notes on the Five Wizards: c. 1972 (source: XII)
Cirdan: c. 1972 (source: XII)

Dangweth Pengolodh first manuscript (A): 1951-1959; probably early 1950s (source: XII)
Dangweth Pengolodh illuminated manuscript (B): 1951-1959; probably early 1950s; after A (source: XII)
Of Lembas: 1951-1959; probably early 1950s (source: XII)

The New Shadow fragmentary opening: probably 1950s (source: XII)
The New Shadow manuscript (A): probably 1950s (source: XII)
The New Shadow typescript with carbon copy and amanuensis typescript (B): probably 1950s (source: XII)
The New Shadow typescript with carbon copy (C): 1968 (source: XII)

Tal-elmar typescript: probably early 1950s; before 1955 (source: XII)
Tal-elmar manuscript continuation: 1955 (source: XII)
Note on Tal-elmar: 1968 (source: XII)

Beginning and middle of the Narn i Chin Hurin: c. 1955-1960 (source: UT)

Late ‘Of Tuor and the Fall of Gondolin’: c. 1951 (source: UT)

A Description of the Island of Numenor: c. 1960; completed by 1965 (source: UT)

Plot-synopses and manuscript of ‘Aldarion and Erendis’: c. 1960 (source: UT)
‘Aldarion and Erendis’ partial typescript: January 1965 (?) (source: UT)
‘Aldarion and Erendis’ fragmentary typescript: c. 1965 (?) (source: UT)

The Line of Elros: c. 1960s ? (source: UT)

Essay on the Istari: 1954 (source: UT)
Narrative on the choosing of the Istari: c. 1960s? Before 1972 (source: UT)
Notes and fragment of alliterative verse on Istari: c. 1960s? Before 1972 (source: UT)
Note on Gandalf’s names: Before 1966 (source: UT)
Note on Gandalf’s name ‘Incanus’: 1967 (source: UT)

Osanwe-kenta (associated with Quendi & Eldar): c. 1959-1960 (source: VT 39)

Etymological Notes on the Osanwe-kenta: c. 1959-1960 (source: VT 41)

The Rivers and Beacon-hills of Gondor: 1969-1970; after 30 June 1969 (source: VT 42)

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