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Morquesse 08-17-2004 11:40 AM

More detail about Rotk EE scenes (spoilers!) New info post 9-14-04
This is from . I don't know how much is truth, but it's a nice thought. Decide for youself. :)

"The opening of the film is now much longer, Frodo and Sam now continue onto the crossroads where they find an old statue with it's head broken off. The head now lays at the foot of the statue with flowers growing around it. Also in this scene the title appears on screen as the shot comes panning down on the crossroads. It also later in the scene Gollum and Sam start to argue about Sam not trusting Gollum and about Frodo and Sam wanting to rest before continuing on. The next new scene was the new stuff added to tower of Saurman, Gandalf and company call for Saurman to come down, as Gandalf calls up to Saurman, Saurman is with that crystal ball and says something stirs in middleearth. Gandalf tells Saurman that if he comes down his life will sparred, Saurman says no and shoots fire at Gandalf. Theoden starts talking with Saurman, Saurman tells him that they were friends before and asks if they can be friends once again, Theoden tells him yes and once he says that all the characters that are there look Theoden in a confused way, probably because they can't believe Theoden said yes that they
can be friends again. Theoden tells him they can be friends once Saurman pays for those who died at helms deep. Then Wormtounge makes his appearance, King Theoden tells him that he forgives him and to come down and leave Saurman. Saurman in turn tells Theoden that it was Grima who is reponsible for his sons death. Grima says Saurman made him do it and Saurman says that Grima all ways does what he is told to do. He calls him a worm and slaps him. He then pulls his knife and gets up and cuts Saurman then pushes him off where he falls in the big wheel with spike.Wormtounge then takes the palantir which fell and throws is off the top of the tower, then the elf pulls an arrow and fires hitting wormtounge in the heart. Grima dies on the top of the tower. It is after all of that, Treebeard says the filth of Saurman is washing away and Pippin goes after the crystal ball. There is a drinking game with the men at edoras and Gimli and Legolas, I was told Gimli was the last one standing. There is a longer discussion with Gandalf in the golden hall with Aragorn and his friends. Gandalf tells how if the ring is destoryed Sauron will fall, but should he get it back he will achieve victory forever. The hobbit Merry also offers his sevice like Pippin did to Denethor, but Merry offers his service Theoden, there is a scene where Merry gets his sword and learn it belonged Theoden. There is also a new scene between Eowyn and Merry at a river where the riders stop for a while when they are riding to the white city. Pippin has alot of new scenes with Faramir, they talk about how it was for Faramir growing up with Denthor, Gandalf tells Pippin about the white tree. There are new scenes with Denethor and Faramir, one where Faramir explains to Denethor that he let Frodo go and Denethor becomes so angry he falls down. The battle for the white city is much longer, it includes the fight between Gandalf and the
witcking, my father said that the part where the rohan show up has been redone to allow them to show up just
as Gandalf is about to be killed by the witchking. After he breaks Gandalf's staff with that giant mace, the horns are heard which gets the witchking's attention and Gandalf and Pippin are able to escape on shadowfax. The paths of the dead has new scenes, the are scenes that show bones lying positons that make them look like bodies, Legolas talks how this a place of great evil. The paths of the dead now end with an avalanche as some skulls roll by and the ground begins to shake, Aragorn and Legolas and Gimli run out barely escaping. There is also a scene where they take over the black ships, it starts with Legolas saying he senses that dead have been summoned. Aragorn leads them to the river where the dead are unleashed on the black ships. Here is where are some cameos are, Legolas fights Peter Jackson, Richard Taylor is even in there. The houes of healing where Faramir and Eowyn fall in love has been put back, it is here where Aragorn takes on his destiny as king and Faramir is now the steward of Gondor. Faramir and Eowyn find each other and fall in love and get married. Mordor has scenes with Frodo and Sam marching with orcs, the orc calls them slugs, that word is heard in the regular version of the film, but you don't see who he is talking to. Frodo and Sam sneak away from the pack and choose to stop for the night and it is here where Frodo sees a star. That next morning they both decide to leave the orc armor behind. The character the mouth of Sauron is now in, he comes out and tells Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, that his master
Sauron bids them welcome. Aragorn tells his that they have a message for his master. Then the mouth of
sauron shows them the vest that Frodo wears. Aragorn tells him you shall speak for Sauron no more and gets
into a sword fight with him. Aragorn wins by slicing the mouth of Saruon's head. The battle at the gate has more fight scenes Gimli and Legolas and Eomer. The film has a small epilogue to start the finish. My dad didn't say what exactly it talked about but he did say you learn about Sam, Faramir and Eowyn and then Sam says I'm back. "

What do you guys think?


Sapphire_Flame 08-17-2004 12:29 PM

*claps* Huzzah, more Merry and Pippin! Sounds like some good stuff is getting inserted. :D

Abedithon le,

~ Saphy ~

Morsul the Dark 08-17-2004 12:31 PM

Go Faramir its your birthday so be happy... or you know... dont....

awesome cant wait it will be cool

Tuor of Gondolin 08-18-2004 01:49 PM

The way PJ handled the Army of the Dead is beyond much reclamation (it was absurd, presumably done for cgi purposes and to save movie time, by not having south Gondorians and Dunedain involved) but.........

If the above is correct there are numerous improvements
1) For once, PJ and friends intelligently rearranged events to carry the gist of the confrontations with Saruman at Orthanc and the Shire, rather smart to replace his killing Lobelia's son with Theodred)
2) There is at least a minimum of significance now to the charge of the Rohirrim (saving Gandalf), since in the theater version the Ghostbusters green slime could have destroyed Sauron's boys anyway, without the Rohirrim.
3) Numerous nice bits of Frodo and Sam's trek seem to be in.

This is an example of a meaningful addition in a dvd to a theatrical release.

Encaitare 08-20-2004 06:00 PM


Aragorn tells him you shall speak for Sauron no more and gets into a sword fight with him. Aragorn wins by slicing the mouth of Saruon's head.
It's all about Aragorn, isn't it? I love that scene so much, Gandalf's "These we shall take!" upon the hearing of the Mouth of Saruon's terms --and he seizes the cloak and mithril coat-- "These we shall take, in memory of our friend!" (This is not exact, I'm sure, as I'm working from memory!) I love it how it sounds as though he's accepting the terms and Pippin, I think it is, is thinking along the lines of "What the fork is he doing?" but then of course, he rejects them. It shows how Gandalf has his priorities and he puts his duties to Middle-earth above everything, even the life of a close friend.

Diamond18 08-20-2004 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Morquesse
What do you guys think?

I'm drooling.


Pippin has alot of new scenes with Faramir, they talk about how it was for Faramir growing up with Denthor, Gandalf tells Pippin about the white tree.
This had better be true. As well as:


The houes of healing where Faramir and Eowyn fall in love has been put back, it is here where Aragorn takes on his destiny as king and Faramir is now the steward of Gondor. Faramir and Eowyn find each other and fall in love and get married.
I know for sure that some of those other things were at least filmed, such as the crossroads and the Mouth of Sauron, because I saw pictures of them in one of the photo guides that were published before the theatrical version came out.

Morquesse 09-04-2004 11:28 AM

This is what TORn says about the release date of Rotk EE:

9-03-04 (Europe: 03-9-04)
The Lidless Eye heard from a source in New Line, and writes:
"1. The announcement will be made in 2-3 weeks, once they are confident they can "get all the assets in place" on the day in question.

2. It will definitely be in December, not November. Any website quoting an exact date is just guessing.

3. It will be a worldwide release, but with a few countries being 1-2 days later.

"Remember, I and Leonides* were the ones who broke the news in June last year about the ROTK trailer being released in late September and attached at first to Second Hand Lions."

So this looks like really solid confirmation of the December release date for the Extended edition, and what's important to millions of LOTR fans around the world is the knowledge that we won't have to wait months for it to arrive in other countries.

Why can't they tell us when it comes out now? :confused: I think we at least heard about TTT EE, in, July? :rolleyes: Maybe they have many sercet goodies that they want to surprise us with. :smokin: As long as it's not something out of place, please.


Elentári_O_Most_Mighty_1 09-05-2004 08:27 AM

Oooohhh, I can't wait...December seems like a really long time to have to wait, though...

About how long do people reckon the EE will be? (Sorry if it said a time in the original post or something- I didn't have time to read it all the way through :rolleyes: ). I heard a rumour of five hours somewhere...seems a bit extortionate though, I don't know if they would seriously do that. It'd be heaven if they did though!!! :p

I really, really hope the Houses of Healing gets in there. I think the Crossroads and that statue ought to, I've seen pictures of it...Well, fingers crossed!

Morquesse 09-05-2004 02:12 PM

I've heard that RotK EE will have....50 extra minutes? 40? "Almost an hour extra" a lot of different people have said.

Don't worry, I think it's conformed that the Crossroads and the Houses of Healing are in, along with Faramir's and Eowyn's relationship. ;)


Mattius 09-05-2004 02:45 PM

Woo! Its going to be so fantastic, by far the best film out this year on DVD or in the cinemas. I have already pre-ordered my copy from Virgin Megastores. I get a free mug and poster! Woo Woo! Okay I'm bored right now so I'm going to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Tuor of Gondolin 09-05-2004 06:46 PM

Any word about "Easter Eggs?" Those in the first two extended dvds
were hilarious, not sure which one was funnier. :D Although I'm not sure that
******* ***** Dobby would agree. And remember, if you're out drinking,
stay away from the Piercing Parlor!

Encaitare 09-05-2004 07:16 PM

How do you find the Easter Egg in the TTT DVD?

Tuor of Gondolin 09-05-2004 07:36 PM

It's on the extended dvd version, although I've heard that in some places (the UK?) that it had to be taken off. It's on the first disc. Click on "Select a Scene",
go down to the last one (I think it's chapter 30), then click again to get to
"New Scenes" and a Ring will appear. Click again and it's on.
(The Easter Egg does give you a greater appreciation of the stress Andy
Serkis must have been under in the filming). :D

Encaitare 09-05-2004 07:38 PM

Thanks, I will check that out soon!

Mattius 09-06-2004 05:45 AM

Correct- it doesn't appear on the UK edition which must also must mean the Australian and Kiwi versions suffer too.

Morquesse 09-14-2004 04:48 PM

Here's a report from Dragon*con 2004 about the RotK EE. Here's the link to TORn's report.

Here it is:
''Celebriel reports that one must-attend session for Ringers at Dragon*Con 2004 was The Road Goes Ever Onward, a preview of The Return of the King Extended Edition presented by staffers Mr Cere, Balin, and WeeTanya on Saturday and Monday. This preview consisted of screen caps of assorted images we've run across in the past few months and even all the way back to original trailers (ie the Merry/Theoden scene). This represents TORN's speculations about what the EE holds for us fans.

SPOILER ALERT: This article contains spoilers related to the content in the 50 minutes of footage added to the theatrical version. If you want to be surprised when you insert that first disc into your DVD player, READ NO FURTHER!

Additional scenes expected to appear in the Extended Edition are:

1. The long-awaited confrontation with Saruman at Orthanc which was cut from the theatrical edition. At the end of this confrontation, Saruman is killed by Grima, who pushes him, causing him to fall and impale himself on a spiky wheel. (An image of Saruman impaled has been floating around for a few years). This scene is an homage to Christopher Lee, who has appeared in numerous Dracula and other horror films in his long career, dating back to 1948.

2. Grima’s death. Legolas shoots Grima at Orthanc.

3. Merry swearing allegiance to King Theoden. Merry’s role is expanded in several scenes in the Extended Edition.

4. A scene between Aragorn and Eowyn, in her bedroom at Edoras. Many people seeing this image on the Internet believed it was set in the Houses of Healing.

5. A drinking game at Edoras involving Legolas and Gimli.

6. A conversation between Eomer and Eowyn that gives us insight into their relationship.

7. Aragorn explains Pippin’s flight.

8. A conversation between Elrond and Arwen , again giving us insight into their relationship.

9. Footage of Aragorn with the palantir.

10. Much more footage from the journey through the Paths of the Dead. In one spectacular scene, skulls rain down on Aragorn. Aragorn leaves the Kingdom of the Dead without an answer to his question, “What say you?”

11. Legolas consoles Aragorn after they leave the Paths of the Dead, placing his hand on Aragorn’s shoulder. (This image has also been floating around for a few years, and has been the subject of caption contests.)

12. There is much more background on the black ships of the Corsairs. The Army of the Dead arrive and conquer the Corsairs. Look closely and you will see a lot of cast and WETA production crew members in these fight scenes. (Remember that Peter Jackson’s cameo in the theatrical version was as a Corsair.)

13. Expanded conversation between Gandalf and Pippin in Minas Tirith, including Gandalf’s explanation of significance of The White Tree.

14. A conversation between Pippin and Faramir.

15. Expanded treatment of the Siege of Gondor (could this get any bigger?) including more battering rams, more Orcish machinery, and more about the defense and taking of the White City. More decapitated heads are launched from catapults. Oliphants charge into the walls of Minas Tirith.

16. The long-awaited encounter between Gandalf and the Witch King. The Witch King’s sword bursts into flame. Gandalf’s staff is broken. Gandalf is shown rescuing Faramir.

17. Eomer finds Theoden dead on the battlefield, then finds the wounded Eowyn. He is overcome with grief.

18. Pippin finds Merry on the battlefield at night, after a day-long search. A much longer scene than in the theatrical edition.

19. Gorbag is shown taking Frodo’s possessions from him.

20. In the Houses of Healing, Eomer and Aragorn talk.

21. Aragorn is shown walking in the throne room in Minas Tirith.

22. More footage of Frodo and Sam in Mordor, including their marching with orcs and Sam discarding his pots and pans.

23. The long-waited Mouth of Sauron comes out of the Gates of Mordor to confront Aragorn and his forces, displaying the items taken from Frodo. The Mouth character is blind, just a mouth. (This presence of this scene helps explain Aragorn’s battle cry, “For Frodo!”)

24. Merry and Pippin despair on the battlefield after seeing Frodo’s clothes and mithril vest.

Overall, as TORn staffers pointed out, the additional scenes bring the film even closer to the book. Many deal with character development, or help explain or set up actions taken by characters, although both the Siege of Gondor and the battle with the Corsairs get more action scenes.

Other rumors:

TORn staffers also reported that the ROTK Extended Edition may, repeat MAY, play theatrically during or close to Thanksgiving weekend. Also, that there is a possibility of another set of DVDs with additional footage in 2006 or 2007, but the films themselves will not be recut. The possibilities are endless, given that about 12 MILLION feet of documentary footage was shot.''

This sounds lovely. ;) Hope it's true. By the way, who plans to have a Rotk EE party? I'm planning mine for Christmas break, where everyone has to at least have a cloak on.


Sapphire_Flame 09-15-2004 11:35 AM

*grin* This will be great.

I've heard that the exact release date is to be December 7. Anyone else heard anything to this effect?

Abedithon le,

~ Saphy ~

mollecon 09-15-2004 04:40 PM

Release date
Dec 7. is a qualified guess based on the fact that the DVD's usually are being released on Tuesdays - if the release is 'beginning of December', that's the only candidate on that weekday ;)

Encaitare 09-16-2004 07:26 PM


2. Grima’s death. Legolas shoots Grima at Orthanc.
:eek: *Encaitare stares at the screen, mouth wide open in horror. She begins to bawl unceasingly.*

Okay... not really. But I am thrown into the deepest and worst state of shock a Grima-fan can experience. What is this???? My poor Grima gets shot by the pansy Elf? Argh.

Everything else seems awesome, though. I knew someone was going to fall out of Orthanc! I'd been fearing it, but I suppose it'll be fine.

And yes, I will of course have an EE party... watch all three back to back during Christmas break. It should be most triumphant.

Poor, poor Grima... :(

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