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Dakźsīntrah 01-01-2010 04:12 PM

Galadriel in "The Hobbit?"
Apparently Cate Blanchett is already set to reprise her role as Galadriel, albeit she will make her appearance in "The Hobbit."

It's been awhile since I've read the Hobbit, and I don't remember Galadriel in the narrative.

Any thoughts?

Inziladun 01-01-2010 04:26 PM

Galadriel makes no appearance in the book The Hobbit, and I fail to see how the character would make any significant contribution to the story. If Blanchett is in it, I would guess they'll likely switch some of the events taking place at Rivendell to Lórien. Why? Who knows, except to try and do more to tie the film together with LOTR. Then again, the Ring was supposed to be the factor that accomplished that, but maybe that's just not subtle enough for Del Toro.

Eönwė 01-01-2010 05:13 PM

If they're doing White Council scenes, then they could have Galadriel, or perhaps they'll put her in Rivendell for some reason.

Inziladun 01-01-2010 06:06 PM

The White Council would seem more sensible, even though what happened there really had no direct effect on Bilbo's adventure, save to deprive Thorin and Co. of Gandalf's guidance for a time.

Lindale 01-02-2010 01:11 AM

Goodness me, Galadriel and Aragorn and Legolas in the Hobbit movie. Each getting more ridiculous than the rest. But if they're gonna do the White Council, perhaps Celeborn and Saruman should be there as well?

Sarumian 01-02-2010 04:19 AM

I think it was in other threads and some interviews that there will be two movies: one based on Hobbit and another telling the story of the White Council's attack on Dol Gudur and some other events which had happened between Bilbo's return and the War of the Rings. Apparently they need the Wise to be involved.

Kitanna 01-02-2010 09:22 AM

Having Blanchett return as Galadriel makes more sense to me than having Mortensen return as Aragorn.

As others have stated she'll probably appear in White Council scenes, which is probably a good assumption. What purpose would it serve for Thorin's company to travel all the way to Lorien before heading to the Lonely Mountain? Being in White Council scenes is really the only logical place to put her.

Anyway, I'm curious to find the article that says she's returning. Dakźsīntrah, do you still have a link or a source for it?

Lindale 01-02-2010 10:17 AM

I have no idea how reliable this site is... but apparently (from the other articles in the site), Sir Christopher Lee apparently doesn't want to go back as Saruman. Not that that's utterly surprising... :rolleyes:

Dakźsīntrah 01-02-2010 12:24 PM

Christopher would still like to do something for Tolkien before he passes. Perhaps voice the dragon Smaug?

Lindale 01-02-2010 01:50 PM

That'd really be weird, Dakźsīntrah, as the moviemakers of Hobbit want to closely tie Hobbit with LotR. That's about the point of casting Hugo Weaving as Elrond, Sir Ian McKellen as Gandalf, and Cate Blanchett as Galadriel. If LotR-Saruman would be Smaug in the Hobbit, that wouldn't do well for their agenda.

And I think Sir Lee was, well, unhappy with his scenes cut from the RotK movie, as discussed here.:(

Mithalwen 01-04-2010 07:05 AM

I think the idea of a link movie has been dropped and it is going to be Hobbit in two parts (I am not sure this will work but I guess they think it will make them more money and that is in short supply atm) . Unless they decide to sub a Lorien interlude (which doens't tie with the established hostility between silvan elves and dwarves) for the Beorn sequence which doesn't really fit the movie-verse already created, it will have to be White Council for Galadriel and that would surely include Saruman too.

I think I read that Sir Christopher is not up to returning to NZ but since this is away from the main plot I don't see why the White Council could not be filmed in the UK - Blanchett and Weaving do loads of stuff here anyway.

Morthoron 01-04-2010 07:25 AM

Galadriel will be in White Council scenes. Yes, that will be the added fan-fic aspect of the two-film Hobbit extravaganza. You didn't think Peter Jackson would allow a simple retelling of the linear tale, did you?

Tuor in Gondolin 01-04-2010 09:31 AM

It wouldn't be all that much of a stretch (certainly not for
PJ and friends) to have Galadriel at the White Council and at
the siege of Dol Guldur. More screen time for Gandalf, a
big battle scene, and not such a long gap of Gandalf in the
two hobbit movies. (Splice in seperately the White Council and
Dol Guldur, perhaps when Bilbo battles the giant spiders and
when he helps the dwarves escape from Legolas's daddy).

Now what elf might be in that drinking scene with the butler? :)

Erendis 01-13-2010 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by Tuor in Gondolin (Post 620371)
Now what elf might be in that drinking scene with the butler? :)

May I say?;)

Well,both Legolas and Galadriel are not that much of an irrartional comeback,indeed.But Aragorn...perhaps as a young teen in Rivendel and nothing more.

Joneswilliamsc 04-21-2010 11:26 PM

Well according to me it is really a very quite amusing that Sir Ian McKellen was on board from the very start. His role of Gandalf and all that goes it is very impressive. The looks of it is forced his way in with staff in hand.

Galadriel 05-02-2010 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by Lindale (Post 620272)
Goodness me, Galadriel and Aragorn and Legolas in the Hobbit movie. Each getting more ridiculous than the rest. But if they're gonna do the White Council, perhaps Celeborn and Saruman should be there as well?

Legolas and Aragorn won't be there. Orlando Bloom wants to make a come back, but Jackson and Toro are a bit apprehensive about it.

Sardy 05-11-2010 06:26 PM

Perhaps she has been cast to do the opening VO monologs, which would be perfectly in tune with the LotR films.

deagol 05-13-2010 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by Sardy (Post 629626)
Perhaps she has been cast to do the opening VO monologs, which would be perfectly in tune with the LotR films.

This actually makes sense . . . which leads me to believe that it won't happen.

In any case, the fact that Galadriel has no place in the story is not likely to sidetrack Mr. Jackson for very long. :rolleyes:

Ibrīnišilpathānezel 05-13-2010 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by deagol (Post 629800)
In any case, the fact that Galadriel has no place in the story is not likely to sidetrack Mr. Jackson for very long. :rolleyes:

Ya think? :D

One can at least make a somewhat logical stretch to include Galadriel, if they plan to do the White Council stuff to explain Gandalf's prolonged absence. One can even do a stretch to get Legolas in, since he was probably alive, and the story does involve his father and his army. But an adult Aragorn.... No. He was all of 10 when Thorin and Co. passed through Rivendell on their quest. And the notion of him playing Arathorn (a speculation I've heard elsewhere) is also right out, since Arathorn died 8 years before.

But that would little deter Jackson, alas. *sigh*

Nerwen 06-22-2010 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by riyanjason (Post 632629)
Not what i imagined at all but it is really effective. I pictured frodo and sam looking down into a mirror surrounded by peaceful darkness and stars. (God that sounds very poetic!!! Sorry!!!)
Anyway, it does look good.
Will frodo have to get Galadriel to pick him up to look in it though?!!! Just a thought.

You know the film version of The Lord of the Rings has been out for oh... some little time now, don't you?

I know, I know: it can be hard to keep track of what the humans are up to– but do try, that's a good little bot!:)

PrinceOfTheHalflings 06-23-2010 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by Joneswilliamsc (Post 628327)
Well according to me it is really a very quite amusing that Sir Ian McKellen was on board from the very start. His role of Gandalf and all that goes it is very impressive. The looks of it is forced his way in with staff in hand.

Wow, these bots get better every day. Almost had me fooled there for a second.

Puddleglum 08-23-2010 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Erendis (Post 621237)
But Aragorn...perhaps as a young teen in Rivendel and nothing more.

Not even that. Aragorn was born in 2931 and the Quest of Erebor was in 2941. Aragorn would be a 10 year old boy. Somehow, I *don't* think Viggo (good as he is) could be a convincing 10 year old "Estel" (remember that he didn't even know yet that his real name was Aragorn or that he was Isuldur's heir) - or that he would want to try.

Tuor in Gondolin 08-24-2010 02:26 PM

No problem for PJ. He'd just age him to about 20
and put in the movie the first meeting of Aragorn and Arwen.
(Hey, after wargs on steroids, dwarf tossing, rather
dim-witted ents, etc., you think that would be a problem for him)?

PrinceOfTheHalflings 08-25-2010 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by Tuor in Gondolin (Post 637500)
No problem for PJ. He'd just age him to about 20
and put in the movie the first meeting of Aragorn and Arwen.
(Hey, after wargs on steroids, dwarf tossing, rather
dim-witted ents, etc., you think that would be a problem for him)?

I don't think that Viggo Mortensen would do it ... so he might as well cast a 10 year old.

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