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My Cat Sasha 12-27-2002 07:17 PM

Strange reasons to like certain characters.
I just thought I'd start this topic because my mom's favorite characters are Aragorn, Legolas, Awren, and Sarumon because they all have good hair. It's kind of weird. What are some other reasons to like certain characters?

[ December 27, 2002: Message edited by: My Cat Sasha ]

Diamond18 12-28-2002 12:27 AM

Aragorn has good hair? That is weird. [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

doug*platypus 12-28-2002 08:17 AM

Aw, cool!

Anborn, cause he can say "squirrel" five times in one paragraph. The man's obsessed. Squirrel this, squirrel that! Makes you appreciate what a funny word "squirrel" is!

Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel! PLATYPUS!

Aragorn_Protector 12-28-2002 12:50 PM

I like Sam becaus he dosn't like Gollum umung other reasons

Ar-Gilien 12-28-2002 02:46 PM

Fav Character: The Witch-King of Angband aka The Leader of the Nazgul, Black Captain of the Ring-Wraiths.

Why: He's tenacious, single-minded of purpose, deadly when he sees what he wants, and he's just so dern evil. I mean, doesn't everyone want a Nazgul chasing them all over Middle Earth for a Ring of Power? [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

[ December 28, 2002: Message edited by: Ar-Gilien ]

Galadrie1 12-28-2002 05:03 PM


I like Sam becaus he dosn't like Gollum
I like Gollum because he doesn't like Sam!
Hey, don't you think Gollum is like an extremely creepy version of Elmo (from Seasame Street)? Erm, yeah... just a thought....

My Cat Sasha 12-28-2002 05:12 PM


Hey, don't you think Gollum is like an extremely creepy version of Elmo (from Seasame Street)? Erm, yeah... just a thought....
LOL! I can just see that!

[i]The Ring came to the creature Elmo who took it deep into the tunnels of the Misty Mountains. And there it consumed him.

Elmo: My precioussssssss![i]

Ar-Gilien 12-28-2002 05:17 PM

Does that mean the new toy out for next christmas is going to be "Tickle Me Gollum"?

"Yessss, my preciousss..that tickleses usss!" <Insert creepy laughter>

My Cat Sasha 12-28-2002 05:23 PM


Does that mean the new toy out for next christmas is going to be "Tickle Me Gollum"?
Yes! Of course. He's a wonderful role modle for small children! Oooooo! You could also make a "Tickly Me Smeagol!" It would be pretty much the same as the Gollum version, only the box would say "Smeagol."

dragoneyes 12-28-2002 05:27 PM


don't you think Gollum is like an extremely creepy version of Elmo?
maybe that's why I can't stand Gollum so much. Sam's the only sane one out of those three, that's why I like him.

Gorwingel 12-28-2002 06:22 PM

Love the Tickle me Gollum idea, LOL [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

I also do like Legolas and Galadriel, because they have good hair, and she has great clothing.

And people may think this is crazy, but I really like the hobbits hair [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img]

Arwen Imladris 12-28-2002 07:46 PM

Gollum - Elmo? Somehow I just don't see that. Tickle me Gollum? That would scare me! Think about it, most kids who would have that would have maybe read the Hobbit, but probebly not LOTR. Think about it.

Ar-Gilien 12-28-2002 09:11 PM

All silliness aside, I have always been fascinated by Earendil, the Mariner, who sailed to the Western Lands of Valinor seeking help against Sauron. What a voyage that must have been! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Galadrie1 12-29-2002 01:01 PM


Gollum - Elmo? Somehow I just don't see that.
Well, they both have big round heads and talk in more or less the same way ("Gollum hatesss nasssty hobbitses" "Elmo loves you!"). Think about it.... [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Meela 12-29-2002 02:34 PM

anyone else love Grima Wormtongue? And not just his character personality, great as it is. i seem to be the only person who sees a picture of Brad Dourif playing him in the movie and melts into a puddle of drool. and i think it might be because of his lack of eyebrows... althugh i absolutely love his hair... him in general... [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

VanimaEdhel 12-29-2002 04:58 PM

*Blushes* I started liking Haldir after The Two Towers for obvious reasons.

Why is it that the death of a character always makes them better to me? I mean, I suddenly started thinking of him Do you ever feel that way? Now, whenever I read about him or see him (even in Fellowship...) I start crying...even though it's not the same in the movie as the books...when I read about him in the end of the books, I still's weird...

Oh, but Legolas is still my favorite character. And that is because when I was nine, I thought all attractive, mystical races were cool, and ergo Legolas was cool and I decided I was going to marry him and become Queen of Mirkwood. Now, six years later, I still like him because you do not get rid of an obsession like the one I had with him that easily!

[ December 29, 2002: Message edited by: VanimaEdhel ]

mark12_30 12-29-2002 06:41 PM

I'm fond of Anborn myself. Imrahil is intriguing. And Beregond seems like a pretty regular guy.

Lindril Arvilya 12-29-2002 06:57 PM


anyone else love Grima Wormtongue?
YES!!! Finally! Someone else! A kindred spirit..... No one seems to understand, do they Meela?

[ December 29, 2002: Message edited by: Lindril Arvilya ]

Manardariel 12-29-2002 06:59 PM

I like Merry because we never hear of him marrying. There´s still hope. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]
And I like Lobelia for being all creepy and nasty to Frodo. My soulmate!! I´d have done it. 24/7 if you want me to. There´s no need to pay me.... [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]
I like Eowyn for loving Aragorn&Faramir. Another soulmate.

*blushes*And I like Aragorn.... in the movie, especially.... why? What do you think?? [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] Sorry.

[ December 29, 2002: Message edited by: Manardariel ]

[ December 29, 2002: Message edited by: Manardariel ]

Marsyas 12-29-2002 07:23 PM

I really like Gollum myself. You know in TTT where Gollum and Smeagol are arguing amongst themselves? Well at the spot where Smeagol says "no" (just no nothing else) he reminds me of this guy I've been friends with for 5 years. Crazy right? [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]


Horse-Maiden of the Shire 12-30-2002 11:25 AM


Hey, don't you think Gollum is like an extremely creepy version of Elmo (from Seasame Street)?
oh my gosh, yes! now that i think about it. Anyway, for some reason I like Frodo because of the way he screams. like when he got stabbed by the Ringwraith King and came out of the "shadow world" by taking off the ring? i really like that scream there....i dont know why.
aragorn has good hair?????

Meela 12-30-2002 02:08 PM

Uh... Merry got married... to Estella Bolger...

Artanis 01-01-2003 01:04 AM

Aragorn has GREAT hair! It's just that all you people are prejuduced against dirt and blood and sweat!

dragoneyes 01-01-2003 03:36 AM

see the sig.

Helkahothion 01-01-2003 01:54 PM

I like all elf's in particulair. And I don't just like them if you know what I mean. It's not only because of Orlando and Liv and the other Elf character's, (altough it improves it a lot) it's just the mystery all around them. Give just one elf and he/she is mine.


Hawaii dispensaries

Silmarien 02-19-2003 02:35 AM

Eowyn definitely. I just love her [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] Probably because I'm a bit of a feminist. And then (book)Faramir for obvious reasons and 'cos if you're going to play Eowyn who else are you going to fall (eternally) in love with. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] (I'm a bit of a romantic too)

[ February 19, 2003: Message edited by: Silmarien ]

Eressië Ailin 02-19-2003 06:09 PM

Aragorn is HOT HOT HOT HOTT HOT!!!!!!!

VanimaEdhel 02-19-2003 06:30 PM

I like Emeldir because she...well: was the mother of Beren, and I love that story...but also because she was a strong character (well, she seemed to be: she was a very small character as well). I also liked Huan, Beren, and Luthien.

A strange dislike is mine of Turin. I mean Beren had horrible misfortune too, but he wasn't so depressing as Turin was. I think that, had there been Prozac, it would have done wonders for Turin...

Helkahothion 02-20-2003 08:57 AM

Speaking about Beren, I have something that bug's me. Was he or wassn't he married to Luthien. Is Luthien a woman anyway?



P.S. This is probably a newbie question, but I only read Lotr.

Duncariel 02-20-2003 09:45 AM

LOL [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] *falls over laughing hysterically, then recovers and brushes off* Tickle me Gollum..... I like it. Although I Kinda like Celeborn, 'cause he's got an attitude, and nobody else likes 'im. But not even THAT reason warrants liking Wormtongue. I feel sorry for the guy.

Beren was a human, Luthien was an elf. She gave up immortality for him. I could write for Reader's Digest!

[ February 20, 2003: Message edited by: Duncariel ]

Horse-Maiden of the Shire 02-20-2003 10:06 AM

I'm about...oh, a 1/3 through the Silm, and yes Huan is awesome! Hee hee hee he kicked Sauron's arse!! Go doggy!
Never knew Celeborn was named after a tree...
I also like Luthien because she had the bravery to do what nobody else did: she went to Tol Sirion and faced Sauron, all because of her love for Beren.
I absolutely disliked (hate is too strong a word) Feanor. He left his kin and burned the ships! Grr!

Meela 02-20-2003 11:34 AM

celeborn was named after a tree??

*jumps up and down waving her hands*

i love celebooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrnnnnnn!!!!

Faenaduial 02-20-2003 11:47 AM

Glorfindel was my favorite character for years. I just loved his description and the whole scene with him. I was always sorry that he was not the elf chosen to be a member of the fellowship.

However, now that I've seen Legolas in the movie I couldn't care less about Glorfindel.

Sorry I must be fickle. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Sapphire_Flame 02-20-2003 05:10 PM


A strange dislike is mine of Turin. I mean Beren had horrible misfortune too, but he wasn't so depressing as Turin was. I think that, had there been Prozac, it would have done wonders for Turin...
I thoroughly agree; Turin *was* very depressing. He was the one that killed Glaurung, too, I believe. (just finished Silmarillion for the first time, and am still confused as to some events)

I, personally, like Sauron, in both Silm, and LotR. He so......sneaky. He's not the kind of bad guy that just uses force to achieve what he wants, he thinks everything out. More of a psychological villan, which I admire. If I was a villan, that's the kind I'd want to be. [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] Plus, in LotR (the movies) that Eye is just way too cool. C'mon, who wouldn't want a fiery, all-seeing Eyeball sitting on top of their house?!

VanimaEdhel 02-20-2003 05:38 PM

Beren and Luthien are also the great grandparents of Elrond and Elros (and also, in turn the many, many "greats"-grandparents of Aragorn). That is why Arwen could choose immortality: she was considered half-Elven. She just had to decide before her father sailed over to the Grey Havens.

Glorfindel is a great character that I like, mainly because of how great he was and, although his character was noble enough so as to be reincarnated, they still leave him out of every adaptation of Lord of the Rings...

[ February 20, 2003: Message edited by: VanimaEdhel ]

Lindril Arvilya 02-20-2003 07:09 PM

I like Saruman, Gandalf, Frodo, and Sam (in the books) because they have staffs. Sticks. They are the easiest prop/weapon to recreate when playing "Fellowship" outside in the woods, so I usually end up playing one of those characters, simply because there's a lot of sticks lying around the woods. Man, what's up with all these sticks? You'd think they grew on trees or something.

Lady Alasse 02-20-2003 08:35 PM

Earendil is one of my favorites - I think it's so neat how he brought the simaril to the valar and then took it with him when he went sailing through the heavens.

Sapphire_Flame 02-21-2003 12:04 PM


Man, what's up with all these sticks? You'd think they grew on trees or something.
Um.....okay. lol [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Lyra Greenleaf 02-21-2003 12:50 PM


Why is it that the death of a character always makes them better to me? Now, whenever I read about him or see him (even in Fellowship...) I start crying
why does everyone find haldirs death so sad and ignore poor old Hama? I thought that was horrible, it made me cry.

Anyway, I love Faramir for being so wonderful and then Peter jackson had to just wreck it! i was spitting flames about that...........

grace 02-21-2003 01:24 PM

i am gettin a huge liking 2 BOROMIR! i think its cos we both grew up near eachother, and hes just so nice! i love him because of even though he tires to take the ring, he still captures our hearts in his fabulas death sene!

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