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Finduilas 04-23-2007 11:14 AM

A secret weapon?
At the beginning of both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, Gandalf is described as having “eyebrows that extended beyond the brim of his hat”.

Did Tolkien merely do this as a joke or did he seriously mean it? Can you imagine if he seriously meant it? It might not look so outlandish when he has a hat on, but when he takes it off...

"If I put styling gel in it just right and point the ends and hold them until they dry, they make very effective pokers for anyone who tries to attack me."

This thread can be used for people’s opinions on the matter, and other descriptions that seem like Tolkien couldn’t have meant it. I would like some serious thoughts on the matter, but not very many are necessary.

Also if anyone could get a hold of some pictures that correctly portray his eyebrows, I would be interested in seeing them.


Rikae 04-23-2007 11:35 AM

The Rankin/Bass cartoon seems to have solved the problem by giving him a hat without a brim.

Bêthberry 04-23-2007 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Finduilas
At the beginning of both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, Gandalf is described as having “eyebrows that extended beyond the brim of his hat”.

. . .

Also if anyone could get a hold of some pictures that correctly portray his eyebrows, I would be interested in seeing them.


Well, these are hardly correct--as they are not of Gandalf but another icon of Northern mythology--but they do suggest how I often imagine that effect could be achieved.

Folwren 04-23-2007 12:01 PM

Hahaha! That's hilarious. Only, Gandalf had a wide-brimmed hat, if I'm not mistaken...

I once sketched him with foot long eyebrows. If can draw that again and then scan it onto the computer, perhaps I could show you. Or, I could try doing it on Paint, but I'm awful on Paint...

-- Folwren

Bêthberry 04-23-2007 01:17 PM

The famous John Howe image of Gandalf striding through The Shire does not have eyebrows which extend beyond the brim of his hat, although they are a bit thick and his hair does flow out from under the sides of the brim.

You know, I have the vaguest hunch, just a teeny tiny suspicion, that something about this topic will eventually come round to depictions of balrogs. Not that they have ever been said or argued to have such accoutrement as bushy eyebrows. :eek:

Finduilas 04-23-2007 02:28 PM



You know, I have the vaguest hunch, just a teeny tiny suspicion, that something about this topic will eventually come round to depictions of balrogs.
I did think of that, but hoped people would overlook it.

And, yes Folwren I do believe it was a broadbrimed hat.

Thanks for all the pictures :)

littlemanpoet 04-23-2007 03:33 PM

Ever seen a really old man whose wife did not clip his eyebrows? I've had to yank mine now for the last 5 years, and I'm only in my 40s. Imagine a Gandalf the Grey who has been around for thousands of years, his eyebrows constantly growing like an old man's does, and he not giving tuppence about it because he has more important things to worry about. It's part of Tolkien's means of hinting at how old Gandalf is, or at least how long he's been around. Sorry for a rather "Books" post, but I thought I'd suggest what Tolkien probably meant by it.

Finduilas 04-23-2007 03:45 PM


Sorry for a rather "Books" post, but I thought I'd suggest what Tolkien probably meant by it.
That's great, in fact I was tempted to put this under "Books" because I wanted some serious feedback.

Would his eyebrows grow sideways past the brim of his hat?

littlemanpoet 04-23-2007 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Finduilas
Would his eyebrows grow sideways past the brim of his hat?

Considering what mine want to do before I yank them, no doubt about it.

Folwren 04-24-2007 07:58 AM

But how ... how would he get it to stick out straight from under the brim of his hat? Instead of falling down the sides and joining his beard?

Estelyn Telcontar 04-24-2007 08:11 AM

...moustache wax... :Merisu:

Oddwen 04-24-2007 09:52 AM

Gandalf's beard was also said once to "stand out stiff like bristling wire" - he's probably got very thick hair - I'm not at all surprised his eyebrows stood out. He's also got excellent forehead muscles - all that brow-furrowing & worrying has built up quite a foundation for all that hair.

Or maybe they're extendable? I remember he "stuck out his bushy eyebrows" at Bilbo in anger - does Gandalf have retractable eyebrows?

Finduilas 04-24-2007 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Oddwen
Gandalf's beard was also said once to "stand out stiff like bristling wire" - he's probably got very thick hair - I'm not at all surprised his eyebrows stood out. He's also got excellent forehead muscles - all that brow-furrowing & worrying has built up quite a foundation for all that hair.

Or maybe they're extendable? I remember he "stuck out his bushy eyebrows" at Bilbo in anger - does Gandalf have retractable eyebrows?

Ha. Maybe so, but some how I don't think so. Maybe they did grow sideways, and when he "stuck out his bushy eyebrows" they shifted forwards.

Oddwen 04-24-2007 10:46 AM


Maybe they did grow sideways, and when he "stuck out his bushy eyebrows" they shifted forwards. a flapping motion? Like wings? :D:p

Now I can imagine Gandalf sailing over the Misty Mountains, eyebrows twirling like a helicopter...

Finduilas 04-24-2007 10:57 AM


in a flapping motion? Like wings?

Aganzir 04-26-2007 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Oddwen
Now I can imagine Gandalf sailing over the Misty Mountains

Actually, Gwaihir doesn't exist. He's just a commercial invention of the publisher, for who would read a book where an old man flies with his eyebrows (Tolkien's original plan), rather than is carried by a noble eagle? ;)

Anyway, I went to see the film Goya's Ghosts yesterday. There was an old priest Father Gregorio, played by Michael Lonsdale, whose eyebrows would surely almost match Gandalf's. Unfortunately, I can't find a proper photo of him anywhere. :(

Ataralasse 05-03-2007 07:52 PM

As I recall, his hat is described as 'shady'.

Whenever I read that (or read about it :rolleyes: ), I always try to picture Gandalf's large eyebrows sticking out beyond the brim of his shady hat. I can never get it. LOL

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