The Barrow-Downs Discussion Forum

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Bêthberry 11-30-2010 09:59 AM

Ranking of online Tolkien sites
There is a ranking of Tolkien sites available on the Tolkien Library site. However, there is no listing for the Barrow Downs as sites need to register first. :(

What do Downers think? Should one of our Mods or Admins register us there? :smokin:

Fans vote on their favourite sites, so this is a popularity contest.

The Tolkien Library Top 100 Tolkien Sites

The Tolkien Library site is a very classy site, an excellent resource for Tolkien collectors and book enthusiasts.

wilwarin538 11-30-2010 12:15 PM

Someone should sign us up, of couse we would win! ;)

Nerwen 12-05-2010 09:53 AM

Depends on your priorities...
*scratches head*
Who or what is this "Tolkien" of whom you speak?:confused: Is it by any chance another name for Werewolf?

Pitchwife 12-05-2010 03:17 PM

Nice acting, Nerwen!:D

Seriously, of course we should be registered there and get one of those nifty "Vote for us" thingies on the main forum page. It's a shame we aren't in those Top 100 yet.
Unless, of course, we're content to remain a forum for the chosen few who will find their way here by themselves sooner or later... and I don't actually mean that ironically, or at least not wholly. Speaking from experience, back in the days when my old love for Tolkien was rekindled by the movies coming out and I was browsing Tolkien websites by the dozen, the Downs just stuck out as something special by themselves, without any need for rankings or advertising, and I bet it's still like that for the people who come here newly these days.
On the other hand, they can only find us if they know we're out there somewhere...

Inziladun 12-05-2010 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Pitchwife (Post 643986)
It's a shame we aren't in those Top 100 yet.
Unless, of course, we're content to remain a forum for the chosen few who will find their way here by themselves sooner or later...

I expect there'll be a rather large bump in membership when the Hobbit movie is released. That's going to be a while, though.


Originally Posted by Pitchwife (Post 643986)
On the other hand, they can only find us if they know we're out there somewhere...

The spambots don't seem to have any trouble. :rolleyes:

Eönwë 12-06-2010 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by Pitchwife (Post 643986)
Unless, of course, we're content to remain a forum for the chosen few who will find their way here by themselves sooner or later... and I don't actually mean that ironically, or at least not wholly. Speaking from experience, back in the days when my old love for Tolkien was rekindled by the movies coming out and I was browsing Tolkien websites by the dozen, the Downs just stuck out as something special by themselves, without any need for rankings or advertising, and I bet it's still like that for the people who come here newly these days.

I've thought about this a bit recently and realised that on the whole, it seems that those that find the website on their own (and generally join to comment on something in books) tend to be the ones that stay the longest and most active.
That's not to say that we shouldn't try to bring more attention to the 'Downs if you want. It's just an observation.


Originally Posted by Inziladun (Post 643990)
I expect there'll be a rather large bump in membership when the Hobbit movie is released.

This is definitely the case.

Snowdog 12-07-2010 04:56 AM

The Barrow Downs
The Barrow Downs ... just by its name ... draws interest from Tolkien book people who have read about the Barrow Downs. It wasn't mentioned or shown in the movies. In fact, the closest thing to come to it in the movies was the burial mounds of Rohan.

A good discussion on the finer aspects of Tolkien's written works can usually be had here, and the stability of the site not wanting to make changes to the latest gimmick or try to expand its scope to draw people in makes it what this Tolkien book geek loves! :)

Nerwen 12-07-2010 09:14 AM

Be careful what you wish for...

Originally Posted by Inziladun (Post 643990)
I expect there'll be a rather large bump in membership when the Hobbit movie is released.

And then the forum will look like this:


Threads in Forum: The Books


Who is...



Hottest elve's?11??!!?!??

are horbits real???!!

GUESS WHAT!?!?!?!?!??!?!

Look at MEEEEEEE!!!!

is sarin teh necormanser???!!!!

why is Dragon calld smog is becuase he brathes fier and smoke tell me plz plz!!!??

Ibrîniğilpathânezel 12-07-2010 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 644148)
And then the forum will look like this:

Sad but true, I fear. And in my experience, with popularity comes a reduction of civility. Cliques form, fights break out more often, and... Well, that's one of the biggest reasons I left TOR.n. When you're "the place to be," everybody comes, and it tends to make for a bigger, noiser, messier, less friendly place. You get noticed, but at what cost? Something to consider, I think.

Estelyn Telcontar 12-07-2010 10:57 AM

Ah, but you're both forgetting one thing - this forum has moderators! We may be dealing mostly with spambots for now, but we will be ready to keep things tidy when the rush comes. Just because the skwerlz aren't needed at this time doesn't mean they're no longer existent... :Merisu:

Ibrîniğilpathânezel 12-07-2010 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Estelyn Telcontar (Post 644152)
Ah, but you're both forgetting one thing - this forum has moderators!

Oh, no, I'm not forgetting, but I was one of the moderators for TORn. It got ugly, I got appalled, and... Well, a long story, and I'm not here to air the dirty laundry of another site. Suffice it to say that over the years, I've seen too much of the seamy underbelly of fame, seen too many things that started well end badly because of a desire to become noticed and popular. I guess I just don't want to see it happen again. I may not be the most active member of the Downs, but I've come to appreciate the fact that it's a site where people can actually disagree and be civil about it. Not perfect, of course, but during my time here, the heated arguments I've watched have generally ended with at least an agreement to disagree, and then let go. It's harder for that to happen in a big crowd.

Bêthberry 12-07-2010 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Ibrîniğilpathânezel (Post 644154)
Oh, no, I'm not forgetting . . . . I guess I just don't want to see it happen again. I may not be the most active member of the Downs, but I've come to appreciate the fact that it's a site where people can actually disagree and be civil about it. Not perfect, of course, but during my time here, the heated arguments I've watched have generally ended with at least an agreement to disagree, and then let go. It's harder for that to happen in a big crowd.

No matter how large the crowd was back in the day, the Mods and Admins were always on top of things, long before there was the Reputations system to consider. And the chat room became the natural outlet for humorous ridicule.

Of course, Downers themselves often "policed" matters and strenuously proclaimed the quality of the conversation here. That could well happen again. Consider this chestnut: Rimbaud's (sp?): The Phantom Menace. It is quite amazing what a well-aimed trout and a little humour can do.

Mister Underhill 12-07-2010 01:52 PM

Actually this thread takes me back to the pre-movie days, when we used to compete for the top spot on the Tolkien-ranking site with (the now defunct, I think) Minas Tirith. Then one day the Spanish language site El Senor de los Anillos rose up through the rankings and whipped everyone by a wide margin. There were accusations of voting irregularities; it got a little ugly. :p

After the movie rush (we fared better than some sites, at least in part, I think, as Snowdog mentions, because of our book-oriented theme) we were less eager to seek out extra attention.

The movies will probably bring an influx of new members which could make things bumpy for a time, but if last time around was any indication, after the wave recedes many treasures will have washed up on our shores. The new films might also reactivate some long dormant members (fingers crossed).

Morthoron 12-07-2010 02:10 PM

The Barrow Downs, antecedent and cognomen of a subterranean Wraithish hold, is a 'found' treasure. One doesn't merely walk into the Barrow Downs lightly based on a frivolous whim or, worse yet, due to some silly poll. One takes one's time and becomes acclimated to the dim surroundings and eccentric twists and turns the discussions wend upon. This place is not for the faint of heart. :D

Even I eased into these famed fora. Why, it took me nearly a week of getting my bearings before I got into an argument with davem! ;)

Nerwen 12-07-2010 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Mister Underhill (Post 644158)
The movies will probably bring an influx of new members which could make things bumpy for a time, but if last time around was any indication, after the wave recedes many treasures will have washed up on our shores. The new films might also reactivate some long dormant members (fingers crossed).

Look, don't take me too seriously, okay?;)

I have to tell you, though, I was actually inspired by my search for Questionable Thread Titles– those early threads are a goldmine.

Mister Underhill 12-07-2010 11:09 PM

Yes, treasures all in that thread. In my experience there's nothing like a swooning Legolas-lover to inspire creativity. The Scandalous Incident of the My Pretty Pony RPG may serve as an illustrative example.

I doubt that the wave inspired by The Hobbit will have quite the same quality, however. It hardly seems likely, for example, that Thorin Oakenshield will inspire legions of fangurls.

Mnemosyne 12-07-2010 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Mister Underhill (Post 644184)
I doubt that the wave inspired by The Hobbit will have quite the same quality, however. It hardly seems likely, for example, that Thorin Oakenshield will inspire legions of fangurls.

Bard, on the other hand... *waggles eyebrows suggestively*

Bêthberry 12-08-2010 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 644183)
Look, don't take me too seriously, okay?;)

I have to tell you, though, I was actually inspired by my search for Questionable Thread Titles– those early threads are a goldmine.

I think it's probably quite applicable, Nerwen, to think of the ages of the Barrow Downs in terms of Tolkien's own First Age, Second Age, Third Age, etc. :D

Some of those goldmines belong to a very primitive age while others clearly show the consequences of bad oaths and desperate searching after gems. But the eldar have faded and so now we have the Age of . . . Werewolves. ;)


Originally Posted by Mister Underhill
Yes, treasures all in that thread. In my experience there's nothing like a swooning Legolas-lover to inspire creativity. The Scandalous Incident of the My Pretty Pony RPG may serve as an illustrative example.

Or what Zones for Ops inspired!

EDIT: My Pretty Pony led directly to REB, did it not?

Mister Underhill 12-09-2010 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Bêthberry (Post 644216)
EDIT: My Pretty Pony led directly to REB, did it not?

Did it? Miss Esty will be able to answer that more accurately than I can. I remember there was another animal-themed RPG which started in '02, The Simian Shadow of Far Harad, but I can't recall for sure now if that was a sort of act of penance or just a coincidence. Anyhow, after a promising start on what I thought was a very intriguing premise, it petered out rather quickly. This was back when our RPG section was still the Wild West. The first post of REB went up shortly after the New Year in '03.

Mithadan 12-10-2010 06:35 PM

Did somebody say Ponies? Fine bit of writing there, ayuh!

Mithalwen 12-11-2010 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by Mister Underhill (Post 644184)
I doubt that the wave inspired by The Hobbit will have quite the same quality, however. It hardly seems likely, for example, that Thorin Oakenshield will inspire legions of fangurls.

His actor does. Or rather a more discerning fanwoman. :Merisu: . Yea even here. Mister Underhill, you have clearly never heard of the Armitage Army and its various splinter groups but you may yet.

Mister Underhill 12-11-2010 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 644501)
His actor does. Or rather a more discerning fanwoman. :Merisu: . Yea even here. Mister Underhill, you have clearly never heard of the Armitage Army and its various splinter groups but you may yet.

Brr! Foes that would, no doubt, freeze my heart, or lay this little site in ruin, if it were not guarded ceaselessly.

Anyway, since I wrote the above the latest rumor to break is that Orly is set for a return that's "more than just a cameo", so... :rolleyes:

Snowdog 12-15-2010 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by Mister Underhill (Post 644158)
Actually this thread takes me back to the pre-movie days, when we used to compete for the top spot on the Tolkien-ranking site with (the now defunct, I think) Minas Tirith. Then one day the Spanish language site El Senor de los Anillos rose up through the rankings and whipped everyone by a wide margin. There were accusations of voting irregularities; it got a little ugly. :p

After the movie rush (we fared better than some sites, at least in part, I think, as Snowdog mentions, because of our book-oriented theme) we were less eager to seek out extra attention.

The movies will probably bring an influx of new members which could make things bumpy for a time, but if last time around was any indication, after the wave recedes many treasures will have washed up on our shores. The new films might also reactivate some long dormant members (fingers crossed).

Well said Mister Underhill. I see by your join date that you too go back to the EZ Board Barrow. I was there too but never got my date changed when the new Barrow was dug out. I remember 25 Hobbits too, and think I voted for both this site and Minas, being I've been a member of both roughly the same amount of time. (They're still around BTW but you're more likely to get into a flame war over Obama or Wikileaks than talk Tolkien these days). This place has been steady, and though I find it hard to try and conform to the stringent rules and regulations of RP here, there has been some well-constructed collaborative writing here over the years.

Yes, with the new movie there will be a wave of interest washing over Tolkien cyberworld, though not as big as the tsunami of 2001-2003. After the mayhem and destruction, gems will remain when the rest washes back out. One thing this coming new wave of 13 year olds will do will be to show the twenty-somethings how annoying they were back in the day with the rabid fandom ... that is if they have an actor as popular as Orlando was then. In the end, it's all good. It could be interesting to see what would happen should this place get on board the popularity poll, and again, maybe not.

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