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doug*platypus 12-18-2003 09:36 PM

Worst Line in ROTK
<I>The Return of the King</I> was much better than the previous movies in terms of poor dialogue being added. But there's still some really great efforts. The Witch-King comes through again, with such magnificently unnecessary rubbish as:<BR> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Feast on his flesh! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

faenaduial 12-18-2003 09:53 PM

Worst line of the movie for me was Frodo's line on the winding stair:<P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>Go home Sam. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Knight of Gondor 12-18-2003 10:00 PM

The first "bad line" is admittedly a little unusual, but the second example (Go home Sam) is only bad because it doesn't follow the books very well at all. That whole wedge between Frodo and Sam (while did make some sense) wasn't in the books. But I still thought it was a good line based on the circumstances.

Diamond18 12-18-2003 10:34 PM

Legolas: "A diversion!"<BR>*light pops on over head*

Orual 12-18-2003 10:52 PM

Hah! I agree with Diamond. A new play, perhaps? "Legolas Explains It All"?<P>What on earth were the writers thinking? "Huh, this might not be clear enough. Let's have Legolas sum it up, he's just standing around looking pretty in this scene anyway."<P>Well, I certainly wouldn't have gotten it if Legolas hadn't explained it for me. Thanks, Legolas!

Gorwingel 12-18-2003 11:42 PM

Yeah I have to say that Legolas was most definitely Mr. Obvious in this film. Especially before they took the Paths of the Dead. The line that I probably most loathed was the “The way is blocked because it was made by those who are dead”. When he said that I was like “Duh! Sherlock”. And why did they have to repeat that line over and over again? Legolas says it once and the King of the Dead says it twice. It just really bugged me because I am not dumb, and I don’t think that the average movie goer is so dumb that they have to hear the same line repeated over and over again to understand what is going on.

Lyta_Underhill 12-19-2003 01:02 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>Yeah I have to say that Legolas was most definitely Mr. Obvious in this film.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I think Legolas is Mr. Obvious in all the films! (Great name, <B>Gorwingel</B>! I think I'll use it in place of "Legolas!") <P>I am also amused (incongruously, really!) with Eowyn saying, "I'm going to save you!" to Theoden when he is lying under Snowmane. Under my breath, I muttered, "Get the horse off him!" <P>Cheers,<BR>Lyta

TheBladeThatWasBroken 12-19-2003 06:26 AM

Yes... Legolas's line was really a big "DUH!"

Jjudvven 12-19-2003 12:27 PM

I'd have to agree with the "A diversion!" line. That just seemed WAY to obvious to me also. <P>Although I also agree with the first poster about the "Feast on his Flesh". That seemed a little too cheesy for me. <P>And the stupidest line in the whole thing was, as many of you seem to think as well: "Go home Sam." I thought that was really stupid and useless, but oh well.

Iris Alantiel 12-19-2003 01:51 PM

I really couldn't stand the line, "Don't let go, Mr. Frodo. Don't you dare let go!"<P>I know it was a beautiful and dramatic, climactic moment, but I couldn't help thinking, "I'll never let go, Jack, I'll never let go". And then "My Heart Will Go On" started playing in the background . . .

Finwe 12-19-2003 01:56 PM

I think that the worst line in the movie was "Go home, Sam," because Frodo and Sam are just NOT meant to be separated! You can't have Frodo without Sam! You just can't! That really pi$$ed me off!

Sapphire_Flame 12-19-2003 03:24 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>I think that the worst line in the movie was "Go home, Sam," because Frodo and Sam are just NOT meant to be separated! You can't have Frodo without Sam! You just can't!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>Hear, hear!<P>Abedithon le,<P>~*~Aranel~*~

Luthien_ Tinuviel 12-19-2003 06:05 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> What on earth were the writers thinking? "Huh, this might not be clear enough. Let's have Legolas sum it up, he's just standing around looking pretty in this scene anyway."<BR> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>I thought just standing around looking pretty and giving obvious lines was Leggy's whole purpose? <P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Frodo and Sam are just NOT meant to be separated! You can't have Frodo without Sam! You just can't! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Of course you can't. That's why Sam had to even follow him to Tol Eressea. That, I think, may partially be what that added scene was trying to prove.<P>But I think the worst lines were probably "Feast on his flesh" (unnescessary gruesomeness and all-around weirdness), "Get up!" (see the "Poking Pippin" thread), and I dislike "Go home, Sam" simply because it's sad, but not really because it wasn't in the books.

lindil 12-19-2003 07:32 PM

Elrond saying the ring is killing Arwen did it for me.

Hobblefoot 12-19-2003 08:11 PM

The only disappointing part of TROTK was definitely when Frodo got caught in Shelob's web, for me at least. The part where he said, "It's sticky!! ...What is it?" -I laughed outloud then, so this is my contribution for "Worst Quote".

Beruthiel 12-19-2003 09:18 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> It's sticky!! ...What is it? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Yes, definitely worst quote from the movie! What was he thinking? It was so funny watching Frodo's face, so serious and scared while he was saying something so stupid as that quote!<P>Legolas' " A diversion" comes close behind that one. Leggy seems to have acheived a new standard of stating the obvious.

Elfchick7 12-19-2003 09:32 PM

Ya'll, I got to go to trilogy tuesday!!!! I made a dress and everything. Aaaaaaaanyway, I thought the "A diversion" was pretty stupid, I mean I actually yelled out "duh" during the movie. An I knpw this sin't a line buuuuuut I was sooooooooooo angry when I discovered that P.J. had the nerve to cut out the house of healing. I am sure that anyone who did not know the story of Eowyn and Faramir left the movie saying, "So did Eowyn ever get over Aragorn and what happened to Faramir, how did he deal with all of that, and why did Merry and Eowyn heal so incredably fast?"

lore_master 12-19-2003 09:35 PM

when legolas said his line about the way is blocked... blah blah blah, he was reading the inscription on the the entrance. <P>but the worst line for me was Eowyn's i'll save you thing

Diamond18 12-19-2003 09:59 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>he was reading the inscription on the the entrance.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Right—I was about to really condemn that line until I noticed the hieroglyphs over the door. So it wasn't that bad. Otherwise, that would have ranked right up there with "A red sun rises, blood has been spilt this night!"

Jjudvven 12-19-2003 10:15 PM

holy s***! I didn't even realize he was reading!!! How friggin stupid of me!!!! LOL!!!<P>Thanks for clearing that up for me guys... lol.... that really helps out that part of the movie for me at least... <P>

Gorwingel 12-19-2003 11:49 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>when Legolas said his line about the way is blocked... blah blah blah, he was reading the inscription on the the entrance.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Thank you Tolkien Language Scholars for clearing that up I would have never noticed that, but I still think that the line was repeated way too much.

Nienna, sister of Feanturi 12-20-2003 06:53 AM

The one moment in the film in which I felt like strangling Peter Jackson was when Frodo was drinking and he said" there won't be enough for the return journey" and Sam said " I don't think there's going to BE a return journey"- that's the wrong way around!! Frodo despairs and Sam always has hope, thats the WHOLE POINT! Perhaps I misheard or something, I mean how is it possible that the script writers could have got it so wrong? It nearly ruined the whole film for me- however I forgave PJ everything when I heard Pippin's song...

Cinderella 12-20-2003 02:00 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> "It's sticky... what is it?" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Legolas' "A diversion!" was pretty bad too... But no one here can say that the 'sticky' line didn't make them laugh and think of something entirely inappropiate for this thread . It was really just hilarious.<P>The "Go home Sam" line really didn't bother me at all. Though non-canonical I though it worked quite well for the movie and added to the drama of Sam saving Frodo.

mark12_30 12-20-2003 03:14 PM

Considering that much of what he had experienced so far was either sheer rock, dust and ashes, or swamp, I didn't find the "It's sticky" line funny or surprising (well, new-susprising, but not ridiculous.) Maybe that's because I do my share of walking in the woods in the dark, no lights, wondering "what was that...?" I grew up on "Spider Island". I've run into more than one spiderweb at night in the woods, in boathouses, in sheds. I didn't think the line was bad at all.

Failivrin 12-20-2003 03:44 PM

"I have sent him to his death"- Gandalf- that was TERRIBLE. Gandalf doesn't despair.<P>"Are you going to leave me?"- Merry- i was in raptures when i heard the first bit of that line and i htought it was going to be "are you going to bury me?" but they completely ruined it by changing one of the most beautiful lines i nthe books.<P>and all of the ones you have said plus Theoden "you already have." that was the obligatory disgusting Harry Potter closing line of the film.<P>you know how the HP films always have a sickening close? well i feel that the Theoden one was such a line just as was Pippin's "we won't get caught- not this time" in TTT.

QuickSlash 12-20-2003 05:53 PM

Lindil, you summed up my largest disappointment with this film. I don't remember the exact words, but I couldn't stand Elrond telling Aragorn that Arwen is *dying*, that her fate is tied to that of the ring, and that she wanes while Sauron's power grows. Peter Jackson, what were you thinking? Or were you thinking at all?

The Silver-shod Muse 12-20-2003 06:19 PM

I don't remember the exact words, but the Eowyn-Theoden conversation is absolutely dreadful. It felt as if they were both just repeating themselves over and over again. I could feel the audience getting restless.<P>For me the worst was "Go home Sam". Yeah, sure Mr. Frodo. I'll just skip on back home and trim the hedges till you get back.

Fíriel of Ao Tea Roa 12-20-2003 08:20 PM

Besides the "A red sun rises, blood has been spilt this night!" (ouch), I highly despised the scene when Gandalf hits Pippin with the staff, after the Hobbit had offered his service to the Steward. <P>Besides a cheap laugh I can see no reason for that?!

randomhobbit42 12-21-2003 12:58 AM

"a distraction", "go home, sam", "the ring is killing her"...and finally "i would very much like to see that old ring of mine"-- Bilbo Baggins...he did look old though

Cinderella 12-21-2003 11:35 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> and finally "i would very much like to see that old ring of mine" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P> That line is actually from the book.

Lost One 12-21-2003 12:20 PM

I also didn't take to the Theoden-Eowyn scene, though mostly because it was another one of 'Eomer's Missing Scenes'.

Arothir 12-21-2003 12:20 PM

Wow, no one mentioned Denethor's "Can you sing?" line. And Theoden's speech before the Pelennor was stupid. He sounded like a madman.

Kalimac 12-21-2003 01:18 PM

"Can you sing" is also from the book, although in that case Pippin doesn't actually have to sing, much to his relief. <P>I agree with Mark12_30 - the "It's sticky" line didn't bother me at all - Frodo's keyed up enough that he'll make statements like that. Besides, I can't really criticize the realism of it. I once had a time where I was going to catch a long-distance train at night in a very badly lit station with wiiiiide gaps between the train steps and the platform. I fell down between the two and ended up caught and wedged against the platform side, and I swear the first words out of my mouth were "What is this, concrete?" as if I hadn't known before. (Sorry about the personal detour - just meant to show that people under that kind of suprise-stress can say fairly redundant things).<P>My votes for the two stupidest lines would be "Feast on his flesh" just because it's pointless (presumably the Fell Beast is not planning to simply give Theoden a kiss and say "Good night, sweet prince.") The other one I disliked was "He is here," when Aragorn and Legolas are standing outside and Pippin is inside with the Palantir roaring away. Let's see, you hear the bone-chilling sounds that are unmistakably those of the Eye, and the building is starting to rattle as if some incredibly evil force were at work inside. You think the Dark Lord might be doing something here? Really?

Luthien_ Tinuviel 12-21-2003 01:22 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> when Legolas said his line about the way is blocked... blah blah blah, he was reading the inscription on the the entrance. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Yes, I noticed that, too. Although I don't think a "Tolkien Language Scholar" would be able to read it anymore than any of us would (unless there is a language scholar among us on this thread), because it seems to me that they just made it up, along with the weird Arabic-type writing that the Haradrim supposedly use (seen on the war-paint of the Oliphaunts, for instance).<P>I didn't really have any problem with the 'sticky' line, either. It seemed sort of light in Shelob's Lair, but that's so that we could see what was going on, not for Frodo's benefit. I doubt he had that much light to see by. And yes, like Helen said, when you come upon something mysterious at night in an unfamiliar place outdoors, it's pretty spooky, and logic doesn't exactly set in. Plus, would Frodo truly <B>expect</B> Gollum to lead him into the lair of a giant spider? <P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Wow, no one mentioned Denethor's "Can you sing?" line. And Theoden's speech before the Pelennor was stupid. He sounded like a madman. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>I had no problem with either of those. Pippin's song was beautiful, and it was a powerful scene. As far as I can see, it shows up some of Denethor's bitterness, and the fact that he might be having inner regrets at sending Faramir to his death (though probably unconcious regrets), so he is agitated to the point of distraction. Or at least that's the way I saw it.<P>As for Theoden's speech, I found that pleasing, and besides, he was a madman, to certain extent. He was battle-fey. I think that PJ does a pretty good job of betraying it when people are fey.<P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> For me the worst was "Go home Sam". Yeah, sure Mr. Frodo. I'll just skip on back home and trim the hedges till you get back.<BR> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>I still don't mind the line, but after seeing it twice, I do realize how illogical that really is. Sam has no food, what is he supposed to do and where is he supposed to go? But I think they can both be excused, considering that they are both so upset at that point, and also because of their later actions. The scene works, there's no doubt about that.<p>[ 2:37 PM December 21, 2003: Message edited by: Luthien_ Tinuviel ]

King_Elessar 12-21-2003 01:22 PM

I think probably <P>'A diversion!' ~ Legolas. I agree about the 'Mr.Obvious'! <P>And also:<P>'Arwen is dying' ~ Elrond. Elrond, for heavens sake, Aragorn and Arwen love each other. That is not going to change, so don't try to get Aragorn all messed up by telling him that his hearts desire is dying! <P>~King_Elessar~

Elentári_O_Most_Mighty_1 12-21-2003 01:47 PM

I thought that Orc's lines which went along the lines of 'enter the city. Kill all in your path,' were fairly ridiculous. I mean, duh, the orcs aren't going to leave them alive now are they????!!!!<BR>And Legolas' line was frankly rather amusing...*sniggers*.<BR>But I liked his line about Sauron when the whole palantír thing was going shows he has pretty good eyesight, if nothing else . I mean- would you be able to see the red eye moving all the way over in Mordor if you were in Edoras?!

Rose Cotton 12-21-2003 01:47 PM

This just sounds like a bunch of nitpicking to me. You're all adressing lines that, although they might not all be Tolkien they add to the tension and emotion of the story. (with perhaps the exeption of "A diversion")<P>And yet you don't mention lines that are only thrown in there for comic relief. <P>coughcoughcoughGimlicoughcoughcough<P>Not that I don't agree with all of this. I do feel that it was wrong for Sam to admit that there might not be a journey home.

doug*platypus 12-21-2003 03:35 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> You're all adressing lines that, although they might not all be Tolkien they add to the tension and emotion of the story. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Actually, I think the ironic thing about PJs version of the story is his over-insistence on dialogue. Numerous complaints have been made about how impossible it is to turn such an epic into a film, but this could have been done more efficiently and effectively with visuals. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Feast on his flesh! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>is <B>absolutely unnecessary</B> since a shot of the Fell Beast perching on Snowmane would have accomplished the same thing but on a deeper and more believable level. Sure, we got to see the beasties picking up horses before. But I think we really missed out by not seeing the ugly beast of the Witch-King perched on top of the King of Rohan's beautiful horse. How could you pass up an opportunity like that? Added tension? I don't think so. Added emotion? What's the name of that emotion that makes you cringe when you hear terrible dialogue? That whole scene is a nightmare. Éowyn wants to save Théoden, but he says: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> You already did. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Um... did she? Which part of the movie was that in? Don't give me that "wait for the extended edition" stuff, either. movieÉowyn had absolutely nothing to do with saving movieThéoden. PJ dismissed that idea by simplifying it all to his being possessed by Saruman, thus painting himself into yet another corner that he didn't want to be in. Of course, being a big-time Star Wars fan I did appreciate the homage. It was also nice to hear the classic <I>falling stormtrooper death yell</I>, and I thought it was nice of Gandalf to imitate Jar-Jar Binks with: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Steady! Steady! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Eowyn_Wildfire 12-22-2003 11:57 AM

I hate aragons spech at his corination something like "this day does not belong tojust one man...." It just sounded corny comparing it to his "This day we fight" speach.<P>the book line is ever so much better<BR>"by the labor and valor of many I have some to my inheritance. In token of this I would have Ring-bearer bring the crown to me, and let Mithrandir set it upon my head if he will for he has been the mover of all things that have been acomplished, and this is his victory"<p>[ 1:03 PM December 22, 2003: Message edited by: Eowyn_Wildfire ]

Eowyn_Wildfire 12-22-2003 12:16 PM

"A red sun rises, blood has been spilt this night!" it one of my favorite of legolas lines! Its not his fault he got all the crapy lines.

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