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HerenIstarion 02-14-2001 10:22 AM

Let us have separate thread for a 'chanted' quotes. Here it comes:

The dragon is withered,
His bones are now crumbled;
His armour is shivered,
His splendour is humbled!
Though sword shall be rusted,
And throne and crown perish
With strength that men trusted
And wealth that they cherish,
Here grass is still growing,
And leaves are yet swinging,
The white water flowing,
And elves are yet singing
Come! Tra-la-la-lally!
Come back to the valley!

The stars are far brighter
Than gems without measure,
The moon is far whiter
Than silver in treasure:
The fire is more shining
On hearth in the gloaming
Than gold won by mining,
So why go a-roaming?
O! Tra-la-la-lally
Come back to the Valley.

O! Where are you going,
So late in returning?
The river is flowing,
The stars are all burning!
O! Whither so laden,
So sad and so dreary?
Here elf and elf-maiden
Now welcome the weary
With Tra-la-la-lally
Come back to the Valley,

who + all the circumstances

Voronwe 02-14-2001 03:30 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 156
Re: encantations... ?

The Elves, in Rivendell, when Bilbo and Gandalf arrive back from the Lonely Mountain.

<font size="2">"For Aldarion had become enamoured of the Great Sea, and of a ship riding there alone without sight of land, borne by the winds with foam at its throat to coasts and havens unguessed; and that love and desire never left him until his life's end."</p>

HerenIstarion 02-15-2001 10:53 AM

Correct :)

Voronwe 02-15-2001 02:39 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 160
Re: encantations... ?

Ok then, who spoke these lines? (I have just given a snippet to make it a little harder)

<blockquote>Quote:<hr> They have passed like rain on the mountain, like a wind in the meadow;
The days have gone down in the west behind the hills into shaddow.<hr></blockquote>

<font size="2">"For Aldarion had become enamoured of the Great Sea, and of a ship riding there alone without sight of land, borne by the winds with foam at its throat to coasts and havens unguessed; and that love and desire never left him until his life's end."</p>Edited by: <A HREF=>Voronwe</A> at: 2/15/01 3:40:04 pm

Sharkû 02-15-2001 04:16 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hungry Ghoul
Posts: 643
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
Re: encantations... ?

&quot;Who shall gather the smoke of the dead wood burning
Or behold the flowing years from the Sea returning?&quot;

Aragorn sung this lament of the Rohirrim for Éorl the Young in front of Edoras.


Voronwe 02-16-2001 12:02 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 164
Re: encantations... ?

Exactly. Ask away, Sharku.

<font size="2">"For Aldarion had become enamoured of the Great Sea, and of a ship riding there alone without sight of land, borne by the winds with foam at its throat to coasts and havens unguessed; and that love and desire never left him until his life's end."</p>

Sharkû 02-16-2001 01:28 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hungry Ghoul
Posts: 648
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
Re: encantations... ?

O fading town upon an island hill!
Old shadows linger in thine ancient gate.
Thy robe is grey, thy old heart now is still
Thy towers silent in the mists await their crumbling end
While through the storeyed elms
These gliding black waters leave these inland realms
And slip between long meadows to the Sea
Still bearing downward over murmurous falls
One day and then another to the Sea
And slowly thither many years have gone
Since first the Elves here built ancient, renown ....?

(any mistakes I may have made above I beg to excuse as I did not bother to look the song up in the book)


Voronwe 02-17-2001 03:37 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 169
Re: encantations... ?


I think this is from the poem 'Kortirion amoung the trees'.

<font size="2">"For Aldarion had become enamoured of the Great Sea, and of a ship riding there alone without sight of land, borne by the winds with foam at its throat to coasts and havens unguessed; and that love and desire never left him until his life's end."</p>

Sharkû 02-17-2001 07:11 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hungry Ghoul
Posts: 654
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
Re: encantations... ?

Exactly. Ask on, Voronwe!


Voronwe 02-17-2001 12:18 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 174
Re: encantations... ?

Who spoke these words, and who are they about?

<blockquote>Quote:<hr> Enchantment healed his weary feet
That over hills were doomed to roam;
And forth he hastened, strong and fleet,
And grasped at moonbeams glistening.<hr></blockquote>

<font size="2">"For Aldarion had become enamoured of the Great Sea, and of a ship riding there alone without sight of land, borne by the winds with foam at its throat to coasts and havens unguessed; and that love and desire never left him until his life's end."</p>

Sharkû 02-17-2001 12:28 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hungry Ghoul
Posts: 659
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
Re: encantations... ?

The scheme sounds like that of the Song of Tinúviel sung by Strider...


Voronwe 02-18-2001 11:57 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 175
Re: encantations... ?

Correct. The words quoted are actually about Beren.

Ask away!

<font size="2">"For Aldarion had become enamoured of the Great Sea, and of a ship riding there alone without sight of land, borne by the winds with foam at its throat to coasts and havens unguessed; and that love and desire never left him until his life's end."</p>

Sharkû 02-18-2001 12:09 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hungry Ghoul
Posts: 670
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
Re: encantations... ?

Who sang

&quot;Grey ship, grey ship, do yo hear them calling,
The voives of my people that have gone before me?&quot;


HerenIstarion 02-18-2001 12:57 PM

Aye, one of my best loved songs of ME. Legolas in Ithilien.

'To the Sea...'

Sharkû 02-18-2001 12:57 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hungry Ghoul
Posts: 675
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
Re: encantations... ?

Correct. Ask us!


HerenIstarion 02-18-2001 01:08 PM

Eärendil was a mariner
that tarried in Arvernien;
he built a boat of timber felled
in Nimbrethil to journey in;
her sails he wove of silver fair,
of silver were her lanterns made,
her prow was fashioned like a swan,
and light upon her banners laid.

and so on and on and on and on...

KayQy 02-18-2001 01:55 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Haunting Spirit
Posts: 95
Re: encantations... ?

This was written and sung by Bilbo in Rivendell (with a little help from Aragorn: &quot;upon his breast an emerald&quot;).

But tell me, who are you, alone, yourself and nameless?</p>

HerenIstarion 02-18-2001 02:28 PM

Correct. Carry on

Sharkû 02-18-2001 02:30 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hungry Ghoul
Posts: 683
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
Re: encantations... ?

I know it: Manowar sung this in the likewise named song 'Carry On' on the album 'Fighting the World'


HerenIstarion 02-18-2001 02:33 PM

:D Figthing, fighting fighting the World, I'll be fighting the world!

But better still is the song where the letter is read from father to son - Fight Proud, My Son etc

Sharkû 02-18-2001 02:35 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hungry Ghoul
Posts: 684
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
Re: encantations... ?

<img src=laugh.gif ALT=":lol"> &quot;You're the defender God has sent!&quot;

Or the Warrior's prayer...<img src=biggrin.gif ALT=":D">


KayQy 02-19-2001 02:12 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 110
Re: encantations... ?

Double, double, toil and trouble...
Wait a minute! Wrong poetic genius!

Ok, here's an excerpt:
<blockquote>Quote:<hr> The elven-ship in haven grey
Beneath the mountain-lee
Awaited her for many a day
Beside the roaring sea.

A wind by night in Northern lands
Arose, and loud it cried,
And drove the ship from elven-strands
Across the straming tide.

When dawn came dim the land was lost,
The mountains sinking grey
Beyond the having waves that tosses
Their plumes of blinding spray.

But tell me, who are you, alone, yourself and nameless?</p>

Sharkû 02-19-2001 02:54 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hungry Ghoul
Posts: 692
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
Re: encantations... ?

From the Song of Nimrodel recited by Strider?

<h6>Ah, listen to them... the children of the night... what sweet music they make...</h6></p>

KayQy 02-23-2001 04:21 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 112
Re: encantations... ?

The song is right, but it wasn't Strider.

But tell me, who are you, alone, yourself and nameless?</p>

HerenIstarion 02-23-2001 12:14 PM

Legolas sung it

KayQy 02-23-2001 02:35 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 124
Re: encantations... ?

Very good! Now, which of you two brilliant phantoms wants to take it from here, since you each got half? First come, first served, or would you rather duel it out? (Although HI, you seem to have lost your sword...) <img src=wink.gif ALT=";)">

But tell me, who are you, alone, yourself and nameless?</p>

HerenIstarion 02-24-2001 09:50 AM

You judge, since you asked the question

(btw, the sword is not far off ;))

Sharkû 02-24-2001 01:31 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hungry Ghoul
Posts: 704
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
Re: encantations... ?

Give us one, Heren. I'm too lazy anyway <img src=wink.gif ALT=";)">

<h6>Ah, listen to them... the children of the night... what sweet music they make...</h6></p>

HerenIstarion 02-25-2001 03:39 AM

All right, than here it comes:


Under the Mountain dark and tall
The King has come unto his hall!
His foe is dead, the Worm of Dread,
And ever so his foes shall fall.

The sword is sharp, the spear is long,
The arrow swift, the Gate is strong;
The heart is bold that looks on gold;
The dwarves no more shall suffer wrong.

The dwarves of yore made mighty spells,
While hammers fell like ringing bells
In places deep, where dark things sleep,
In hollow halls beneath the fells.

On silver necklaces they strung
The light of stars, on crowns they hung
The dragon-fire, from twisted wire
The melody of harps they wrung.

The mountain throne once more is freed!
O! wandering folk, the summons heed!
Come haste! Come haste! across the waste!
The king of friend and kin has need.

Now call we over mountains cold,
'Come hack unto the caverns old'!
Here at the Gates the king awaits,
His hands are rich with gems and gold.

The king is come unto his hall
Under the Mountain dark and tall.
The Worm of Dread is slain and dead,
And ever so our foes shall fall!
whom and where

Voronwe 02-25-2001 05:40 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 188
Re: encantations... ?

The dwarves of The Hobbit, in a song made for Thorin at the lonely mountain?

<font size="2">"For Aldarion had become enamoured of the Great Sea, and of a ship riding there alone without sight of land, borne by the winds with foam at its throat to coasts and havens unguessed; and that love and desire never left him until his life's end."</p>

HerenIstarion 02-26-2001 09:32 AM

Correct. Sing on

HerenIstarion 04-04-2001 11:07 AM

I can't stand this thread dying out quietly, and, hoping Voronwe will forgive me, am taking the banner on:


Out of doubt, out of dark to the day’s rising
I came singing in the sun, sword unsheathing.
To hope’s end I rode and to heart’s breaking:
Now for wrath, now for ruin and a red nightfall

Sharkû 04-04-2001 02:36 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hungry Ghoul
Posts: 829
Re: encantations... ?

That is Théoden King, charging into the Pelennor.
Always gives me a shiver.


HerenIstarion 04-06-2001 02:19 AM

Right place, and king truly chanted it, yet not Theoden

Suldaledhel 04-06-2001 03:12 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Shade of Carn Dûm
Posts: 302
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: encantations... ?

Eomer said it leading the men of Rohan after Theoden's fatal encounter with the Witch-King.

They all gazed at him. His hair was white as snow in the sunshine; and gleaming white was his robe; the eyes under his deep brows were bright, piercing as the rays of the sun; power was in his hand. Between wonder, joy, and fear they found no words to say. 'I have passed through fire and deep water, since we parted. I have forgotten much that I thought I knew, and learned much that I had forgotten. I can see things far off, but many things close at hand I cannot see. I shall tell you of my tales at <a href=>Sûldal's Keep</a> ." </p>

HerenIstarion 04-06-2001 08:06 AM

Correct, proceed

Suldaledhel 04-06-2001 09:05 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Shade of Carn Dûm
Posts: 303
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: encantations...

<blockquote>Quote:<hr> &quot;Gil-galad was an Elven-king.
Of him the harpers sadly sing:
the last whose realm was fair and free
between the Mountains and the Sea.

His sword was long, his lance was keen,
his shining helm afar was seen
the countless stars of heaven's field
were mirrored in his silver shield.

But long ago he rode away,
and where he dwelleth none can say;
for into darkness fell his star
in Mordor where the shadows are.

Who said it and what was going on at the time?

They all gazed at him. His hair was white as snow in the sunshine; and gleaming white was his robe; the eyes under his deep brows were bright, piercing as the rays of the sun; power was in his hand. Between wonder, joy, and fear they found no words to say. 'I have passed through fire and deep water, since we parted. I have forgotten much that I thought I knew, and learned much that I had forgotten. I can see things far off, but many things close at hand I cannot see. I shall tell you of my tales at <a href=>Sûldal's Keep</a> ." </p>

Beregond 04-06-2001 12:56 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Haunting Spirit
Posts: 56
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: encantations...

Sam, and he was singing it either at Midgewater, or on Weathertop, when the Hobbits and Strider were camped out. <img src=smile.gif ALT=":)">


Suldaledhel 04-06-2001 01:19 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Shade of Carn Dûm
Posts: 306
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: encantations...

Of course, continue as you will..

They all gazed at him. His hair was white as snow in the sunshine; and gleaming white was his robe; the eyes under his deep brows were bright, piercing as the rays of the sun; power was in his hand. Between wonder, joy, and fear they found no words to say. 'I have passed through fire and deep water, since we parted. I have forgotten much that I thought I knew, and learned much that I had forgotten. I can see things far off, but many things close at hand I cannot see. I shall tell you of my tales at <a href=>Sûldal's Keep</a> ." </p>

Beregond 04-06-2001 01:39 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Haunting Spirit
Posts: 66
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: encantations...

<blockquote>Quote:<hr> The finest rockets ever seen:
they burst in stars of blue and green,
or after thunder golden showers
came falling like a rain of flowers.<hr></blockquote>

Who said this, and when?


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