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Mithalwen 01-06-2009 12:06 PM

T-I-G LV Sing when you're winning
It was that difficult time after the Yuletide celebrations when even the most amicable families, rendered irritable by a surfeit of food and too little exercise during the short , bitterly cold days, could fall into arguing. The royal house of Dol Amroth was no exception. Imrahil, delighted though he was that the peaceful days since the Return of the King permitted his large and expanding extended family to spend the feast time together at his palace but even a palace could feel small when filled with grandchildren and great warriors who had not quite found a way as satisfactory as hewing orc necks to vent their spleen.

Of course the argument was trivial they always are and Imrahil to his regret had started it claiming that the finest singers came from his own land. He had stated it as a matter of common knowledge and had expected not contradiction - at least not from his nephew, Faramir. They normally were in accord but now he was making the claim of the people of his own princedom, saying that renewed contact with the Elves of the Greenwood had enriched their Musicmaking. Then his son in law spoke of the great tradition of his own people and the minstrels of the Rohirrim. Imrahil had looked to his wife for support but she had made a hasty exit claiming an urgent need to check that Alphros was not teasing his younger cousins too much.

Then his sister, inevitably, had had her say. Even venerable lords of noble house have at times to defer to their elder siblings.

"The elves I am sure would claim that even in these latter days that they have singers finer than any among us mortals" said Ivriniel. "But there is one way to decide this. We will hold a contest and invite lands to send us their finest singers that the greatest of them all may be found"

"I think that is a bit extreme", said Imrahil,"and sounds expensive" he thought, besides where would we hold it? - too cold in the amphitheatre at this time of the year - and who would judge - he remembered with horror the controversy that had surrounded the "Gondor's got talent" contest last summer. It had been held in the lovely amphitheatre carved in to the cliff face below the walls of Dol Amroth but when it emerged that the popular vote vould not always change the opinion of the professional judges there had been and outcry and indeed scuffles, not to say near riots. All in all he was glad that no lives had actually been lost and there had been only superficial damage to the stone work.

Ivriniel replied "We can use the old assembly rooms in Rath Lindain. They were used for music plays in the past"

"They were till people started saying the building was haunted - I doubt you will get much of an audience"

"Nonsense Imrahil, fancy you listening to old wives' tales," (Imrahil felt it wise not to point out that his siaster could be so categorised herself). "And my friend, Mithalwen will adjudicate for she is in past of the Teleri who are great musicians and she has lived long in Middle Earth and dwellt amongst
Elves and Men and will see that all is done fairly. But the matter of the contest shall be decided amongst the singers for the judgement of their fellows is superior to any other and they shall vote among them each day til one only remains. They will be deemed the greatest singer in Middle Earth."

"But won't the Music critics mind that they are overlooked?", asked the Prince, grateful at least that his sister's hare-brained scheme should avoid a repeat of the fiasco of the previous contest .

"They may mind, but who cares? A critic is someone who thinks he knows the way but can't drive the cart. We don't need them".

There was no point in arguing with Ivriniel when she was in such a mood - Imrahil had learnt that in the nursery and reasoned with himself that if she were occupied with this project she would have less time for interfering in other things.

So it was arranged and 18 singers were sent to represent their lands - from the cities and regions of Gondor they came and from further afield - from the vales of Anduin and the Riddermark, and elf there came from Eriador and a MPD sufferer from icy Forodwaith. From the south there came a woman of Harad, and someone from the Morgul vale who looked as if he might have been a Nazgul. Strangest of all came a Wose of Druadan Forest. And they were ready to sing and decide who was the greatest of them all in the newly renames Opera House at Dol Amroth.

Last came the elf Mithalwen who was to adjudiacte. Her face was graver than ever as she sought the Lady Ivriniel.

"I am afraid my lady that your plans have gone awry - I have learnt that the Critics have decided to sabotage the competition in revenge for being excluded. By enchantment they have stolen the voices and identities of three of our contestants another they have corrupted to be their spy and abettor."

"What shall we do! We cannot cancel! Imrahil you must intervene!"

"No, sister dear this is of your making. You said that the singers must decide for themselves and that holds - they are best able to judge who are the imposters in their ranks - they merely have to identify the ones who ..err..'cannot drive the cart'. We shall close off the backstage area to all non participants save the lady Mithalwen. The singers will be comfortably accomodated in their dressing rooms. And we may listen and observe their discussions and hear them sing. But as to finding the critics they are on their own."

"Not quite alone" said Mithalwen, "two there are I deem who know each other so truly that no imposter may deceive them and they may seek to revenge an attack on the other, to another night will bring the truth of a stranger's identity. A fourth is so strong in self belief that no critic may harm them....and "..something made the elf pause.... "and I know no more" She looked around the strange old building.

"Very well.. if the show must go on ..let us be on with the show."

Mithalwen 01-06-2009 12:16 PM


You are the reps competing at the Dol Amroth Opera house to be Singer of Middle Earth.

I, Mithalwen am the contest adjudicator.

Due to recent voting scandals in the recent "Gondor's got Talent" contest. The contest will be decided by the participants - the judgement of one's peers being beyond reproach:Merisu:.

Each day the singers will debate and choose one of their number to leave the competition for good.

Unfortunately the music critics of Middle Earth, furious that thier opinions have been bypassed by the voting system have by enchantment stolen the identities and voices of three of the contestants.

The 3 Critics (wolves) - Critics do all the off stage slaughtering in the opera! - PM at night only Each night they will attack a singer who will be so traumatised that they will leave the contest (unless they are the Diva/Divo). They win when their number equal the number of non-wolves.

The critics will be helped by Walter Plinge (cobbler/spy) - a bitter and twisted singer who is spying for them. (Walter Plinge - the name is a theatre joke and should not be taken as gender identification - opera is a gender bending environment - if Walter gets referred to as he it is because it is a male name) Walter gets to spy on one other player each night and learns their role. This information is passed to the critic by a dead drop at the beiginning of the next night before Walter goes spying again. So the critics and Walter are ignorant of each other's identities. If Walter is "lynched" the wolves will obviously not receive the previous nights info.

On the other hand there are a, 2 singers (Soulmates) opera throws up some great partnerships and these two know each other so well that they cannot be decieved as to the other's identity. The may PM during day phases only.If one dies the other lives but may try to avenge them by taking out one other singer. . If they choose to strike at night they will conceal their identity. If during the day they will be revealed. Because this would be a crime passionnel not a reaction to direct attack on self their attack is effective against hapless ordo or gifted as well as Critic. NB As I said, opera is a mixed up world for gender and no restriction was placed on gender combination when drawing for these role.

b, one Singer-seer - a dreamer of dreamswho will learn the truth of a player's identity each night.
c, one Diva/divo ,A singer so great that they are impervious to the attacks of the critics (unless they become an overwhelming force at endgame) . May be "lynched" or killed in error by the avenging soulmate.

You get retractable votes and may double lynch though this isn't encourages. More than 2 and the moddess will flip coins or something.

Voting in bold on a new line preceded by ++


++ Mithalwen


-- Mithalwen

++ Erenor

You may start talking and I extend the dead line to 6.30 pm tomorrow. Unless you are Nogrod who must vote at least half an hour earlier if he doesn't want to be modfired.

You think I am joking?

I will allow retractable votes but they should not be used frivolously - offenders will be modfired.


Sally, soprano
Lariren , soprano, Ithilien
Feanor of the Peredhil, Belfalas (mezzo-)soprano
Ilya, mezzo-soprano, vales of Anduin.
Brinniel, mezzo-soprano, Harad
Kath contralto
Aganzir, Minas Tirith contralto
Gwathagor (Gwathagorio), lyric tenor/spinto Sindar of Eriador
Shastanis Althreduin (tenor leggierio / lyric tenor)
Nogrod (typically indicisive - anywhere between lyric and buffo - or baritone )Old Forest
The Phantom (typically versatile and with great range)
Meneltarmacil - baritone err Nazgul from Minal Morgul
Strongbow, Bowissimo of Lossarnach
Macalaure (Barney Broadbottle), a Bree-lander from Staddle, Baritone
Gollum the Great - bass-baritone
TGWBS - bass, woodwose,
Boromir 88 basso profundo, Rohan
Cailineomer, trouser role, Forodwaith

The moddess reserves the right to a few suprises and resolve unanticipated situation as she sees fit. However they may affect the dynamics of the game but will not affect the mechanics of the game (unless something really odd happens and it usually does when I am this case there will probably be a consultation process.

any questions PM or admin thread .

Boromir88 01-06-2009 12:23 PM

Ahoy Smithees! I was about to vote for Mac and then frivolously recant, but if I have read the modesses' wishes correctly that would get me mod-fireds.

I'm here at the moment, but my activity on this day will be light. I've got lots of unspecified chores to do.

P.S. this is the first time I've ever been able to sneak in the first post - I feel honored

Mithalwen 01-06-2009 12:26 PM

Adjudicator intervention 1
Indeed it would.....

Perhaps the Rohirric contestant would like to sing for us?

Boromir88 01-06-2009 12:27 PM

Ahh so it's going to be one of those operas, eh?

Gwathagor 01-06-2009 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Boromir88 (Post 579799)
Ahoy Smithees! I was about to vote for Mac and then frivolously recant, but if I have read the modesses' wishes correctly that would get me mod-fireds.

Wait, what? How would that get you mod-fired?

Mithalwen 01-06-2009 12:32 PM

Mithannical musical amusements...
Well I had so much fun last time...

Gwath .. flippant use of retractable votes annoys the moddess. It is in the admin thread and will shortly be pasted above.

Boromir88 01-06-2009 12:34 PM


Wait, what? How would that get you mod-fired?~Gwath
It's somewhere in the town charter that retractables are allowed, but if we do it frivolously, we are subject to mod-fire.

I like your sig by the way, it was rather ironic how things ended up playing out.


Well I had so much fun last time...~Mith
Yes those post-game (or I guess it would be vote) sessions were pleasant.

Aganzir 01-06-2009 12:35 PM

The first time I had the first post I got lynched immediately. Also, I voted Mac that time. So be careful Boro. :p

Mith you're making me laugh. :D Let's see if Nog shall obey you.

edit: xed with Boro. Ha I knew you'd like his sig!

Boromir88 01-06-2009 12:39 PM


Also, I voted Mac that time. So be careful Boro.~Agan
Oh the irony, check the sig too, there are puns everywhere. :D

Operas have puns, correct, or is that just plays? "The plays the thing," as some shakespearean character once said.

Agan, careful? Is that a German word? If it is I'm sorry, I don't know German. :p

Gwathagor 01-06-2009 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Boromir88 (Post 579807)
It's somewhere in the town charter that retractables are allowed, but if we do it frivolously, we are subject to mod-fire.


satansaloser2005 01-06-2009 12:44 PM

Basically tick off the moddess and die.

*starts warming up*

Boromir88 01-06-2009 12:51 PM

Now, I must make my exit - stage right, but don't fear, I bet tp will be here - within 30 minutes of my departure to start where I've left off.

satansaloser2005 01-06-2009 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Boromir88 (Post 579815)
Now, I must make my exit - stage right, but don't fear, I bet tp will be here - within 30 minutes of my departure to start where I've left off.

You mean the Phantom of the opera will be here to drive us out of our minds?

Mithalwen 01-06-2009 12:56 PM

Sally, darling, youhave a wonderful understanding of the situation and a succinct mode of expression. :D

Aganzir 01-06-2009 01:10 PM

Yes I noticed your sig Boro. :D

German is a very beautiful language (I am one of the few people who think it's prettier than French. Kath likes it too if I remember correctly) and you should learn it.

Hi sally.

Have any of you seen the adaptation of The Phantom of the Opera in which he shows romantic interest in rats? :)

Feanor of the Peredhil 01-06-2009 01:10 PM

Hello, my darlings. I'm around.

Huggles to everybody.

Nogrod 01-06-2009 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 579808)
Let's see if Nog shall obey you.

You have totally misunderstood that ruling dear contralto. It is of course that we divo's need to protect our voice a half an hour before going to bed and so she has made that ruling to protect my voice but at the same time letting me off the hook from indecent questionnaires as to why I'm voting that early throughout the game... :)

Lariren Shadow 01-06-2009 01:31 PM

Hello everyone, thought I'd comment as well.

Aganzir 01-06-2009 01:42 PM

I'm bored
Boro & Mac. Boro's joke about voting Mac and retracting is clearly critic-on-critic. Then Boro is trying to take some distance by saying he doesn't know German.
Gwath. Last time he asked for an explanation concerning the rules, he was guilty himself.
Fea. Popping in without saying anything but that she's here.
Lariren. Popping in just to say she's here.

Agan. Very sweet and sings well.
Nog is apparently the divo. ;)

sally who I just can't figure out.
and all the nobody people

Nogrod 01-06-2009 01:48 PM

Nice list Aganzir. I agree with it at this moment 100%. :p

Now this castle of Wartburg sure is worth seeing although I sense a gloomy fate for any heroic tenors singing in the praise of... well.. erm... Nessa? Oh my, how can Tolkien miss a goddess of love from his deities? Now this is outrageous! To whom do we sing then to brave our fortunes?

As a sidenote: funny you should start talking about the phantom even before he has entered the premises. :rolleyes:

*"critic-on-critic"... teehee*

Brinniel 01-06-2009 01:49 PM

This is just my brief check-in post. I don't have time to chat right now as there is somewhere I must be shortly. But I thought I should come in and sing a quick solo before taking off.


Originally Posted by Aganzir
German is a very beautiful language (I am one of the few people who think it's prettier than French.

Indeed. People always told me it was a harsh and ugly language, but I feel quite differently. German's an awesome language and I fell in love with it after hearing it on a regular basis (along with Dutch). I sort of regret choosing French over German in high school...

I might end up voting early for a lot of this game, though that's not for sure. I just don't know how willing I am to get up before 11am (the deadline in my time zone) while on break. Except for toDay...I actually have an appointment at 11:30 tomorrow.

Okay, time to go...

Kath 01-06-2009 01:57 PM

*drumroll please*

I am here ... on time ... on Day 1! Clearly I run to Mith's schedule. :D I'll be around for a while, doesn't seem much to post about yet so I'll be lurking but there.

Feanor of the Peredhil 01-06-2009 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 579825)
Nog is apparently the divo. ;)

Yes, I was going to accuse him of much the same.

I, of course, am guilty. Agan is never wrong about first day bored-posts.

I say we try to host a trip-lynch (against Moddess's wishes) for me, Lariren, Gwath, and Boro. Oh, and Mac, for guilt by association. Oh dear, that's not so triple, is it? Woe are my math skill[z]...

I say we kill the phantom early, to save all all the migraines we get from reading everything he's going to post in this game.

What would happen if we tried to implement a coup, and all voted for Mith?

Mithalwen 01-06-2009 02:04 PM

Intervention 2( and a bit)
It would be a very short game, Fea.... now I must try and get this intro finished..

Aganzir 01-06-2009 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 579828)
Oh my, how can Tolkien miss a goddess of love from his deities? Now this is outrageous! To whom do we sing then to brave our fortunes?

How about Nienna?


Originally Posted by Brinniel (Post 579829)
Indeed. People always told me it was a harsh and ugly language, but I feel quite differently. German's an awesome language and I fell in love with it after hearing it on a regular basis (along with Dutch). I sort of regret choosing French over German in high school...

That's what many people say. Clearly they haven't heard any songs by Orplid. German is definitely one of my favourite languages. I love its structure. The sentences are like works of art.


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil (Post 579832)
I, of course, am guilty. Agan is never wrong about first day bored-posts.

Ooh and we already got a confession! Fea you're giving up too easily.


Originally Posted by Fea
I say we kill the phantom early, to save all all the migraines we get from reading everything he's going to post in this game.

Or to have something other than him to talk about. Besides he likes rats.

Mith would you really end the game if we all decided to vote for you? :Merisu:

the phantom 01-06-2009 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Sally
You mean the Phantom of the opera will be here to drive us out of our minds?

Only the ones that deserve it.

Originally Posted by Agan
Besides he likes rats.

That's why I like you. ;)

Mithalwen 01-06-2009 02:42 PM

Nienna is a very operatic vala.

Agan.. don't tempt me .. I stil have the last bit of the intro to do and I am so cold - I do think it would be a shame. I suppose it could continue with another moderator. Does the song die with the singer? The game with the moddess? To philosophical for me...easier to say I might truly show you the meaning of being a prima donna and delete the thread in a fit of pique.

Feanor of the Peredhil 01-06-2009 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 579840)
Ooh and we already got a confession! Fea you're giving up too easily.

Giving up? Of course not. It was a mere ploy.

You see, if I, as a wolf, confess my wolvery on the very first day, people will think, "She must not be a wolf. She wouldn't do that [again]."

I add 'again' because I've, of course, done the exact thing in the past.

Which would then prompt people to counter with, "Of course if Fea was a wolf she'd tell us. She knows we're just going to lynch her anyway. Why should she hide it when she's insane, and nobody listens to what she's saying anyway?"

And then people would pause, and they would say, "So obviously Fea both would and would not reveal her role as a wolf, if indeed she is a wolf, which she both is and, obviously, isn't, because she wouldn't want people to point out that she's done both - and neither - in the past (and future) so we should all just assume that it's the first day and she really doesn't care what anybody says, because none of it matters before the wolves get a kill in (apart from Seer dreams, which aren't going to be revealed yet for obvious reasons)."

And I shall be ignored.

the guy who be short 01-06-2009 02:51 PM

Wild man here.

Wild man say: Drive Fea, drive phantom out with sharp iron! Tricksy folk cause headache, even if innocent.

Wild man language connoisseur. Wild man like French.

the phantom 01-06-2009 02:58 PM

Here's what we know.

Gwath- He we be unjustly lynched Day 3.
Nogrod- He will help me catch the Critics.
Cailineomer- She/he will be killed without leaving a trace Night 4.
Fea- She's up to something. Just don't know what. Yet.
Lariren- Under my protection until Day 3.
Boro88- I'm not allowed to talk about him after last game.
Agan- A critic. But will flatter me to avoid my wrath.
Sally- Innocent, but will consistently lynch the wrong people.

Meneltarmacil 01-06-2009 03:03 PM

I'm here, though I don't have a whole lot to say. I wouldn't vote out the tricksy ones, devious though they may be. And our good phantom hasn't really said much yet, so there's nothing to go on for him either.

Edit: x'ed with the phantom

the phantom 01-06-2009 03:05 PM

Opera: Mithalwen's Village
Night 1, scene 1

*cue music*

Seer sings:
And do I dream again, for now I find
the phantom of the Barrow-Downs is there
And he is an Ordo!

Yeah. We all know that's what happened last night. And I know people will be mad that I'm assuming that. But really. Come on. You know it's true.

Gwathagor 01-06-2009 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by the phantom (Post 579869)
And I know people will be mad that I'm assuming that. But really. Come on. You know it's true.

I wouldn't assume anything...

Gwathagor 01-06-2009 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil (Post 579854)
Giving up? Of course not. It was a mere ploy.

You see, if I, as a wolf, confess my wolvery on the very first day, people will think, "She must not be a wolf. She wouldn't do that [again]."

I add 'again' because I've, of course, done the exact thing in the past.

Which would then prompt people to counter with, "Of course if Fea was a wolf she'd tell us. She knows we're just going to lynch her anyway. Why should she hide it when she's insane, and nobody listens to what she's saying anyway?"

And then people would pause, and they would say, "So obviously Fea both would and would not reveal her role as a wolf, if indeed she is a wolf, which she both is and, obviously, isn't, because she wouldn't want people to point out that she's done both - and neither - in the past (and future) so we should all just assume that it's the first day and she really doesn't care what anybody says, because none of it matters before the wolves get a kill in (apart from Seer dreams, which aren't going to be revealed yet for obvious reasons)."

And I shall be ignored.

Honestly, I think ignoring you is the best thing we can do, at least until you stop trying to confuse us and start actually playing.

Aganzir 01-06-2009 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by the phantom (Post 579849)
That's why I like you. ;)

I could see that coming. I'm going to quote Ratigan from The Great Mouse Detective now: 'I am NOT A RAT!' and you're supposed to say, 'Of course you're not! You're a mouse! Yeah, a big mouse!'

The guy who be wild is rather amusing me.

And sorry phantom, I ain't flattering you in this game yet.

Hi Menel. What about voting you out so I can get all the baddie roles? :Merisu:

Don't worry Gwath, thus far phantom is the only one who assumes he was dreamt of. No one is going to take his innocence for granted even if the seer comes and tells he's innocent.

the guy who be short 01-06-2009 03:27 PM

Menel - Why not drive out tricksy headache-maker? Someone must die. We know not who is critic. Ergo, it best to kill tricksy folk. They as likely as anyone to be critic, but if not, at least townsfolk remove headache. Townsfolk then can think clear.

Boromir88 01-06-2009 03:31 PM


I add 'again' because I've, of course, done the exact thing in the past.~Fea
Well, I must admit the only reason I was so certain was not the confession, but because I seen your trickery on Night 1. That was Mith's last game, and lookie we have a confession in Mith's next game!

There are two drastic differences however. Last confession in Mith's game you incriminated Kuru with an "I love you." Here you have simultaneously incriminated everyone with a "hugs all around." Also, that time I was the seer, this time I'm not, and thus I deduce you made a fake confession.

What dazzling intellect, eh?


I say we try to host a trip-lynch (against Moddess's wishes) for me, Lariren, Gwath, and Boro. Oh, and Mac, for guilt by association. Oh dear, that's not so triple, is it? Woe are my math skill[z]...~Another one from Fea
Thinking about a triple-quaduplet lynch may get you mod-fired, and if I were in such a lynch you'd definitely be mod-fired. :p

Hmm - there's a plan, everyone tries really hard to get mod-fired

Boromir88 01-06-2009 03:40 PM


I'm going to quote Ratigan from The Great Mouse Detective now:~Agan
I wish Tim Curry voiced Professor Ratigan - he's my idol.

Meneltarmacil 01-06-2009 03:46 PM

Oh, hello Aganzir.

Come now, who between us would be the best baddie anyhow, a human from the White City or someone who can drive people to mass panic by screeching?

And as for the guy who be tarzan, I suggest he take a bath. But to be honest, yes, some of the crazies could stand to be more helpful. Talk of triple-lynching can be risky, even as a joke. Thankfully, we wraiths lack a sense of humor.

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