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THE Ka 04-03-2005 10:54 PM

Male version: Adrian, Greek/Latin: rich, wealthy, dark one.

Female version: Adrienne, Greek/Latin: rich, wealthy, dark one.

You chose... They both mean the same thing...

~ Research Ka

Lathriel 04-04-2005 01:31 PM

Your really close Ka. So I've decided I will reveal my name.
Drumroll please...
My name is Adriana
So Elianna you were right with the fact that I am a girl. :)

THE Ka 04-04-2005 01:45 PM

Thankyou. I had a friend once named Adrian, and I remembered what it meant. Since I really didn't know your gender, I used both definitions.

~ Ka

Elianna 04-04-2005 02:31 PM

Dang it. I was close...sort of...kind of...maybe...if you use your imagination... :rolleyes:

Elentari_Elbereth 05-03-2005 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by ohtatyaro
I've made a search, but I haven't found anything to match it exactly. I mean, there were topics like 'where you youget that nick", but this topic is meant to find out what does your nick mean

Mine is quenya for 'warrior' :)

All of you should know my name anyway,
Elentari = Elbereth's Quenya name (Star Queen)
And I've always loved Elbereth/Varda/Elentari. When I first read LotR I was intrigued and wanted to know who she was, and after the Silmarillion she became a favorite (one of many)

Ohtatyaro- I though the Quenya word "Ohtar" meant "Warrior" (like the mention of Ohtar in LotR) Correct me if I'm wrong :p Unless your name was a variation i don't know (I haven't studied too far in Quenya yet :( )

mormegil 05-03-2005 02:14 PM

Well my name obviously means "The Black Sword" I took it because Túrin is one of my favorite characters and I like the sound of Mormegil. However I wish I had capatilized the "m"

Thurin Adanedhel 05-05-2005 05:32 AM

Well, Turin is one of my favourite characters in ME, so I wanted to take one of his many names.

While in Nargothrond, he was called Adanedhel which is Man-Elf, because he had such resembalnce to an elf

Also while he was in Nargothrond, he wouldn't reveal his true name to Finduilas, so she named him Thurin, which is The Secret.

Imrahil 05-05-2005 08:29 PM

Imrahil for the Prince of Dol Amroth who fought at the Pelennor and marched with the host of Aragorn II Elessar. Personally, I loved the part in ROTK when Imrahil tells the heralds to change the call "The Lords of Gondor are come! Let all leave this land or yield them up!" from "The Lords of Gondor" to " The King Elessar."

ohtatyaro 05-16-2005 01:09 AM

Thanks for all your answers :)


Ohtatyaro- I though the Quenya word "Ohtar" meant "Warrior" (like the mention of Ohtar in LotR) Correct me if I'm wrong
I think we are both right. I mean, it is variation of the same stem, after all. I looked it up in Etymologies:

Q ohta war
Q tyaro doer, actor

ohta+tyaro=ohtatyaro | war+doer=wardoer~warrior

I mean, probably, ohtar is more like 'of war', with the same translation as 'war doer'

zifnab 05-18-2005 05:43 PM

Theif in the night.
I simply did the honorable thing and .... stole my screenname. It is not mine to explain, I will simply leave this quote from this 'zifnab' character. And let you ponder the yonder...

"'Don't meddle in the affairs of wizards,' he said in lofty tones, "for they are subtle and quick to anger.' A fellow sorcerer said that. Good at his job, knew alot about jewelry. Not bad at fireworks, either. Wasn't the snappy dresser Merlin was, though. Let's see, whats his name? Raist--no, that was the irritating young chap, kept hacking and spitting up blood all the time. Disgusting. The other's name was Gand-something or other..."

AbercrombieOfRohan 06-06-2005 08:48 PM

I've always been rather curious about Hookbill the Goomba's explanation as to the origin of his name... care to enlighten us?

Elonve 06-06-2005 11:41 PM

i dont know what mine means. i made it up... can i make up a meaning then? :cool:


Bungo Baggins 06-09-2005 02:07 PM

Mine is pretty obvious: Bilbo's father was named Bungo Baggins. :D

Kahnshefal 07-10-2005 10:06 AM

I posted this in the intro thread already, but I got mine from a goblin name generator at

Some pretty cool names come out of that one, and they're consistent.


Elrowen Tinúviel 08-19-2005 10:41 PM

My first name is the feminine version of Elrohir. Elrohir means Elf-Horse-Master (or something similar), so therefore I am Elf-Horse-Maiden (or lady). I love horses, and Elrohir is one of my favorite characters, so there you have it. Tinúviel is pretty self explanatory. :)

ohtatyaro 08-22-2005 01:05 AM

Kahnshefal, thanks for the link :)

Elonve, I made l little search of the etymologies, can for sure say that el part of your name may mean 'star'. 'onve' is harder

Elrowen Tinúviel, nice name :)

Elrowen Tinúviel 08-22-2005 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by ohtatyaro

Elrowen Tinúviel, nice name :)

Hannon le. :)

solarisa 08-22-2005 03:43 PM

Solaris-forgive me, not even elvish. Pish posh. I think it's Greek... :confused: :confused: ummm...anyway it stands for the sun. And I added an "a" to feminize it. So we have solarisa. (by the way-i hate being dead.)

Turgon Philip Noldor 08-24-2005 01:21 AM

My name is an inside-joke between me and some friends... I also like Turgon... that was sort of part of the inside-joke.

brim 08-25-2005 02:50 PM

mine is simple enough. here it goes, The rim or uppermost edge of a hollow container or natural basin. I also have a secondary character in role play named Nawalme. In Quenya I beleive it means torture.
(being dead has been rather pleasant now that the rotting process has finished for me ;) )

Aira Niquë 09-02-2005 02:04 PM

Konnichi-wa. (Even though that's the wrong language for this forum. :D )My name is Quenya for "Eternal Cold". Aira meaning eternal and Nique meaning cold. I like it... I like the meaning and I like the way that it sounds.

Sayonara (Again... :D )

-Aira Nique

Glirdan 09-02-2005 02:40 PM

Mine stands for my name (Devin) in Sindarin which means poet.

Elianna 09-02-2005 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by brim
I also have a secondary character in role play named Nawalme. In Quenya I beleive it means torture.

Ngwalme is torture in Quenya, also a name for one of the tengwar, hardly used in transliterating into English because it stands for "ngw."

Márcolië Lamen 09-15-2005 04:57 PM

Elvish turtle?!...
Mine came from my obsession and not-so-alter-ego of a turtle. All of my friends and even people who don't know me well assosiate turtles with me for various reasons. I was bored and decided there should be an elvish word for turtle, there is not so I decided when trying to come up with a screenname to define turtle in elvish. So I translated "Home carrying animal", one simple to translate definition of a turtle, into Quenya-Már colië Lamen other than the fact that Lamen would technically not include reptiles. It sounded best this way though and looked better as Márcolië Lamen so I decided upon that.

Celuien 09-18-2005 05:56 AM

Celuien means something along the lines of Maiden of the Flowing Water. It's a play on my real name.

I'm also curious about the Hookbilled One. :)

Rune Son of Bjarne 09-20-2005 03:04 PM

wel my name is Rune and my fathers name is Bjarne.

Rune has a meaning of its own - secret lore - of course this is the same name as the Runes witch were used for writing.

The reason i chose this name was that all of the really cool names was taken and i did not want too use hours looking for a cool name i the sil.

(and i do not know elvish so could not translate it)
(is it not Nolvo or somthing like that ?)

Eonwe 09-26-2005 06:50 PM

plainly put, enowe is the man (or elf rather). :D

as such, i thought it fitting that i take his name. just kidding. :)

Valesse 11-02-2005 10:07 PM


"Valesse" is.... sound.
It doesn't mean sound, but thats what it started out as. I made a lot of goofy, jumbled noise and it all came out at once. Why? I was making up a character name for a Legend of Zelda spoof me, my twin, and my friends were working on.

I liked it instantly, but couldn't put a finger on why it fit so well with the character-part that we had given her-- but then it hit me. 'Valesse' came from 'Valiance', and in considering she was probably named after Link (who was in charge of [the triforce of] Courage) it made sense!... well at least if you're into Zelda games it does.

Turns out it is also very close to the name of some line of French luggage. You're welcome to call me either "Couragous" or just "Luggage" if you want, but Val will do just fine ; )

Plastic_Panda 11-09-2005 07:35 PM

my favorite animal is a Panda and
ever heard of Plastic Squirell? cool guy, i stole his name :0

malkatoj 11-09-2005 07:53 PM

The Mystery Revealed!
Valesse, Legend of Zelda? You are clearly extremely cool.

As for my might make less sense than anything else, because that's what I do. Malkatoj is actually Esperanto, but we can't quite figure out what it means. I can, however, explain the etymology and hope it makes *some* sense.

Mal: opposite. For example, 'hela' is light and 'malhela' is dark.
Kato: Cat. As in, meow.
j: plural, pronounced like a Y

So my name means "opposite of multiple cats" and I can't figure out what that would actually be. So, any ideas would be greatly appreciated, so I know what I'm named after.

Plastic_Panda 11-09-2005 09:13 PM

no cats?? 1 cat? dead cats?

ohtatyaro 11-30-2005 06:28 AM

Extremely lonely mouse... ;)

Or maybe One Mouse of Power!

Roa_Aoife 12-06-2005 11:21 AM

Because I bet everyone is mispronoucing it...
First, my real name, Kate, Katherine, Katie, etc, has several meanings: The more accepted one, "Pure" from the Greek katharos (this was actually started by the romans); the closest to the original name, "Each of two," from Hekaterine; it's loosely related to aikia, which means "Torture"; and it's believed to be directly related to Hecate, the goddess of the dark moon, wisdom, tombs, and keeper of the keys to the underworld. I think that last one is quite fitting for the downs. ;)

My screenname (pronounced Row-ah Ee-fah), which I use just about everywhere, is another name for Aoife Beargh, the daughter of an Irish king and one of the last warriors to die fighting the Norman invasion. Roa Aoife literally means Aoife the Red which she was called for two reasons: 1) Her flaming red hair, which she would plait into two long braids, at the end of which she would weave in sharp rocks, so that when she turned her head quickly the braids would fly out and strike her opponent, and 2) the front of her armour had long spikes coming out of the front, and she would grab her enemies and impale them, causing the front of her armour to run red with blood.

In a word, she's the historical figure I most admire. :D

malkatoj, dogs or dog, perhaps?

Enedhilion 02-10-2006 08:27 AM

Enedhil is dangerous close to Enerdhil, who was a legendary, and quite possibly mythical, smith of Gondolin.

I don't know, and I hope to find out.

eowyntje 02-10-2006 08:31 AM

My name simply means 'small eowyn' as I often wish to be like Eowyn but know thta I am way beneath her. And I'm small too :P

JennyHallu 02-10-2006 09:15 AM

My screenname has nothing Tolkienish at all about it.

Jenny is my RL name--

Jennifer Elaine, two Welsh queens whose stories end tragically (Strangely, both because of the love of the same man, which is why you will never find me cheering for Lancelot.). Mine will go better...Jennifer is from gwyn meaning fair/white and hwyfar meaning smooth, and Elaine is an old French form of Helen, which could have derived from either the Greek words meaning torch or moon...

In Sindarin, I am Pathuilos/Faenpathe Naurdi/Ithile (I can't remember the key command for the feminine -e ending) (there are infinite ways to translate it, but these are my favorite)

In Quenya, I am Lossepaste (or a host of other ways to say the first part, but Tolkien gave us only one way to say smooth...makes me sound like some sort of Italian dinner, in my opinion) Caline/Isilnis/Isilwen...

Ok that's taken a lot of time.

Hallu is an inside joke between some friends of mine; it stands for The Mass Hallucination. A title really...

EDIT: I could really render my middle name in Sindarin better...only when I went through the Quenya did it occur to me to translate 'torch' as 'a light' rather than fire. Frankly 'Narcalime' (Quenya) is even better than what I chose, 'a fiery light'...agh! must work! quit playing with words!

Gothmog 02-10-2006 12:04 PM

I guess there's no big secret what my screen name stands for? And of course it's not the ugly wart-face in the movies but the Lord of Balrogs. But why did I choose it? Well, sometimes I wonder myself. When I registered for this forum I was in desperate need for a nick, and as balrogs, and especially fights between balrogs and great warriors (Glorfindel, Echtelion, Fingon etc.), has always invoked a special interest I chose Gothmog.

Now when I look back, I sometimes regret my choice. There's so many beautiful and clever names among the Downer's that I'm a bit ashamed that I took one straight from the books, but I guess it's something I'll have to live with ;)

Caunwaithon 02-11-2006 03:09 AM

Name Generator
Well, I looked up "derek" in an english-to-elvish name generator, and it said-

(Caun-wye-thonn)-----------------Leader of The People.

I thought that was pretty cool, and had some foreshadowing to it.

Elu Ancalime 02-14-2006 07:30 PM

Elu Ancalime

'Star of Radiance'
Buy no2

Parmastahir 02-18-2006 09:03 AM

Parmastahir means . . .
parma = book
asta = month
hir = root for "to find"

Therefore "book of months finder" which (to me) is "calendar collector". I collect the Tolkien calendars. You can find my collection/catalog at:

Hope you like it (or at least find it of interest!)

Best to all,


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