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Morthoron 09-04-2008 09:11 PM

Discussion Thread for THE ANCILLARION: Of the Silmarkenstone Conspiracy, etc.
Welcome to the Discussion Thread for --

The Ancillarion: Of the Silmarkenstone Conspiracy and the Incidental Fellowship -- Their Trials, Tribulations, Loves Lost and Found, and Their Salvation of Middle-earth (as utterly unlikely as that may seem)

The actual story is found here:

A long and pompous title, surely, but given the material we shall be exploring, quite appropriate; as a matter of fact, it is perhaps not long enough, and certainly every bit as meaningless and overwrought as this complex sentence I am weaving at the moment, full of colons and semi-colons and maybe even dashes -- as if such separations inhibit rambling -- that occur when one is being garrulous and verbose with nothing of actual import to impart, and...hmmm...I've even added ellipses, as if I've hesitated, realizing subconsciously that the gag has somehow spread itself to thin; however, you'll notice that really doesn't stop me (like the tale you'll soon be reading, I don't know when to quit).


Okay, obviously you are wondering about Morth's frame of mind, and are saying to yourself, 'Morth, what the 'ell are you on about, and why are you referring to yourself in first person?' Well, we often have these moods, particularly when we are gearing up for a fan-fiction on such an epic and importunate level. Literally speaking, it will be a roleplaying fan-fiction of roleplays and fan-fictions that vaguely resembles Middle-earth, but has become so convoluted in being the mirror of a mirror of the original, it may well be that we shall be offering more cannon than canon (if you follow me) -- more Muddled-earth than Middle-earth (you're intelligent, I think you get my drift).

And so, without further ado, the players in this Passion Play:


We do have room for 2-3 more players (after all, what good is a fan-fiction when you can't muddy it up with too many characters). So, if you'd like to join, please add your post here (don't just barge into the story). Also, we'll be having a couple guest stars popping in to add to the mayhem.

Some rules:

1) Although this will be a parody bordering on farce, it will be literate; therefore, if you have difficulty with spelling or punctuation, use a word processor.

2) Paragraphs are your friends, use them. There is nothing worse than trying to struggle through a solid block of text that runs longer than Achilles did after Hector around the walls of Ilium.

3) That's it for now (see? that wasn't so bad).

Now, I'd like to firm up a skeletal outline of at least the first few chapters, so comments from the other contributors would be appreciated.

P.S. Thanks to Lush for starting the "thread that started this whole debacle", found here --
-- and to Thenamir for making the offhand (and obviously daft) suggestion that a story might contain all the stereotypes ever written in Tolkien fan-fic.

Nerwen 09-05-2008 07:04 AM

Where does the quest begin?

I guess we have a choice of three locations– Bree, Rivendell and Lórien.

Ibrīnišilpathānezel 09-05-2008 07:40 AM

I would volunteer to participate, but alas, I think it wiser for me to remain an observer. Although I have role-played quite extensively, I've never done so online, and I am not familiar with the protocols (and such). Perhaps if I observe long enough, I will get the hang of it, and can join the merry band at some later point. There are always new characters popping into bad fanfic at much too convenient moments. :D

That said, I might suggest that Bree is a logical starting point. I think the more relaxed atmosphere of Bree would be an easier spot for the intrepid Sues to surreptitiously get wind of the Real Quest, so that they can get their own misguided notions, let them grow into certainty en route to Rivendell, and then present them to someone like Elrond ("But the Company has already left, my daught-- wait a second, you're not my daughter! Who the...???") ;)

Lindale 09-05-2008 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Ibrīnišilpathānezel (Post 566991)
I would volunteer to participate, but alas, I think it wiser for me to remain an observer. Although I have role-played quite extensively, I've never done so online, and I am not familiar with the protocols (and such). Perhaps if I observe long enough, I will get the hang of it, and can join the merry band at some later point. There are always new characters popping into bad fanfic at much too convenient moments. :D

I say the same. Basically my RP experience is limited to moderating little kids' pseudo-historical-Japanese play in Gaia online, where my role is to correct any political inaccuracy. And I've only just begun reading fan-fic.

But I look forward to this thread all the more!! :D

Mithalwen 09-05-2008 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 566988)
Where does the quest begin?

I guess we have a choice of three locations– Bree, Rivendell and Lórien.

Well I had envisaged my character as a Rivendell resident but would it be over egging the pudding to have my librarian type moonlighting as a Ranger She-Elf?

I have been considering Lalwende's request for a Pwinceth as a second character in which case the lisping silly creature might have some how made it to Rivendell by following literally in the footsteps of her increasingly exasperated cousin Boromir. :p

I shoul dbe able to do the bio over the weekend.

And I doubt that lack of experience is really going to be a handicap.... listen to the voices... you know you want to....

Morthoron 09-05-2008 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 566988)
Where does the quest begin?

I guess we have a choice of three locations– Bree, Rivendell and Lórien.

Why not all three? Very clever Middle-earth roleplays have characters starting at separate points by way of prologue chapters, and they merge at the starting point for the quest. After all, the members of the Fellowship of the Ring came from dissparate regions, met in Rivendell, and then departed for their quest.

In this manner, backstories can be developed for each character prior to the quest without the requisite flashback scenes thrown annoyingly into the quest itself (ie., "Glorfinrondel fell in into a deep reverie as he gazed at the dying embers of the camp fire, his troubled mind harkening back to his carefree days as pool boy in Menegroth. Ah, the grotto of Menegroth! So many lithe figures splashing about, undulating provocatively beneath the dark waters," etc.).


Originally Posted by Ibrīnišilpathānezel
That said, I might suggest that Bree is a logical starting point.

As I stated in the "thread that started this whole debacle", Bree is the quintessential starting point for all roleplay in Middle-earth, and it doesn't seem to matter what race one is, they all seem to be at ease in the Painted Pony (even though an Elf wouldn't be caught dead among that riff-raff). Some more canonically correct roleplayers do not have their Elf actually hanging out in the Inn, but atop a branch of a majestic tree just outside of Bree, where he/she greets the other characters with an appropriate "Mae govannen, mellon! Elen sķla lśmenn’ omentielvo!" (or some such greeting culled from an online Sindarin dictionary).

Nerwen 09-05-2008 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Morthoron (Post 567027)
Some more canonically correct roleplayers do not have their Elf actually hanging out in the Inn, but atop a branch of a majestic tree just outside of Bree, where he/she greets the other characters with an appropriate "Mae govannen, mellon! Elen sķla lśmenn’ omentielvo!" (or some such greeting culled from an online Sindarin dictionary).

Ah, but an Elf(ess) staying at the inn would be in disguise as a Mysterious Cloaked Figure™... giving him or her the opportunity to a.) upstage Strider and the Ringwraiths and b.) do a dramatic "reveal" to the other characters.

Morthoron 09-06-2008 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 567028)
Ah, but an Elf(ess) staying at the inn would be in disguise as a Mysterious Cloaked Figure™... giving him or her the opportunity to a.) upstage Strider and the Ringwraiths and b.) do a dramatic "reveal" to the other characters.


Ah. but the Mysterious Cloaked Figure™ cannot escape the ethereal traits of his/her lineage, as those bar patrons who are not too sloshed to notice are unnerved by the Mysterious Cloaked Figure's™ cerulean orbs (or storm-tossed gray, forest green or ultra-violet, etc.), which gleam preternaturally from their foreboding cowled countenances in the shadowed recesses of the corner of the inn (as, of course, all Mysterious Cloaked Figures™ sit in shadowed corners of a pub, their backs to the wall).

Ibrīnišilpathānezel 09-06-2008 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by Morthoron (Post 567038)
Ah. but the Mysterious Cloaked Figure™ cannot escape the ethereal traits of his/her lineage, as those bar patrons who are not too sloshed to notice are unnerved by the Mysterious Cloaked Figure's™ cerulean orbs (or storm-tossed gray, forest green or ultra-violet, etc.), which gleam preternaturally from their foreboding cowled countenances in the shadowed recesses of the corner of the inn (as, of course, all Mysterious Cloaked Figures™ sit in shadowed corners of a pub, their backs to the wall).

Which, I suspect, is why so many Sues who aspire to be a Mysterious Cloaked Figure™ also "suddenly" develop -- or realize they have always had and unconsciously used -- the Ability to Cloud Unfriendly Minds, Divert Suspicious Eyes, Shapeshift, or do anything that is necessary to short-circuit nuisancy intrusions of reality or pesky plot holes.

And the stomach turns... :D

Kitanna 09-06-2008 09:50 AM

I say Bree is a good starting point, though I do support the everyone can start elsewhere as well. But that could lead to issues getting everyone settled in one place. Another suggestion is to start in the Shire. Then our Fellowship could be watching Frodo from the very beginning.

Lalaith 09-06-2008 10:57 AM

Sharpairien and Daemion would like to set out from Rivendell if that's ok with everyone else. But we could meet up with the rest of the gang in the Painted Pony pretty quickly.

Morthoron 09-07-2008 12:24 PM

And forth comes the flood...

Alright, I began with a short prologue. I really like the idea that we, as a fellowship, are an annoyance to our leaders (ie., Elrond and Galadriel), and that our quest actually begins because there was no other way to get us out of their hair.


Mithalwen 09-08-2008 06:24 AM


I always wondered if Legolas got sent as a favour to Thranduil and the Rangers were repaying years of hospitality by taking Elladan and Elrohir along despite the inherent risks....

Gwathagor 09-08-2008 10:03 PM

This looks amusing. I really wish I had time. :confused:

Mithalwen 09-09-2008 11:20 AM

So are we all going ot be mysterious cloaked figures tottering unsubtley after Aragorn and Co? Could be the real reason he went into Midgewater ... ?:p

Python did an Island full of Whickers didn't they?

Morthoron 09-09-2008 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 567227)
So are we all going ot be mysterious cloaked figures tottering unsubtley after Aragorn and Co? Could be the real reason he went into Midgewater ... ?:p

Well, I don't think we'll all be 'mysterious cloaked figures tottering unsubtley after Aragorn and Co.' I think a few folks inferred they'd be mysterious cloaked figures in Rivendell or Lorien.

Now that I've introduced Amarthanuin the Noegedhil (how's that for some bastardization of Sindarin?) at the Prancing Pony, I think he'll enjoy the sight of Hobbits in Bree, rather like the height-obsessed Napoleon (Ian Holm) in 'Time Bandits', who was only truly happy when watching little people hitting each other.

I suppose we need to know where each of our characters will be starting off, so as to better mesh our stories. I think the idea is to have all of us eventually meet in Rivendell so that the exasperated Elrond can give us our walking papers so as not to impede the 'real' Fellowship any more than we already have.

Lalaith 09-09-2008 12:02 PM

Okay, if the idea is to go to Rivendell from Bree, that's where you will pick up my lovely pair. As it were.

Nerwen 09-10-2008 03:21 AM

Sorry for neglecting this thread– I've had a massive lot of deadlines to meet.

Okay. I believe my character will also show up at the Pony, having run away from home to prove her independence.

Nerwen 09-10-2008 03:29 AM

Here's the character description form (taken from the other thread)
Character Description Form:

(Your-Name)'s character


AGE (chronological):

AGE (mental):










APPEARANCE: (No grey-eyed, dark-haired Elves. No Hobbits with curly brown hair and furry feet. Please pick an appearance which will show that your character is really special.)

TOKEN FLAW/WEAKNESS (which proves that your character is NOT, repeat NOT, a Mary Sue!):




Kitanna 09-10-2008 08:09 AM

Oh my, I need to hurry with my character profile so I can join in the fun of all this as soon as possible.

Nerwen 09-10-2008 08:46 AM

Please do! I need to know how many extra aunts and sisters my character has.

Nerwen 09-10-2008 08:49 AM

And here she is:
Character Description Form:

Nerwen's character

NAME: Alatariel Moonflower.

AGE (chronological): 513.

AGE (mental): 14.

RACE(S): Half-elf(ess).

GENDER: Female.

SPECIAL WEAPONS/JEWELLERY/OTHER ITEMS: A golden amulet that warns her when evil is near (by going "ping" loudly). A mithril bow studded with rubies.

RENOWNED CRAFTSMAN WHO MADE THEM: Celebrimbor. Originally they were a present to the Sue's grandmother, Galadriel.

SPECIAL ABILITIES: Really good ESP, which enables her to be a skilled warrior despite her total blindness. Archery (best bow-elfess in Middle-earth). Healing. Magical singing (of traditional Elvish ballads like "May It Be", "Into the West" and "The Wind Beneath My Wings").

SPECIAL PET(S): Sparklehorn, her unicorn– the last unicorn in Middle-earth, naturally. They can communicate telepathically.

RELATIONSHIP TO TOLKIEN'S CHARACTER(S): Elrond's younger daughter.

IS IN LOVE WITH: Glorfindel. But he has barely noticed her existance.

IS LOVED BY: No-one... no-one at all... *sob*

APPEARANCE: Golden hair shot with silver– just like her grandma. Emerald-green eyes which are "more beautiful than eyes that see", as I will remind you all at frequent intervals. They turn silver when she is using her ESP at full power.

TOKEN FLAW/WEAKNESS (which proves that your character is NOT, repeat NOT, a Mary Sue!): Well, she's blind.

TRAGIC PAST/OTHER REASON FOR ANGST: She was scarcely more than a babe when her mother, Celebrķan, for some reason decided to take her on her ill-fated trip over the Redhorn Pass. The infant Alatariel Moonflower had to witness her mother's torture– until the Orcs blinded her, using the proverbial "poke in the eye with a burnt stick". (Somehow™, this did not disfigure her eyes at all.)

Since then she has had to suffer both her father's overprotection... and the contempt of other Elves, who, it turns out, hate blind people. Oh, and they despise her for being a "mongrel", too.

No wonder her only friend is her unicorn.:( Oh, and her grandmother– see below.

(OPTIONAL) REALMS TO WHICH YOUR CHARACTER IS THE RIGHTFUL HEIR: Lórien. Her older siblings are out, due to a law which bars dark-haired people from inheriting. ("It's the golden house of Finarfin, geddit?" Galadriel was heard to remark.)

REASON THE FATE OF MIDDLE-EARTH DEPENDS ON YOUR CHARACTER: She's the ideal backup Ringbearer. Since she can't see, she can't be dazzled by the Ring's evil beauty. Not only that, but like all handicapped people (in fan-fiction), she is noble and unselfish enough to be trusted with an object that gives virtually unlimited power. Honestly. You believe her, right?:Merisu:

Kitanna 09-10-2008 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 567282)
Please do! I need to know how many extra aunts and sisters my character has.

Defiantly an aunt in me. I was thinking a possible Galadriel-Gandalf love child just to shake things up.

Ibrīnišilpathānezel 09-10-2008 11:16 AM


I was thinking a possible Galadriel-Gandalf love child just to shake things up.
Because Galadriel's the only person (well, female, anyway) in Middle-earth who remembers what he (Olorin) really looks like, right? :D

Kitanna 09-10-2008 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Ibrīnišilpathānezel (Post 567294)
Because Galadriel's the only person (well, female, anyway) in Middle-earth who remembers what he (Olorin) really looks like, right? :D

A valid reason too, but I was thinking more along the line that Celeborn just doesn't support her and her elven ring of power.

Kitanna 09-10-2008 05:44 PM

NAME: Astalder the Valiant One

AGE (chronological): 600

AGE (mental): 15

RACE(S): Half-Elf


SPECIAL WEAPONS/JEWELLERY/OTHER ITEMS:A mithril tiara, a sword crafted in the glory days of Gondolin that Gandalf gave to her, a very special Lorien bow Galadriel had made for her in secret it shines purple when Orcs are about

RENOWNED CRAFTSMAN WHO MADE THEM: The finest smith Turgon had (though she of course never knew him personally)

SPECIAL ABILITIES: The gift of foresight, the ability to shape shift into various different animals

SPECIAL PET(S): A hound named Scout who speaks for other animals to her, she of course can understand his barks as if they were speech

RELATIONSHIP TO TOLKIEN'S CHARACTER(S): Galadriel and Gandalf's secret child

IS IN LOVE WITH: Men (a tragic Luthien figure who will give her love to a man, any man really, though I feel she will lean more toward the gruff and unruly Boromirs and Eomers of the world)

IS LOVED BY: Everyone

APPEARANCE: She has long, flowing golden locks that befit the princess of Lorien. Her eyes are a stunning aquamarine that are as lovely and deep as the sea on a clear day.

TOKEN FLAW/WEAKNESS: A long white scar that runs from the corner of her right eye down her otherwise perfect cheek.

TRAGIC PAST/OTHER REASON FOR ANGST: Astalder's angst starts before her birth. Galadriel was disenchanted with her husband, Celeborn, he could not understand her plight as the bearer of Nenya. In her own angst she found comfort in the arms of one who could understand, one the elves called Mithrandir. When Galadriel knew she was carrying the child of the Grey Pilgrim she set off straight for Rivendell. In Elrond's house she gave birth to Astalder.

Elron agreed to rear the child in his home and to keep her secret from Celeborn. But Astalder would always be somewhat of an outcast. As she grew older and lovelier the elf princess began to wander about Middle-Earth. Joining the northern rangers for a time she received the scar on her face in an Orc attack. She was also known to mingle with the dwarves. On occasion she would go with Gandalf to visit the gentle Hobbit folk of the shire. But in the years before the Fellowship she found herself in Gondor and Rohan, entranced by the world of man. To Boromir, son of Denethor, and Eomer, son of Eomund, did she find her heart fluttered to the most though. She wished to stay among the men, ever making them love her, but her gift of foresight warned her of trouble abroad and she knew she had to return to Rivendell.

(OPTIONAL) REALMS TO WHICH YOUR CHARACTER IS THE RIGHTFUL HEIR: Lothlorien, she is Galadriel's other daughter after all

REASON THE FATE OF MIDDLE-EARTH DEPENDS ON YOUR CHARACTER: Only her fiery spirit can encourage the men of the west to keep fighting. And her gentle heart can teach them all to love again. Plus she has such a fondness for Hobbits.

Morthoron 09-10-2008 06:59 PM

Morthoron's character

NAME: Amarthanuin the Noegedhil

AGE (chronological): 1st Age (several thousand years)

AGE (mental): about 16

RACE(S): Half-dwarf (half-Sindarin)


SPECIAL WEAPONS/JEWELRY/OTHER ITEMS: The Naugrond -- Hammer of the Dwarves.

RENOWNED CRAFTSMAN WHO MADE THEM: Created by Telchar in the deeps of time (he actually whittled it on a lunch break during the days he was crafting Narsil).

SPECIAL ABILITIES: A dwarf's endurance and drinking ability, with elvish acuity and fashion sense.

SPECIAL PET(S): having also the dwarvish ability to speak with birds, he has as his companion the foul-speaking myna named Harlotesse'.

RELATIONSHIP TO TOLKIEN'S CHARACTER(S): He once saved Elrond from a bad hair day (with his Dwarvish crafting ability, he has learned to make intricate Elvish braids).

IS IN LOVE WITH: An unrequited love for the elf-maiden Rintintinavulaossea-Estelauder, whose father refused his proffer of marriage because of his unseemly height.

IS LOVED BY: No one, he does not fit in with the elves, who mock his shortness, nor the dwarves, who laugh at his parti-colored robes (Particularly the ones with the satin hoods).

APPEARANCE: He has smoldering green eyes flecked with black that turn a fiery red when he is angered. He is blessed with a wavy mop of brown hair that has silken strands of blond highlights that glisten in the early morning sun. He has a five-o'clock shadow even though he shaves constantly (having inherited a beard gene from his unknown dwarvish father). He's about 5'8'' with the gnarled muscles of the dwarven race, but his movements are agile with the predatory grace of a feline.

TOKEN FLAW/WEAKNESS (which proves that your character is NOT, repeat NOT, a Mary Sue!): His height, which is a constant cause for melancholy.

TRAGIC PAST/OTHER REASON FOR ANGST: His mother, a Sindarin elf, was raped by a dwarf of Tumunzahar during the sack of Menegroth after the death of Thingol. His mother, though wane from grief and embarrassment, still bore the cursed child out of a sense of duty and faith (Tolkien being Catholic and all). As she lay dying from blood loss, she uttered the famous prophecy:

All that is withered is not necessarily old,
Not all that ponder do deeply think.
Some haven't the sense to come in from the cold
Because they've had far too much to drink.

From the squat gawking up at the world --
Sorely mocked for his poor lack of height --
Shall get all the cool stuff and the girl,
In spite of his measure so slight.

(OPTIONAL) REALMS TO WHICH YOUR CHARACTER IS THE RIGHTFUL HEIR: His mother, who just happened to be Eol's sister, was heir to Nan Elmoth. At the end of his days, Amarthanuin shall steal a rowboat (knocking some Hobbit named Sam into the water), and sail out into the West. Unfortunately, he won't find Nan Elmoth because it is, of course, submerged.

REASON THE FATE OF MIDDLE-EARTH DEPENDS ON YOUR CHARACTER: Malbeth the Seer (under the influence of egg-nog well past its expiration date), mumbled this prophecy in the midst of vomiting:

Amarth the half-Sindarin
Never gained full Elvish height
And if you ever saw him
You would even say he's slight
All of the other Elflings
Used to laugh and call him names
They wouldn't let poor Amarth
Play in any Elvish games
Then one foggy yule-tide eve
Gandalf came to say
Amarth with your fashion flair
Won't you braid poor Elrond's hair
Then all the Elves, they loved him
And aplogized for their sport
But Amarth the half-Sindarin
Is and always will be short.


Mithalwen 09-11-2008 06:01 AM

Since Morth grabbed the cloaked figure at Bree ... I am going to make my elf geek one of those who rode out from Rivendell to seek the fellowship. Obviously Elrond didn't send her and she has all the inherent power of a fieldmouse but she has read a lot about Nazgul in the library...;)

Morthoron 09-15-2008 11:58 AM

So...while we wait for the rest of the group to make their introductory posts, I will amuse the crowd with a magic trick.

Hello ladies and germs *ba-dump-bump*

I, Mortho the Magnificent, shall endeavor -- for your mordant stupification -- to make myself disappear.

My voluptuous assistant, Bambi Vixen, shall place me in this nearly airtight, polystyrene container (which looks amazingly like a large beer cooler) and close the lid with a lethal combination of wood glue and and scotch tape. Before the count of three I will have indeed totally vacated the premise. Ready Bambi?

*A drum roll reverberates from the orchestra pit*



Mithalwen 09-15-2008 12:13 PM

Sorry Morth .. is Bambi Vixen perchance any relation to the lovely Samantha of ISIHAG fame?

Mithalwen 09-15-2008 12:39 PM

Character Description Form:

Mithalwen's character

NAME: Aglariel Faelivrin (Liv)

AGE (chronological):519

AGE (mental): 12

RACE(S): Technically Noldo but allegedly tainted by dowdy silvan blood.

GENDER: female

SPECIAL WEAPONS/JEWELLERY/OTHER ITEMS: A fiendishly sharp paper knife and a bow (home made)

RENOWNED CRAFTSMAN WHO MADE THEM: Maeglin did a little known sideline in stationery in Gondolin.

SPECIAL ABILITIES: Can make people disappear by talking to them. Clever but not in a useful way.

SPECIAL PET(S): A remarkably intelligent Fell pony, Denis. (Fell as in hill not demonic).

RELATIONSHIP TO TOLKIEN'S CHARACTER(S): Niece of Erestor through her mother. Glorfindel is a distant cousin on her father's.

IS IN LOVE WITH: Elrohir or maybe Elladan .. possibly both but doesn't matter since they don't notice her at all.

IS LOVED BY: Oh come on....

APPEARANCE: A plain elf. Brown hair, pale eyes of mirky grey-green. Not particularly tall not particularly anything.

TOKEN FLAW/WEAKNESS (which proves that your character is NOT, repeat NOT, a Mary Sue!): See above..and did I mention she was Erestor's niece?

TRAGIC PAST/OTHER REASON FOR ANGST: So impossibly dull that her feckless but more glamourous parents abandoned her at the age of 10 in Erestor's care with the excuse that they HAD to accompany Celebrian to Eressea.

The library at Rivendell?

REASON THE FATE OF MIDDLE-EARTH DEPENDS ON YOUR CHARACTER: Ummmm ... she might have unwittingly read some crucial piece of information the significance of which she didn't appreciate at the time. Oh and she fancies herself as a healer. Inadvertant poisoning or at least heartburn may follow.

Morthoron 09-23-2008 02:49 PM

You know, we are merely playing immortals in a fan-fiction, we are not, in fact, truly incredibly long-lived. Therefore, if anyone can nudge the story along before we are indeed ensconced in the bowels of the Barrow Downs, it would be much appreciated.

Nerwen 09-23-2008 08:09 PM

Well, I was giving other people a chance to post...

But now that we've got three characters lurking in dark corners of the "Pony", maybe we can just proceed from there.

If this isn't too precipitous, Moonflower could ask after Aragorn (only human she knows) and that's how our heroes first get to hear there's an adventure in the offing...

(This scene should then be set a few days after the hobbits and Strider have left.)

And we need to work up to a Dramatic Reveal scene, where we all finally take our hoods off.

And Kit– how about my character and yours can't stand each other? ("Oh no... Auntie Astalder!")

Morthoron 09-23-2008 08:49 PM

Good ideas, Nerwen. I was thinking that Amarth is the one who accidentally trips Frodo. Either that, or he bravely chases off the Nazgul when Merry is hit with Black Breath. I can also see him complaining to Butterbur about the noise at night coming from the Hobbit section of the inn. How is anyone to get proper sleep with such unruly guests?

Nerwen 09-23-2008 09:12 PM

These are good ideas, too. So you think our lot should be there at the same time as Frodo et al? I was thinking of having them trail after them...

Anyway, I'll be out of town for a few days. I'll post if I can get to an internet cafe in that time– but you'd better start off.

Kitanna 09-23-2008 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 568678)

And Kit– how about my character and yours can't stand each other? ("Oh no... Auntie Astalder!")

That would be wonderful given the fact Astalder loves and is loved by everyone. She could be that dreaded aunt that no one likes at family reunions. The one that gets drunk and sets the cat on fire. Or in this case the one that can constantly reminds Moonflower she's blind and then sets the unicorn on fire (all the while being drunk of course). But seriously it would add to the angst if they at least had a mild dislike for each other.


I was thinking that Amarth is the one who accidentally trips Frodo. Either that, or he bravely chases off the Nazgul when Merry is hit with Black Breath. I can also see him complaining to Butterbur about the noise at night coming from the Hobbit section of the inn. How is anyone to get proper sleep with such unruly guests?
And someone can tip Aragorn off to Frodo's coming. I mean the future king could never have found Frodo without their help.

Morthoron 09-23-2008 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 568685)
These are good ideas, too. So you think our lot should be there at the same time as Frodo et al? I was thinking of having them trail after them...

Well, I consider imposing our flawed characters into the actual story is entirely part of the agenda, and gives us the patina of a truly wretched fan-fic (much in the same way everyone is the sister, brother or cousin twice-removed of some important character). We must keep reminding ourselves that it was our Fellowship that saved Middle-earth, but unfortunately Frodo got better press.

It reminds me of the time I helped plug that leaky ship Arvedui eventually sailed in. I was never really comfortable with that patch job.

Mithalwen 09-24-2008 06:23 AM

Well I won't come to the Pony with Liv, but I will do a post assuming that teh messages from Gildor's company have reached Rivendell and lead her to go to the rescue. I know that she and Denis will play a vital part at the ford of Bruinen and possibly at Weathertop.

Morthoron 09-27-2008 10:38 PM

I've decided that it would be appropriate to have 20 or so Mysterious Cloaked Figures™ lurking about. It gives the inn a nice, sinister ambience. The visual cracks me up.

Kitanna 09-28-2008 09:51 PM

Is there any sort of plan on how our merry band of Sues will meet up at the Pony?

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