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Feanor of the Peredhil 12-13-2003 08:54 PM

Of LotR Characters and Their Personality Flaws
While floating around the internet out of complete boredom this evening, I discovered this quiz: Which LotR Character and His Personality Flaw Are You?

After you find out who you are (I was lucky enough to be Elrond), click on view all possible results for a laugh.



<font size=1 color=339966>[ 9:18 PM December 30, 2003: Message edited by: Feanor of the Peredhil ]

Trippo The Hippo 12-13-2003 09:07 PM

I am Pippin I have never been him before in any quizzes. Some of those descriptions are pretty funny especially Gandalfs. That is so true.

Feanor of the Peredhil 12-13-2003 09:13 PM

My brother was Pip too! Which is funny because he's one of the most brilliant people that I know... I'm quite fond of the Haldir description.

Lëowen 12-13-2003 09:51 PM

Heh...I got Pippin the first time I took it, and Faramir the second.
But the alien thing is actually a perfect explanation to why he was like that in TTT...

Feanor of the Peredhil 12-13-2003 10:00 PM

Cheers Leowen... perhaps we could spread the word of Faramir's infestation. It would account for much.

Do the Wave for Boromir the Disco King. All profit goes to surgically removing the little green men from Faramir's brain.


ElenCala Isil 12-13-2003 11:23 PM

I also got Pip the very first time I took it. The second time, I got Merry. Interesting result, I must say, though probably not far off. I do so like killing people. [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Everdawn 12-13-2003 11:57 PM

Great! [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

I happen to be the Legolas...

It is so true. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Shire Flower 12-14-2003 12:23 AM

I got Gandalf and his responsibility shirking. Uh...... maybe this quiz is more accurate than I thought.... *innocent look*

Lyta_Underhill 12-14-2003 12:49 AM

I took this test--7 times, choosing different answers each time. I, too, got Legolas (twice), Aragorn (twice) and Merry (three times!). I can't believe they say Merry is bloodthirsty! What up wit dat?

Lyta (P.O.'d that she missed Elijah Wood on Saturday Night Live tonight... [img]smilies/mad.gif[/img] )

Meela 12-14-2003 06:55 AM

I did the quiz. I was Aragorn, with his acute hydrophobia.

I should have been Faramir.

Arothir 12-14-2003 05:12 PM

hehe I'm Elrond! That's impossible because in ME I'm Arothir, nephew of Finrod Felagund, son of Angrod, and King of Nargothrond. Curse the people who never changed the references to Orodreth in the Silmarillion.

Finwe 12-14-2003 05:50 PM

Hmm... interesting....

That is so me! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] I love it!

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 6:51 PM December 14, 2003: Message edited by: Finwe ]

Lindril Arvilya 12-14-2003 08:03 PM

I was Pippin, my boyfriend was Merry. *sigh* We're just meant to be together!

Lindril (it's a sign, a blessing from the Lord!) Arvilya

Nilpaurion Felagund 12-14-2003 08:20 PM

Yep, that's what I am. LGMs took my mind... [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img]

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 9:39 PM December 14, 2003: Message edited by: Nilpaurion Felagund ]

Faenaduial 12-14-2003 08:41 PM

I can't believe I got Aragorn. I even said my idea of a romantic evening was Candles and a jacuzzi!

Oddwen 12-14-2003 10:31 PM

That's funny...I was online last evening as well, looking at this EXACT SAME QUIZ! Us BD'ers must have some sort of telepathic connection, or something.
I came up as Pippin. Extremely applicable, to say the least.

Miriel Undomiel 12-15-2003 12:10 PM

I was Legolas. I gotta go, because it's something on TV about Viggo Mortensen. He's in Norway for the premier of 'Return of the King'!
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna see RotK in TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy..... [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Failivrin 12-15-2003 03:15 PM

this is off topic, but the last post reminded me of it...

i know a norwegian girl who is a journalist from Oslo. she got to see ROTK about a week ago at a special preview and THEN today (the 15th) she's going to this charity dinner where Viggo, Andy Serkis and Bernard Hill are present. she says if they're not swamped she'll get me their autographs.

but the point is she is blessed and it's not fair.

Nimrothiel 12-15-2003 03:33 PM

Dang it all, the school computers are blocking the link. Oh well, I'll just take it later. (Probably get Merry... [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] )

Nimrothiel 12-15-2003 04:28 PM

Aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Now the link isn't working on my home computer!!!!! [img]smilies/mad.gif[/img] [img]smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Trippo The Hippo 12-15-2003 04:38 PM

The wole site must be down us bders might have overloaded it. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]

Elennar Starfire 12-15-2003 07:58 PM

It worked for me!

I first got Elrond, but since there were some questions I wasn't sure of I redid it, and the second time got Sam. Both are actually pretty true, when I'm in a bad mood stay out of my way! and I do have a lot of trouble falling asleep sometimes. So they're true!

Iris Alantiel 12-17-2003 07:32 PM

The first time I got Legolas . . . which doesn't really sound a lot like me, I don't think . . . so I did it again. And got Legolas. Hmmm. I'd have thought I would be Sam, or perhaps Pippin, whose character flaw is complete simple-mindedness. "Idiocy is endearing when it's worn by somebody as adorable as you are." [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Feanor of the Peredhil 12-17-2003 07:33 PM


some sort of telepathic connection, or something
Great minds think alike? Or maybe not great minds... maybe just bored 'youngins'. It's a small 'net after all... [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Nimrothiel 12-26-2003 08:34 PM

Yay! I finally got the stupid link to work!
What's cool is, I got who I predicted. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
I'm Meriadoc Brandybuck, sweet and innocent on the outside, but a cold-blooded killer on the inside. (Heh, fits me perfectly [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] .)

Elennar Starfire 12-26-2003 10:29 PM

Took it again, now got Pippin. (no pun intended) That's sort of true for me as well. And Pip definately is adorable! Awwwww... *huggles Pip*

Olorin_TLA 12-27-2003 08:41 AM

Well, couldn't decide on question 2, so tried 2 possibilities, making me Legsie and Haldir!

Some kind of Elf-problem then...

Finwe 12-27-2003 05:40 PM

Hmm... I seem to keep getting the Elves. I wonder if that means something...

Nimrothiel 12-29-2003 05:49 PM

Yah, you're vain and utterly full of yourself. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] Hey, at least you're not a psychotic killer like me. [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]

dragoneyes 12-29-2003 06:28 PM

I'm a psychotic killer too. I'm perfectly fine with that, perhaps there's a reason I've not been bought a sword for Christmas...

Everdawn 12-29-2003 09:03 PM


Hmm... I seem to keep getting the Elves. I wonder if that means something...
Me too. I think it means we have to spend less time in front of a mirror and less time shopping and spend more time thinking about our fellow man... or elf.

Lhunardawen 12-30-2003 04:12 AM

I cannot believe this. I got Sam! This is so not me!!! [img]smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Oh well...I'll take it again. (I did not take it seriously. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] )

Second try: Legolas. That's more like it! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 5:16 AM December 30, 2003: Message edited by: Lhunardawen ]

Arwen Evenstar 12-30-2003 03:57 PM

YAY! I got Merry! My brother is prancing about because he got Gandalf the second time (Haldir the first). I`m so happy! My character is always extremely hot!

Evisse the Blue 12-30-2003 04:56 PM

LOL - the comments are so fun. I got Legolas twice and Sam twice, weird if you ask me. I should have got Elrond, though, the description fits me pretty well... [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

ElenCala Isil 12-30-2003 06:27 PM

I took it yet again.. got Merry.. again. Huzzah for me and my bloodlust! *hides butcher knife unslyly behind back*

Lhunardawen 01-02-2004 06:31 AM

Now that I think of it, I should have been Marry. Or Faramir. I've been feeling moving things in my mind for so long, they might be LGMs. And when I get that voice in my head... [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

Finwe 01-02-2004 11:37 AM

Everdawn.... MUST we stop looking at our pretty selves in the mirror and shopping????

Livesiel Greenleaf 01-02-2004 01:14 PM

One quick question:
Why does everyone beat up on Legolas? Why does everyone like dirty, scruffy guys? [img]smilies/confused.gif[/img]

Evisse the Blue 01-02-2004 01:38 PM


Why does everyone like dirty, scruffy guys?
Who's everyone??

Finwe 01-02-2004 01:53 PM

Because some girls can't handle being "with" a guy who looks into a mirror more often than they do and worries about his appearance much more than they do. Apparently it's some sort of insecurity. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

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