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suicidal elf chick 07-26-2002 01:33 AM

The Psychotic Elf
Post your info in "Middle Earth Adventures RPG Discussion before joining.

Kalia's cloak billowed out as she strode out of Faramir's dwelling and into the large early morning breeze. It smelled strongly of her home, Ithilien. Ah, beautiful Ithilen. But there was no time for daydreaming now. There was a job to be done. Kalia played back the conversation she had just had with Faramir in her head, to better analyze what she was about to do.

Faramir: Kalia, I need you to perform a very important task for me. Can I trust you to do this?
Kalia: Of course, my liege. What is it that you wish?
Faramir: I need you to escort a crazed elf to Rivendell. See if he can be cured. Take along four others that you wish to accompany you and to help keep track of him. Are you capable of this?
Kalia: Of course. I'll attend to the matter right away. Good bye.

And that was when she stepped out. Good for nothing human. Just becuse I'm part fairy doesn't mean I'm incapable of taking care of important matters, she thought to herself. She strolled down the stairs and into the alreay bustling market. She narrowly dodged a run away vegetable cart while she was looking for suitable allies and supplies. The first person that came to her mind was someone she didn't quite know, but seemed good for the job. His name was Sorell Maundy. She didn't exactly know him, but she had seen him around. The next person that came into her mind was another person she wasn't too familiar with, Nayruiel. And then there was Thengise Greenleaf, too. All seemed to be trustworthy people, so she set off to find them. The first person she came across wasn't who she had expected at all. It was...

[ July 26, 2002: Message edited by: suicidal elf chick ]

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-26-2002 01:41 AM

Thengise had ran away from her palace in Mirkwood again searching for adventure. She was walking along when she ran into Kalia.

suicidal elf chick 07-26-2002 01:48 AM

"Ah, one of the people I was looking for. How would you like to see part of Middle Earth? I'm looking for four good people to accompany me on my quest. I need to take our resident pyscho elf to Rivendell. I thought that I could trust you, so would you like to come?" Kalia asked, grinning at her fortune of finding one person so easily.

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-26-2002 02:03 AM

Thengise thought about it about, but then how could she refuse freedom!"I'd be glad to join u! First i will have to seek my father's approval if u could help me to make
him agree," Thengise softly said yet their was much excitement held with in her. Then she realized that she had to travel with a pysycotic elf. "Is this elf very dangerous?" Thengise questioned.

suicidal elf chick 07-26-2002 02:20 AM

"Yes, very dangerous, but we'll have him bound up so tightly that he won't even be able to wiggle his little finger. Come, let's go see your father about this arrangement," Vylia cheerily replied.

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-26-2002 10:50 AM

Thengise was riding her young white horse, Arien, who glowed like sunshine which was what her name meant. As they drew nearer to her home in Mirkwood she became worried, because asking her father if she could go on this journey would mean having to explain how she happened to be so far from home. She still had hope though because her father would not want a psyco elf running around and would want the poor elf to be healed as soon as possible.

suicidal elf chick 07-26-2002 11:03 AM

Kalia turned to Thengise.
"So, what brings you to Ithilien? I've lived there about five years. Who are your parents? Maybe it'll be easier for us to convince them if I know a little more about them."

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-26-2002 11:10 AM

"Well my father is Legolas Greenleaf, the prince of Mirkwood, and my mother is his wife Menelenduiel," Thengise replied. "The truth is i kind of ran away for just a little so that i could get fresh air and find adventure" Thengise said in an uneasy voice.

suicidal elf chick 07-26-2002 11:20 AM

"Wow. Okay, it might take a little more of my persuasive powers that I thought to sway them," Kalia said, an evilish smirk on her face. "Okay, what are some of their weaknesses? I mean like, when you lived with them, what got them to do what you asked?"

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-26-2002 11:32 AM

"Well i just ran away 3 days ago but i was planning to go back today. Well it will be hard to convince them especially since they probably have a search party looking for me," Thengise sighed. "Well it depends who asigned you this mission. If it is someone important then he will probably let me go, but some of his warriors might have to accompany us if u don't mind," Thengise answered.

suicidal elf chick 07-26-2002 11:45 AM

"Oooohhhh," Kalia said, a look of understanding on her face. "Well, I think he's pretty important, though pretty incompetant. It's Faramir."

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-26-2002 11:50 AM

"Ah, well Faramir and my father are pretty good friends. He will probably let me go, but with some warriors" Thengise replied. They were soon at the gates of her home in the woodland realm of Mirkwood. She looked up and sighed. The gates opened before them and many elves rushed toward them.

suicidal elf chick 07-26-2002 11:58 AM

"Ah, that should help a lot. I'm going to stretch the truth a bit, ok?" Kalia asked just as they were swarmed with elves.

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-26-2002 12:09 PM

"That's fine with me," Thengise whispered as an elf approached her. "My lady your father has been very worried and is waiting for you this very moment," the elf said trying to regain his strength."Oh well he shouldn't be worried for i am capable of taking care of myself," Thengise snapped. The elf escorted Thengise and Kalia to the palace upon the trees, where Legolas ran towards them and embraced his daughter. Once he released her, his anger began to show. "Where have you been?" he asked in a demanding voice. Before Thengise answered he looked over at Kalia and asked,"Are you the one responsible for bringing her back to safety?"

[ July 26, 2002: Message edited by: Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood ]

suicidal elf chick 07-26-2002 12:11 PM

"I don't know about safety, but I asked her if she wanted to help me with a favor for someone and she said we'd have to ask you, lord. Oh, my name is Kalia, pleased to make your aquaintance," Kalia said, winking at Thengise.

[ July 26, 2002: Message edited by: suicidal elf chick ]

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-26-2002 02:48 PM

"Well pleased to meet u as well but what favor is asked of my daughter and for whom?" Legolas asked.

ColletteTook 07-26-2002 02:55 PM

Thengise! Thengise! I have been trying to find you i- * glares up at the elves knees* i-er wanted to go with you when you ran away *shuts her mouth realizing she jst said something wrong* i mean- ummm

ColletteTook 07-26-2002 02:58 PM

*blinks* what i MEANT was i was trying to find you so you werent taekn captive by this EVIL elf * glares at the elf with thengise and realizes everyone knows shes not evil and that shes lyign* IM DELIRIOUS! * does a mock faint to draw attention away from her elf friend*

ColletteTook 07-26-2002 03:02 PM

" get up collette" said legolas in an annoyed voice " im getting moria flashbacks"
* jumps to her feet "moria flashbacks sir?" *legolas frowns * " you ar the spitting image of pippin...and i doubt it not he raised you on his morals- ive seen that faint bfore"

suicidal elf chick 07-26-2002 03:41 PM

<<<...Okay.. Welcome! Go post in the Ddiscussion thread so we kow who you are. It's called Middle Earth Adventures.>>>

Kalia grinned at the silly hobbit's antics. Turning back to Legolas, she said, "I asked her to come with me on a favor from Faramir of Ithilien. I was assigned the task of escorting a sick elf to Rivendell. He sid that I may take four others along with me and a large guard to protect us. So can she ome?" she asked, putting on her sweetest yet most ridiculous face.

ColletteTook 07-26-2002 04:10 PM

I INSIST that you two fine elves take me along. my antics may be of use use yet.

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-26-2002 04:11 PM

"Sorry about that Kalia. This is My hobbit friend Collette. Her uncle is Pippin Took and so we have grown up together," Thengise said as she sighed for Collette too was clumsy like her uncle.
"Well if it's for Faramir i suppose she can go, but a group of my soldiers must accompany you at all times," Legolas said with a hint of uncertainty in his voice.
Thengise turned to Kalia with a smile on her face and asked,"Would it be alright if Collette came along as well?"

ColletteTook 07-26-2002 04:15 PM

* due to her short attention span had already stopped paying attention and was poking at a lovly sculpture leaning against a nearby tree* oooooh! this is so pretty * sculpture kncks over* sorry! " jsut take her out of the forset i dont care TAKE HER!" said legolas going red in the face " when your grandfather sees that broken...."

suicidal elf chick 07-26-2002 04:19 PM

"Sure, she can come. Well, I'm sorry, sir, but Faramir wishes to attract the smallest amount of attention to us, so as to lower the risk of the elf escaping. So is it all right if we take only about three or four of your guard with us? Instead of a whole battalion?" Kalia asked, making Bambi eyes.

ColletteTook 07-26-2002 04:21 PM

yaaaaay! i get to go! im sorry about the thingy i broke "its a statue of Lutien Tinuviel!" legolas roared. yeah that thing......umm i cant really pay for it * reluctantly hands him a loaf of bread* * legolas stares at it and doesnt take it so she offers it to another elf standing nearby and they take it*

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-26-2002 04:25 PM

"Well, I suppose that will be fine as long as you promise to bring back my daughter safely,"Legolas answered in an uneasy voice

"Oh thank you father! You do not know how much i appreciate this!" Thengise said with much appreciation.

"As long as you take Collette with you and out of my sight!" Legolas said becoming frustrated.

suicidal elf chick 07-26-2002 04:25 PM

"Hehehe, you really are insane, aren't you?" Kalia asked Colette. "By the way, my name is Kalia, in case you didn't hear me before. Who are you?"

ColletteTook 07-26-2002 04:29 PM

Im Collette Took! * Stand on the tips of her remarkably large feet to shake Kalia's hand* I am daughter of Pimpernell,An annoyance to my sisters, a burden on the Shire and spoiled by my uncle for it * legolas laughs*

suicidal elf chick 07-26-2002 09:21 PM

"Welcome aboard, Colette. Well, Sir Legolas, if that's it we'll be leaving back to Ithilien now. We need to round up the rest of our little group," Kalia said, smiling. She bowed to Legolas and they stepped out the door. "Oh wait. Colette, do you have a horse or anything you need to pack?"

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-27-2002 12:04 AM

"Well I don't know about Collette but i need to get packed,"Thengise replied. As soon as she said that an elf came with her bag and check list. "Here's your bag my lady,"the elf said as he handed her the bag. "Thank you,"Thengise sighed.

ColletteTook 07-27-2002 12:10 AM

all i own is right here on my back. im afraid i dont have a horse i too small to ride one! but if thengise's KIND father would dre to lend me a pony , id say our day is made " if i did so something might end up dead" said legolas. oh your so nice and htoughtful legoas! but you dont need to worry about my safety! "i was referring to the pony" said legolas frowning. er- might i double up with you thengise?

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-27-2002 12:21 AM

"Daddy! Of course I will lend you a pony. I shall lend u Beleg. He is a good, fearless, and strong pony,"Thengise said as she stared at her father.

ColletteTook 07-27-2002 12:26 AM

wonderful! i love the exitement of an adventure. it makes me hungry, speaking of are we invited to dinner?

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-27-2002 01:02 AM

"Good thinking Collette, we should all have a great meal then depart,"Thengise replied.

Soon they were at the dinner table eating a grand meal and getting to know Kalia better.

ColletteTook 07-27-2002 01:12 AM

soooo....Kalia. what part of middle earth are you from? * loses her already short attention span and doesnt hear the answer * mmm. wow thats great. " how is pippin?" asked legolas . Oh he great. he ha alot on his plate now though * loading her own plate with everything in reach, even if she didnt know what it was* His wife just gve him a baby son he named Faramir. When the midwife told him it was a boy, he fainted rightt here at the table. * legolas laughed, just then collette knocks over her wine and it spills across the table* Oh clumbsy me! so sorry! * accidentally elbows over a candle, that did not go well with wine and soon had the entire table linen in flames* OOPS! "oops? OOPS?thats it! i didnt want you to eat her AND IF I HAD HAD MY WAY YOU WOULD BE WAITING OUTSIDE RIGH NOW!!! GET OUT! OUT! OUT! YOU ARE BANISHED FORM MY COURT UNTIL YOU ARENO LONGER THE NEICE OF THAT FOOL, PIPPIN!" roared legolas .

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-27-2002 01:29 AM

"I think we should go now,"Thengise said as the servants threw the linen into a bucket of water.

"Sweety, please come here,"Legolas summoned Thengise. Thengise followed her father into a different room. "Sweety, are you sure it is safe taking Collette with you? I feel you will not be safe with her around,"Legolas said. Thengise smiled and replied,"Oh daddy u shouldn't worry so much. We will keep close watch on Collette at all times."

Legolas looked solemnly at her daughter. Then he took her into his arms and stroked her hair. "I will miss u dearly. There will not be a day when i can sleep well with out knowing that you are here."

"I shall miss u as well,but please don't lose sleep because of me," Thengise replied as she felt a tear fall on her head. She looked up at her father and saw that he was crying. "There will never be a moment when i am not thinking of you," Thengise said softly.

Collette entered the room and Legolas released his daughter and wiped his tears.

[ July 27, 2002: Message edited by: Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood ]

[ July 27, 2002: Message edited by: Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood ]

ColletteTook 07-27-2002 01:38 AM

gee mr. Legolas sir! im sorry! i didnt know the linen was that important to you! * seeing his tears* im really sorry * can now see by legolas' now convulsing anger, that she made a mistake * er- ummm were ready for you thengise and umm, yeah well bye mr legolas sorry again * leaves to make friends with her pony but is too afraid to turn her back to the angry elf so she backs up, and eventually trips on her own clumbsy feet and runs from the room*

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-27-2002 01:44 AM

Thengise said her last farewells and was soon outside. She hopped on her horse and waited for Collette to get on her horse since she was having difficulties even getting on the pony. She turned around towards her father and gave him a last smile.

suicidal elf chick 07-27-2002 01:47 AM

Kalia sat quietly to the side as she thought about what had happened so far that day. She smiled as she thought of Colette burning the dining table, smiling. She saw Thengise walk off into a room with her father. She smiled and silently wished that she still had parents that cared about her. As she came out of her thoughts, she realized that there were tears in her eyes. She quickly brushed them away, not wanting anyone to see them. Looking around, she saw inside the room with Legolas and Thengise and saw them embracing. She turned away, not wanting to intrude, eavesdrop, or desroy anything for them. Suddenly, an elf came up to her.
"Excuse me, ma'am. Would you like a room for the night?"
"Sure, it seems like we're going to be leaving tomorrow anyways," she said, standing up. He led her down a few hallways and into a beautiful green room. There was a black bed and lots of green. She shrugged and changed into a nightgown set on her bed. She called the elf back to her and told him to tell Thenigse and Colette that they would be staying the night here. he looked fearful at the mention of Colette but went anyways. She went over to the bed and fell asleep, almost immediately, tired from earlier.

ColletteTook 07-27-2002 01:53 AM

whahooooo! * runs into the smaller of the three rooms* elf stuff cool! * thengise can hear her jumping on the comfy mattress, hiperly* the is the best room ive ever stayed in i thin wow! whats this? * thengise and kalia start to laugh quietly when they hear a crash! and legolas' roaring voice soon after.* " collette! that is A FAMILY HEIRLOOM! I CAN SWEAR I CAN FORSEE MY DEATH IN YOU EYES! YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS? A HEART ATTACK! A HEART ATTACK COLLETTE! GO TO SLEEEEEEEP!"

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