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Gamja 01-02-2003 08:53 PM

Movie Bloopers!
I've always wanted to do one of these. [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]

Battle of Helm's Deep: *Aragorn tells the archeres behing him to fire, but one arrow sticks him through the back of the head, Open eyed, Aragorn falls face forward*

Man who shot the arrow: Oops. Sorry. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]

Manardariel 01-02-2003 09:07 PM

Aragorn comes to Helms Deep
Legolas: You´re late
Aragorn: A hero, Legolas, is never late. Nor is he early. He arrives precisly when he intended to....

End of Helms Deep
Eowyn*runs to Aragorn, starts kissing him*
Aragorn(thinking) Hey! This isn´t half bad...

Eowyn&Aragorn are duelling.
Eowyn:*stares even more* Oh. My. God.
Aragorn: What? *turnes around*
Aragorn:*stares* Oh. My. God.
Peter Jackson: What?
Eowyn&Aragorn: *stare more*
PJ: *turnes around* Oh. My. God.
Gimli(at other end of set) I´m to sexy for my shirt, to sexy for my shirt.... *strips*

laziieye 01-02-2003 11:26 PM

Wow. Thats a new way of looking at Gimli, of the likes i have never seen before. o [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

Daewen 01-03-2003 10:49 AM

*hehe...that last one was good...*

Legolas at Helms Deep: *singing* Everybaody was kung fu fighting! Huh! *stabs orc* Those cats were fast as lightning! Huh! *stabs another orc* It was a little bit frightening...

Merry in Fangorn Forest after Treebeard picks them up: Say, is that an apple! *pulls apple off of treebeards branches*

Saruman: You cannot leave, Gandalf!
Gandalf: Alright, slumber party!

Daewen 01-04-2003 03:11 PM

Gandalf to Balrog: YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!
Balrog: *turns around and looks at orcs* He says we can't pass. *shouts from orcs that he shouldn't back down* You tell him! He's scary!

Sam in Bree: Let him go, or I'll have you Longshanks!
Pippin:, that was some seriously good ale Peter...woah I'm totally hammered...
Peter Jackson: BILLY! You weren't supposed to actually drink it! CUT!

Aragorn52 01-04-2003 04:05 PM

Ok...i'll try some

Two Towers Ones:

When Arwen is leaving Rivendell she turns back to look at Elrond, he says
"May the force be with you"

At the end of the battle scene of Helm's Deep, and Eowyn runs up to hug Aragorn, he moves and she falls down the stairs. Aragorn laughs.

FOTR ones:

When the Fellowship is in awe at Galadriel, Celeborn falls over, reavealing him to be a cardboard cutout.

Sauron streaches out his hand to Isildur, then roars "Pull my FINGER!"

Thats all i have for now...

Sindafalathiel 01-04-2003 04:19 PM

At Helm's Deep:
Legolas is slidingf down the stairs on the sheild, when at the bottom it tips and falls over. everyone, orcs, elves, Gimli &humans laughs.

Meela 01-04-2003 04:43 PM

god... i just fell off my chair laughing at the celeborn-cardboard-cutout one!! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

these are really good [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Daewen 01-04-2003 04:47 PM

Arwen: DO you remember what i told you?
Aragorn: Uh...yeah...wait said...I had a nice a$$?

Manardariel 01-04-2003 04:59 PM

Aragorn gives Arwen her pendanr back.
Arwen: It was a gift... a gift to use against Sauron
PJ: CUT!! CUT!! THIS-IS-NOT-FotR!!!!!!!!!!!

VanimaEdhel 01-04-2003 05:13 PM

Aragorn: Legolas! What do your Elf eyes see?
Legolas: I see...Liv Tyler dressing! Ooooo!
Peter Jackson: Cuuuuuuuut!

*Something that actually happened in the Extended Version, according to Mr. Bloom*
Gimli: Well, do you know what this Dwarf says to that? Ishkha-blast! What does this Dwarf say to that?

(John Rhys-Davies apparently kept forgetting that it was Ishkhaqui ai durugnul)

Haldir: *dies*
*Ten thousand women, myself included, storm the set and gather around Craig Parker, weeping hysterically and screaming, "Nooooooo! Noooooooo! It can't be! Noooooooo!"*
Peter Jackson: Cuuuuuuut!

Legolas: *surfs down the stairs, with the "Back to the Future" music playing in the background...he slips, and flips off the side of the stairway* OUCH!
Peter Jackson: Cuuuuuuuut!

Legolas: *goes to mount the horse, but gets trampled* OUCH!
Peter Jackson: Cuuuuuuuuut! Is it still too late to get Leonardo DiCaprio for this part?

LePetitChoux 01-04-2003 05:20 PM

Legolas: He is one of the Mearas, unless my eyes are cheated by some spell

*An old, lame fat horse crawls up*

Aragorn: Hmm, I guess it was a spell.
Gandalf: Shut up. It was the best horse I could afford.

[ January 05, 2003: Message edited by: LePetitChoux ]

Meela 01-05-2003 09:35 AM

The elves arrive at Helms Deep and line up behind the wall.
It starts raining. 2,000 umbrellas shoot up in the air.
The Uruk-Hai advance. The elves drop the umbrellas and run screaming into the caves.

Haldir gets bloodied up and lays dying.
Haldir: Aragorn! My mirror, my make-up...
Aragorn takes out a bright red lipstick and paints clown lips on Haldir.

Aragorn marches up and down the wall at Helms Deep behind the elves yelling orders.
Aragorn: ready... aim....
The elves all turn around and shoot him. Aragorn falls down dead. Haldir steps up and kicks him.
Haldir: I'm in charge here...

Legolas and Gimli are behind the wall at Helms Deep waiting for the Uruk-Hai.
Legolas: taunt... shorty... taunt, taunt...
Gimli suddenly shoots up 17ft and steps on Legolas and squishes him.
Gimli: that'll teach you!

Haldir gets speared. Aragorn rushes over.
Aragorn: Haldir...
Haldir gets up.
Haldir: I'm okay... (kills some Uruk-Hai)
Haldir gets stabbed in the back.
Aragorn: Haldir...
Haldir gets back up again.
Haldir: I'm okay...
Aragorn: ....
Haldir: I saw the Fellowship of the Ring yesterday. If Boromir won't die, why should I?
Aragorn rolls his eyes and stabs Haldir. Haldir dies.
Boromir walks up and kicks his body.
Boromir: copy-cat...

Frodo plays around with the One Ring. The Eye of Sauron appears in front of him. Frodo grabs an onion and holds it up. The Eye begins to cry.
Flood warnings for the next fortnight are issued throughout Middle-Earth.

Isildur cuts off Saurons fingers. 20 new fingers appear on his hand, half of them with rings on. Sauron looks at Isildur.
Sauron: hey, I didn't know it would happen either, man...

LePetitChoux 01-06-2003 03:49 PM

Funny! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Lindril Arvilya 01-06-2003 06:35 PM

*Aragorn floats down the river unconscious, lands*
*Spirit of Arwen murmurs something in Elven and kisses him*
*Aragorn and Spirit of Arwen start making out*
PJ: Cuuuuuuuuut!!!!
Legolas actually gets Gimli the box...
*Aragorn tosses Gimli onto the bridge*
Gimli: Cannonball!!!!
*Aragorn jumps over*
Aragorn: Ieieieieieie!!!!!!!!!!!
Orcs: Xena?

Nari 01-08-2003 04:29 PM

*Gorgeous milky-white horse runs across the field, mane waving beautifully in the wind.*

Gandalf: He is called Shadowfax.

Aragorn: One of the fastest horses, and most beautiful. If only I could-

Gandalf: Yeah, yeah, hurry up and get on. It's beef stroganoff night at the center!

Lindril Arvilya 01-08-2003 05:42 PM

*Saruman staggers out on his balcony, pulling on his clothes*
Ents: Good morning!
*Wormtongue staggers out pulling on his clothes*
Saruman: What a morning after....

Gamja 01-08-2003 07:18 PM

LOL!!!! You guys are awesome at this!

Gamja 01-08-2003 07:21 PM

Gimli at Helm's Deep: Toss me.
*Aragorn looks strangely at him*
Aragorn: Alright.
*Gimli goes a little too far and lands among the Orcs attackig the wall*
Aragorn:Oops. I shall redeem myself with this!
*Aragorn lands too short and breaks his forhead on the ramp*
Aragorn: (dazed) my bad.

Lame but, I was never good at this anyway. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]

Balin999 01-09-2003 05:25 AM

Legolas: He is one of the Mearas, unless my eyes are cheated by some spell

Shadowfax approaches, but when he has arrived, the company sees that he is so small that he doesn't even reach Gandalf's ankles.
Gandalf: Common, this ridiculous!
P.J: Cut! Ok, Ian, we'll get you a bigger one.

Nimrothiel 01-09-2003 08:40 AM

ROFL! Oh man, this one is really stupid, but here goes...

(Frodo gets picked up by the Watcher in the Water)

Frodo: Aaaaahhh!!! Help, Aagorn!!!

Watcher: Oh boy, a little hobbit of my very own. I will call him George, and I will hug him and squeeze him and pet him and...


ElentariGreenleaf 01-09-2003 04:30 PM

That one was horrible [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Lindril Arvilya 01-09-2003 10:33 PM

Sorry bout that, Elentari. I'll try to redeem myself better than Aragorn did a few posts up.

Gimli: Toss me! It's a long way across, I canna make the jump so you'll have to toss me.
Aragorn: Alright...
Gimli: Don't tell any Elf.
Aragorn: Never.
*later on in the barracks*
Aragorn: *whispers* Psst.... Legolas... come here, you'll never guess what Gimli.....

Skippy the Nazgul 01-10-2003 03:31 PM

Eowyn: And where is she? The one who gave you that jewel?
Aragorn: Oh, this old thing. I picked it up from one of my many lady admirers. You wouldn't imagine how many woman throw their numbers at me.
Eowyn: What do you do with them all.
Aragorn: Index them.
*Aragorn pulls out a three volume address book*

At the battle of Helm's Deep:
Legolas rapid fires arrows in every direction, while humming the tune "thee little indians." In him mind he's singing: One little, Two little, Three little orcs dead. Four little, Five little, Six little orcs dead. . .
In the distance Gimli is yelling out numbers.

Faramir leads Frodo to a cliff over looking the forbidden pool. He raises his hand to give the order to fire on Gollum.
Faramir: Shall I shoot?
Frodo: WAIT
*Faramir drops his arm and the men fire*
Faramir: I couldn't resist, Wood looked so adorible and since you made me a jerk anyway I figured you wouldn't mind.
*Andy Serkis screams in pain from below the cliff*
Serkis: Mean men hurts us, PJ trixx us!!! Screw the Preciousssss, we quits. You'll hearssss from both our lawyersss.

Nari 01-10-2003 03:39 PM

Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf and Strider riding on their horses. Music cue...

Legolas: HANGIN' OUT!


Gimli: SAME OL' THING...

PJ: Cut!

Jenna 01-10-2003 03:43 PM

LOL- i am falling off my seat with laughter! Heres one that supposedly realy happened-
* orcs begin to charge at the battle of helms deep- lead orc trips-his knee spikes stick in the ground- pahtetic un-orc like voice comes out of armor*
Orc-HelP! Im stuck!
Crew-improvise! Play dead!
Pj- CUT!!!!!

Jenna 01-10-2003 03:58 PM

lol, these are so funny

Lindril Arvilya 01-10-2003 07:50 PM


Orc-HelP! Im stuck!
Crew-improvise! Play dead!
Yeah, I heard about that one somewhere...

*at the Battle for Helm's Deep*
*Orc with sparking torch runs toward the wall*
Aragorn: Take him down, Legolas!
Legolas: Do I have to? It's so pretty!
Aragorn: Kill him!
Legolas: Alright, already... *mutters* "Do this, Legolas, do that, Legolas, Legolas, kill that orc, Legolas, what do your Elven eyes see...."

Galenfea of Mirkwood. 01-11-2003 10:42 AM

[img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] Well done, Lindril Arvilya, that was REALLY funny!!!!! (five excamation marks, a sure sighn of insanity)

Lindril Arvilya 01-13-2003 03:53 PM

Legolas is sheildboarding down the steps, shooting orcs and being generally Elvish. You hear the song "Surfin' in the U.S.A" playing faintly in the background.

Nimrothiel 01-13-2003 04:48 PM

OMG, Skippy, that was hillarious!!! "You'll hearssss from both our lawyerssss..." Ahahahahahahaha!!! Whew, I'm okay now. Ah yes, it's time for another one of mine. Not very original, but it just had to be done.

*Helm's Deep, scene with torch-carrying orc*

Any sportscaster: "And look at him go, and look at him go, he...could...go...all...the...

(Orc trips and falls)

Orc: Sh*t!

All: Ooooh!

[ January 13, 2003: Message edited by: Nimrothiel ]

Gamja 01-13-2003 05:00 PM

LOL!!! Good one Nimrothiel! (I hope I didn't spell your name wrong) [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

dragoneyes 01-13-2003 05:10 PM

If it was the olympics, I'd say that torch would be the olympic flame, I can just imagine that orc taking a wrong turn into an olympic stadium.

Everdawn 01-14-2003 01:25 AM

Oh my god you guys are hillarious!!!
Ever seen the craft??

Gandalf: I bind you Saruman, I bind you from doing harm to other people and harm against yourself...
Saruman: OH man!

ok well that is a bit lame.. but i thought it was funny...

Himaran 01-14-2003 02:46 PM

*In moria at balin's tomb, Boromir runs forward to look out the door. He is hit by arrow and falls forward. Not seeing it but following script, Aragorn regards him as a dwarf corpse and proceeds to shut door, jamming it with 2 axes. Aragorn backs away.*

Boromir begins Banging on the door. Fellowship backs away on cue. Boromir decides to bust through. He succeeds in a small area of the door. Legolas fires an arrow through the opening. The banging ceases....

Lindril Arvilya 01-14-2003 08:12 PM

Wormtongue is spared by the ever-just hand of Aragorn, and runs through the crowd, pushing them out of his way. They're all only too happy to oblige.
Wormtongue: Stupid wizard, ruining everything! Well... *idea* I'll show him....
*rides away and no one notices*
Gandalf goes to feed Shadowfax and is rather upset to find only a thin straggly black mare....

Gamja 01-15-2003 11:16 AM

That was incredibly funny Himaran!
LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL !!!!!!!! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Everdawn 01-16-2003 10:16 PM

In Lothlorien when they are meeting Galadriel as she is walking down the stairs, Celeborn sticks his foot out and Galadriel falls down the stairs... If you can imagine it, how funny would it look on the screen!

Meela 01-17-2003 02:31 PM

Legolas surfs down the stairs on a shield at Helm's Deep, firing arrows.

Random orc: he he... you can see up his skirt!

Battle is forgotten as everyone laughs hysterically.

Dead orc at Leg's feet: he he... pink knickers!

More hysterical laughter.

The elves march towards Helm's Deep and up the slope towards the gate.

Lone elf voice: waaaaiiiit! I've got a blimmin' stone in my shoe!

Lindril Arvilya 01-18-2003 10:36 PM

For the Holy Grail fans out there:
The Elves begin their walk away from Rivendell, and you see a shot of the last group of the line, wearing their cloaks and hoods, and carrying small planks.
Elves: ... dona eis requiem... *DONK*

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