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Elvish Hermit 03-01-2003 02:29 PM

I chose my nivkname because ever since I was little, I always felt like an elf. Whether it be some beautiful princess-like one (NOT arwen) or Santa Clause related I alway wanted to be one. And the hermit part was added because I rarely interact with 3D people and I like hermit crabs.

aragornreborn 03-01-2003 02:30 PM

Well, I admire and identify with Aragorn, in a way, and was trying to think up something Aragorn related that was clever but serious. Then, I stumbled upon aragornreborn. I liked it, so it is. I also admire/identify with Faramir, and in one of my many moments of supreme uncleverness, I entertained the name Faramir_is_here. Yes, yes, I know. Luckily, I stuck with aragornreborn which, to me anyway, is a little better.

Estelyn Telcontar 03-01-2003 02:35 PM

In answer to several questions, no, you cannot change your screenname. What you can do if you absolutely want it different is re-register under the new name. You will start with 0 posts again if you do so.

Durion the Dark 03-07-2003 04:02 PM

My nickname is pretty straight foreward (although i doubt anyone will even see it buried so far in the back). My first choice was Tanis Half-elven (named after a very popular book series, Dragonlance) But i suppose not enough people would understand that (I love those books so much). So i chose a very new name of mine, Durion the Dark.......Actually Durion was the original name, Taken from a homemade RPG I made up (mostly...). Durion, a cloudy figure, obscure at times, wearing a simple robe cloak combination, And wielding a fearsom halbred/pike....... [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] , the Dark on the other hand is just a signature on the end of my name when I play computer RPGs. Well, I hope you enjoy that, Rate me if YOU, have the time....Durion the Dark

Chancellen the True 03-09-2003 02:19 AM

I figured that all the names from Tolkien that I liked would allready be taken, since I'm #6000 something; so, I took a name from another source. The name I took is from a Planescape novel. It is one The Nameless One's aliases from a prior life that he read on a wanted poster. Obscure enough for ya.

Adamathamariel 03-09-2003 07:55 AM

I just changed my name from "Andephelwen", which means long wall (its the one that the BD generator spit out), to my self-fabricated name, Adamathamariel. It is a modified version of Adanethamariel, which means "Maiden Woman of the Earth".

"Good heavens! Don't pretend that goblins can't count. They can. Twelve isn't fifteen and they know it."

hobbit punk 03-10-2003 07:09 PM

My nick is supposed to be kinda funny and different. I happen to love LOTR esp. hobbits and punk rock so it seemed to fit. And it fits my persona as well. I often like to pretend I am a hobbit. Don't know why but I feel a special connection with them. Sorry if that isn't too interesting.. [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

White Lady 03-10-2003 09:16 PM

Well I just love elfs, and Galadrel is my favorite one. She is bautiful and powerful...and all that [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img] ,so I couldn't be Galadriel and her aliase is The White Lady, so here I am [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Hirilaelin 03-11-2003 05:42 PM

I am a swimmer, and love Arthurian legends, so I chose Hirilaelin, Lady of the Lake! But my translated Elvish name is Eruanne, which is kind of frustrating now that I'm registered with 300 something posts. Can't turn back now! But I do like my name, it sounds cool to say, all flowery and flowing.

Rumil 03-11-2003 08:14 PM


originally I tried to think of a fairly obscure name from Lord of the Rings, little did I know then that this board reaches such heroic levels of obscurity. (PS that's a compliment by the way) [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] Frankly after I'd haunted the downs for a while I was amazed that nobody else had this nick.

Then I got to thinking, and remembered Rumil the great sage of Kor-Tirion, yeah,a bit presumptuous, but stay with me. I grew up in a house called Coedhirion (which sounds more or less the same, honest). Now, as you linguistic types know, that's Welsh for tall trees, which brings us back to Rumil of Lothlorien, well known for hanging around in the odd mallorn or two.

Gilbo 03-12-2003 11:08 AM

What nickname?
Back at the dawn of the Fifth Age(circa 1969) my group was in to Tolkien, "Stranger in a Strange Land" and Pipeweed. We started adding BO to our real names, thus Tombo, Timbo, Wesbo, Larbo,Denbo, Gilbo.
Women had -Sholme added to their names, as in Mary-sholme, Janey-sholme, Jeannie-sholme. I don't know why, ask the pipe.
I've used it ever since.

grishgrash the burner 03-28-2003 03:14 AM

intially, i was going to choose something... elvish. since the eldars were the beautiful and the fair. but then, i thought... maybe not. i thought, o.k. a lot of people will choose something elvish. so, why don't i take something that is the opposite? & i ended up with 'grishgrash the burner'.

'i'll hunt you down and burn you if i have to' --grishgrash the burner

Mordor_Queen 03-28-2003 07:17 AM

I chose Mordor Queen because i love the Shire [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]

Elotareth 03-28-2003 05:00 PM

I actually had a lot of fun choosing my name! I'm kind of obsessed with Elvish and I really identify with the warrior princess archetype (sorry all you Arwen-dissers!), so I compiled several words (I can't remember whether its in Sindarin or Quenya) to make Elotareth. It basically means "Star Warrior" with the feminine ending "-eth". Anyway, g2g

Lathriel 03-29-2003 12:34 AM

I made up the name Lathriel it is a character from my first fan fiction.
She is a beautiful maiden and somehow the name Lathriel stuck. Anyway I would post my story on this website if they had room! I will have to check if they made any space sometime soon. I check weekly. [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

GlingleglingleglingleFairy 03-29-2003 03:45 AM

Well, long story behind my name. It comes from a Terry Pratchett book, Hogfather. Basically in the book the Hogfather (kind of like Santa) is killed and there's lots of spare belief in the world. Because of this lots of random gnomes/fairies start existing to explain things (the verruca gnome brings verrucas, there's a creature that eats odd socks) and each time someone says, hey, I bet there's a gnome that brings verrucas there is a glingleglingleglingle noise and that creature comes into existance. Finally, some smart person who's wondering where the noise comes from says, I bet there's a fairy with bells making the glingleglingleglingle noise and hey presto, there is. That is me, the Glingleglingleglingle Fairy. [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img]

Annalaliath 04-04-2003 01:08 AM

this is my character name. I would have used Myrddin but that is not Tolkien at all, and there is alot of other reasons. Annalaliath means the gift of laghter , anna meaning gift of and laliath is laughter.

sigrid 04-04-2003 02:24 AM

Well, Sigrid is my real name. As I happen to live in Northern Europe, my parents just chose an ancient scandinavian (viking) name for me. Sigrid means Shining Victory in english as I recall. I“m quite pealsed with my name, actually, no need for aliases. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] On the other hand, its not very tolkien-related I quess...

Sillabub 05-17-2003 11:40 AM

Sillabub actually isn'y from middle earth... she's not even from any of the races mentioned in any of the books. In fact, Sillabub is the name of a Jellicle. Now everyone knows what a jellicle is right?...(who am I kidding?)oh, fine. Jellicles are cats from the musical CATS, composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Sillabub is (at least in terms of my name) another name for the kitten Jemima. My current avatar is a picture of Jemima from the movie.

Ophelia 06-05-2003 03:35 PM

Well if you know who Ophelia was tahn you are not far from knowing the legend of me nickname .

Tarien Ithil 06-11-2003 11:39 AM

My nick means "Moon Princess" in quite incorrect Elvish but anyway.... [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Corwyn Celesil 06-11-2003 11:49 AM

The story behind my name is rather long and complicated. Had I been male rather than female, my father wanted to name me Corwin after a character in one of his favorite books, Nine Princes in Amber. Corwin wore black and silver, including a silver rose. I made Corwin into a female name, Corwyn, which actually has a meaning (Ring Maiden), and translated Silver Rose to Celesil.

Idunn 06-11-2003 12:17 PM

I'm fond of mythology in general. That's why I chose the name of the Vikings' godess of spring. I simply like how it sounds...I don't especially like the character. In fact, I haven't found much about her in sources available for me.

MYyyPreciousSS 06-14-2003 12:48 AM

I've always been interested in Gollum, and really Gollum is the reason I became interested in LOTR. I started with just reading the riddles in The Hobbit; which then lead me to read the whole chapter, since I enjoyed the riddles. I liked that chapter so much I read the book, and then it went on from there. So really my LOTR obsession really started with Gollum, and one of the reasons I like Gollum so much was because of him always saying "my preciouss". And so thats where the nickname comes from, the saying that started my interest (plus a couple more Y's.)

Finwe 06-14-2003 12:48 PM

Initially my nickname to be Aredhel Finuchil, since it is the name of my alter-ego in Middle-earth. She is the daughter of Gil-galad, and the granddaughter of Celegorm (on her mother's side, don't ask).

But on most of the other forums that I'm on, I'm Aredhel, so I decided to change things around a bit, and be the original player, Finwė!

MLD-Grounds-Keeper-Willie 06-14-2003 04:32 PM

I just realized I never posted here.

I chose MLD-Grounds-Keeper-Willie beccause I figured most people would choose Middle-earth names. That's just fine, but it can be repetative and stale. If you have an odd name like mine, it's sticks out in your mind, and people remember me easier. MLD represents something with me and my friends. It's pretending like we're a gang. We have a rival pretend-gang too. It's actually quite hilarious some times.

I chose Grounds-Keeper-Willie because I love the Simpsons. I believe it is the best show ever. I like so many characters on the show but I can only choose one. I don't really have a favorite, but Willie is sort of representative of myself. He's Scottish, and I'm Irish, the two nationalities are very similar. I admire Willie. He has a low paying job and he is low on the social ladder, yet he holds true to his heritage and struggles to succeed in America. He's obviously an immigrant, and one episode proves it. He sticks up for Uter, who isn't actually an immigrant, he's an exchange student. And there's much much more about him than you might think.

Anyways, that's how I ended up with the name. I shouldn't have put all the hyphens in it. It would look better as MLD-GroundskeeperWillie, but hey, I'm not complaining. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

soul_of_the_rose 06-15-2003 04:49 PM

Mine isn't exactly Tolkien, and I probably couldn't remember it if I had an Elvish name, so I chose this. It's from a Tennyson poem, Maud (see signature), and I thought that phrase was too beautiful to pass up. Also the title of a favorite painting of mine inspired by the same poem.

Phoenix 06-15-2003 06:18 PM

Well, I picked Phoenix because I took a quiz and it came back that I was a phoenix god, so I use that on a lot of things. If I picked a lotr name though, it would be Nessa. My real name is nessa and Nessa is a goddess in The Silmarillion.

maikafanawen 06-15-2003 06:48 PM

My nick, Maikafanawen, is my full name (first, middle, and last) translated on the Barrow Downs Name Translater thingy. I was playing around and just liked it so ... I used it on the forum. I looked up its meaning and it translates to be:

Sharp = Maika-
Veil = -fana-
Maiden = -wen

I don't know what that means but its my name. Did anyone else use the translater for their name? Did you translate it into its english meaning? Does yours make sense??


Horse-Maiden of the Shire 06-15-2003 06:54 PM

I chose Horse-Maiden of the Shire. I chose it because I love horses. They are the most beautiful, noble, and athletic creatures I have ever seen. The other reason I chose it was because I am a hobbit fanatic. Hobbits are my favourite species in the LotR, and I am a hobbit. I even have an excuse. When people say, "No you're not a hobbit! You're too tall!" I say, "I'm related to Bullroarer Took, a.k.a Bandobras, and he was so tall for a hobbit that he could ride a horse." That also fits in nicely with my RPG character, who is also a Took. But she is not abnormally tall.

Dūrlossiel 06-17-2003 12:45 PM

I chose Dūrlossiel because that's one of the names that the name generator on BD came up with. That and it wasn't chosen by anyone else even though I'm member #7000 and something.

EDIT: #7542 (a lot of something, huh?) [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

[ June 18, 2003: Message edited by: Dūrlossiel ]

mallorn 06-17-2003 07:04 PM

My nick name was given to me, well the one I go by on the forum. I actually have several nick names, but Mallorn was thought by my friend, Taxi (note Taxi is her nick name). We were chosing nicknames for this little anime thingy that has been in works for quite a while. Any ways, she is also a very big LOTR fan. She thought Mallorn would be great, so I am named after the great elven trees of LOTR. The Mallorn trees, but hey it is cool, because Mallorn means glittering gold. So I am quite happy with Mallorn

Tinuviel of Denton 06-17-2003 10:19 PM

Tinuviel was taken.

-Hallanįrė- 06-17-2003 10:28 PM

My name is Quenya for "Tall Flame"
It fits my personality, fore I am tall and my friends say that there is a flame in my eye, I don't know ask them, they gave it to me. I also go by Narearan-Quenya"Flame-king". That is my AIM name. Hallanare is my most commonly used one.

EvennStarr8 06-17-2003 11:39 PM

My favorite character is gollum but i wanted something girly so i picked this one, and the 8 is my favorite number.Since other peolpe had this name too i had to add some more letters.

Menelhachwen 06-18-2003 05:57 AM

Hi everybody!

Mine came from BD name generator, but I did so many tries that I can't remember the original name it came from!! [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Golden Elf14 06-21-2003 09:24 AM

My nickname came from the poem "All that is Gold does not glitter" because I totally love the poem.

isn't that original? [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img]

Olorin 06-21-2003 09:29 AM

I took Olorin because it's Gandalf's name in Valinor, and Gandalf is my favorite character and Olorin just rolls of your tongue better.

By the way, does anyone know if it's possible for me to have it as Olórin instead of Olorin? I didn't find out there was an accent untill after I joined.

Amanaduial the archer 06-21-2003 09:36 AM


I don't know what that means but its my name. Did anyone else use the translater for their name? Did you translate it into its english meaning? Does yours make sense??

There was a whole topic on this a while ago. Of course the generator isnt real- but it does come up with such pretty names. And some do make sense- mine translated roughly as Blessed Maiden of the Night. Not bad (no one say anything about ladies of the night!). There was another- who I forget- whose name translated as Fading Lady of the Weeping Willow. Beautiful. I would have had that as a PT.

Trippo The Hippo 06-21-2003 10:36 AM

The reason for my nick is just something my friend and I came up with one day. Trippo also has a brother named Flippo.

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