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Boromir88 09-27-2012 11:37 AM

Taters to Taters - II
Opening up the next game, it will still be a few days before beginning, as others may want to come along and sign up. This is the current list, as far as I'm aware. I think I can do about 5-6 more max, so if anyone is interested in joining, please there's still room :)


Nogrod 09-27-2012 12:25 PM

How about the rules, or the possible fine-tuning of them?

So how long would the rounds last and will we have two rounds going on at the same time like the last time or do we separate them?

Will we go for a certain predetermined number of rounds finally "emptying our hands" with no replenishments - or will the game end when someone has gotten X amount of taters?

Oddwen 09-27-2012 05:14 PM

I would like to sign up, please!

Loslote 09-27-2012 06:05 PM

Oh, I am very much in.

Pomegranate 09-28-2012 04:39 AM

Yay, I'm in :)

Boromir88 09-28-2012 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 674956)
How about the rules, or the possible fine-tuning of them?

So how long would the rounds last and will we have two rounds going on at the same time like the last time or do we separate them?

So the two choices are...

Send me the next round while the previous round is being judged. (what we ended up doing 1st game and it means 1 round takes 24 hours).

Or...24 hours for all players to send me their choice for the round. Then 24 hours for the judge to pick th winner (so 1 full round takes 48 hours).

I can do either (can't go any quicker than 24 hours though), so whichever one is more convenient for the players, we'll go with.


Will we go for a certain predetermined number of rounds finally "emptying our hands" with no replenishments - or will the game end when someone has gotten X amount of taters?
I have no problems going until most players have no more red taters remaining (or 1). I figure might as well use them all. :)

Boromir88 10-02-2012 04:40 PM

Friday...or at the latest, Saturday I will PM everyone their 7 red taters and we'll begin.

As far as some of the other things. We'll start with 48 hours to complete 1 round. That is, I post the judge and green tater for the round, and players have 24 hours to PM their pick to me. Then I will post in this thread all the options and the judge will have 24 hours to deliberate, while everyone else makes their cases and arguments. If it starts to become too long for the players, we can always speed it up to how we did it in the first game.

And for how many rounds. I want to at least give everyone 2 times to judge, so that puts it at 26 rounds total.

Legate of Amon Lanc 10-03-2012 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by Boromir88 (Post 674967)
Or...24 hours for all players to send me their choice for the round. Then 24 hours for the judge to pick th winner (so 1 full round takes 48 hours).

Yep, I guess this case is the better one. Anyway, at least for start (and possibly for us who are just starting this?). And anyway, at least for me, since I'll be at Lommy's place during the upcoming week and that means having much less time for playing fast :)

Pomegranate 10-04-2012 04:01 AM

Hey, lovelies, I'm out of town for the weekend so unless this starts early on Friday (or late on Sat, so I'll be back just before the end) I might miss the first round. Is that okay?

Boromir88 10-06-2012 05:30 PM

Saturday was a bit more hectic than I anticipated and it included in an unplanned accident (I'm on seriously injured). Anyway, tomorrow we'll start and that way I don't think anyone will miss Round 1.

Deadline will be 8pm EST (if anyone objects and wants it a little earlier or later, let me know. The DL isn't as deathly important as Werewolf, it's just so everyone know by what time the new rounds will start/end).

Boromir88 10-07-2012 05:30 PM

All players should have been PMed their red taters. By 8pm EST Monday (about half and hour from the time-stamp on this post) send me your choice for Round 1.



Green tater: Absurd (ridiculous, senseless, foolish)
Judge: Galadriel55

Boromir88 10-08-2012 06:09 PM

And now for Round 1 judging. Galadriel55 pick the most "absurd" of these...

"There and Back Again"


At this time, everyone is encouraged (but not required) to post any arguments, or case, for any of the above choices. Your case may very well have an influence on the judge's decision, so don't be shy. :D

*The only thing not allowed is for a player to directly reveal which one is his/hers. For example, anything that is "My card is ____" BEFORE the judge's decision will result in the player's red tater being disqualified for that round. If someone only wants to make an argument for 1 of the options, and that happens to be the person's tater, that's perfectly fine, just no direct revealing.

AFTER the judge's decision, a player may reveal his/her card if he/she wishes. The only one I will reveal is the player who won and thus gets awarded the "point."

*Towards the end of the first game, some of the winners the judges selected gave no explanation for their choice. The judge may be as detailed as he/she wishes, but in the very least, please provide your reasoning for choosing the winner. Thanks.

24 hours to deliberate. :)

Galadriel55 10-08-2012 06:55 PM

Good ones, good ones. The ones that particularly stood out to me are Merry, Attercop, Bombadil, and There and Back Again. I'm willing to be swayed between those four, so do start arguing. :Merisu:

Meneltarmacil 10-08-2012 07:27 PM

Merry: I think the most absurd thing Merry ever did was forgetting about his pack in the Houses of Healing, and honestly he's nowhere near Pippin in terms of absurdity.

Attercop: An insulting term used against giant talking spiders? Maybe, but doesn't really stand out.

Bombadil: This is the most obvious choice by far. Everything from the ridiculous outfit to the nonsensical rhymes to the fact that he really doesn't seem to belong in the story at all just screams "absurd".

There and Back Again: Whil Bilbo may have taken some creative liberties with the narrative and some points along the line (namely the unexpected party and the bickering Cockney trolls) certainly count as absurd, it's still nowhere near Bombadil.

EDIT: In fact, the whole episode involving the hobbits and Bombadil seems to fit the criteria of a Big Lipped Alligator Moment quite closely.

TheGreatElvenWarrior 10-08-2012 10:19 PM

I think that Bombadil should definitely win this one. He is, by far, the most absurd character in Middle-earth. I dare you to find a more absurd one.

the phantom 10-08-2012 11:31 PM


Attercop & Bombadil are definitely my favorites here. My first time through the book I remember thinking how ridiculous it was that Bilbo would call the spiders "attercop" and how silly it was that it actually made them angry. And of course with all the "derry dols" and such Tom is an obvious candidate...

Rune Son of Bjarne 10-09-2012 06:59 AM

Tolkien's use of old words has always had great appeal to me, as it makes the linguistic ties between Scandinavia and Britain much more clear.

It wasn't something I paid much attention to until I read the Hobbit, and noticed the word "attercop", which is remarkable in its resemblance to the Danish word for spider: Edderkop.

Therefore I would hate to see "attercop" labeled absurd.

My choice would definitely be good ol' Bombadil, as he is the one most fitting of the description. I don't normally go for the obvious choices, but in this case there are no really amusing contenders for the title.

Nogrod 10-09-2012 09:43 AM

Well, of the four G55 mentioned in her opening post I'd pretty much think Bombadill and "There and Back Again" to be the best contestants.

Okay. Let's try some competition as it seems Bombadill is surfing away.

Now Bombadill, obviously could be seen as an absurd character both in the story but also as to why he is in the story in the first place. But on the other side he seems to be a most competent, decent and powerful character... If Gandalf spends time with him to learn things, if he saves the hobbits two times, if someone as wise and delightful as Goldberry wants to live with him... so can he really be that absurd?

Then again, any decent hobbit knows taking on a journey of "There and Back again" - let alone any journey off the Hobbitton - is an absurd idea. Why would anyone in their right minds want to do that? From a hobbit perspective it would be a most absurd thing to do.

I liked the argument that Attercop is absurd as it and other spiders went mad of being called names, but I'm not sure that is enough to challenge the other two.

With Merry I agree with Menel, that he's nowhere close to Pip in absurdity... if you can call a hobbitt-sillyness or thoughtlesness, or childishness, or inexperience etc. "absurd" in the first place.

Of others I think a case could be made for Isengard and Legolas (in case we interpreted it as the movie-Legolas aka. Orlando Bloom doing his skateboarding stunts etc. - that was absurd indeed!), maybe Denethor as well...

I try to come back a bit later with some added ideas on especially the latter ones.

Galadriel55 10-09-2012 09:54 AM

I like Nog's thought about Legolas. Haven't considered that, and probably should. It's a good one.

I like attercop because when I picture Bilbo teasing the spiders in such a situation it looks ridiculous. Also, There and Back Again is quite a ridiculus journey.

I suppose you're right about Merry not coming anywhere near Pippin when it comes to absurdity.

And it's quite obvious why Bombadil could be called absurd. Hey ho, derry dol...

Pomegranate 10-09-2012 10:32 AM

Oh, dear Legolas and his role as prince charming...

I also would have pointed out both of the two options Nog mentioned - Denethor and Isengard. Now, thinking about the definition of absurd as "Absurd (ridiculous, senseless, foolish)". Senseless - Denethor towards the end of his days, definitely losing his sense. Foolish? Saruman in his stony circle, assuming he could with the power of Isengard beat or even collaborate with the power of Mordor. There's a lot of absurdity in Bombadil, but I have to disagree him fitting with the latter two pieces of explanation.

"There and back again" - I love travelling too much to take it as absurd. Bilbo bought a lot back home from his trip, not only treasure but a broader understanding and stronger character. Not foolish or senseless, hardly even ridiculous.

Galadriel55 10-09-2012 11:13 AM

I think that Denethor and Saruman are too grave and serious to be called absurd. And I guess I could agree about There and Back Again.

So at the moment it is between Legolas, Bombadil, and attercop.

Rune Son of Bjarne 10-09-2012 12:01 PM

I find that the problem is that none of these things are really absurd in essence, sure you can argue that Denethor did some absurd things in his latter days, but that is pretty much the extend of it. It is only Bombadil where you can make a proper case of the very character being a bit of an absurdity (though very competent in his own right).

I guess you could take the Legolas skateboarding and other antics and pin the absurd label on that. You could even claim that it is absurd that a man as gifted as Tolkien could not make the Legolas character work, but all of this seems a tad vague.

Galadriel55 10-09-2012 01:50 PM

This seems to make most sense, and I see most of you agree with me.


For being the most absurd songster in ME.

Nogrod 10-09-2012 02:11 PM

Oh my!

Surely any decent hobbit could have told you that making an adventure is at the same time an absurd idea no level minded hobbit would even entertain in their right minds, but that going voluntarily into such perils would be plain ridiculous, senseless and foolish while you could just sit in the Green Dragon with the best of company! :)

But well, it seems no "big people" ever understand things from the POV of the hobbits. And well, you know who to blame this worlds has gone bad...

Boromir88 10-09-2012 02:40 PM

And the Round 1 victory...


Congrats and as I said, Bombadil was for sure going to be one of the front runners.

Personally I was pulling for the surprise of "There and Back Again" or Attercop.

I was quite intrigued by the argument of from a Hobbit POV, Bilbo's adventure was the most absurd thing a hobbit could do. Any decent and respectable hobbit would definitely label it absurd, and heck Bilbo for a while also thought it absurd too! And come to think of it, from a message (although about one of the different people) the point was made, that most outsiders would probably find the characters and Tolkien's story as an "absurd story." :p

Then the arguments made for Attercop, and perhaps Legolas making a late push, there might have been a chance for them.

Still, the leading representative of absurdity keeps the title. For you need no different perspective, nor argument for Bombadil. He is. And that is, without question, absurd. ;)

Next round coming up in a few hours. Continued discussion on this round is encouraged (but not required)...and if anyone else wishes to share what their card was, may do so now.

Boromir88 10-09-2012 06:04 PM


Menel - 1 (Absurd)



Green tater: Handy (helpful, useful, ready)
Judge: Greenie

TheGreatElvenWarrior 10-09-2012 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Boromir88 (Post 675323)
And come to think of it, from a message (although about one of the different people) the point was made, that most outsiders would probably find the characters and Tolkien's story as an "absurd story." :p

More like the fans were absurd for liking the story to begin with, and then horror of horrors, discussing it on the internet with like minded strangers! :eek::p

Boromir88 10-10-2012 05:59 PM


Menel - 1 (Absurd)


ROUND 2 of luck trying to judge this round. Woah quite a nice variety and many ways to go... :D

Eorl the Young
Isildur's Bane
Blades of Westernesse


Galadriel55 10-10-2012 07:55 PM

Honestly, I think that Isildur's Bane and Anduril are the finalists. Eorl and Ugluk are funny, but they don't match the first two. And between them, Isildur's Bane wins. Anduril can sure be helpful, but have you thought about all the times when the Ring has come in handy (though sometimes only for a short time)?

Isildur's near-escape. Gollum's hunting. Bilbo's escape from Gollum. Bilbo's escape from the Spiders. Being invisible to Smaug. Giving the Arkenstone to Bard. Seeing the Sackville-Bagginses come near and thankfully finding the Ring in your pocket. Making a dramatic disappearance, for Eru's sake.

And that's just some of the "handiness". I didn't mention Frodo and Sam at all, and they too had their times of finding the Ring "handy" when the moment arose.

the phantom 10-10-2012 08:03 PM

I'm sure these folks are useful in certain situations, but they don't have that special something-
Thuringwethil- Messengers are handy I suppose, but not the winner.
Formenos- I get the Feanor association, but I don't think I'd pick it.
Isildur's Bane- Very handy for disappearing, and for establishing evil empires.
Anduril- Was pretty darn useful, but not to the extent of the Ring I'd say.
Blades of Westernesse- Same as above.
Maedhros- Without a doubt my favorite. I'd choose it. The pun is just too delicious.

Galadriel55 10-10-2012 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by the phantom (Post 675361)
Maedhros- Without a doubt my favorite. I'd choose it. The pun is just too delicious.

Ah! I get it now. I was like "why would you play Maedhros? What does he have to do with it?" But I get the pun. It's a good one. But I still think the Ring trumps him. :cool:

Oddwen 10-10-2012 08:28 PM

Cirdan - Handed the red ring over to Gandalf

Maedhros - Less handy than some on this list

Thuringwethil - A handy disguise

Yavanna - Certainly a green thumb

Eorl the Young - Quite handy

Gimli - Quite a contrary handfull, if Tom Shippey is to be believed.

Formenos - Certainly it was handy for Morgoth to have the Silmarils underguarded here

Ugluk - Servant of the White Hand: the Hand that gave him man-flesh to eat.

Isildur's Bane - Could slip off a finger unexpectedly, not so handy for that reason. Though fingers are usually attached to the hand...y. It is also a sign that doom is near at hand.

Anduril - Forged by hand, wielded by hand, broken on a hand, re-forged and re-wielded by a hand.

Blades of Westernesse - Their particular virtues made them quite handy in their assigned places.

I'd have a hard time choosing between Maedhros and Ugluk, personally.

Rune Son of Bjarne 10-11-2012 10:20 AM

I am not a big fan of puns, so I would probably go for "Blades of Westernesse" or "Thuringwethil".

The first is very obviously handy, in fact I think everything could be made better with a blade of westernesse, and Thuringwethil is both handy as a messenger and later as a disguise.

Eorl the Young and Anduril could be outsiders for me, but they seem to have very specific application. Anduril was handy for Aragorn, but I doubt that anybody else could have used the sword to the same effect.
These things doesn't really matter, but it weird thinking like this that would determine my decision.

A Little Green 10-11-2012 10:54 AM

Excellent choices, buddies. Hmm. I appreciate both Thuringwethil and Maedhros, and Isildur's Bane certainly. My initial favourite though was Eorl the Young, because for all his leadership and heroism and the rest of that, the poor bloke is still pretty much only handy - an instrument for someone or something else. That puts him in the same category with Anduril and the Blades of Westernesse and all of those, except that poor Eorl was actually a person. Makes me sad, kind of.

That said, I haven't made my mind up yet so keep argumenting!

Nogrod 10-11-2012 11:10 AM

I can see the point behind offering a person as someone who is handy to have around to do something for you, but then again persons are a lot more than that besides their handiness. And by gods, calling Yavanna "handy" nears blasphemy! :)

Of the rest I'd say Formenos doesn't hit well enough. Yeah, you could say any stronghold you build is handy for you, but in the end Formenos didn't serve Fėanor & co that well.

Isildur's Bane I have hard times calling "handy". It's something akin to calling Yavanna handy. You don't call the vessel of the doom of the whole world "handy"...

One could argue that Anduril came in handy to Aragorn as a mark to prove his lineage - although having a possession of someone else's sword is not actually "The Proof" of anything. It did take part in some great deeds, but also at defeat (it broke the moment you needed it) - and Aragorn didn't seem to have made any outstanding heroics with it's help either.

The Blades of Westernesse could be handy as well, especially as it is in plural, like "these handy things one should have especially if you happen to stumble upon any wights or wraiths like the Nazgūl"... :rolleyes:

Hmm... hard to say.

Let me leave with a kind of "take back what I said" -option. Thuringwethil. If anyone, then Sauron is able to regard others as things or utensils - and thus coming handy to him.

A Little Green 10-11-2012 01:00 PM

Bwah. Gave Thuringwethil some serious consideration but decided to go with my first hunch after all. So -

++ Eorl the Young

Poor devil.

Boromir88 10-11-2012 02:57 PM

And a nice little streak that Menel has going...

2 for 2. :)

I could not have predicted Eorl, I thought for sure it would be one of the blades or Maedhros. But Eorl certainly was used (and handy) by many.

satansaloser2005 10-11-2012 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Boromir88 (Post 675380)
And a nice little streak that Menel has going...

He must be stopped! :rolleyes:

Boromir88 10-11-2012 05:34 PM

Have to do this a little early but everyone will still have until 8pm tomorrow to send me your choice. :)


Menel - 2 (Absurd, Handy)



Green tater: Energetic (active, vigorous, forceful)
Judge: Gwath

Boromir88 10-12-2012 05:59 PM


Menel - 2 (Absurd, Handy)



Gwath here's the energetic:

Mayor Moneybags
Bill Ferny

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