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Elizabeth Elindel 11-06-2003 11:36 AM

Decorating Room
Hi all! I'm wanting to decorate my room Tolkien style (I tend to like Rivendell, FYI) and I want some ideas!! Anyone have any??? I was thinking some fake ivy would be pretty...

Legolas 11-06-2003 12:51 PM

You could join the elite Barrow-Downs members by making your closet door look like the Doors of Durin, the western gate of Moria.

Daisy Brambleburr 11-06-2003 01:52 PM

I drew out a picture of Durins doors! It took me ages, but it looks very cool. But that's not really very Rivendelly. I suggest makking everything light and airy, I'd get some very long and flowing drapes for the windows perhaps, and some nice bed sheets like the ones Frodo had [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] Fake ivy would look really nice. In Rivendell they have lots of swirly and natrual architecture, but I'm not much of an expert. Art on the walls is always good. I've got some John Howe posters up at the moment.
Hope that helped a little! I'd be intrigued to hear any one elses ideas.

Meela 11-06-2003 02:24 PM

Voile in the windows, a canopy and drapes over the bed, a thin wicker chair might be nice by the window... some gold or silver borders around the walls, such as elvish patterns and swirly designs.
Ivy is a nice idea, as well.
Quite white, light, airy, nautural colours, lots of drapes, pale cushions, little swirly lampstands, perhaps some crystals hanging from the ceiling or in the window (I have these all over my room, and they catch the light and I get rainbows and light patterns dancing on my walls. Very pretty!)

Oh, and if it wasn't so expensive, it would be great to put a couple of small pillars or columbs in the window, either side. Sort of Greek, only more elvish...

[ November 06, 2003: Message edited by: Meela ]

Arwen1858 11-06-2003 02:34 PM

Elizabeth, I've been trying to do this lately, too! On top of my dresser, I put a dark green journal that looks very Elvish, then got some fall colored leaves and scattered then around the journal, to bring the nature in, as nature seems to be such a part of the elves. I also want to get some plants to put in various places around the room. For the window, I want to make some curtains with some sheer drapy material and hang it over the top of the window and leave it hanging down the sides, like is shown in a picture of Arwen and Elrond in Rivendell. I'm also trying to use the deep, rich colors that seem to go along with the elves. Deep red is what I'm using the most. I absolutely love the elves, and want my room to look elvish, and like it's a part of Rivendell [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] If I come up with any more ideas, I'll let you know.

Sleeping Beauty 11-06-2003 02:41 PM

Wow, Meela next time I need an interior decorator, I know who I'm calling. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
But use your windows wisely. Natural light is a wonderful thing. So is the pleasant breeze if you can open them. Ah nature... Candles are also very nice too, for the evening air, like the warm fuzzy feel you get when you read the scene with Bilbo's song in the Fellowship. A nice fireplace would work, but that's going a bit too far.... [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Elizabeth Elindel 11-06-2003 04:01 PM

hahaha... I can just see me asking dad for a fireplace in my room. He'd raise his eyebrows just a little, and say "Why?" and I'd timidly say "beacuse I want to decorate my room like Rivendell." He'd look like "you're joking, right? And if you're not (heaven forbid!!) then..." [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Olorin_TLA 11-06-2003 05:58 PM

A charred Book of Mazarbul (the book in Moria) adds life (or the end of it) and character(s) to anyone's room/novel. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Arwen1858 11-06-2003 07:04 PM


beacuse I want to decorate my room like Rivendell." He'd look like "you're joking, right? And if you're not (heaven forbid!!) then..."
I can see that being my parents reaction if I said I wanted my room to look like Rivendell, too [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] They'd definitely think I'd gone off the deep end!!

Sleeping Beauty 11-06-2003 07:59 PM

Yeah, I could see my mom reacting to that. "You are painting the forest on your walls so it will look like....Middle Earth? What are they teaching you at college?" [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Gorwingel 11-07-2003 12:56 AM

Here are some images that may help you much... Scrapbook
These are images from a Swedish design magazine about decorating your house in the style of the elves.

I agree with everyone else. For a Rivendell style of room use a lot of flowing fabrics, muted light, candles, light colored woods. From the movie it looked like they used a combination of whitewashed furnature and light wooded furnature. Everything should look muted, and relaxing.

Arwen1858 11-07-2003 02:32 AM

oh, and here's a great link: Last Homely House This has articles with a lot of good ideas. Not just on decorating, either. I would highly recommend it!!

Daisy Brambleburr 11-07-2003 01:40 PM

How about some Middle Earth maps? I think you can get some nice ones from , but if you're artistic you could do it yourself. Get some parchment from an art shop (they sell it in Paperchase) some ink and an ink pen, and copy from the back of one of the books. And I know what else would look good! You could get these wrought iron (is that the right word? sort of black metal, anyway) candle holders and put some big church candles in. We've got a really big candle holder like that and it is very Rivendell like. And I know in Elrond's library he has loads of old books, you know the sort. Having some of those on display on a shelf would look good.

I've got a crystal hanging from my window. It makes some very cool rainbows when the sun shines.

[img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] Lots of ideas spewing out from my brain today! Hope they weren't daft!

Finwe 11-07-2003 10:44 PM

I just had a decorating spree in my room with a can of gold spray paint, and now I've got a very Elven hanging candle-holder. All you have to do, is find a candle-holder (color won't matter since you'll be painting it) that looks Elvish (i.e. flowing stems, vines, leaves, etc.) and spray-paint it completely silver or completely gold. It looks great. Since my entire room is painted in a pale yellow color, and all the wood furniture in my room is a warm, sort of golden brown color, I spray-painted a hanging candle-holder gold and hung it on my door. I also semi-gilded a wood basket that's supposed to hold books, and now it looks very graceful and Elven.

Ophelia 11-09-2003 01:37 PM

Wow , what nice ideeas you`ve got there [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] ! I like the idea of colouring thigs silver and gold ! *runs off looking for something to re-colour
OK ok ! Now I can say some ideas . About those plants . A good choice is Chlorophytum comosum . I have a big one in my rom and I have placed it on a shelf . It`s leaves are hanging down like waterfalls and those white little flowers ... Another good choice is my personal faves - Saxifraga stolonifera . (Another idea) put on a re-coloured or black metal ME-style curtain hanger and put these Saxifragas on the ends of hangers . It would look really Rivendell . And let`s not forget Gardenias . Those who are tree like . I wish I would have enough place for one . More good ideas that look Rivendell-ish : Rosa chinensis , Spathiphyllum , Stephanotis floribunda , Senecio rowleyanus and the prettyest one - Moth orchid or Phalaenopsis . My window looks like a garden only I don`t have all the plants I named . Too bad . And a another thing - I saw a really nice little green lantern with a leafe motive . I think it would look good wiyh a candle in it . And to make it more Rivendell release some fireflys in your back yard [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] . Well I hope I helped a bit at the least . [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]


Calencoire 11-23-2003 10:59 AM

I don't beleive anyone has suggested this, but in the Extended Edition DVDs of both FoTR and TTT, they have still galleries of all the locations and rooms of Middle Earth on disc three. Since you seem to favor Rivendell, pop the disc in and go through the Rivendell gallery. They have clear pics from many different angles from everything to the walls, furniture, and accessories. Very beautiful.

Good luck!

Finwe 11-23-2003 11:33 AM

Another good idea for a Rivendell-ish room is get Indian scarves with rust/gold motifs, and hang them all over your room. It doesn't matter where. You can drape them over the back of chairs, put them on shelves, put them on curtain rods and use them as curtains, etc. They're really quite versatile, and some look especially beautiful.

Some decorating schemes:

Rooms painted warm colors (tones and shades of red, yellow, orange): rust/bronze/gold/red scarves

Rooms painted cool colors (tones and shades of blue, green, and purple): blue/green/purple/silver scarves.

I'm going to put up a few warm-colored scarves in my room to make it look more Elvish. Of course, all the posters that I have up kind of defeat the purpose, but that's all right.

Lady Snickerdoodle 11-26-2003 06:33 PM


A charred Book of Mazarbul (the book in Moria) adds life (or the end of it)
Okay I have a big problem. I have just redecorated my room, painting the walls in an oceany theme with lotsa ethereal blues and greens and silver fishies and now I just got inspired to do a Middle Earthen theme and I don't know how to break it to my parents... they're probably gonna make me pay for it this time... Oh well. How do I incorporate lots of silver fish (and one crab in the corner) into a Middle Earth layout?

ElenCala Isil 11-26-2003 07:38 PM

ah, I would take that theme and inspire it from the valar, basing it as much as I could on Ulmo, Ossė and Uinen...I think Silver would do wonderful...and perhaps one of those fake white trees as your own Telperion would be splendid, then I'd probably have lots of maps, perhaps even redraw Tolkiens 'ship' style map in a bigger version on parchment. (that can be found in BoLT I, by the way. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] )

Meela 11-27-2003 06:25 AM


I have just redecorated my room, painting the walls in an oceany theme with lotsa ethereal blues and greens and silver fishies
Dol Amroth! Gorgeous!
I might turn my room into Dol Amroth... at the moment it's somewhere in between Rivendell and Minas Tirith.

Daisy Brambleburr 11-27-2003 01:50 PM

Wow! The oceany room sound good. Sea-like, get some gulls in! My room is of no particular theme, some LotR posters here and there (a stunning one of the Argonath- I highly reccomend it) lots of books, cushions and chairs. I like to think that my room reflects my personality. But I'm very interested in other people's ME style rooms.

Rindoien, elf of Lothlorien 11-28-2003 02:00 AM

The CoE has some really good bedroom tips!!

Council of Elrond

Meela 11-28-2003 11:57 AM

I was just in town, and I went on a major shopping spree for Xmas decorations. There are some really good things out this year, including some great golden leaves. I strung them up around my room, and it looks a lot more Elvish now. So it might be an idea if you're looking to re-create Rivendell to go out and see what decorations are on sale.

Anyone got any tips for a Gondorian room? Obviously the city isn't grey inside, right? Would they have tapestries? Statues along the corridors? Purple or red curtains?

[ 1:01 PM November 28, 2003: Message edited by: Meela ]

Iris Alantiel 12-07-2003 10:08 PM


can just see me asking dad for a fireplace in my room. He'd raise his eyebrows just a little, and say "Why?" and I'd timidly say "beacuse I want to decorate my room like Rivendell." He'd look like "you're joking, right? And if you're not (heaven forbid!!) then..."
I did this (well, something similar) to my mother. We're walking through Wal-Mart trying to buy everything I'll need for my new room, b/c I was just preparing to move out of my university residence and into a townhouse. She suggested a certain curtain rod to me, and I was like, "No, it's got to be this one, this is much more Elvish". I also had to have the Elvish curtains, Elvish shelving paper, and Elvish day bed. I tried to convince her to let me buy an Elvish desk lamp, but we couldn't find one, and I think she was going to kill me if she heard the words 'Elvish' or 'Rivendell' one more time.

I wonder why she worries about me . . . [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Gorwingel 12-08-2003 01:27 AM


hahaha... I can just see me asking dad for a fireplace in my room.
Gosh, that is not weird; I have always wanted a fireplace in my room. Actually one time I was thinking of building a treehouse, and I was trying to figure out how I could stick a fireplace up there.

Right now I really don't want to decorate my room in a Middle Earth style. But I already have plans for in the future to do at least one room in the style of it. I really want to do a room in the style of Bag End. With fireplace directly copied from it and everything. I would love for it to be a meeting room, and also a place where I could display all my LOTR memorabilia. One of the careers I am considering going into in the future is interior design or architecture (architecture most likely, because the school that I most want to get into does not have and Interior design program), so this is just a natural progression for me.

Sleeping Beauty 12-09-2003 05:37 PM


I really want to do a room in the style of Bag End. With fireplace directly copied from it and everything. I would love for it to be a meeting room, and also a place where I could display all my LOTR memorabilia.
Exactly, Gorwingel. That what I have in mind too when I get a place of my own.
A Tolkien room. [img]smilies/redface.gif[/img] I particulary like the picture John Howe did of Bilbo's front hall.
John Howe's Bag End
A perfect spot for a spot of tea and dreaming of elves. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

lord_of_rohan2003 12-11-2003 07:31 PM

You might be intersted in catching a show called Monster House.Once they redid this couples room up to resemble a Medevial castle.It gave me some good ideas when I move out within the next year/year and a half,I plan on making up my plase like the golden halls of Edoras.

Catlyn21 01-05-2004 07:53 PM

Wow, I decided to do my room like Lorien a couple of months ago....ironic that I just discovered this thread....but I painted my walls ivory and my trim a dark green, and I stained all my furniture a darker color. I have a white canopy bed, which I have gauzy green fabric hanging off of, and a dark green bedspread, along with a huge mirror that has metal leaves surrounding it, its really pretty.

When I told my mom about how I just HAD to make my room elvish, she just looked at me. And then said, in a rather exasperated voice, "okaaaaaaaaaaay then...." [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Haha, anyway, this has given me some great ideas, so I thank all of you, and wish you all some great luck on yours!

My ideas: plants, long gauzy curtains and canopys, silver - lots of silver, candles, --basically everything you guys have already covered! Plus, I'll put all my LOTR posters up (all 5 of them...I'm not obsessed!), my calender, arrange all my action figures (They're not dolls, I swear!) on a shelf, etc.

Au revoir!

Arcuwen 01-05-2004 08:59 PM

I don't feel so insane now that I see how many other people decorate their rooms ME style [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] . I recently went from a flowery orange and yellow theme (about as far from LOTR is you can get) to something a lot more elvish. Rich fabrics, flowing and organic shapes, and nature-inspired furniture are some of the keys to making an elvish room. There was a bed that looked like it was made out of vines and branches that I could just die for, but unfortunately it was too large and expensive. But I'm going to get some supplies from the local craft store and make my own vines to twist around my bed frame. Bring the outdoors in by buying plants and maybe even going as far to paint a mural of the forest or and elvish backdrop of some sort (of course parents may question your mental health if you do that...). Don't use geometric shapes, stick to organic, flowing lines and check out some pictures of Rivendell to get some more ideas. Pillars might look neat, although they might be expensive and bulky.

Thulorongil 01-05-2004 09:40 PM

My room right now has a celestial/sky theme. It all branched off of a pillow, a mask, a bowl, and a couple other little things, but I've really added to it and made it more of what would be (how I think) the Elves would represent this theme with their love of the sky and Varda. It's not really purely a LotR theme, but it incorporates/I plan for it to incorporate a lot of the ideas already listed; candles, filmy draperies, etc. (Of course all just in a different color scheme) And of course other Middle Earthen things I do have, like attractive books, some Elven-ish [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] jewelry, and all my dragon, medieval, and of course LotR paraphernalia have made their way in, too. So I guess it's a couple different themes.

But if you can find a bedspread, bed, wall color, or any other major thing for a room that you like, you can use a lot of the main Elven of Middle Earthen themes and styles in whatever theme you have already.

The Dark Elf 01-08-2004 09:07 PM

just make a wallpaper of a forest and put the house of elrond in the back round somewhere

Elladriar 01-09-2004 02:26 PM

scattered a few orange, gold ad brown autumn leaves around the floor and on the window sill...

Linaeve 01-09-2004 02:38 PM

Why not try painting the walls of your room based off of scenery from the movie? That might look a little odd, but if you're an artist, it could work [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

I'd just love to live in a replica of either Bag End or Rivendell . . .

Finwe 01-09-2004 09:29 PM

Put pots of fake ivy in random corners of the room. It always gives the room a rather Elvish-looking touch. Actually, any sort of fake trailing plants will do, since the real ones are rather messy and require watering.

zb 01-09-2004 11:19 PM

Thanks to this thread, I just cleaned & decorated my bookshelf.

It's a basic chip-board type setup, very ugly but practical.

I took all the books out (you never realise how many books you have until they're all over your floor) and painted the shelves with a dark-red-ish wash. It was just water colour paint diluted heaps - it took a few coats to get much colour, but hey, I was limited by what materials I had lying around. Then I put white ribbon with gold edges along the edges of the shelf, and stuck fake skeletal leaves (the type you get in scrapbooking stores) at various points, mostly to hide the edge of the ribbon. Then I put all my books back, in alphabetical order by subject (I'm that kind of pedant) with my Tolkien collection getting the top shelf.

It doesn't look specifically elvish, but it does have a faint whiff of elven air about it. It's nicer than chipboard, anyway.

Next project: my bed.

Raefindel 03-13-2004 01:43 PM

I'm renovating my house and although I don't even have walls right now, I have it all planned out in my mind. I do plan to paint the walls in elven style like Linaeve suggested.

I'm planning to paint Elven-style arches on the wall over my bed- something like the Doors of Durin, but no hammer and anvil.

And since the Arwen banner is sold out I'm either going to paint it on a wall or see if I can embroider it myself.
Alatįriėl Lossėhelin Put a link to the banners on "The Collection Grows" thread.

Calencoire I'm glad you mentioned the Extended Edition DVD. It took me till this week just to watch the movie (I got it for Christmas) and I don't think I would ever have bothered with the third disc if you hadn't mentioned it. I've been pulling up pictures off the internet.

It should take months to finish, but I'm hoping to be back in my house by fall. I'll post pictures then.

Elennar Starfire 03-17-2004 07:05 PM

Lothlorien room thoughts
Here's what I'm going to do:

I'm going to get three slightly different shades of green paint. Then I'm going to paint a background with the middle shade. I'm going to get a leaf-stamp, and put leaves randomly on my walls with the other two shades. I'm getting green curtains, of light fabric, so the light can shine through. I might write tengwar on my ceiling, and probably will around the door: Namarie. Nai elye hiruvalye Valimar. (Hope I got that right, I don't have the book handy)

Raefindel 03-18-2004 09:15 AM

Sounds beautiful. Be sure to blend the two leaf stamp shades of paint to give a marbeled look. It makes them look less stamp-like. Also, silver or gold veining on each leaf would give it an Elven look.

Leaves are actually very easy to paint by hand (unless it's a maple- then I would use a stamp). If you are unable to find stamps like you want use REAL leaves (and ferns too, they add variety).

Hot, crispy nice hobbit 03-18-2004 09:32 AM

Great ideas! But I prefer to decorate my back door with spider webs and bones...

Meela 03-21-2004 07:28 AM

I recently began re-decorating my room. I'm working on a mixture of Minas Tirith and Dol Amroth.
I've got pale green/blue, with a hint of lilac and cream splashed about. I'm currently in love with fake flowers, so I've got a lot of vases of cream and white flowers in my window. I've got some pale pine furniture, some in an old style, and a pale, floaty voile in my windows.
I've added a few shells to the plant pots, a few pieces of rock from the beach to use as placemats and things like that. I've hung a lot of crystals in the window, and I've draped pale shawls across the chairs and bed.

The rest of the house is more in the style of Minas Tirith. I'm trying to turn my room into a haven that would suit Finduilas. Any ideas to add to my current efforts?

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