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Mithadan 10-17-2000 09:17 PM

The Downs, an international board. Where are you from?
<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 231
The Downs now appears to have many international posters as well as the more mundane domestic variety. Where's everyone from? And if you're feeling wordy (as I always am, but I guess you know that) how did you first get into JRRT?

I'm originally from Boston, now living in Miami. I was a sci-fi fan and decided to try some fantasy. Because I didn't think I'd like it, I decided to start with what I heard was the absolute best. BTW, don't read much sci-fi anymore but I still read Tolkien.

"The Silmarils with living light
were kindled clear, and waxing bright
shone like stars that in the North
above the reek of earth leap forth." </p>Edited by: <A HREF=>Mithadan </A> at: 6/21/01 8:15:41 am

Tar Anarion 10-17-2000 11:14 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Pile o' Bones
Posts: 21
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: The Downs -- an international board


"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Admin at Prancing Ponie</a> and in the Camp</a>. </p>

Zoe 10-17-2000 11:41 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Pile o' Bones
Posts: 17
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: The Downs -- an international board

Western Australia. And what makes you think that people from the US are &quot;domestic&quot; and not &quot;foreign&quot;? <img src=wink.gif ALT=";)">


quam 10-18-2000 03:47 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Haunting Spirit
Posts: 95
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: The Downs -- an international board

started reading some, uuum, 7 years ago,when I was about 7. Never stopped re-reading.

My tolkien favorites are <a href=""target="web">the Tolkientrail</A>(michael martinez loved it!), Barrow-downs</A> and its</a> , Gundabad</A>, end</a> and <a href=">dunedains camp</a>,where I'm an RPG moderator

Mister Underhill 10-18-2000 08:26 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 123
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: The Downs -- an international board

Who you callin' &quot;mundane&quot;, pilgrim?


Lady Eowyn 10-18-2000 09:08 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Haunting Spirit
Posts: 56
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: The Downs -- an international board

I'm originally from Germany , but live now in CA.
I started reading Tolkien when I was 12 or so, my Dad kinda made me read them <img src=wink.gif ALT=";)">

And he that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom</p>

dogtrot 10-18-2000 12:42 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Haunting Spirit
Posts: 63
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: The Downs -- an international board

origins in texas, lived in montana for ten years and have recently returned to tx after many years gone wandering. my mom got me started with the jrr when i was around 7 or 8 , she gave me her copy of the hobbit.we lived on a farm in the country and there was not much to do with my free time so i began reading at an early age. so now when she complains that i live too far away i just say &quot;roads go ever ever on...&quot;. for me reading the hobbit was the spark that lit my imagination.


The Barrow-Wight 10-18-2000 05:00 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wraith of Angmar
Posts: 1485
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: The Downs -- an international board

I'm from Illinois but now live in Iowa after having lived in many places including Germany for 8 years.

The Barrow-Wight (RKittle)
<font size="2">I usually haunt http://www.barrowdowns.comThe Barrow-Downs</a> and The Barrow-Downs Discussion Board</a>.</p>

red 10-18-2000 05:03 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Haunting Spirit
Posts: 63
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: The Downs -- an international board

I'm a transplanted Michigander living in Iowa. *sigh...* How I miss the lakes and trees and rolling hills of my homeland...

I had to pick a book to read for a report in 7th grade so I picked The Hobbit for no real reason. Loved it and the rest is history...


"I am Aragorn son of Arathorn; and if by life or death I can save you, I will."</p>

HerenIstarion 10-18-2000 06:11 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 115
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: The Downs -- an international board

Tbilisi, Georgia.
I first read the Hobbit in Russian translation in the age of 11, than there came LoTR and Silm, and afterwords I started learning english to read the rest.

&quot;things might have been different, but they could not have been better&quot;


Balin999 10-19-2000 05:15 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 171
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: The Downs -- an international board

I'm from Austria (Europe..not australia!) and i first read the LOTR with 14.... 4 years ago.
the book has influenced and inspired me a lot. (i say the book because i got a one-book-edition .)
then i read the hobbit and the silmarillion but my favourite is of course the LOTR
oh and i like this forum very much , though i havent posted very often lately <img src=smile.gif ALT=":)">


gamegie 10-19-2000 06:20 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Haunting Spirit
Posts: 74
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: The Downs -- an international board

Well I am French from the Riviera in Nice, but I am slighly far from there at the moment.
I live and work in Singapore on the other side of the world.

Charming Humble Hobbit</p>

Sharkû 10-19-2000 06:27 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hungry Ghoul
Posts: 509
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: The Downs -- an international board

Looks like us Germans are now trying to conquer ze worrld via the Internet...and we have our spies everywhere, especially in the States <img src=wink.gif ALT=";)">

The funny thing about my Tolkienization is that I did not care for his books very much when I had already read a great deal of other fantasy stuff. I was well aware that especially LOTR was held as the epitome of fantasy, and mostly its origin, but for some years I thought the books would not be worth a read because I supposed they were rather old-fashioned or commercial, although I loved &quot;The Hobbit&quot; when we read it at school.

<h6> They're making their last film - they say it's the best - we all helped make it - it's called The Death of the West </h6></p>

as eowyn 10-19-2000 10:09 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Newly Deceased
Posts: 7
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: The Downs -- an international board

I am now living in Texas, I came from here but moved all over the usa, then came back. I first read the Hobbit when I was 12, re-read it several times then got into the LotR.


Mithadan 10-19-2000 10:40 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 237
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: The Downs -- an international board

Good start! Keep the responses coming. How about some more &quot;domestics&quot;? And isn't there anyone from England?

As an aside, I'm amazed at the fluency of so many Europeans whose native language isn't english. I speak passable spanish (but I can't get the knack for the tenses of the verbs), but no other languages. The US does have a well-deserved reputation for being provincial.

"The Silmarils with living light
were kindled clear, and waxing bright
shone like stars that in the North
above the reek of earth leap forth." </p>

burrahobbit 10-19-2000 10:59 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hidden Spirit
Posts: 487
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: The Downs -- an international board

I'm sure they all have really bad accents. <img src=smile.gif ALT=":)"> I'm an American. Born in Rhode Island, living in Oklahoma. RKittle got me to read the books. But I didn't actually read them for quite a while after he told me about them.

What's a burrahobbit got to do with my pocket, anyways?</p>Edited by: <A HREF=>burrahob bit</A> at: 10/19/00 1:02:27 pm

elvgirl 10-19-2000 12:18 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Newly Deceased
Posts: 3
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: The Downs -- an international board

EEEEY, I don't have a bad accent...
You should hear my brother though <img src=wink.gif ALT=";)"> <img src=laugh.gif ALT=":lol">

And he who breaks a thing to find out what it is, has left the path of wisdom</p>

Taimar 10-19-2000 03:39 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Spirit of the Downfallen West
Posts: 364
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: The Downs -- an international board

I live in Glasgow, in Scotland. If you think the US is provincial, Mithadan, you should try living here for a while. On the last Saturday of October, many Scots should turn their clocks forward 300 years.

I first read The Hobbit when I was seven or so and I haven`t looked back since.

Look into the of Desire.</a> </p>

Mister Underhill 10-20-2000 12:01 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 127
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: The Downs -- an international board

I grew up in Pennsylvania -- miss those trees, hills, and general greenness, too, red -- but have lived in Los Angeles lo these many years now since starting college, minus one year spent working at the Grand Canyon in Arizona.

I think I came by The Hobbit and LotR because of Dungeons &amp; Dragons (a popular fantasy role-playing game, for my foreign friends who may be mystified), but it's possible that my uncle may have turned me on to Tolkien. I don't remember now. Maybe both. This would have been when I was about eleven or twelve.

I loved the books and re-read them many times between then and about seventeen or eighteen, then mostly forgot about them until a while back when the announcement came that they would be made into movies. I re-read the books, got curious about what was around Tolkien-wise on the net after watching the online trailer, found the Downs on pretty much the first try, and have been here ever since.


Elendil 10-21-2000 12:04 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Newly Deceased
Posts: 1
international board?

Yes, it's international. I'm from the Netherlands. I read LoTR when I was about 15, day and night, even during boring classes.
It was in english and I couldn't put it down, even though I didn't like the hobbit first. Later I tried the dutch translation, but a lot of the atmosphere seemed to be missing.
Now I stumbled on the Barrow Downs and I intend to reread everything and even try to read the unfinished tales.
At the moment I'm not working because of a broken ankle (they put some mithril in it) and I have a borrowed computer. However, I intend to buy my own asap, I really like it.
I think the Barrow Downs is a nice site with a lot of items.
BTW Mithadan, being dutch you have to speak foreign languages.
And Burrahobbit, the best compliment I ever got, was that an irish lady couldn't hear where I came from.;-)


red 10-21-2000 04:30 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Haunting Spirit
Posts: 79
Re: international board?

My dear Elendil! Welcome to the board! It's been fun chatting with you and now I'm delighted to see you've found our forum! Many happy posts... <img src=cool.gif ALT="8)">


"I am Aragorn son of Arathorn; and if by life or death I can save you, I will."</p>

gamegie 10-25-2000 05:11 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Haunting Spirit
Posts: 95
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
Re: international board?

yes, a french welcome to Elendil and all other newcomers.

Charming Humble Hobbit</p>

quam 10-25-2000 05:43 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 103
Re: international board?

Now I'm no longer the only person who speaks dutch!
So elendil,do you knwo of any letters/UT/HoME translated in dutch, because I haven't found them yet.

My tolkien favorites are <a href=""target="web">the Tolkientrail</A>(michael martinez loved it!), Barrow-downs</A> and its</a> , <a href = "">Mount Gundabad</A>, end</a> and <a href=>dunedains camp</a>,where I'm an RPG moderator

Elendil 10-25-2000 05:59 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Newly Deceased
Posts: 10
international board?

I have: Tolkien Brieven. Samengesteld doorHumphrey Carpenter en Christopher Tolkien. Uitgeverij het Spectrum,eerste druk 1982, ISBN 90-274-7113-4
I bought it at De Slegte, don't know if there are any in Belgium. Or maybe you could send a mail to Het Spectrum?
Groetjes (slukes)


noldo 10-25-2000 06:01 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Animated Skeleton
Posts: 42
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
Re: international board?

I'm from Finland.

<HR><font size=-1> <A HREF=>Elvenhome</A> Discover the secrets of the heart of Elvendom and its mystical people</font size=-1>
<font size=-2>Elvenhome is a member of the <A HREF=>Tolkien EZBoard Network</A>
</font size=-2><font size=-1> <A HREF=>Mithlond</A> Before you take leave! Enter the heaven of Middle-Earth RPG </font size=-1> </p>

quam 10-25-2000 09:07 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 104
Re: international board?

we have deslegtes in belgium, and tomorrow i will check if it is there. However,most of the books there are second-hand,so it mightn't be there. Thanks anyway and slukes to you.

My tolkien favorites are <a href=""target="web">the Tolkientrail</A>(michael martinez loved it!), Barrow-downs</A> and its</a> , <a href = "">Mount Gundabad</A>, end</a> and <a href=>dunedains camp</a>,where I'm an RPG moderator
Please visit < a href="">elendor</a>, the best ME MUSH around! "Quis,Quae,Quid

Elendil 10-25-2000 11:34 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Pile o' Bones
Posts: 13
international board?

Most of Dutch books about Tolkien (bio's ) are second hand. The best thing is to have a look every now and then.


Elendil 10-27-2000 03:33 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Pile o' Bones
Posts: 15
international board?

hey Quam, uitgeverij het spectrum gaat de brieven opnieuw uitgeven.


Bart Coppens 10-28-2000 01:15 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Newly Deceased
Posts: 5
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
Re: international board?

I'm from Belgium, read it first at the age of 14, and now I'm 15.
The Dutch UT you can find in Belgium, last year I bought one(Now I only read the English books, much better, especially the Letters and so) &quot;Nagelaten Vertellingen&quot; by Het Spectrum. Have a look at the Fnac store in Gent. First floor by the books, or ask it.

Scripts are not allowed</p>

quam 10-28-2000 03:54 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 105
Re: international board?

Bedankt bart en elendil. Ik hab wel geen tijd om naar gent te gaan(kwoon in leuven en ben 14) maar er komt een fnac in leuven,als die open is zal ik er naar toe gaan.
For the people who don't speak dutch: We're planning to take over the world,starting with the Downs <img src=smile.gif ALT=":)">

My tolkien favorites are <a href=""target="web">the Tolkientrail</A>(michael martinez loved it!), Barrow-downs</A> and its</a> , <a href = "">Mount Gundabad</A>, end</a> and <a href=>dunedains camp</a>,where I'm an RPG moderator
Please visit < a href="">elendor</a>, the best ME MUSH around! "Quis,Quae,Quid

Mithadan 10-28-2000 05:57 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Shade of Carn Dûm
Posts: 287
Re: international board?

Welcome Bart. I have heard that some, but not all, translations of LoTR suffer from various flaws and that many prefer reading in the original english. True?

"The Silmarils with living light
were kindled clear, and waxing bright
shone like stars that in the North
above the reek of earth leap forth." </p>

Balin999 10-29-2000 09:05 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 175
Re: international board?

I have read both the English and German version. i couldnt find any serious mistakes. even the poems are very well translated (imho) but i just prefer the english version cause theres a lot more atmosphere in it.


Elendil 10-29-2000 01:58 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Pile o' Bones
Posts: 16

I felt the same way about the dutch translation, I agree Balin!


Sharkû 10-30-2000 07:49 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hungry Ghoul
Posts: 526
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
Re: international board?

One downside of the German version is that too many things are translated; mainly the names of the hobbits which according to JRRT should better have been left unchanged to preserve their Englishness.

<h6> By showing our resistance to the people, we kindle the fire within the people. </h6></p>

quam 10-30-2000 12:34 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 114
Re: international board?

About those names,when I first ventured into the Barrow-downs, I was wondering what the f they meant with the Shire,for I opnly knew it as De Gouw. It took a while before I 'knew' what dutch translation was of the basic people and places in the shire.

My tolkien favorites are <a href=""target="web">the Tolkientrail</A>(michael martinez loved it!), Barrow-downs</A> and its</a> , <a href = "">Mount Gundabad</A>, end</a> and <a href=>dunedains camp</a>,where I'm an RPG moderator
Please visit < a href="">elendor</a>, the best ME MUSH around! "Quis,Quae,Quid

lorien de loth 11-02-2000 03:47 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Newly Deceased
Posts: 5

I´m from Catalonia (in Spain), and I fell in love with barrowdowns, and specially the forums, the first day I visited the website, only a few weeks ago. I read Hobbit and LotR when I was 11 or 12, in my language, catalan, and then in spanish, and after so many time, at last in english.I like to read, from time to time, some passages of the books aloud, it is great ...though in english my accent may not be as good as I would like ...

Now I´m reading Tolkien letters (a spanish translation), and the more I know Professor Tolkien, the more I love him and his world.

Far over the misty mountains cold ... Més enllà de les boiroses i fredes muntanyes ...The road goes ever ever on ... El camí continua sempre, sempre endavant.


Mithadan 11-02-2000 04:11 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Shade of Carn Dûm
Posts: 302
Re: international

Welcome, Lorien. Soy Americano, pero mis padres son Cubanos. Unfortunately, I don't speak Spanish well.

"The Silmarils with living light
were kindled clear, and waxing bright
shone like stars that in the North
above the reek of earth leap forth." </p>

Lothwen 11-15-2000 02:58 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Pile o' Bones
Posts: 16
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: international

I live in Scotland like Taimar, but in the deserted lands of the North <img src=wink.gif ALT=";)"> I came from England to live here when I was 2 years old.

I got into Tolkien by the Hobbit when I was 10 years old, my brother suggested it to me and I am so glad he did <img src=roll.gif ALT=":rollin">



Orald 11-15-2000 03:23 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Pile o' Bones
Posts: 24
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: international

I am from the states, in west virginia at the moment but i have been several places(pennsylvania, mexico, wales, and ontario)

I watched that old hobbit movie all the time when i was little. then when my brother was 16 he had to read the hobbit for his school so i read it at the same time. i enjoyed it tremendously and that next week i got the lotr and the silmarillion.


The Glorious Dead 11-16-2000 08:38 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Newly Deceased
Posts: 4
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: The Downs -- an international board

Holy @#%$, am I the ONLY Canadian here?<img src= emoticons/eek.gif ALT=":eek">

I'm from Newfoundland, btw.<img src= wink.gif ALT=";)"> CANADUH!!

You're on crack or something, Deceased are brilliant.</p>

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