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THE Ka 12-16-2003 06:24 PM

When the movies are over, Will the craze for Tolkien still be around?
As the third movie based on the lord of the rings is only a short while from release into movie theaters, i began to ponder something. When the movies are over, and the movie reviews are gone, will there be more or even less amount of people who like all of us, praise Tolkien for his work. Or even stranger, will more and more people remember his works not for him, but PJ? Knowing that many Tolkien fans have their different says in this situation, I wondered if others would have the same or closely related thoughts as mine. I hope that who ever reads this will think carefully about this topic, being that i've spend almost three months thinking about it! So, start typing away. Tell me all that you think might happen good or bad. <P> Talk later, your friend The Ka.<P> Oh, before i go, i would like to thank who ever rated me a full 5 bones! thanks, i really am happy now. I hope that they have a wonderful Holiday season!

THE Ka 12-16-2003 06:47 PM

Come on people! i'm serious! This is something interesting to talk about! What's wrong for using your memory and a couple of brain cells!

Silmiel of Imladris 12-16-2003 07:29 PM

Chill out man! Some people can't answer right now because they are busy standing in line for the midnight showing while wearing some possibly uncomfortable costumes. Well in my opinion LOTR will go down in history like Star Wars. Yes I know some of you don't like Star Wars but face it everyone knows what it is. I also think that the movies made Tolkien's works more known. Before the movie only people who liked to read knew what LOTR was but now everyone knows. When it comes to PJ getting all the credit I say not a chance. True some people may start calling it PJ's LOTR but I doubt this will make Tolkien lost forever.

The Elusive Spirit 12-16-2003 09:09 PM

I think that for a short time after the movie is released there will be a lot of excitement. Eventually every thing will die down and the true fans will be left to live (or die) in peace. Unfortunately LOTR will probably be related to PJ more often than Tolkien. You have to understand that PJ is, after all now a major force in the entertainment world. Also, PJ will probably always be linked to LOTR, no matter what stuff he does in the future.<P>Silmiel of Imladris I would just like you to know that not all of us can go to the midnight show, or even on opening day. *perturbed grumbling about grades and parents* Sorry I'm just mad.

Finnguala 12-17-2003 09:44 AM

It will always be a part of MY life anyway!!

Iris Alantiel 12-17-2003 03:33 PM

Just as there were always people who loved Tolkien before, there will still be people who love him now - except maybe the movies will bring some more people who wouldn't have been exposed to the books before, so there will be more of us. I think for a while we'll probably have what we have now, the conflicting "book people" and "movie people" - sort of like cat and dog people. <P>Once the hype sort of dies out, I think a lot of the people who don't really really love Tolkien or LotR will get bored of the movies, b/c that's how it often seems to go. The really hot, hyped-up movies of, say, five years ago, are probably mostly forgotten now. Those who really really love Tolkien, however, will continue on as we always have even before the movies.

The Saucepan Man 12-17-2003 03:41 PM

There have been many Tolkien fans since the books were first published, and I am sure that there will continue to be for a long time to come.<P>Much as I love the films, I fail to see how anyone who enjoys them and then reads the books cannot but be captivated by the books moreso than the films. As for those who see the films but do not read the books, well they never would have read them anyway.

Fíriel of Ao Tea Roa 12-17-2003 08:12 PM

Well, right now the mentioning of "Lord of the Rings" will open nearly any door. It will feel strange when the tide changes again and people concentrate on the next thing.<P>Many fans have been there before 1995 (Jackson´s first planning) and many will stay after 2005 (ultimate DVD edition).<P>But it will feel strange to see the books turning up in masses at bookstores again, and to have all the action figures at garage sales, and the posters and pictures torn down, etc.<P>And what would Tolkien say? Besides: "Get a life for yourself", he would probably add smiling: "Have faith, little one."

Imladris 12-17-2003 08:20 PM

There will always be people praising Tolkien's/PJs works. However, there won't be as much hype after RotK (I hope you know what I mean).<P>I don't think that anybody will ever forget Tolkien because he was the author of the series. If he hadn't written the series, then there would be no PJ. I think that when people hear LotR, they will instantly think of the movie, but people will always remember that Tolkien wrote it, developed it.

Gorwingel 12-17-2003 11:32 PM

Well I plan to still be here! And I got introduced to Tolkien because of the movies. Of course the hype will die down, and some fans will leave because they were only there for the movies, but the diehards will remain. Only hopefully it will be a much larger group of diehards than before the films.

Olorin_TLA 12-18-2003 05:45 PM

Well said, Gorwingel.

Jjudvven 12-19-2003 12:51 PM

I'm sure the craze will eventually die out, just like everything else, but I know that for me at least, the movies, like the books, will always mean a lot. I don't intend to let this legacy die out. I'm sure as heck going to have my kids read the books and watch the movies, just like my dad did for me. I am eternally grateful to him for that.

Finwe 12-19-2003 03:32 PM

Damn straight it will! <P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR><BR>It is vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, peace, peace; but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? <P>Forbid it, Almighty God -- I know not what course others may take; but as for me -- give me Tolkien or give me death!"<BR><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P><BR> That summarizes my opinion on the matter. Tolkien will ALWAYS survive.

TheBladeThatWasBroken 12-20-2003 09:50 AM

What I wished to express has already been said; obviously a number of the movie-fans will stop their obsessions in a few years. But those of us already loyal to Tolkien's works before the movies will (hopefully) still remain, so the craze will definitely be continued on.<P>It won't be easy to stop the Tolkien-fans since it's been around for more than half a century. I believe I'm speaking for many when I say that The Lord of the Rings, either book or movie, is the greatest epic of our age, and such epic will not die out that easily.

Jess 12-20-2003 10:19 AM

I agree with you TheBladeThatWasBroken, some people will loose interest in LotR because the there will be no more movies, but there are some who got interested in Tolkien's work from seeing the movie, me for example. Before the movies came out I read The Hobbit, but never got around to LotR, but after I saw the movie I knew that if the movie was as good as it was, the book had to be twenty times better. <BR>~*Jessica*~

Feanor of the Peredhil 12-20-2003 02:07 PM

As long as true fans exist, so will the legacy of Tolkien. Our numbers have swelled considerably in the past few years and I have no doubt that many of the "Newbies" will stay and become as loving of the works as us "Pre-Movie Fans". Never fear: if I ever have children of my own, they will be raised with bedtime stories of (slightly edited to lessen the goriness) Tolkien's works. If I never have children, I will introduce my nieces and nephews and second-cousins-once-removed-on-my-mother's-sides to the LotR. As long as fans believe in the magic, it will live on.<P>Fea

Rasputin 12-20-2003 06:30 PM

hmm good question. i'd say it will eventually fade out of the spotlight and then all the rage will be over and then people will be like "lord of the rings is sooo 20th cnetury". but the true fans will stay loyal forever

elenquesse 12-20-2003 10:02 PM

Most of the people who became "fans" following the movies won't stick around (well, I am), but the select few of us here will always stay true. LotR will probably be known better for PJ's ideas rather than for Tolkien's original ones because--let's face it--plenty of people don't even understand the movies, let alone the amateur masterpiece of a British perfectionist. At least we'll all have more company.

Theron Bugtussle 12-23-2003 05:27 PM

This will be a shot in the arm for Tolkien and his book(s). Many people will be drawn to read LotR because of the movies. A large percentage of them will be moved even more by the book than the movie. They will become avid fans.

HCIsland 12-23-2003 05:54 PM

Certainly the current level of the craze will die down (would anyone want to continue to see Gandalf bobble-heads for sale?) and it will settle to a level that will be somewhat higher than where it was before.<P>Everyone gets introduced to Tolkien in different ways. Mine was through role playing games in the earlier 80's which is certainly, I think, a rather unusual way. Some read the books in high school. Some were turned towards it by family or friends. Some even became live-long fans after watching the Bakshi film.<P>These movies just become one more way through which people will be steered towards Tolkien. Most people that see the movies will never read the books and some that read the books won't become fans, but there will always be life-long Tolkien fans whose first introduction was through Jackson's films.<P>H.C.

TheBladeThatWasBroken 12-24-2003 07:17 AM

I think our numbers will continue to grow; just yesterday afternoon, after watching The Return of the King for a second time, I went to a nearby, wondering around the Tolkein shelf, and then this lady came and grabbed one of every Tolkien book and then left. I just started feeling happy right there.

Rasputin 12-24-2003 02:46 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>I think our numbers will continue to grow; just yesterday afternoon, after watching The Return of the King for a second time, I went to a nearby, wondering around the Tolkein shelf, and then this lady came and grabbed one of every Tolkien book and then left. I just started feeling happy right there.<BR> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P><BR>while we're on that note i feel that its a bit outragous to exploit the lotr craze and create everything you can think of lotr to get the fans to buy them. i wouldnt be suprised if there was lotr dinneware

Theron Bugtussle 12-24-2003 04:12 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>i feel that its a bit outragous to exploit the lotr craze and create everything you can think of lotr to get the fans to buy them. i wouldnt be suprised if there was lotr...[whatever]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I am beginning to think you are correct. Those capitalist pigs! <P>I could not resist the Lord Denethor flaming shorts, myself, and boy do I regret it now. <I>But it looked so cool in the movie....</I>

Angadraug 12-24-2003 08:23 PM

I'm sure that some of the movie-fans will be lost after a while, but people like me and Gorwingel, who have been turned onto Tolkien because of the movies, will still be around. Truthfully I had never heard of LOTR or Tolkien but since seeing the movie and reading the books I'm a fanatic. And I think the more people that see the movies, the more will be turned onto Tolkien.

Orominuialwen 12-25-2003 03:06 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> This will be a shot in the arm for Tolkien and his book(s). Many people will be drawn to read LotR because of the movies. A large percentage of them will be moved even more by the book than the movie. They will become avid fans. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's what happened to me after seeing FotR. Since becoming obsessed, I am in the process of convincing everyone I know to read LotR. So far I've convinced both my parents, and my two best friends have promised to read it soon (one of them wants to reread The Hobbit before starting LotR). So much as I love PJ's movies and think they're the best film's I've ever seen, the books will always have a special place in my heart. I think that's the attitude of all us true fans.

Rose Cotton 12-25-2003 07:57 PM

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out in the next few years. Because this isn't the first time that there has been hype about LotR. When the books came to America it started a phenomenon.<P>So now the same thing is happening again. Exept in a different way.<P>I know most of you feel sick when you see Frodo on a Burger King cup but I actually find it very amusing. I've enjoyed all this exitement about LotR. It is what has made me such a fan. I bought the books at the advice of my father totally ignorant to the fact that there was a movie being made. I read the book and loved it. But it would have ended there if I hadn't been surrounded with such enthusiasm. I will be sad to see it all mellow out.<P>But the LotR itself will never die down. These movies wern't the first interpretation of Tolkien and they won't be the last. <P>Time and time again the books will be revisited and loved. Each time there will be a new generation of fans who will be able to relate to the troubles of the characters as well as those in Tolkien's time and those in our time.<P>Yes, there won't be anymore Gandalf bobble heads but the legacy of LotR will never end. This isn't an end, but a new begaining.<P>"The road goes ever on and on...."<P>~Rose Cotton

elsye 12-26-2003 12:39 AM

The second time I went to see ROTK, in the back of the theatre I looked around. I thought to myself that many of these people are using their imaginations, and that the trilogy is changing lives(maybe not in big ways- but it still is). <BR>Perhaps by the time they've finished watching ROTK they'll be hardcore fans making costumes and buying every bit of memorabilia they see.<BR>I almost began crying. I'm sure many of those people that day are now seeing the magic of LOTR that we've all seen. and just like Star Wars they'll be, for years to come, celebrating Frodo and Bilbo's birthday, and wishing they could find a friend with a heart like Sam's.

Azaelia of Willowbottom 12-26-2003 12:26 PM

There is definitely a lot of excitement about LOTR right now. It is inevitable that much of that will die away in the next few years, but LOTR isn't going anywhere. The books and movies are classics, widely loved and recommended. The books are firlmy planted in our history already. Tolkien was named "author of the century". The movies are classics as well, and doubtless will still be watched and loved, even long after all of us are gone.

Catlyn21 12-26-2003 08:54 PM

As one of those new-found fans: I only saw The Fellowship of the Ring when my two best friends sat me down on a sofa and forced me to admit that it was the best movie I had ever seen (Me: Whose that? What are they doing? Why are those people so short? Oooh..That guys hot! Aragorn who? AHH! POINTY EARS! Wheres Mount Doom? etc. etc.) I then read all the books, and started on Tolkien's other work. I think, from first hand experience, that the movies will simply draw more people in: I'm totally obsessed now (Why else would I be on this message board?), did a biography project on Tolkien, dressed up for RotK (haha, so much fun) and cried at both the end of the book and the movie simply because they were over.<P>Okay, enough blabbering... Let's just say that Lord of the Rings will be around for a very long time, if I have anything to do about it...

Morgoth the Great 12-26-2003 08:56 PM

the craze was here before LOTRs movies. the craze will still be here after them.

Durelin 12-31-2003 01:30 PM

Here's a word to sum a lot up: merchandise!<P>That's what all those people who can't read need to keep it alive, and it will come!<P>Oh, yeah, and then in 20 years or so, the trilogy will be digitally remastered and re-released. Scary thought, there...

faenaduial 12-31-2003 04:06 PM

Over time I am sure the frenzy around LotR will probably die down. However there have always been a large number of Tolkien fans and I don't think that will change. The books are classics and will be enjoyed and cherished for generations to come.<P>In one way I am glad for the current craze. Due to the demand for all things LotR, a number of hard to get books by Tolkien are being reprinted!

busybee 01-03-2004 01:40 AM

I think that even though PJ made the movies they will mostly be known as Tolkiens and everyone will be all "OMG these movies from the 21st cetury are so badly made" but at least the book will survive as a classic.The movies were great though as they introduced a lot of ppl who had previously never heard of Tolkien to his world and who knows maybe in the year 3001 they'll make another version.

Durelin 01-04-2004 04:49 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> "OMG these movies from the 21st cetury are so badly made" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Eh? Wow. That's more of a pessimistic attitude than my usual self...<P>Again, I remind you of Star Wars. Even <I>The Adventures of Robin Hood</I> could be used as an example of how films live on. This old Errol Flynn classic has just been released on DVD. They really don't forget.

The Elusive Spirit 01-04-2004 05:28 PM

The DVDs are now in millions of homes world wide and people who didn't see the films in the theaters will watch them. The DVDs will probably keep LOTR hype around for a while longer. As you all said, things will eventually go back to "normal". Also, I heard a rumor that PJ was negotiating to film the Hobbit. If this is true LOTR will be prominent for quite a while.

kittiegirl 01-05-2004 04:31 PM

Well, I think the TRUE Tolkien fans will still be into it, much like the TRUE Star Wars fans are stil into Star Wars.<P>I just think after the movies die down a bit, then people won't buy so much LOTR merchendise because some people will follow whatever is popular for the time, and stop buying because it's not "cool" anymore.<BR>Which is sad, but I'll be happy knowing that some of us follow what we truely like instead of going with the crowd about it.<P>You can tell the people are just going to the movies because it's a new movie, or because a cute actor or something like that.

THE Ka 10-27-2004 10:01 PM

Wow! A post that actually intrigued people, not to scare them away... sorry, i'm really bad at posts, for some reason people don't like mine. :(

Anyway, i am glad to see such a turn-out! thankyou! you make me feel like i'm accepted around here (finally). Yes, i understand the main message you all are saying. And i fully agree. For example, before the movies were even a thought, and i had completed all three books finally (I would always read one and three... i don't know why. two never caught my eye.) i absolutely loved the character Boromir (Some of you may already know this :rolleyes: ). I don't know why at first, but, i did. We have exact opposite personalities but, he was my favorite. When the movies came out, something odd happened. i picked up my old copies of LOTR and began to read again. Then, i went and saw the first movie. And lucky for me, one of my favorite actors (Sean Bean) played as Boromir! i was sooo happy. Then as i can remember, my friends began to read again, then their friends and so on.

See something? I was surpirsed movies could do this... and with such power.

Thankyou's all who posted!

Meela 10-28-2004 06:02 AM

Is the craze still around? Perhaps not for me...

I'm loathed to admit that I've lost considerable interest in the LotR movies, and LotR in general to an extent. It began after Rotk was released on DVD; it suddenly felt as though the three year bubble of excitement and crazed fandom had been popped with a large pin, and I had deflated with it.
I haven't even watched the Rotk DVD since I bought it on the day it came out in May; snippets, yes, but not the entire movie in one go, and I haven't even yet watched the bonus documentary material.
I don't know whether I was simply cut off, but it seemed that there was a noticeable lack of interest. The staple magazine coverage was largely reduced from what it had been for the first two DVDs, and in general there was little hype or publicity.

I'm happy to be able to counter this with my new-found interest in the original material. Now that the movies are less prominent, I'm working my way back towards studying the books, languages, the origins of the characters, and so forth. I'm hoping that the release of the Extended Edition of RotK will renew my interest in the movies considerably.

I was never a true Tolkien fan; a serious admirer, borderline obsessive perhaps, but I never could tackle the books in the intellectual manner that is commonly adoption in the forum. I certainly loved the books, and the spirit behind them.
I think perhaps now that I'm looking at the books and LotR as a whole more insightfully I'll be able to call myself a borderline obsessive once more with feeling.

Nimrodel_9 10-28-2004 12:07 PM

I was wondering when someone would bring this up.
In my opinion, LotR will always be popular. It was before, during, and is now. Once someone starts to like something, hopefully they keep that like and share it with there friends. The books and movies will still be around even if there aren`t any reviews or movies to see in the cinema. Take Starwars for example. Even now it is a craze. I felt the same way as Meela for a while, though. When I realized that LotR was slipping away from me, something I did not want to happen, I started reading the books and watching the movies more. I came back to the the Downs. Once again I was a crazed fan. Then it started to slip away again, because I moved away from my friends. With out them around, I don`t think about it as much. The Barrow-Downs has helped me a great amount. I was looking through one of my aunt`s catalogs the other day, and came upon a really cool LotR blanket. I ordered it immediately. After doing so, I realized it wasn`t slipping away too much. I just don`t talk about it with my friends as much (except online) and it only seems that I don`t have it anymore. But I guess I am still a crazed fan. All I have to do is look at this post. If I took the time to type it, then I must be. :D

THE Ka 10-28-2004 05:46 PM

Well, we all go through times like this... Popping of the craze bubble, realizing that you really are still a fan. I had a similar withdrawl attack when i was young. When i was about seven or eight, my favorite author was Scott O'Dell. I swear that i hounded my school librarian when she was ordering books if a O'Dell came in. Soon i had read all of his books, some of them at least twice. When summer vacation came, i still was on the hunt. After awhile, i found myself not that interested in him. Yes, he was sort of historical/fiction type of author and yes, i loved that type of fiction but, something felt different. But, by the time school started up again, i remet my passion for his litiature. I still am a big fan of his works. He still is among my favorties, right next to Ursula K. Le Guin and Tolkien. :D

Hope this has helped the thread. i have an unfortunate jinx streak here at the forum where i tend to "kill" threads. :eek:

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