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Tigerlily Gamgee 05-10-2005 10:30 PM

The *new* Barrow Downs photo page!
Okay, so I have put together the page and added the photos of those who have sent them to me. You can find the page here:

I will put a link to it in my sig.

**Changed link to the new photo page site:
(edited by moderator)

If you have not submitted a picture yet and you would like to, please send it to

If you had a picture on the old picture page and you would like that same picture to be posted on the new page, then please reply here and let me know. I'm not going to repost any pictures without the consent of the subject. I know that there are many, probably, on the old page who don't even post here anymore. So, if you are on there and you just want to use that picture, then let me know and I'll take care of it. Otherwise, send a new picture to me at the email provided above. Thanks! :)

Kuruharan 05-11-2005 07:42 AM


I must say, Amanaduial knows how to pick surroundings!

Feanor of the Peredhil 05-11-2005 07:44 AM

Beautiful work Tig.

The Saucepan Man 05-11-2005 07:54 AM

Good job!
Excellently done, Tigerlily. :)

I'd be grateful if you would copy my picture over from Alk's site as I no longer have the scan that I made.

Thanks. :smokin:

alaklondewen 05-11-2005 09:49 AM

I agree. You've done a great job, Tigerlily!

I would appreciate it if you would copy over my same picture from the other site as well. :)

Tigerlily Gamgee 05-11-2005 11:10 AM

Okay, cool... I've saved both of your pictures (The Saucepan Man and alaklondewen), so I'll have them up there soon :)
Thank you for the compliments :)

Firefoot 05-11-2005 01:43 PM

Very cool, Tig. I love how you did the thumbnails as part of the whole pic. :)

Snowdog 05-11-2005 03:30 PM

Excellent work Tigerlily. You are really foxy by the way!

Tigerlily Gamgee 05-11-2005 07:36 PM

Thank you, Firefoot... you should send in a pic.
And thanks for calling me "foxy", Snowdog, I think that's the first time I've been called that.

Son of Númenor 05-11-2005 08:39 PM

Gang connotations aside, I find H-I's blue bandana to be quite dashing. It gives him a tough, swarthy, somewhat mysterious look. :p

Mithalwen 05-12-2005 01:58 PM

Even on these limited numbers, I suspect that some downers may be related.... :D

Hookbill the Goomba 05-12-2005 02:35 PM

Well done on the pictures, Tigerlily!
I've sent a (completely un doctored... honest) picture for ye to add to it.

Evisse the Blue 05-12-2005 03:52 PM

Great job, Tigerlily! :)
And great pics. Everyone looks exactly like I imagined them! :)
I'll be sending a pic of me as soon as possible.

Feanor of the Peredhil 05-12-2005 06:25 PM


Everyone looks exactly like I imagined them!
Nah... somehow I wasn't seeing Heren being quite so young, or swashbuckling. No matter how many times he referred to himself as young, he's cemented in my head as about 32. And more ninja-like than piratish. Go figure.


Even on these limited numbers, I suspect that some downers may be related....
? :confused: Which ones?

AbercrombieOfRohan 05-12-2005 06:27 PM

Well, I sent a pic, I hope you can forgive it's peculiarities, I find it rather amusing and it does look a lot like me. Well, maybe I shouldn't give my drawing skills so much credit... It looks similar to me. Anyways, It's definitely a good substitute...

:smokin: I'm cool... yeah I am...

Mithalwen 05-13-2005 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil
Nah... somehow I wasn't seeing Heren being quite so young, or swashbuckling. No matter how many times he referred to himself as young, he's cemented in my head as about 32. And more ninja-like than piratish. Go figure.

? :confused: Which ones?

Surely it is obvious....?

Eomer of the Rohirrim 05-13-2005 12:03 PM

Very user-friendly, I must say. A good job. :)

If I can persuade SamwiseGamgee to steal his mum's digital camera then we might be able to send in a pic.

Will Lal and davem be encouraged to send in a wedding photo? :D

Feanor of the Peredhil 05-13-2005 04:37 PM


Surely it is obvious....?
I did notice a bit of resemblance between Tig and myself? Was that what you mean?

Lindolirian 05-13-2005 05:15 PM

I was thinking perhaps Snowdog and Alk. Both bearded and have that strange thoughtful look on their faces.
But Fea and Tigerlily, I can't quite see a resemblence except that you're both lookin' pretty good! ;)

Orominuialwen 05-13-2005 05:29 PM

I've just sent in a picture of myself. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the ones of my family in Hobbit costume, so this one will have to do.

the phantom 05-13-2005 06:38 PM


But Fea and Tigerlily, I can't quite see a resemblence except that you're both lookin' pretty good!
"Lookin' pretty good" is an insult to the level of hotness those two achieve in their pics.

Lindolirian 05-13-2005 06:44 PM

Hahaha, true... but I was trying to be as polite as possible. :)

Kuruharan 05-13-2005 07:31 PM


but I was trying to be as polite as possible
Such petty inhibitions do not bother one such as the phantom!!! ;) :p

Congratulations on graduating, by the way!

Lush 05-14-2005 02:00 AM

I love the new page. And I did send in my picture just now, hope the file is Ok and everything, let me know.

I am also of Heren's bandana fan-club at this point. :D

Anguirel 05-14-2005 06:11 AM

I would declare that Fea knocks Liv Tyler into a cocked hat, before proposing marriage instantly, but I don't want to be massacred by any, ah, supernatural spectres with saucepan-phobias...

Feanor of the Peredhil 05-14-2005 02:38 PM

Liv Tyler? I wouldn't go that far... but then again, I've picked that picture to death in the dark room by now, so the final version is not so much a truthful portrait as it is an incredibly awesome mistake-gone-right and... Well, never mind. Maybe I'll switch my final one (which stands incredibly good chances of winning best in show at my upcoming art show) with the pic there now...

Anyhow, thanks for all the props, guys. You've certainly boosted my ego. I feel like Eomer of the Rohirrim. ;)

elronds_daughter 05-14-2005 03:14 PM

Fea, from one (straight, thank-you-very-much) girl to another, you're gorgeous. Tigerlily, too. All the 'Downs ladies seem to be beautiful.... P'r'aps the phantom's current signatures isn't so far off, after all.... ;) :D

Now I just need to find a decent picture of myself for Tig to put up. Problem is, I'm terribly non-photogenic....

Feanor of the Peredhil 05-14-2005 03:30 PM

Thanks very much Eddy. You know, this is starting to explain why I spend so much of my time discouraging suitors that I don't want. Now if I could only get the one that I am interested in... :( Alas for the complications of teenage life. ;)

Oh yes, and Tig, it's true. You're quite gorgeous as well.

elronds_daughter 05-14-2005 03:45 PM


Alas for the complications of teenage life.
Ah, 'tis true, 'tis true... When I was small, one lady pronounced that I would be a "heart-breaker". Meaning, of course, that I would (as yourself) have to turn down many suitors. Fortunately, I'm homeschooled, and therefore don't have much day-to-day contact with potentials.

A bit more on-topic, I'm in HI's blue-bandana-fan-club as well.

Tigerlily Gamgee 05-14-2005 08:02 PM


"Lookin' pretty good" is an insult to the level of hotness those two achieve in their pics.
*blush* Well, phantom, perhaps you need to be sending in a piccie of your pretty face soonly :)
Maybe we should change the motto of the Downs to "The Barrow Downs, where the hotties hang out!" ;) Thank you all. I've found, from forums, conventions, etc, that the LOTR fandom has many very attractive people on both ends. Take that Star Wars! I mean... heh.

I've updated the page with pics from Lush, Abercrombieofrohan, Orominuialwen, Lindolirian, and Hookbill the Goomba.
If there's one thing I've found while making this page, it's that many members here have some long and tough to remember how to spell names. So, please, if anyone catches a typo, let me know

PS - Fea, they are not just complications of a teenage life... they go on into your twenties, sadly. It's always the ones who you don't want to approach you who do, and those who you wish would never do... and then I never have confidence (or barely do anyway) to approach anyone myself. Confidence boosts are nice, because when you have remained single for so long you can't help but wonder if there is something wrong with you. But I've just now decided that there is something wrong with the male of the species, most of them, at least... or the ones who ask for my phone # and never call :)

Kuruharan 05-14-2005 08:37 PM

Gold Stars
Hookbill gets a star for clever background.

Alquadae also gets one for the ship and all.

Yeah, I like settings...sue me. :D ;)

Hookbill the Goomba 05-15-2005 01:15 AM

Of the nineteen pictures we took on that location, that was the best one. At first I didn't want Gandalf in the background, but he insisted on cameo-ing. However, most of the time it was Gandalf the grey uncloaked! Which was less than pleasant.

I don't get many Photos take of me these days. Mainly because I tend to doctor them when I do. :p
And being a dead rotting barrow dweller doesn’t help.

Anguirel 05-15-2005 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by Tigerlily Gamgee
...or the ones who ask for my phone # and never call :)

Ahm, Tigerlily...what's your phone number??

(There is no escape from Us. None...)

Meela 05-15-2005 07:48 AM

I attempted to send in a picture of myself, but it failed twice... it's not a great picture of me, but it's the only one I have where I'm not a complete hag.

If I uploaded a picture onto a webpage and posted the link, could you save it from there? I can't seem to email it at all.

Kuruharan 05-15-2005 08:06 AM


At first I didn't want Gandalf in the background, but he insisted on cameo-ing.
But one of them turned out really well. You should always listen to Gandalf. Otherwise, he might turn you into a toad or something else unnatural. :D

Estelyn Telcontar 05-15-2005 10:12 AM

Quit talking about other people's pics, Kuru, and send in one of yourself!! :p

Yes, I will practice what I preach and do so myself, but it may take a couple of weeks. I thought I'd wait till I get my LotR costume dress finished and have a picture taken with that. That would be a nice change from the other photo on Alk's page.

Tigerlily Gamgee 05-15-2005 10:17 AM

Yes, yes, more piccies please! I'd love to see the dress, Estelyn, so if you want to wait until then, that's fine :)
Anguirel - my my, aren't you saucy?

Kuruharan 05-15-2005 10:40 AM


Quit talking about other people's pics, Kuru, and send in one of yourself!!
Silly Esty. My picture is already there! It's just that my face is so unspeakably forgettable that you forget about it the instant you see it... :D :p ;)

Hookbill the Goomba 05-15-2005 12:20 PM

I just found a more recent picture and have sent it to Tigerlily. It’s slightly better quality, plus I’m holding the BEST book in existence!

Lalwendë 05-15-2005 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim
Will Lal and davem be encouraged to send in a wedding photo?

It will be several moons until that can be done, but in the meantime...

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