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Ghâshgûl 10-25-2001 06:04 AM

Female Nazgûl???
Just a simple (maybe stupid) question for those who know Middle-Earth better than me, and who have read Tolkien's books in english:

Is it sure that all Nazgûl were male?


Kin-strife 10-25-2001 07:27 AM

I guess it isn't 100% sure, but a female Nazgul is unlikely as there's no mention of any as far as I know. It is said in the Sil that those that used the nine rings of mortal men became in their day "kings sorcerors and warriors of old". No mention of Queens. That's all I can think of. Perhaps a more advanced Tolkien scholar can think of something more conclusive.

Eldar14 10-25-2001 06:43 PM

All the examples that I've seen seem to me all the accounts of the Nazgul refer to them using male terms (aka. Kings, men, etc.)

Gwaihir the Windlord 10-25-2001 11:33 PM

Sexist comments aside, you know, I'm, only stating facts -- generally, men are better soldiers than women. As Sauron's most powerful servants, yes, I should say they were all male, for sure.

Inziladun 10-26-2001 08:30 AM

Given the scarcity of female warriors in Middle Earth and the reasons mentioned above, any of the Nazgûl being female does seem highly unlikely.

Eldar14 10-26-2001 11:46 AM

"Sexist comments aside"

Reading that gave me the idea that Sauron was probably a sexist, which would be one more reason for the Nazgul not to be female.

Dréw 10-27-2001 06:52 AM

Weren't the Nazgul Kings of Men who were given the nine rings for men and enslaved by Sauron?

Kin-strife 10-27-2001 08:57 AM

Thinking of the sexist sauron remark, does anyone know of any mention of a female orc? Since orcs reproduced they had to have existed (unless they multiplied like gremlins) but I don't recall reading of any. Were orc parties unisex and, if not, what did an orc-maiden do all day? Were they just used as breeding machines or did they provide a more notewothy role in society?

Eldar14 10-27-2001 09:55 AM

There was a string somewhere regarding female orcs, but I can't seem to find it, not even with the search thing. I myself think that there were female orcs, even mixed in among the ranks, but since the Hobbit and LoTR were written from the Hobbits POV, and since female orcs were butt ugly, it wasn't written. Also, since orcs are twisted from elves, there would have to be female ones.

Sharkû 10-27-2001 03:34 PM

Most of our knowledge and speculation regarding female orcs has been laid down here.

Eowyn of Ithilien 10-28-2001 01:48 AM

*can't help it* I'd just like to point out that a WOMAN...along with a "halfling" [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]...slew the Nazgul King...just in case all you guys forgot [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Inziladun 10-28-2001 03:46 AM

Point taken. Éowyn was certainly an exeption, however.

Eowyn of Ithilien 10-28-2001 06:59 AM

*curtsies* why thankyou [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Kin-strife 10-28-2001 10:50 AM


All you guys
And my I enquire how you derive sex from a name such as Kin-strife? It's not even a name.

Halbarad 10-28-2001 05:26 PM

Wasn't kin-strife the translated name of one of the slayer Giants in Stephen Donaldson's books? That would make it a name, albeit translated from giantish (I must digress). I agree tho- how does sex get derived from that?

Aldaron 10-28-2001 09:40 PM

I'd say that if the lady wishes to name herself Kin-Strife, she doesn't have to ask anyone's permission. Let's not get all snide and sexist.

Inziladun 10-28-2001 11:50 PM

It appears 'all you guys' was simply used to include everyone that had been posting in this thread. I don't think she literally meant everyone in here was male.

Ghâshgûl 10-29-2001 06:20 AM


Originally posted by Eldar14:
<STRONG>"Sexist comments aside"

Reading that gave me the idea that Sauron was probably a sexist, which would be one more reason for the Nazgul not to be female.</STRONG>
I see your argument:
Sexist = evil
Sauron = evil
Sauron = sexist

Hmmmm... With the same argumentation pattern you could say that Sauron was probably a racist. But how does this match to the fact that Saurons armies were the only ones in the Ring War (maybe in the whole history of Middle Earth?) where white and coloured people (and even orks) fought side by side?


[ October 31, 2001: Message edited by: Ghâshgûl ]

Halbarad 10-29-2001 08:26 PM

It's not as simple as A & B= racist= 1
The armies were joined by their allegiance to Sauron (based through fear- he was their God after all) so the statement that he was racist still works because he hates everyone so it doesn't make much difference. Ci?

Gwaihir the Windlord 10-29-2001 10:39 PM

Why do you say that Sauron was a sexist? He probably wasn't, actually. I don't think Ainur would have much truck with that sort of thing, what with female Ainur being of the same powerfulness as male Ainur.

Re the orc question; there would be no reason not to have female orcs bolstering the fighting forces. Orcs are completely expendable. Having the women-folk in the orc armies, even if they aren't as strong as the male ones, would still significantly increase the strength of the army.
Unless, of course, they were just used as breeding machines. They would be pregnant, and couldn't fight.

Eowyn of Ithilien 10-30-2001 06:58 AM

Inziladun's right [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] I just lapsed into slang...hmm no I don't think Sauron's a sexist either...and referring to Gashgul's equations I once saw one that ended with woman=root of all evil

Eldar14 11-01-2001 02:03 PM

I've seen that equation too, and for those of you who haven't seen it, here it is:

"women take time and money", so
women=time x money

"time is money", so

"money is the root of all evil," so
money=(square root of)evil

"women are evil"

KayQy 11-04-2001 01:39 PM

Was it so good you had to say it twice? [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

I don't think Sauron was necessarily sexist or racist. You know, the "I'm not racist: I hate everybody!" He would look at people of whatever race or gender mainly as either tools or threats. However, I think he would be all for sexism and racism in general, as ways to spread more darkness and hate, and would most likely encourage it in any way he could.

And I've always considered the phrase "you guys" to be gender-neutral, unless there's also a "you girls" phrase running around nearby.

Eldar14 11-04-2001 02:12 PM

whoops, didn't notice I had posted that twice. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Eldar14 11-04-2001 02:17 PM

About the arugment that if Sauron was sexist, why wasn't he racist.

#1: He was racist. He vehemently hated elves.

#2: The only proof that he wasn't racist is that he has multi-racial armies. Maybe the only reason he did this was to increase racism in the good armies. Fighting against another race might make them think that whole race is evel. Fighting against women probably would not have made the good soldiers sexist, so no point in having them in the ranks. And of course, there is no simple reason not to, other than him being a sexist.

Kin-strife 11-04-2001 03:40 PM

About the whole "all you guys" comment. I thought (most likely wrongly) that Èowyn was sugesting that all the previous posts were gender biased on their perceptions of women in Middle-earth. Like she was pointing out that a WOMAN slew the Nazgul king "just in case all you GUYS forgot". The second stress was mine and it's there that think I went wrong in my reading of the post. I wondered how she would know my sex. Obviously Aldaron took this to mean that I was of the female persuasion but that MIGHT not be acuarate. I'll leave you guessing. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Aragorn303 11-04-2001 07:30 PM


Originally posted by Gwaihir the Windlord:
<STRONG>Sexist comments aside, you know, I'm, only stating facts -- generally, men are better soldiers than women. As Sauron's most powerful servants, yes, I should say they were all male, for sure.</STRONG>
there r decent women warriors take Eowyn for example. so there could have been a female nazgul

Tz-Mc 11-04-2001 09:55 PM

The probability of female Nazgul is slim to none, being since tolkien wrote about female of other species yet not of this one. If there were female Nazgul they were probably hidden or kept away for purposes of and more likely beyond our imagination.

Mhoram 11-04-2001 10:41 PM


Originally posted by Tz-Mc:
<STRONG>The probability of female Nazgul is slim to none, being since tolkien wrote about female of other species yet not of this one. If there were female Nazgul they were probably hidden or kept away for purposes of and more likely beyond our imagination.</STRONG>


NAZGUL(B.S.: 'those of the Ring or Rings') Nine beings, slaves of the Nine Rings and the chief servants of Sauron. Originally Men, perhaps Black Numenoreans, the Nazgul were each given one of the Nine Rings by Sauron in the Second Age....

-A Guide to Middle-Earth by Robert Foster
That is to say...the Nazgul were not a species or race, they were men become wraiths.

Ghâshgûl 11-05-2001 06:40 AM


#1: He was racist. He vehemently hated elves
Allow me to play the devil's advocate once again: Before complaining about Sauron hating elves, you should, for example, remember what was the principal occupation of the Rangers: Hunting and killing orcs. Why? Because they were orcs. For a ranger, beeing an orc was a capital crime and was instantly punished with death.

Is this not racism?


Finwe 11-05-2001 10:04 AM

Actually come to think of it, Sauron was much more an equal oppurtunities employer than any1 else in ME. Anyone at all, could be in Saurons army, all you had to be was evil ( or easily swayed ). Can you imagine any circumstance where an Orc would be welcomed into to Rivendell or Gondor with open arms, even if they claimed to have seen the error of their ways.
So stop badmouthing poor old Sauron, he hasnt hurt anybody, well except for all the ones he hurt. [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]

Halbarad 11-05-2001 06:26 PM

As I said before Sauron was evil and hated everyone (yes probobly even the Mouth0 so his being racist is irrelevant

Gwaihir the Windlord 11-07-2001 10:32 PM


Suron was racist; he vehemently hated the Elves.
I'd call that 'Speciesism', rather.

As for the comment on Eowyn. I'd think that most of the soldiers of the Mark were better fighters than Eowyn, even though she was indeed 'decent'.

Eowyn of Ithilien 11-08-2001 03:34 AM

'decent' anddddd just happened to slay the Nazgul King

Kin-strife 11-08-2001 06:29 AM

I think that however good Èowyn was as a soldier was enhanced by the fact that she no longer feared death. This is what probably brought her face to face with the Nazgul King where most soldiers would rather have kept their distance. She couldn't have had nearly as much training as the other soldiers so it must have been a natural ability for her. Perhaps she would have been one of the greatest soldiers had she the training.

Gwaihir the Windlord 11-08-2001 10:35 PM

She'd had the training, as befits an heir of Eorl the Young. Without training, do you think she could have gone into battle with the Lord of the Nazgul?

She slew the Witch-King; but as Kin-Strife says, she was aided by the fact that she no longer feared anything. Fear is what makes the Witch-king so powerful. Take that away, and you have a chance.

Eowyn of Ithilien 11-09-2001 03:51 AM

"the greatest thing we have to fear is fear itself"

shieldmaiden 11-09-2001 09:34 AM

Eowyn is not the only female warrior in M.E. There was Haleth, the chieftain of the Haladin (Silmarilion). As I remember, she was a wise and a brave woman who led her men into battles.

Ghâshgûl 11-09-2001 11:19 AM


Originally posted by shieldmaiden:
<STRONG>There was Haleth, the chieftain of the Haladin (Silmarilion). As I remember, she was a wise and a brave woman who led her men into battles.</STRONG>
If I am not wrong, she led her women into battles! Just anothe example for female warriors in ME...


[ November 09, 2001: Message edited by: Ghâshgûl ]

Bêthberry 06-03-2005 07:17 AM

Other than Galadriel, who had issues with power and aggression and dominance (see Celeborn), I don't think we see any other women who are tempted by the Ring.

Clearly, "Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die" is a specific statement about the male sex and not a general statement used by analogy for all of human/huwyman kind.

And just as clearly then, there could not be female nazgul. Females are beyond such power tripping. It's only the wedding ring that gets them.

:p ;) :D

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