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Tuor in Gondolin 12-08-2009 05:44 PM

Hobbit movie progressing
The Hollywood Reporter says:

Casting on “The Hobbit” begins this week, with wide auditions expected for each part except Gandalf, which is being reserved for Ian McKellen, who played the wizard in “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy.

“We’re auditioning for every role,” Jackson said in an interview, adding he is a big believer in casting a wide net to better match actors with the roles.....
Jackson denied that he had settled on any actors besides McKellen and pooh-poohed Web chatter that he has approached James McAvoy for a key role.

“Apart from Ian McKellen, who we obviously want to return as Gandalf, we are not really offering any roles to anybody until we’ve done a casting sweep,” Jackson said.

Casting is being handled out of Los Angeles and London.....

“(These movies) have never been a star-driven vehicle. The star is (author J.R.R.) Tolkien and the world he created. We are not under any pressure. We want to find the right people. Casting someone to portray a hobbit is not as easy as you might imagine. They have to have a particular type of physical appearance and a sensibility. And the same with an elf or a dwarf. These are fantastical characters, but you’ve got to find the right people to play them, the right humans to translate these characters.”

Jackson also denied earlier reports that production on “Hobbit” was delayed.
“It’s not,” he said, adding that the script for the first movie is completed and that collaborators Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens and del Toro are in the middle of writing the second. They hope to deliver drafts to Warner Bros. and MGM, which are jointly backing the films, around Christmastime.

“We were always planning to shoot around April or May next year, and as far as I’m aware, we’re pretty much on target for that. It depends on how quickly the studio greenlights the film. It’s not in our hands. But as long as we‘re shooting next year, we’re fine.”
It would be interesting to see a list of the major/contributing parts being cast for. Among other things, it would give a hint as to how/if additional female roles will be contrived. I suppose you could have female spiders. :) How about making the Master of Laketown a woman. :eek: And how worried should one be that PJ and friends seem to have their hot little hands all over the scripts, considering how TTT and RoTK were-ah- emended.

Mugwump 12-08-2009 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Tuor in Gondolin (Post 618727)
with wide auditions expected for each part except Gandalf, which is being reserved for Ian McKellen....

And (I hope) Gollum? They're not thinking of casting someone other than Serkis, are they?! :o

Morsul the Dark 12-08-2009 11:03 PM

Auditions in LA... wonder where and when because I have Sooo much disposable income just to go over there... :(

Mugwump 12-09-2009 06:59 AM

Happily, I'm already guaranteed a role: ticket buyer at my local movie theater.

Tuor in Gondolin 12-09-2009 01:25 PM

Good point about Andy Serkis. I assume that was just
an oversight. One possible ending for the second movie
could be Gollum leaving the mountain chain to go search
for Thief Baggins.

Mithalwen 12-10-2009 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by Mugwump (Post 618747)
And (I hope) Gollum? They're not thinking of casting someone other than Serkis, are they?! :o

I wish they would.. and McKellen. Seldom have performances been so over rated.... Ah well I tried to watch Pan's Labyrith again the other night and once again fell asleep after 5 minutes so I am really not hopeful about this in any way...

Mugwump 12-11-2009 08:11 AM

I disagree with you about McKellen and Serkis, but I agree about Pan's Labyrith.

For all the complaining people do about Peter Jackson's version of LotR, he still did a magnificent job and it's going to be incredibly hard for anyone to measure up to that standard.

Mithalwen 12-11-2009 09:47 AM

I thought the costumes etc were beautiful but I have never managed to sit through it all again. It just about worked in the cinema when it all washed over me but the CGI looks very dated now IMO. And the endless action scenes at the expense of character and plot bore me. But I am not the demographic they were aiming at.

I would have loved to see someone else try. I hate the idea that PJ is the only person who can interpret Tolkien. As a visual interpretation I much preferred the London version of the musical and the radio version has a hold on me that has endured twentyfive years.

I think McKellen is a lazy and mannered actor. He seems to be the same in everything these days and he always seemed to me to be Ian McKellen being Gandalf rather than just Gandalf. Vocally Peter Woodthorpe was incomparable as Gollum, visually Michel Therriault was superb without CGI. Some of Jackson's casting was great even if the actors were not as described in the books
but these two I could do without.

Mugwump 12-11-2009 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 619035)
I hate the idea that PJ is the only person who can interpret Tolkien.

There is no widespread acceptance of such an idea. Like all good myth, Tolkien's world can, has been, and will be interpreted by many. There can be many good interpretations and versions of the same myth, and they need not all agree in every particular.

Tuor in Gondolin 12-12-2009 11:49 AM

About Andy Serkis returning, on TORN there's
this from del Toro.

About ONLY 3 actors returning: I think the emphasis on “only” is what slant the news the wrong way. I cannot imagine Gollum being played by anyone but Andy and in the second script there is still much in discussion to lock everything for now
I agree AS could be replaced, but apparently won't. So who's
the third, apparently guaranteed, returnee? Kate Blanchett? Or Agent Elrond?

Rumil 12-12-2009 12:57 PM

Leggie of course!!

Tuor in Gondolin 12-12-2009 01:17 PM

Ah, ha! Legolas finally figures out that daddy, being an elf,
just might keep kinging for centuries so disguises himself
as a mortal (calling himself Bard) to start a kingdom around
Laketown. Brilliant! :cool:

Hilde Bracegirdle 12-12-2009 05:55 PM

Yes, you are right Tuor, it will probably be Agent Elrond. *Groan* I understand them wanting to make it tie seamlessly with the earlier work, but I wish they would try to improve upon it.

Morsul the Dark 12-12-2009 11:57 PM

This widespread "Hate" of the movies is kind of monotonous "Only Peter Jackson" I'm sorry he disagreed with You, I'm sorry that he is the one the studios picked. I'm sorry You don't Like the actors elrond could've been played by Rowan Atkinson and some people would love it some people would hate it. 6 BILLION people on Earth sorry some of you aren't happy.

I'm excited I feel unless they go insanely off course it will ne good.

Hilde Bracegirdle 12-13-2009 12:02 PM

I can only say that I'm glad that you you look forward to the movies with anticipation and not dread. That is a good thing.

Unfortunately, the Downs is one of the only places that some of us have to voice our bit of foreboding ...and where we might be understood for it.

Tuor in Gondolin 12-13-2009 02:11 PM

Morsul, my views of PJ's movies is mixed. The only one I really
can rewatch entirely is FoTR (the other two have individual
extremely inrritaing bits (the worst being Faramir's and
Denethor's movie characters presentation, overusing the green slime,
and Gandalf violating all precepts by physically assaulting Denethor
(wow, a maiar can push around a man!). But most of the casting was
spot on, some characters were actually improved (Boromir and
Arwen) and the cinematography and most of the cgi was spectacular.

The worry (and hope) is whether del Toro can and will rein in some
of PJ and friends excesses while keeping their positives.

Now there's a thought:
Guillermo del Toro: Part IV: A New Hope

davem 12-13-2009 04:18 PM

Filler piece in the Guardian the other day - article itself is pretty vacuous, but there are some interesting comments.

Bêthberry 12-13-2009 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by davem (Post 619305)
Filler piece in the Guardian the other day - article itself is pretty vacuous, but there are some interesting comments.

I'm quite impressed that there are still people with the energy and vision and care to make such comments. I think my favourite phrase is the following:


Originally Posted by random commenter in the Guardian
the fabulous authenticity of the LOTR films.

I suspect, however, that my reading of the meaning of 'fabulous' just might be somewhat um, erm, historical. :D

Mithalwen 12-15-2009 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by Mugwump (Post 619042)
There is no widespread acceptance of such an idea. .

We clearly haven't been to the same websites..... when there was the blessed chance it would be someone else you would have thought the world was literally coming to an end in some quarters. I don't hate the movies... I reserve such emotions for more worthy targets. Its a curate's egg. I just find that I have more interesting things to do with my life than sit though them again on a TV screen.

Reagardless I think too much time has passed to try and shoehorn the Hobbit in to the established LOTR mould. Maybe one day when the copyrights have expired someone will do a remake that will tell the entire history of the Quest of Erebor and the War of the Ring without having to martyr themselves to continuity. Jackson's LOTR was Frodo's story and the one place where he was very faithful was following the hobbit centric perspective of the book. Personally I think you could tell the history as Aragorn's story and you solve a lot of the dramatic problems which apparently necessitated the more major changes. No doubt many would disagree.

However having made the Rings as a stand a lone film I think it would be better to do the same for the Hobbit. And I really can't see how they can stretch it out over two films. Is there really enough and will people be interested enough to go back months or a year later?

I adore Hugo Weaving and he might lure me in. I thought he was good as Elrond. It isn't a huge role and I guess he might well do it if asked. though maybe not if he has to tralalalally... ;)

Lindale 01-18-2010 11:40 AM

I'm hearing these ridiculous rumors in FB about Toby Maguire as Bilbo... was amusing at first, now I have to let it out of my chest and into the Downs. :o

Mithalwen 01-18-2010 11:52 AM

He wouldn't be my first choice but I don't think he would be a disaster.. he was quite good in Seabiscuit.

Some newspapers are reporting he is cast.

Lindale 01-19-2010 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 621950)
He wouldn't be my first choice but I don't think he would be a disaster.. he was quite good in Seabiscuit.

Some newspapers are reporting he is cast.

Oh well, I suppose so. He isn't particularly awful anyway. But I hoped that they wouldn't get a too-pretty-boy like they did for the Legolas character.

Sarumian 01-20-2010 06:33 PM

I really like the idea to hire Del Toro. The only thing I regret is that it hadn't been Del Torro who shoot LOTR, while PJ should have been perfect for the light mood of The Hobbit. Del Toro is a black wizard of despair, who knows everything about hope beyond hope. He is a master of monsters as well. I was cought by the Fawn's Labirinth at once, though it is defenitely not very holly-woody. So I'm really curious about what he can do in (not with) Middle Earth.

As for two movies I can't see any credible possibility to make them of The Hobbit. Where they are going to finish the first one? In Beorn's land? It's going to be a strange stop because nothing is really resolved there. And after the victory over Smaug there is no enough events to make a proper movie.

What looks clear to me is that there should've been five, not three parts for the LOTR: 1) Escape to Rivendell; 2) The Ring Goes South; 3) Two Towers; 4) The Seidge of Gondor; 5) Farewell The Third Age. Each of them has approximately the same amount of things to happen. Just my oppinion, anyway.

Eönwë 01-21-2010 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Sarumian (Post 622152)
What looks clear to me is that there should've been five, not three parts for the LOTR: 1) Escape to Rivendell; 2) The Ring Goes South; 3) Two Towers; 4) The Seidge of Gondor; 5) Farewell The Third Age. Each of them has approximately the same amount of things to happen. Just my oppinion, anyway.

Then they might as well have made a movie out of each book. But then it would probably a TV-series instead (which wouldn't be bad, actually).

Airaloske 01-21-2010 02:54 PM

if they add a bunch of stupid female characters or genderbend -ANY- of the dwarves, or add a bunch of sappy useless romance I will probably not go see it. I don't want one of my favorite stories to be ruined by PC pandering. The story is very straightforward and easy to understand, there is no reason to change a bunch of stuff around. If people can't understand The Hobbit, a very easy-to-read and lighthearted adventure story, then I really hold no hope for the next generation.

Airaloske 01-21-2010 02:56 PM

i'd also refuse to see it if they cast somebody terrible as Bilbo. I'm glad those Toby McGuire rumors were crushed, he would have been a terrible Bilbo, as the only thing I've ever enjoyed him in was Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Everything else, he looks like a cardboard cutout with a silly grin.

Mithalwen 01-23-2010 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Airaloske (Post 622202)
if they add a bunch of stupid female characters or genderbend -ANY- of the dwarves, or add a bunch of sappy useless romance I will probably not go see it. .

But how will we know if they genderbend a dwarf?

davem 01-25-2010 03:15 PM

First Jedward, now Ronan...
Now, if they could only get the rest of Boyzone & Westlife to make up the remainder of the Dwarves & Simon Cowell for Gandalf.....

Tuor in Gondolin 01-25-2010 06:10 PM


Simon Cowell for Gandalf
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :eek:

(Better tell him not to ridicule Beorn)!

Tuor in Gondolin 01-27-2010 08:16 AM

There's a not uninteresting argument in for
a cameo by Orlando Bloom in TH.

Why Orlando Bloom
should be in ‘The Hobbit’
Although the author seems
under the misapprehension that Gollum was confined in the
dungeons (not up a tree) in Mirkwood.

An excerpt:

So while Legolas had no explicit role spelled out in the text, Princes of Mirkwood wouldn’t miss events like the notable capture of Dwarves or the restoration of his father’s honor and kingdom via war.

Now if it were up to me, Bloom would probably not speak a word in either of the two Hobbit films but would stand behind Doug Jones Thranduil silently supporting and honoring his father. He would definitely be present at the flicks’ biggest battle doing low-key but unmistakable Legolas moves.

I don’t know that Bloom would agree to a part with no dialog but if he would it would be a classic nod to his non-mention in the books while providing a line of continuity from del Toro’s films to Jackson’s. It wouldn’t require a large time commitment either and would likely delight studios and financiers. It wouldn’t be an over-the-top, distracting cameo but a tasteful, clever and humorous walkthrough that would also feel just ‘right’.

Tuor in Gondolin 02-24-2010 03:28 PM

In "interesting" news, TheOneRing reports that
Matthew Goode has auditoned for the role of Bilbo.

mark12_30 02-25-2010 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by Tuor in Gondolin (Post 622434)
There's a not uninteresting argument in for
a cameo by Orlando Bloom in TH. Although the author seems
under the misapprehension that Gollum was confined in the
dungeons (not up a tree) in Mirkwood.

I do not think they kept him in the trees all the time.


‘ We guarded this creature day and night, at Gandalf’s bidding, much though we wearied of the task. But Gandalf bade us hope still for his cure, and we had not the heart to keep him ever in dungeons under the earth, where he would fall back into his old black thoughts.’... ‘In the days of fair weather we led Gollum through the woods; and there was a high tree standing alone far from the others which he liked to climb....
"keep him ever in dungeons" would nowadays be written "Keep him always in dungeons" or "leave him in dungeons all the time". I think he spent time in the dungeons. I think they periodically took him to the trees for recess, or Holiday.

Morthoron 03-30-2010 09:43 PM

Further construction on Hobbiton:

Please notice they've widened the doors so that PJ's head will fit through. ;)

Herald_of_Mandos 04-01-2010 04:27 AM

Set your mind at rest...

Originally Posted by Airaloske (Post 622202)
if they add a bunch of stupid female characters or genderbend -ANY- of the dwarves, or add a bunch of sappy useless romance I will probably not go see it. I don't want one of my favorite stories to be ruined by PC pandering.

Don't worry, apparently all that will be kept to a bare minimum– only Kili will be female. Word is that she's in male disguise, running away from an arranged Dwarven marriage with the aid of her twin brother Fili:

There's a lot of speculation on who will play the part, especially as it's still unclear whether or nor she'll have a beard:

Kili's role as Bilbo's love interest– cut tragically short when she takes an arrow for him at the Battle of Five Armies– is to be treated in a very sensitive and understated manner, "faithful to the spirit, if not the letter, of Tolkien's work":

Looks like Tolkien purists everywhere can heave a sigh of relief!:cool:

Tuor in Gondolin 04-01-2010 12:37 PM

And in a bow to political correctness Bard will be played
by Uma Thurman. Peter Jackson explained that this will
be true to the spirit of Tolkien's Middle-earth mythology,
specifically citing the role of
Eowyn as a shield maiden and oliphaunt hamstring slicer.
At the conclusion of TH Part I Thorin and Co. arrive at
Bard's place to find her mourning the loss of her fiancee
when the necromancer's goblin minions entered their nuptial
celebrations and killed all of the wedding party but her. :eek:

Part II of TH is reported to also have some R rated violence
concluding with Bard's attack on the perpetrators at the Battle
of Five Armies.

Lindale 05-28-2010 12:49 PM

Should I give up hope of ever seeing TH on this lifetime? :(

Brinniel 05-30-2010 07:55 PM

Another setback for The Hobbit....

Del Toro has stepped out and will no longer be directing. :(

Full story.

Inziladun 05-30-2010 08:15 PM

"A hard Hobbit to break" is a quite clever phrase.

If they're going to do this, they ought to take some time and get the right director, and not just grab anyone who's willing to promise they can pick it up and hit the ground running.

Rumil 06-14-2010 04:03 PM

Bill Bailey as Gloin
Just watching a chat show and Bill Bailey auditioned as Gloin - cool!

Mithalwen 06-15-2010 06:10 AM

You beat me to it... Bill Bailey is wonderful and certainly would indicate a lighter hearted approach... and he seems to really know his Tolkien which gives me a modicum of hope if he gets the part.
And the fact they are actually auditioning is interesting...

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