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Nogrod 11-26-2007 12:54 PM

Admin. thread for WW XXXX - The scouring of the Shire, vol.2
Sign in closed!

The game starts with Night1: wed 28.11. 9PM GMT

Confirmed players (19):

Thinlómien - Lommy Baggins
Legate of Amon Lanc - Legate Sackville-Baggins
Aganzir - Agan Sackville-Baggins
Meneltarmacil - Lupo Furryface
Volo - Justy Proudfoot
Macalaure - Mac Sandyman
The Might - Might of Greenholm
Mormegil - Mormegil Harrybelly
Feanor of the Peredhil - Belladonna Briarpatch
Brinniel - Brinn Burrows
Satansaloser2005 - Sally Shortbrush
Farael - Farael Twofoot
A Little Green - Lilla Greenhand
Nerwen - Nerwen Hornblower
Valier - Vallen FurryFoot
Kath - Kath Woodyend
Rikae - Rikae Took
Shastanis Althreduin - Shasta of the River
Kuruharan - Kuru Shrewthwacker

Let's start the discussion then.

What I have in mind is a classical game ergo a village of about 15 players with three werewolves and three gifteds (a seer, a ranger, a hunter). I'm also ready to make it even more simple by leaving the gifteds - or some of them - out from the game. This should be discussed. I have myself played at least once in a game where there were only the villagers and the wolves and it was pretty tense as well as entertaining. Surely that kind of game requires a lot of concentration from the villagers as they can't rely on the gifteds to aid them.

If I'm going to write the narrations on time the deadline needs to be something late PM GMT (my evening / I'm in +2 GMT) for then I'm most likely home and can take the time. I propose 9PM GMT but will settle to something in between 6-10 PM GMT if there clearly are advantages for some people that way.

I have no special time constraints in the near horizon so I'm ready to start as soon as we have enough people in.

Having a classical game will also mean that there are no retractable votes. If there are around 15 players or more I will allow double lynches but not with a small village.

This will not be an RPG-game. Still I would ask you to come up with at least a hobbit surname for narrational purposes - you may also give an occupation but that's by no means required. It's up to you then whether you'd like to use those things in the Day1 banter as aids to getting started.

The game's events take place ten years after the scouring of the Shire (vol.1 aka. the arrival of the Travellers in the LotR) so you may use any hobbit names; those from the actual book or ones you invent yourself. In case you wish you may also use the name of someone of the more renowned hobbits if they still lived in the Shire 10 years from the original scouring (no Frodo, sorry guys).

The game thread with the introductory narration will be available pretty soon... A full list of rules will be posted to the beginning of the game thread as well.

Thinlómien 11-26-2007 01:12 PM

Yay for a classical game with no retractions. :D

I already said this on the phone, but sign me in. :) Lommy is surely a passable Hobbit name (or should it be Lommie?), I will just have to come up with a proper last name...

The deadline seems perfect.

Legate of Amon Lanc 11-26-2007 01:12 PM

Welcome back home, Noggins! Obviously you are You have to tell us if you experienced something interesting in there. Well, it would have to be Downs-wise or at least Tolkien-wise, probably, like... meeting the Corsairs of Caribbean :D (and driving them away with the Army of Dead... now it got me thinking... isn't it a little strange? Pirates and an army of dead together... is it just me or is it another proof that all the post-LotR epic fantasy-flavoured stories just steal their plots from Professor's works?)

Anyway, where was I. Noggins, Werewolf, ah! That was it. I had some reasons to not join the next game (what would you guess - time), but if it's supposed to be classic, and mainly if the last game's new players decide to play as well (and it seems they do), I am not going to ruin the party. And especially, when there's (post-)Scouring involved. Hooray!:cool:

Aganzir 11-26-2007 01:51 PM

I think it's time for me to play again, the break's been too long. 9pm gmt is fine with me, but not with my father (in whose room my computer is), I'm afraid. So it may be that I won't be able to be around until deadline every day, but I guess I'll manage with it.

Agan Sackville-Baggins, doesn't that sound quite hobbitish?

edit: Noggie, shouldn't you add an X in the title? :)

Nogrod 11-26-2007 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 537052)
Noggie, shouldn't you add an X in the title? :)

Oh my! Thank's for pointing that out Aganzir!

I really didn't manage to change the name of the threads even if I managed to change the title in the actual threads... I'll ask Esty or Morm to help with it if no one comes with a "patent-solution" to it.

I'll be adding a list of players in the end of my first post so that it's easy to find at anytime.

Volo 11-26-2007 02:36 PM

Sauron the Voldemort? :D

I'll probably join this game, but please don't add me to the list yet.
If I do join, I'll try changing my playing style a lot - just informing so that you don't feel like lynching me because I sound less cobbler than usual.

Meneltarmacil 11-26-2007 02:46 PM

OK, I'm playing. Of course, I'll probably get lynched on Day 1 as usual, and if I don't, the wolves will just eat me the next Night, but whatever.

Heh, maybe I'll play as "suspicious guy with a rather wolfish appearance," or in this case, Lupo Furryface for the name.

Legate of Amon Lanc 11-26-2007 02:47 PM

Don't worry, Volo. Though I believe the last time you announced such a thing, you got lynched immediately.

It is very bad with the last name, actually. I would probably have to cut "Amon Lanc", and make me "Legate something", but what should this "something" be? "Legate of Sackville-Baggins" would sound nice and sinister enough, but as it is already taken, I have to take something better. "Legate Gamgee" or "Legate Brandybuck" sound all too silly, maybe "Legate Smallburrow" sounds good enough :D Hmm, yes, you could put it up there unless I think of anything better.

Nogrod 11-26-2007 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc (Post 537058)
"Legate of Sackville-Baggins" would sound nice and sinister enough, but as it is already taken, I have to take something better.

Well no rule says you can't be married to Agan Sackville-Baggins... or maybe be her cousin or brother or whatever. :D

If you come up with this kind of affiliations together please let me know. They could be used in the narrations as well as to provide you some nice Day1 stuff.

Volo 11-26-2007 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc (Post 537058)
Don't worry, Volo. Though I believe the last time you announced such a thing, you got lynched immediately.

I didn't actually, I lived to the very last day. ;)

Not a very good start to keeping the promise of changing style, oh well :rolleyes::
I'm playing Justy Proudfoot. ( :S Nothing to with Subaru or anything else)

satansaloser2005 11-26-2007 03:04 PM

As I said on the other thread I am certainly up for another game. Although....the week after next is finals week and after the semester is over I am without reliable internet for about two to three weeks. So maybe put me up with a question mark for now? I'll certainly be watching the game though even if I'm not in it. Sounds intriguing :)

Legate of Amon Lanc 11-26-2007 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 537065)
Well no rule says you can't be married to Agan Sackville-Baggins... or maybe be her cousin or brother or whatever. :D

If you come up with this kind of affiliations together please let me know. They could be used in the narrations as well as to provide you some nice Day1 stuff.

Yes, I didn't think of that. After all, we are all hobbits... yes, I could go with Sackville-Baggins, if Agan does not have any problem with that.

But maybe the cousin or brother would be better. After the experience in the last game, the husband does not sound as a very good idea... (and even if not, it could become total madness. At least, Nog, you would really need to state that there are NO LOVERS in the game).

But it's still open. If it were to be fun (and only fun. Do we have double-lynches, Nog?:rolleyes:), I could be persuaded to take it. What do you say, Aganzir?

Macalaure 11-26-2007 03:13 PM

Ah! A simple game....

Count me in, please. I think I will go as Mac Sandyman.

I also find the idea of a village without gifteds interesting, for the exact reason you stated: The ordos can't just wait and have the gifteds win the game for them. It's more challenging to the innocents in a very intriguing, yet simple, way.

Legate of Amon Lanc 11-26-2007 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Volo (Post 537066)
I didn't actually, I lived to the very last day. ;)

Oh, sorry. Yes, it wasn't you. I mistook you with Meneltarmacil :p :D

Nogrod 11-26-2007 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Macalaure (Post 537072)
I also find the idea of a village without gifteds interesting, for the exact reason you stated: The ordos can't just wait and have the gifteds win the game for them. It's more challenging to the innocents in a very intriguing, yet simple, way.

What do you others say? I myself liked that kind of game but this depends on your opinion. I'm ready to go either way.


Originally Posted by Legate
At least, Nog, you would really need to state that there are NO LOVERS in the game

There are NO LOVERS in this game - even if you decided to go on having a relationship with one another. That will be purely narrational / for bantering purposes...

The Might 11-26-2007 03:27 PM

I'll take Might of Greenholm, after my ancestor Fastred, the only Hobbit with a truly cool name.

Legate of Amon Lanc 11-26-2007 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 537077)
What do you others say? I myself liked that kind of game but this depends on your opinion. I'm ready to go either way.

I agree with Mac. It may be interesting and more discussion-supporting, and also one feels safer, knowing that he is not lynching a Seer :p Though I'd understand if those who are new around here wanted to have the roles that were in the last game.


Originally Posted by Nogrod
There are NO LOVERS in this game - even if you decided to go on having a relationship with one another. That will be purely narrational / for bantering purposes...

Thanks, Nog! Now I feel relieved. :)

Kitanna 11-26-2007 06:09 PM

I'm interested, but my involvement in a WW game would depend heavily on when it's going to start. For now put me down as a maybe. Hopefully I will be able to.

mormegil 11-26-2007 06:30 PM

I'm in...Mormegil Harrybelly. I was going to use furrybelly but I notice Menel already used furry.

Nogrod 11-26-2007 06:41 PM

Nice to see you Morm - and thanks for changing the names of the threads.

I sent PM's to some of the "oldies". This far Boro has regretted that he has too much going on right now but hopefully some others will find the time - like you Kitanna. It would be good to see the "two schools" meet!

And it's not only that it would be nice to see people meeting new players (old players meeting newer ones and vice versa) but I think also that many people would learn a thing or two from each other while playing with new faces... and have unexpected fun!

And fun surely is the thing we keep playing this for.

Nerwen 11-26-2007 07:01 PM

Put me down with yet another question mark. I'd love to play, but I'm not sure yet if I'll have time.

Nogrod 11-26-2007 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 537106)
I'd love to play, but I'm not sure yet if I'll have time.

I'd love to see you having the time! You were just plain brilliant in the last one... *thumbs up*

Feanor of the Peredhil 11-26-2007 07:37 PM

Not even I can turn down a golden invitation.

I think I'd like Briarpatch as my surname. As in, "Please don't throw me in the briar patch!"

Nogrod 11-26-2007 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil (Post 537110)
Not even I can turn down a golden invitation.
I think I'd like Briarpatch as my surname. As in, "Please don't throw me in the briar patch!"

:D So good to see you Fea! And my dream of getting the new and the old school together is getting real with at least you and Morm around - and Lommy could be counted as well like Kitanna if she gets in. Let's just see for more enrollments... and that is not to say the newbies should not get in with this either. On the contrary. It's looking good indeed and the more varied bunch of people we have the better!

And the forename Feanor goes well as you can be one of the children of the golden year of 1420! If Sam gave the name Elanor to his child why not others couldn't have given an elvish name to their children that year as well?

And would it be nice to play a 10-year old... :cool:

If you have disagreement with my interpretation please tell me.

mormegil 11-26-2007 08:37 PM

Perhaps you should check with Kuruharan. I'm not sure how often he is around lately but he was always a great player. I'm sure SpM is busy as I haven't seen him in ages. Have you tried the Phantom?

Nogrod 11-26-2007 08:44 PM

I've sent a PM to Spm and tp (I know Spm has not been around of late and tp made it clear he had some requirements before he was ready to set himself into a game not talking about the RL hindrances - as he's one I do admire for his involvement which takes time). But your idea of Kuru is worth paying heed to. I'll send him a PM as well.

Anyhow this is looking quite promising and I think we have no shortage of players this time. Well, I hope so at least. Let's see who will take the bait.

Brinniel 11-26-2007 09:33 PM

After playing a balrog during a week of all-nighters, all should know that no amount of schoolwork will stop me from joining a WW game. :p

You can call me Brinn Burrows. I'm excited at the prospect of the old and new coming together. And even more pleased with the rapid sign-up rate. :)

Farael 11-26-2007 10:14 PM


So I get invited to play Werewolf once again.... hmm.... and I believe the time is right.

Let the fun begin! ;)

Oh yeah... when are we starting?

Feanor of the Peredhil 11-26-2007 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 537114)
If you have disagreement with my interpretation please tell me.

Interpret how you like, dear, though I haven't been ten in quite some time...

Though I wouldn't mind being a Belladonna for a time... The connotations amuse me, as does the alliteration.

satansaloser2005 11-26-2007 11:13 PM

Heck, with this rate of sign up I'm in for sure. Besides I just can't stay away.

Ummmm Sally Shortbrush is the best name I can come up with right now. I'm exhausted even though I slept a bunch over the weekend. Hopefully I can cook up something better before the game starts (welcome to suggestions)

Anyway I'm off to do something more constructive than werewolf planning, alas. Can't wait for the game to start :)

Thinlómien 11-27-2007 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by Agan
Agan Sackville-Baggins, doesn't that sound quite hobbitish?


Originally Posted by Legate
"Legate of Sackville-Baggins" would sound nice and sinister enough


Originally Posted by Mac
I think I will go as Mac Sandyman.

It seems we have to have all the unpleasant folk with us... ;)

Maybe I should be a proper Baggins then, distant relation to Frodo and Bilbo. Yes, I quite like the sound of Lommy Baggins. :) A pity I can't probably have horrible grudges against Agan and Legate, because it's explicitly stated the grudges ended when Lobelia died...

A Little Green 11-27-2007 03:50 AM

Sign me in for my very first WW game. :)

What comes to the hobbit name, I think I'll go as Lilla Greenhand. (Swedish exam tomorrow...)

Thinlómien 11-27-2007 05:13 AM

Heja Sverige, En Liten Grön! :p

Now this looks like a proper pace of ww sign up... :smokin: Cheers!

Nerwen 11-27-2007 05:24 AM

Okay, count me in: Nerwen Hornblower.

Aganzir 11-27-2007 08:18 AM

Legate: No problem. Choose whichever you wish. And if you liked me to be your mother, that would do as well. :D

It would be interesting to have a game without any gifteds, or at least fewer than usually. What about leaving Hunter out?

Nerwen 11-27-2007 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 537131)
It seems we have to have all the unpleasant folk with us... ;)

Maybe I should be a proper Baggins then, distant relation to Frodo and Bilbo. Yes, I quite like the sound of Lommy Baggins. :) A pity I can't probably have horrible grudges against Agan and Legate, because it's explicitly stated the grudges ended when Lobelia died...

But look at the scenario. If the evil of Sauron and Saruman is still around, why not the old family grudges?;)

Azaelia of Willowbottom 11-27-2007 08:54 AM

Add me on as a maybe. It depends on when the game will start. I'll be working on a show for the next two weeks or so (counting this one), so I'm going to be pretty busy. It's not fair to anyone else if I can't really commit. I was just wondering what starting date you had in mind, Nogrod.

I haven't played WW in so long, and this game sounds like a great idea, so I hope it works out.

Nogrod 11-27-2007 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 537139)
Now this looks like a proper pace of ww sign up... :smokin: Cheers!

Agreed! This is looking good indeed!

We have now 14 players in. This means that we could start pretty soon indeed.

I'll suggest that as the deadline comes within a five hours toDay we should start the game tomorrow at the deadline (9PM GMT if no one strongly calls for a change). That would mean that there is now effectively 29 hours until the start of the game. That would also mean that all those people who will sign themselves in within 24 hours + will get in the game.

I could start straight away with the Day1 but if you think it better to give the wolves some time to exchange a few PM's before it's okay as well (and thence we'd start with a Nightphase).

The question about gifteds: some of you have said they'd like to play without gifteds and others that we could take some / one of them out. What say you others?

To make it clear:

Deadline to signing in: we 28.11. 7PM GMT
(to allow me time to deal the roles and send them to everyone).

Starting of the game / Day1: thu 29.11. 9PM GMT
(with either the Day- or Nightphase, according to your view of it).

Valier 11-27-2007 10:39 AM

alright, alright my arm has been twisted. I'll play. I may not be around most days at the deadline seeing as it is 3pm I believe for me. I will however make sure I vote, so if my vote post is a little abrupt, it is because I am on my way to work.
I like having 3 gifted, but if others want less, I'm cool with that too.
I shall be Vallen FurryFoot, the local shoe maker, (I don't make much money as you could well assume...):p

mormegil 11-27-2007 11:14 AM

You should, at a minimum, have a seer. The first game ever played had only 3 wolves and one seer.

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