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satansaloser2005 01-30-2016 12:13 AM

Werewolf CXI - The Black Breath Ward (Guard Post/Admin Thread)
The siege of Minas Tirith is imminent. For some, the thrill of impending battle is exhilarating, but for others, despair and dread fill their hearts, their minds numb from the terror of what may lie ahead.

Though none have seen Nazgul within the walls, their presence is felt, the effects heightened by the current tensions throughout the city. Many have fallen prey to depression and heartache, slipping from this life as their will to live is slowly stripped from their souls.

For those who fear they have been exposed to this horror, the leaders of Minas Tirith have cleared out a small area toward the heart of the city in which to house these victims until the crisis passes. Both for the safety of those inside the Ward and those yet unaffected, it is required that all who are suffering from these symptoms report to the Black Breath Ward for containment and care.

As the city prepares to make its stand, the ill and downtrodden are settled in and provided for. The Ward is dismal, but safe. All will be well in time.


Dozens are dead. The Ward has contained most of the casualties, but the number of those inside continues to dwindle as the days pass. Bodies disappear during the night, taken away to be laid to rest, the poor souls at last at peace. This is best, truly. None in the Ward have strength for goodbyes.

Rumors of conspirators within the Ward fill the streets, reaching so far as to alert the patrols outside. Investigations cannot be conducted, however, not without risking even more lives. The city is in shock from yet another attack, this time from within. Who would betray their neighbors in this way?

In mere days, help will arrive, and Minas Tirith will give its all to defend its people from the dark forces which currently threaten them. The clouds that surround the great city will part, and Minas Tirith will rise, as will the spirits of its people. All that remains is to wait, and to hope.

Survive long enough, and you will be spared. Succumb to your despair, and you will perish.

You may enter the Ward, but be wary, for you may never leave.

satansaloser2005 01-30-2016 12:30 AM

Conspirators – Agents of Sauron, the conspirators entered the Ward to destroy it from within. Their mission is simple: Crush the morale of Minas Tirith, and ensure the city falls before reinforcements arrive.

The conspirators may only converse during Night phases. Each Night, they choose one person (by sending me a PM), to whom they whisper dark thoughts. Once demoralized by the conspirators, a patient lives through the Day, but if not treated, succumbs to their despair during the next Night and dies the following Dawn. (Example: Sally is targeted Night 2. I am notified of this by PM at the start of Day 3, and am dead at the start of Day 4.)

Bard – Though just as susceptible to the Black Breath, the bard wanders the streets, tirelessly spreading good cheer to those in the Ward. Each Night, the bard chooses one person whose morale they will boost. Should the conspirators whisper dark thoughts in this person's ear, they will be ineffective and no change in condition will occur.

The bard can never target themselves and may not cheer the same person twice in a row.

Herbalist – The herbalist is able to reduce the effects of the Black Breath by creating a soothing brew from rare herbs. One leaf of said herb will bring someone back from the brink of despair, returning them to their previous state. Since the Ward is locked, the herbalist's supply is limited, and they are the only one who is capable of administering the herbs.

The herbalist may brew during both Day and Night phase, but their picks must be submitted one hour prior to the deadline in order to be valid. The herbalist is not required to choose a target during each phase. They are allowed to treat themselves, and they may heal the same person as many times in a row as they wish, but they have a finite number of herbs (which will be determined by the final size of the village) and can only assist one person per phase.

Note: If the herbalist treats someone on the same Night they are targeted by the conspirators, the herbs have no effect, as the person is not officially under the effects until the morning.

Quarantine Patients – Residents of Minas Tirith, they wish only to survive until reinforcements arrive. If demoralized by the conspirators during the Night, a patient will be informed at the start of the Day (via private message) that they are in danger of succumbing to the Black Breath.

Coroner (optional role) – Accustomed to death and disease, the coroner is a particularly curious quarantine patient. Should they run across a corpse before it is disposed of, they are able to tell the cause of death. Each Night, the coroner sends a name; if that person has expired during the Night phase, the coroner is able to tell if their target was a victim of the Black Breath or if they were dispatched by the guards.

The coroner may only send a pick during the Night phase, and is not required to send a pick each Night if they don't want to do so. Rather than receiving a PM with this information, the manner of death (election by the Ward representative or victim of the Black Breath) will be disclosed in that Dawn's narration.

Note: The coroner's ability only functions on someone who is about to expire. If the coroner checks on someone on the same Night they were targeted by the conspirators, no information will be imparted.

Additional Note: I am considering the possibility of letting the coroner decide/change their alignment, hence the idea of making their findings public knowledge. I encourage feedback on all aspects of this role, and will detail it further in the event we have enough players.


Unlike most games of Werewolf, each Day phase will consist of a vote not to eliminate a resident, but to choose someone to deliver the nightly report to the guards at the Ward gates.

The representative informs me (by private message) of one person they wish to have removed from the Ward. During the Night, the target will be dispatched; like with those who succumb to the Black Breath, no body will be left as evidence, leaving no indication of whether the person was a conspirator or a victim.


The conspirators win under two conditions:
1. Their numbers are greater than the other inhabitants of the Ward. (They must outnumber the villagers, not just have an equal number.)
2. They eliminate both the bard and the herbalist, and at least one of them is still in the Ward when reinforcements arrive.

The Ward is evacuated safely under two conditions:
1. All conspirators are eliminated before reinforcements arrive.
2. Either the bard or the herbalist is still alive when reinforcements arrive, and the population of innocent souls in the Ward either outnumbers or equals that of the conspirators.


This game relies heavily on the unknown. Speculation and hints are encouraged, but no one may reveal as a particular role, regardless of the validity of their claim. Anyone who reveals their role or any other privileged information will be modfired; again, this is regardless of whether or not they are telling the truth. (Those elected as Ward spokesperson may share their choice with the group, though they are not required to be truthful about their target or their reasoning.)

Votes have to be highlighted (use the tag [highlight*]vote[/highlight*] without the asterisks) in order to count. Any votes not submitted by the deadline (i.e. those with a time stamp of XX:01 or later) will not be counted, but will also not count toward absenteeism. Votes are not retractable.

Failure to vote for two consecutive days without any notice or reasoning will result in severe Sally disappointment (and also modfire).

In order to minimize risk of the curse spreading, only one of you can report to the guards at a time. In the event of a tie, the guards will not receive their report in time and there will be no elimination.

All picks must be submitted one hour prior to deadline. I can provide my FB/e-mail to all necessary parties in case my PM box gets full.

The deadline is negotiable, but will likely be around 5pm Central (11pm GMT).



Nerwen 01-30-2016 06:42 AM

Sign me up!

Kuruharan 02-01-2016 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 (Post 703763)
This game relies heavily on the unknown. Speculation and hints are encouraged, but no one may reveal as a particular role, regardless of the validity of their claim. Anyone who reveals their role or any other privileged information will be modfired; again, this is regardless of whether or not they are telling the truth. (Those elected as Ward spokesperson may share their choice with the group, though they are not required to be truthful about their target or their reasoning.)

Does that include people who know they have been afflicted by the Black Breath?


The deadline is negotiable, but will likely be around 5pm Central (11pm GMT).
I would encourage that time to be at least two hours later.

satansaloser2005 02-04-2016 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Kuruharan (Post 703775)
Does that include people who know they have been afflicted by the Black Breath?

It does not. Anyone can claim to have been targeted at any time.


Originally Posted by Kuru
I would encourage that time to be at least two hours later.

That's likely. It's more that the deadline can't be before then due to my own schedule. I want to accommodate as many folks as possible. :)

Kuruharan 02-05-2016 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 (Post 703804)
It does not. Anyone can claim to have been targeted at any time.

That was what I assumed but I thought it best to get clarity.


That's likely. It's more that the deadline can't be before then due to my own schedule. I want to accommodate as many folks as possible. :)

Has anyone heard from the Finns in awhile?

Galadriel55 02-05-2016 07:38 PM

Am sorry to say that I cannot join, but sounds like a thrilling game! I will follow along as much as I can.


Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 (Post 703804)
It does not. Anyone can claim to have been targeted at any time.

But wouldn't that just give the "goodies" a loophole? The targeted people can freely announce that they were targeted, and the gifteds can just keep saving them. Seems a bit hard for the baddies to get around.

Kuruharan 02-05-2016 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 703808)
But wouldn't that just give the "goodies" a loophole? The targeted people can freely announce that they were targeted, and the gifteds can just keep saving them. Seems a bit hard for the baddies to get around.

Unless the baddies...tell lies. :o

Galadriel55 02-05-2016 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Kuruharan (Post 703811)
Unless the baddies...tell lies. :o

That only take one death to unmask...

Maybe I'm not seeing this through completely. I guess it would be more balanced without the gifteds revealing.

satansaloser2005 02-06-2016 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 703808)
But wouldn't that just give the "goodies" a loophole? The targeted people can freely announce that they were targeted, and the gifteds can just keep saving them. Seems a bit hard for the baddies to get around.

Once a person has been demoralized, the only person who can save them is the herbalist, and as the herbalist has limited uses on his or her gift, folks are still going to die.

Oh yes, there will be blood. :smokin:

McCaber 03-01-2016 01:02 AM

Well this is one heck of a setup. I can't turn this one down now, can I?

satansaloser2005 03-02-2016 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by McCaber (Post 704021)
Well this is one heck of a setup. I can't turn this one down now, can I?

You surely can't! :)

Nerwen 05-08-2016 10:42 AM


satansaloser2005 05-10-2016 05:30 PM

Bump indeed! I'll do another round of poking and we'll try to get this bloodbath rolling!

Tell your friends! Tell your enemies! Tell complete strangers! Help me find more victims- I mean, players. :smokin:

Kuruharan 05-11-2016 10:35 AM

Just as a heads up, I am going to be gone for an extended period starting next week through June 1. If the game starts during that time I won't be able to play.

Loslote 05-13-2016 02:37 PM

As of today, I'm free for the summer! Sign me up. :D

satansaloser2005 05-13-2016 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Loslote (Post 704291)
As of today, I'm free for the summer! Sign me up. :D

*flails excitedly*

Ahem. I mean, that's great! :)

Nerwen 05-15-2016 12:45 AM

As the bumper, I am of course signing up.:smokin:

Lalaith 05-17-2016 03:24 AM

Oh go on then. I'll chuck my hat in the ring...

Kuruharan 05-17-2016 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Lalaith (Post 704295)
Oh go on then. I'll chuck my hat in the ring...

And the crowd goes wild!

\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/

Lalaith 05-20-2016 06:25 AM


So when are we starting?

satansaloser2005 05-21-2016 08:44 PM

Huzzah indeed! :D

I've sent a message to a load of people on FB, so hopefully our ranks will fill quickly! That said, I do want to wait until Kuru is able to play if possible, so ideally we'll start around the first of June.

Lalaith 05-28-2016 05:47 PM

If we do start on June 1st, I am off grid from May 29th evening to June 1st evening (GMT) so don't panic if you don't hear from me until then x

Nerwen 05-30-2016 07:50 AM

It appears we only have 4 1/2 patients... :(

Could be a quick game.

Kuruharan 06-01-2016 02:29 PM

Well, I'm back.


Unfortunately, I don't think we can have a game with this few of players. :(

Lalaith 06-02-2016 06:57 AM

What a shame.
I think I will have time to play if a game starts in the next couple of months although I might be away for a few weekends.

Nerwen 06-03-2016 03:20 AM

Well... now I guess we wait. It's just been so long since the last game that
I suppose a lot of people have got over the habit...

Kuruharan 06-22-2016 10:08 AM

I suppose we could always roleplay out the game.

I would start by lamenting how pointless DAY 1s all are and how the village has no hope and we may as well all give up.

This might be a cunning plot on my part because I'm a baddy...or pointless hand-wringing because I am a useless ordo.

Inziladun 08-22-2016 05:10 PM

What's the deal here? No v̶i̶c̶t̶i̶m̶s̶ participants? Shake this old Barrow and get the old blood flowing! ;)

Nerwen 08-23-2016 08:37 AM

C'mon, people!

Thinlómien 09-22-2016 08:03 AM

*drags self from the shadows back to the barrow*

I'm in.

Kuruharan 09-22-2016 08:59 AM

On DAY 2 I will randomly decide that some other ordo is the source of all evil in the game and launch a campaign to get that person lynched. This will probably succeed in killing both of us.

This might be a cunning plot on my part because I'm a baddy...or misguided idiocy because I am a useless ordo.

Thinlómien 09-22-2016 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Kuruharan (Post 705156)
On DAY 2 I will randomly decide that some other ordo is the source of all evil in the game and launch a campaign to get that person lynched. This will probably succeed in killing both of us.

This might be a cunning plot on my part because I'm a baddy...or misguided idiocy because I am a useless ordo.

Are you the cobbler, Kuru? :smokin:

Kuruharan 09-22-2016 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 705157)
Are you the cobbler, Kuru? :smokin:

Maybe that's why I hate that role so much...I'm such a natural at it. :smokin:


Legate of Amon Lanc 09-22-2016 04:25 PM

*sound of a barrow-door creaking*

So, if this is getting revived *glances at a corpse in the corner of the barrow, then waves hand dismissively* I mean if the game happens, I wouldn't mind joining in. It's been quite a while.

Nerwen 09-23-2016 05:39 AM

Lommy!!! Legate!!! Where've you been?:cool:

Now, really, what is to be done? Do you lot think we should try recruiting from some of the other sub-forums? There are several posters in the "Books" and "Movies" sections whom it would be a real pleasure to l̶y̶n̶c̶h̶ introduce to the game.:Merisu:

Legate of Amon Lanc 09-23-2016 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 705172)
Lommy!!! Legate!!! Where've you been?:cool:

Dead. I mean, alive, probably. But great to see you again, too, Nerwen :)


Now, really, what is to be done? Do you lot think we should try recruiting from some of the other sub-forums? There are several posters in the "Books" and "Movies" sections whom it would be a real pleasure to l̶y̶n̶c̶h̶ introduce to the game.:Merisu:
If anyone is recruitable, that would be nice! Otherwise, we have been also thinking about doing a bit of a recruiting campaign via other channels (and of course some Nogrods etc can be reached quite easily by us). So let's get to it and hope to get some nice amount of folk...

Aganzir 09-23-2016 12:31 PM

So I've been kind of craving werewolf ever since Greenie and I found an article called Here's What Would Happen To You In A Horror Movie Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type* and the discussion escalated into werewolf. However real life is busy... so can I sign up as a maybe, on condition that the game is fairly small and we start soon-ish? It looks super interesting!

*According to it, I'm the twisted authority figure in the horror movie - or the werewolf game: "They aren’t the actual killer but they’re nonetheless shot in the name of justice by a vigilante ISTJ who’s had enough." :D

Inziladun 09-23-2016 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 705176)
So I've been kind of craving werewolf ever since Greenie and I found an article called Here's What Would Happen To You In A Horror Movie Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type* and the discussion escalated into werewolf.

Ha, mine was "The INTJ isn’t the actual killer but they’re the person everyone suspects to be the killer from the get-go. They’re murdered in an anxious fit by the ESFP, who spends the rest of the movie crying into the INFJ’s arms over their misguided crime of passion."

Pretty spot on. :D

Aganzir 09-23-2016 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Inziladun (Post 705177)
Ha, mine was "The INTJ isn’t the actual killer but they’re the person everyone suspects to be the killer from the get-go. They’re murdered in an anxious fit by the ESFP, who spends the rest of the movie crying into the INFJ’s arms over their misguided crime of passion."

Pretty spot on. :D

Explains why you get lynched early. :p

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