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mormegil 03-18-2009 02:54 PM

Hurt and Heal Take 2
Updated rules:

Here are the rules as of now:

From 20 to 7 - each player has 3 votes: 2 hurts and 1 heal. Double hurts are allowed.

From 6 to 4 - each player has 3 votes: 2 hurts and 1 heal. Double hurts ar not allowed: a player has to hurt 2 different characters and heal one, or he may use only 1 hurt and 1 heal.

When but 3 characters are left each player has either a hurt or a heal.

Wait for at least four posters to vote prior to you voting again.

These rules can change whenever deemed appropriate.

With the first hurt and heal winding down quite quickly I think it time to start a new thread.

The rules:

1. There shall be 3 votes per person.

2. You are not able to do more than 2 heals or 2 hurts per turn.

3. You must wait for 4 people to post their vote prior to you voting again.

4. We will not start with any characters but shall decide who is on by committee. In other words you nominate who you would like to see on there and they need to be seconded by somebody and then they are on the list.

5. We would be wise to not use characters found on the last hurt heal although it's not forbidden.

6. Maximum number of 20 characters.

7. Starting points per character are 10

Let's discuss how we feel about these rules. Agreeable. I think the voting rules of 3 with the option to double heal may be reviewed in the future when crunch time hits but this might work too.

Tuor in Gondolin 03-18-2009 02:59 PM

Just a thought. With 3 points to start would it be better
to start with 10 points per person, or 15 or 20?

And should the names be general Middle-earth or limited
(by race, Middle-earth Age, etc.)?

Ed. Or how about no double hurts (only two single hurts
to two different individuals per turn)?

Legate of Amon Lanc 03-18-2009 03:06 PM

I think the double heal is a bit of a haunter, as it can turn to this "everybody has 1000 lives and only little by little they get hurt". However, the double hurt is quite dramatic, as seen from the first game's end. It will be also best to somehow reduce this horrible floodposting, although perhaps the four people in between will do. But I am still not settled. Not fully, at least.

The basic problem (it concerns both the double-hurt as well as the number of people needed between posts) is, I think, the number of people playing. That's the crucial moment. When you have barely two people playing (like it was in the beginning of the first thread) and twenty characters on top of that, double-hurt is almost necessary and it almost doesn't matter how often you post. When you have some five last characters and eight or so people around, the control is needed and I would even say that this double-hurt rule was not almost (note that I am saying "almost") needed.

Nogrod 03-18-2009 05:11 PM

Interesting. "Nothing" happened in the first two or three weeks but then when I'm away for two days (only three eliminated when I last posted) the whole game has ended...

Something was not in balance there. Legate speaks sense here: the number of people playing is important when the rules are wrought. But how to account for it if one doesn't know how many people will take part and when?

That's a tough one.

Oddwen 03-18-2009 07:13 PM

Or we could assign 'secret' roles that enable certain players to have five votes, or to negate another players' votes when Jupiter is in the thirteenth house ... oh wait, wrong game.

We could have an initial signup sheet and sign up new players between 'rounds' of characters, perhaps.

mormegil 03-18-2009 09:02 PM

I would suspect that the next round will draw roughly as many or more during the next round.

There has to be installed into the system a way to ensure that characters will eventually get voted off.

I have considered doing a theme game such as elf characters or second age etc...

TheGreatElvenWarrior 03-19-2009 12:00 AM

So, is this kind of like Paper Telephone, in being you sign up before the game?

I'm still confused about this, but if I finally get the rules, I think I'd like to play too.

Gordis 03-19-2009 12:43 AM

Here are my 2 cents:

I think the rules should change automatically when the list is reduced to 6 characters and to 3.

From 20 to 7 - each player has 3 votes: 2 hurts and 1 heal. Double hurts are allowed.

From 6 to 4 - each player has 3 votes: 2 hurts and 1 heal. Double hurts ar not allowed: a player has to hurt 2 different characters and heal one, or he may use only 1 hurt and 1 heal.

When but 3 characters are left - each player has 2 votes: 1 hurt and 1 heal. Or, as Tuor suggested (see his post below) either a hurt or a heal.

Four posts between turns seems quite reasonable. Maybe by the end even five or six posts between turns would be needed. I think the Gamemaster can assess the current situation and make the announcement about the change of the rules to be implemented at once.

The end of the last game was stressful and rushed. Refresh page - count - post - count - correct - refresh page - correct again... Grrr... There was absolutely no place for associated banter, which is usually so fun.

Also, yes, I think it is much more interesting if we keep either to Silm or to LOTR. Gothmog I and Fingolfin seemed to me out of place in the last game regardless of the fact that both were great characters. It would have been much better, IMHO, to have Durin's Bane and a contemporary Elf (Gildor, Glorfindel or Galadriel) in the game - with the understanding that we consider mostly their deeds in the TA, not what we know of their FA history from Silm.
But in the FA game Sauron should be regarded as Gorthaur Melkor's Lieutenant, not as the Ringmaker and Mordor Lord.

I also much approve of the idea of thematic lists (all orcs, or all Valar, or all Maiar, or the Fellowship, or Elf-Lords of the FA). Maybe we can also have a game based on the LOTR Appendices, with Romendacil, Castamir, Earnur, Arvedui etc?;)

Tuor in Gondolin 03-19-2009 07:27 AM

I'd suggest one change in Gordis's ideas,
from 3 people left to the end of the game: only
either one hurt or one heal. This might allow for
more discussion and strategy. Not sure how this
would work out, just a suggestion.

Gordis 03-19-2009 08:04 AM

Good suggestion: I approve.:)

Rikae 03-19-2009 09:27 AM

I like Gordis' suggestions, and think if we're going to focus on either the Silm or LoTR, I prefer the former. LoTR is done to death, the province of movie fans... much as I love it.

If I can, I would like to nominate Melian, Maedhros and Maglor. :)

the phantom 03-19-2009 10:47 AM

I agree that we should have a theme.

All elf princes- Finrod, Fingon, Turgon, Orodreth, Maedhros, Maglor, etc.

All elf ladies- Aredhel, Finduilas, Miriel, Indis, Elenwe, Nimloth, Nerdanel, Nellas, etc.

All creatures- Glaurung, Drauglin, Thuringwethil, Huan, Ancalagon, Ungolient, etc.

mormegil 03-19-2009 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Gordis (Post 589824)
Here are my 2 cents:

I think the rules should change automatically when the list is reduced to 6 characters and to 3.

From 20 to 7 - each player has 3 votes: 2 hurts and 1 heal. Double hurts are allowed.

From 6 to 4 - each player has 3 votes: 2 hurts and 1 heal. Double hurts ar not allowed: a player has to hurt 2 different characters and heal one, or he may use only 1 hurt and 1 heal.

When but 3 characters are left - each player has 2 votes: 1 hurt and 1 heal. Or, as Tuor suggested (see his post below) either a hurt or a heal.

Four posts between turns seems quite reasonable. Maybe by the end even five or six posts between turns would be needed. I think the Gamemaster can assess the current situation and make the announcement about the change of the rules to be implemented at once.

I can agree with these rules. Also I like the theme of the Silm, but do we want to make the whole Silm or narrow it even further to certain types of characters such as dwarves or elves etc...I would vote let's keep it broad and just get 20 well characters making sure to represent the lot of them.

Gordis 03-19-2009 01:15 PM

I would vote to have a rather broad Silm game now, then again LOTR game, then maybe UT - Akallabeth Numenorean game, then maybe LOTR appendices game (the last two I would fancy very much) and so on.

"More specialized" games could come later, I believe.

To the Rikae's list I would add Morwen, Turin and Turingwethil

Lalaith 03-19-2009 02:29 PM

Approve of all names so far nominated and would add:
Hurin, Haleth, Finrod Felagund

mormegil 03-19-2009 02:34 PM

I would second Turin and Melian.

Add Huan, Tulkas, Mim, and Turgon (I'm not sure if Turgon is a second as tp mentioned him)

So the list now is

Turin (10)
Melian (10)

or are we starting at 15 points?

the phantom 03-19-2009 02:37 PM

Hurin, Thuringwethil, Morwen, Beleg, Maedhros, Ecthelion, Aredhel

mormegil 03-19-2009 02:41 PM

So if I have it correct:

Turin (10)
Melian (10)
Hurin (10)
Morwen (10)
Maedhros (10)

Gordis 03-19-2009 02:44 PM

I second Mim, Hurin and Aredhel

Propose Eol and Elwing

Edit: Thuringwethil has already two votes, mine and Phantom's
Maedhros has 2 votes

Tuor in Gondolin 03-19-2009 02:46 PM

Why not add Thingol and Luthien (the whole family). :D

Gordis 03-19-2009 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Tuor in Gondolin (Post 589867)
Why not add Thingol and Luthien (the whole family). :D

Good idea, second that.

Beren anyone?

the phantom 03-19-2009 02:52 PM

Andreth, Azaghal, Marach, Caranthir, Gelmir

mormegil 03-19-2009 03:05 PM

I second Beren and Beleg

Turin (10)
Melian (10)
Hurin (10)
Morwen (10)
Maedhros (10)
Mim (10)
Hurin (10)
Aredhel (10)
Thuringwethil (10)
Thingol (10)
Luthien (10)

I think that is about enough seconding for me and Gordis :D However and while I don't like him I cannot believe Feanor hasn't been mentioned yet. What about Ulmo?

the phantom 03-19-2009 03:14 PM


However and while I don't like him I cannot believe Feanor hasn't been mentioned yet.
I haven't mentioned him simply because I can already guarantee he will be voted off immediately by a bunch of you holier-than-thou punks who actually think he did anything other than what should be expected from someone in his situation. Stupid Valar. The whole thing was their fault.

Except Ulmo. I like him. I'll second him.

Macalaure 03-19-2009 03:23 PM

I nominate/second:


Rikae 03-19-2009 03:27 PM

I second Fëanor.

mormegil 03-19-2009 03:30 PM

Turin (10)
Melian (10)
Hurin (10)
Morwen (10)
Maedhros (10)
Mim (10)
Hurin (10)
Aredhel (10)
Thuringwethil (10)
Thingol (10)
Luthien (10)
Ulmo (10)
Feanor (10)
Fingon (10)
Turgon (10)
Finrod (10)
Ecthelion (10)

Only 3 more...perhaps a bit more diversity would be good.


Macalaure 03-19-2009 03:34 PM

I second Ungoliant and Azaghâl.

What about Uldor?

Tuor in Gondolin 03-19-2009 03:46 PM

Oops. Mim already mentioned.

Tuor in Gondolin 03-19-2009 03:48 PM


mormegil 03-19-2009 03:51 PM

The hound population was not well represented in our mix but it is now.

Turin (10)
Melian (10)
Hurin (10)
Morwen (10)
Maedhros (10)
Mim (10)
Hurin (10)
Aredhel (10)
Thuringwethil (10)
Thingol (10)
Luthien (10)
Ulmo (10)
Feanor (10)
Fingon (10)
Turgon (10)
Finrod (10)
Ecthelion (10)
Huan (10)
Ungoliant (10)
Azaghâl (10)

mormegil 03-19-2009 03:56 PM

That is 20! I'm not sure how everybody feels about it and if there is somebody that a group feels we need to add but I think we are about ready to get underway.

Here are the rules as of now:

From 20 to 7 - each player has 3 votes: 2 hurts and 1 heal. Double hurts are allowed.

From 6 to 4 - each player has 3 votes: 2 hurts and 1 heal. Double hurts ar not allowed: a player has to hurt 2 different characters and heal one, or he may use only 1 hurt and 1 heal.

When but 3 characters are left each player has either a hurt or a heal.

Wait for at least four posters to vote prior to you voting again.

These rules can change whenever deemed appropriate.

I will post these rules at the start of the forum too.

Rikae 03-19-2009 03:59 PM

Ready to start, then?
Hurt Mim and Ungoliant, heal Maedhros.

Turin (10)
Melian (10)
Hurin (10)
Morwen (10)
Maedhros (11)
Mim (9)
Hurin (10)
Aredhel (10)
Thuringwethil (10)
Thingol (10)
Luthien (10)
Ulmo (10)
Feanor (10)
Fingon (10)
Turgon (10)
Finrod (10)
Ecthelion (10)
Huan (10)
Ungoliant (9)
Azaghâl (10)

mormegil 03-19-2009 03:59 PM

Let's get this started.
Heal Turin Hurt Thuringwethil and Thingol

Turin (11)
Melian (10)
Hurin (10)
Morwen (10)
Maedhros (11)
Mim (9)
Hurin (10)
Aredhel (10)
Thuringwethil (9)
Thingol (9)
Luthien (10)
Ulmo (10)
Feanor (10)
Fingon (10)
Turgon (10)
Finrod (10)
Ecthelion (10)
Huan (10)
Ungoliant (9)
Azaghâl (10)

Crossed with Rikae numbers fixed.

Gordis 03-19-2009 04:00 PM

Sorry but you have two Hurins.;)

the phantom 03-19-2009 04:01 PM

Let's test this out...

Hurt Mim, Hurt Thingol, Heal Aredhel

Turin (11)
Melian (10)
Hurin (10)
Morwen (10)
Maedhros (11)
Mim (8)
Aredhel (11)
Thuringwethil (9)
Thingol (8)
Luthien (10)
Ulmo (10)
Feanor (10)
Fingon (10)
Turgon (10)
Finrod (10)
Ecthelion (10)
Huan (10)
Ungoliant (9)
Azaghâl (10)

EDIT: delete second Hurin

mormegil 03-19-2009 04:01 PM

Addendum to rules...when you post please check to see if you cross posted. The second person to post is responsible to fix the calculations.

mormegil 03-19-2009 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Gordis (Post 589890)
Sorry but you have two Hurins.;)

Ah, so I do...any last seconds to add in there?

the phantom 03-19-2009 04:03 PM

I am for adding Finduilas or Idril or Andreth. Get some more ladies into the mix.

mormegil 03-19-2009 04:07 PM


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