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Lostgaeriel 03-22-2002 06:40 PM

Copy-Cat of Copy-Cat Quotes
OK, since there are a few people who like these, let's start another thread. Maybe we'll get lucky and won't have both threads stalled at the same time.

Newbies: See rules for Copy-Cat Quotes thread.

This is VERY EASY to get it going.


Are we riding far tonight

Lostgaeriel 03-24-2002 11:16 AM


Quotes in this thread are phrases uttered by more than one character or uttered more than once by the same character - let's say in any/all the books. Identify the speakers or the contexts of the 2 instances (in the case of 1 speaker).


1) To make it easier to find a suitable quote, find a short phrase or even a distinctive single word that's not used too many times in the book(s). Note too, that sometimes the "copied" quote is on the same page as the original. That still fits the "rules".

2) Questioners: remember to give hints if we need help! (Give us at least a week to work on it.)

alaklondewen 03-26-2002 09:41 AM

It was twice said by Merry to Gandalf while riding with Gandalf on Shadowfax. They were riding from Isengard with the Rohirrim.

Is that correct?

alaklondewen 04-03-2002 02:51 PM

I think I've lost Lostgaeriel! So, since it's been over a week, I'll post a new quote spoken twice:


if you pass the doors of Moria, beware

Gwaihir 04-04-2002 03:05 AM

Aragorn, to Gandalf before entering Moria and er.. to himself after leaving Moira. Am I right?

alaklondewen 04-04-2002 06:24 PM

Great job, and Welcome to the 'Downs!
The second instance, Aragorn yelled to Gandalf also, only Gandalf was already gone.

Your turn! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Gwaihir 04-04-2002 07:27 PM

Ok lets see...
"In Moria, in khazad-dum"
maybe that's a little easy but I think finding one is harder then answering it.

alaklondewen 04-04-2002 08:02 PM

The first, Gimli chants in a verse about Durin.

The second, Sam says it to Gimli in reply.

[img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Gwaihir 04-04-2002 08:08 PM

That's right! I didn't think it would be that hard to find a quote. Your turn now.

alaklondewen 04-04-2002 08:44 PM

I still have one up my sleeve because I've had a week to look. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

This may be a little more difficult, let me know if you need a hint


dear old Frodo

Gwaihir 04-04-2002 10:06 PM

This one is difficult, but I think I've got it. If I'm remembering this right, in A conspiracy unmasked Merry says something about 'Dear old Frodo' being miserable, and, after spending forever trying to remember everything I could about the early Shire chapters, I remembered Pippin saying almost the exact same line later in the conversation. Is this right?

alaklondewen 04-05-2002 09:01 AM

Yes! Excellent! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] I knew you could do it.

You're up! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Gwaihir 04-05-2002 09:51 PM

*sigh* I shouldn't have answered, now I have to find a quote... Can I use something in Elvish? It would probably be harder to find but I've got one ready.

alaklondewen 04-06-2002 10:32 AM

I say, if you've got one...use it! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Gwaihir 04-06-2002 04:08 PM

Ok, I'm not sure if the fact that it's in Elvish will make it easier or harder but here goes:

"Naur an edraith ammen"

alaklondewen 04-07-2002 02:33 PM

Gandalf says it both times.
The first time is sort of comic relief. They are on Caradhas without fire. He says it to catch would on fire, and writes 'Gandalf is here' in the sky [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

The second time, he says it to fight off the wolves between Caradhas and Moria.


Gwaihir 04-07-2002 04:33 PM

Good! I wasn't sure if the Elvish would make it harder to find because (unless you can speak Elvish) you can't tell what they're talking about, or if it would be easier because there are only a few Elvish quotes to check (and they kind of stand out on the page). Well, your turn.

alaklondewen 04-08-2002 08:59 PM

The first one is obvious, but we'll see about the second. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]


the cow jumped over the Moon

Gwaihir 04-08-2002 10:50 PM

Well, the first was Frodo, singing at the prancing pony... the other though, is harder to find. Merry says something like that after being told what happened while he was taking a walk but I'm not sure if he directly quoted the song or not. Still, it's worth a try.

alaklondewen 04-09-2002 02:50 PM

Yes on Frodo the first time, but it wasn't Merry who said it again. [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Gwaihir 04-10-2002 02:24 AM

Ok, now I've got it, Frodo says it again in Many Meetings, he was wishing he could tell Bilbo about all the adventures he'd had. That was tough, I couldn't think why they would say that again. Was that it?

alaklondewen 04-10-2002 09:01 AM

Excellent! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Your turn. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Gwaihir 04-10-2002 09:35 PM

Ok, here's a quote:


an old man hooded and cloaked

TheBlackRider 04-11-2002 02:36 PM

isnt it said twice about sarumon

Gwaihir 04-12-2002 04:03 AM

That's a good start, but do you know who said it?

TheBlackRider 04-12-2002 05:38 AM

I think Gandalf and Treeberd?

Gayalondiel 04-12-2002 12:40 PM

eomer says it first, i think gimli repeats it?

Gwaihir 04-12-2002 06:10 PM

Gayalondiel has it right, good job! Your turn now.

Gayalondiel 04-15-2002 02:25 PM

ok, this seems obscure but its quite a prominent line...

(...) For a little while

Mat_Heathertoes 04-16-2002 04:22 PM

Hm, Gayalondiel, in LOTR, those words appear several times


'Verily,' said Gandalf, now in a loud voice, keen and clear, 'that way lies our hope, where sits our greatest fear. Doom hangs still on a thread. Yet hope there is still, if we can but stand unconquered for a little while.'
Gandalf to Theoden in Edoras.


'You shall have it, if there is time,' said Merry. 'But first if you have finished eating you shall fill your pipes and light up. And then for a little while we can pretend that we are all back safe at Bree again, or in Rivendell.'
Merry to the Three Hunters @ Isengard


'So near to Mordor?' said Beregond quietly. 'Yes, there it lies. We seldom name it; but we have dwelt ever in sight of that shadow: sometimes it seems fainter and more distant; sometimes nearer and darker. It is growing and darkening now; and therefore our fear and disquiet grow too. And the Fell Riders, less than a year ago they won back the crossings, and many of our best men were slain. Boromir it was that drove the enemy at last back from this western shore, and we hold still the near half of Osgiliath for a little while. But we await now a new onslaught there. Maybe the chief onslaught of the war that comes.'
Beregond to Pippin in Minas Tirith

But I think perhaps the one you meant was

[img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

'As a father you shall be to me,' said Merry.
'For a little while,' said Théoden.
as well as the repeat at the funeral ..

Sorry to go on so .. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Gayalondiel 04-17-2002 01:43 PM

i bow down to the superior quotage! i was after the merry-theoden thing, i think its safe to say you have it! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Mat_Heathertoes 04-18-2002 05:15 PM

It's not the answering but the asking of these type of questions that's the tricky part!

Anyway .. after much searching. I've found a quote. It appears at least 3 times in the books spoken by at least 3 different characters. Bon Chance.


.. the world is changing ..

Lostgaeriel 04-18-2002 11:55 PM

Mat_Heathertoes said

It's not the answering but the asking of these type of questions that's the tricky part!
Exactly why I started this thread!
[img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] Have fun!

Lostgaeriel 06-06-2002 12:41 PM

This is a tough one. So many quotes with something similar like 'the world has changed' or 'the wind is changing', etc.

Do I have to get all 3 instances of this quote?

.. the world is changing ..
I've got 2. Are they all from tLotR or should I be checking another book?

Here's what I've got:


‘But now the world is changing once again. A new hour comes. Isildur’s Bane is found. Battle is at hand. The Sword shall be reforged. I will come to Minas Tirith.’
said by Aragorn to Boromir at The Council of Elrond


‘It is sad that we should meet only thus at the ending. For the world is changing: I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, and I smell it in the air. I do not think we shall meet again.’
said by Treebeard to Celeborn and Galadriel in Many Partings

[ June 06, 2002: Message edited by: Lostgaeriel ]

Mat_Heathertoes 06-06-2002 06:39 PM

There are actually 4 instances of these four words in the Lord of the Rings ... keep going!


Lostgaeriel 06-06-2002 10:30 PM

Geesh, Mat! Do you have a searchable .pdf file of LOTR or something?! [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] I've noticed that you're so great at knowing or finding quotes.

I'll try again, but now in a more methodical way. Rather than check passages I suspect might have it, I'll scan the whole book from start to finish. And should I be checking the Prologue and Appendices too? [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Mat_Heathertoes 06-13-2002 02:17 PM

Nah, not the odds and sods, everything is in the main book[s]. Clue: Two of the copycats appear on the same page

A searchable .pdf is a wonderful idea. If i had the time to scan 1000 odd pages that is.

merlilot 06-25-2002 11:22 AM

I don't know about this one, but doesn't Galadriel say 'the world is changing'?

Turambar 06-25-2002 12:48 PM

Frodo says it to Boromir during the scene at Amon Hen, and Boromir repeats the phrase to Frodo a bit later.

Lostgaeriel 11-26-2002 05:55 PM

Turambar? Your turn to ask one.

I hereby verify that you found the other two instances of the quote:


‘I do not doubt the valour of your people. But the world is changing. The walls of Minas Tirith may be strong, but they are not strong enough. If they fail, what then?’
Frodo to Boromir in The Breaking of the Fellowship


‘As you wish. I care not,’ said Boromir. ‘Yet may I not even speak of it? For you seem ever to think only of its power in the hands of the Enemy: of its evil uses not of its good. The world is changing, you say. Minas Tirith will fall, if the Ring lasts. But why? Certainly, if the Ring were with the Enemy. But why, if it were with us?’
Boromir to Frodo in The Breaking of the Fellowship

[ November 26, 2002: Message edited by: Lostgaeriel ]

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