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The Only Real Estel 04-18-2003 06:20 AM

If you had to pick one chapter out of all the books, which one would you read?
Helms Deep (in ttt), how about all of you guys> [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img]

Manwe Sulimo 04-18-2003 07:34 AM

The Battle of the Pelennor Fields or The Scouring of the Shire--I'm a war junky.

EDIT: Scratch that. The Council of Elrond--it has the most info and lore, like the history of the Rings, and Gandalf's trip to Orthanc.

[ April 18, 2003: Message edited by: Manwe Sulimo ]

elven maiden Earwen 04-18-2003 07:47 AM

Hobbit:Battle of Five Armies or Riddles in the Dark
FOTR:councel of Elrond
TTT:Helm's Deep
ROTK:The Battle of Pelenor Fields or Scouring of the Shire,or Grey Havens
SILM:Of Beren and Luthien
UT:The one about Erendis
any of those [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

[ April 18, 2003: Message edited by: elven maiden Earwen ]

The Only Real Estel 04-18-2003 08:30 AM

If I picked a chapter from each book it'd be:FOTR=Councel of Elrond
TTT=Helms Deep
RotK=The Battle of Pelennor Fields
War junkie is a good thing Manwe! [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img]

Tinuviel the Nightingale 04-18-2003 09:01 AM

The Voice of Saruman in TTT.
The mirror of Galadriel in FOTR.
All the appendixes in ROTK.
Anythin about Luthien or Galadriel.

Liriodendron 04-18-2003 09:43 AM

"In the House of Tom Bombadil" It takes me where I want to go! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] (Just wish it wasn't so short. I'd love to read some of Toms "answers", or stories.)

Eruwen 04-18-2003 11:09 AM

The Hobbit: Riddles in the Dark
FOTR: The Breaking of the Fellowship
TTT: The Choices of Master Samwise
ROTK: Mount Doom or The Grey Havens
The Silm: Of Beren and Luthien

Those are my favorites, but I think out of all of them I'd have to say The Grey Havens in ROTK. I don't know, those chapters were just really important to me. They showed the closeness of Frodo and Sam's relationship most.

gilraën 04-18-2003 04:46 PM

The Council of Elrond, definitely.

Frodo Brandybuck 04-18-2003 05:22 PM

The Uruk Hai! It is Merry and Pippin's time to shine!!!!

Rynoah, the Overly-Happy 04-18-2003 09:06 PM

The Battle of the Pelennor Fields definitely. Or any chapter with a battle in it, however brief. As with Manwe Sulimo, I'm a battle/war junkie. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Meela 04-19-2003 05:15 AM

One of the ones with Denethor in. Probably the one where he dies. Or the Council of Elrond.

Lily Bracegirdle 04-19-2003 08:08 AM

The Siege of Gondor, because Pippin grows so much in one chapter, Faramir and Denethor are heartbreaking, and so much tension is built up through the chapter to be released with the glorious last words: "Rohan had come at last." They still give me shivers.


Eldawen of Lorien 04-19-2003 02:21 PM

I would choose either Farewell to Lorien from FotR or The Gray Havens from RotK. I love all the parts the emphasize the sadness of the short time in Middle Earth that the elves have.

Sword Maiden Of The Shire 04-19-2003 02:50 PM

The Hobbit: 'An Unexpected Party' I just love how the Dwarves and Gandalf burst in on poor Bilbo!

The Fellowship Of The Ring: 'The Old Forest' there's alot of action there or 'In The House Of Tom Bombidil' because it has alot of mystical qualities. Like when Tom puts the Ring on.

The Two Towers: 'Treebeard' because it's full of forest lore or 'Of Herbs And Stewed Rabbit' Why? 1 word: "Po-ta-toes!"

The Return Of The King: 'The Feild Of Cormallen' because it's so joyful "They've done it!! yay!! And the Hobbits get the praise they deserve or 'The Scouring Of The Shire' its just happy: The return home or 'The Grey Havens' its very bittersweet (I cried) [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]

Liriodendron 04-19-2003 05:42 PM

Mmmm! I like your selections! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Afrodal Fenyar 04-20-2003 01:04 PM

All: Túrin Túrambar
Silm: Túrin Túrambar
FotR: Council of Elrond
TTT: Helm's Deep
RotK: The Battle of the Pelennor Fields
UT: Narn i Nin Hurin
The Hobbit: Unexpected Party

Daisy Brambleburr 04-20-2003 01:45 PM

The Hobbit: Riddles in the dark
FoTR: the Council of Elrond or at the Sign of the Prancing Pony
TTT: I forget what it's called, the one when they go to isengard and meet Merry and Pippin.
RoTK: The very last chapter, so sad!
I am in the middle of reading the Silmarillion.
UT: The one about the Istiri (sp)

Hanna_Gamgee 04-20-2003 10:26 PM

Silm: Of Turin Turambar
FotR: Farewell to Lorien
TTT: The choices of Master Samwise
RotK: The Grey Havens
UT: Aldarion & Erendis
The Hobbit: Riddles in the dark

The Evenstar 04-20-2003 10:41 PM

Overall, I like Helm's Deep, Journey in the Dark, Mount Doom, Scouring of the Shire.
Well, any adventure chapter!

The Only Real Estel 04-21-2003 04:54 PM

Thanks guys! Keep up the good posts! [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img]

Luinfang 04-22-2003 04:56 AM

i like the chapter "Beleriand en zijn rijken" (Dutch translation: I think it's something about "Beleriand and its realms" in English). that's where you can meet Tolkien in his excitement, writing about things he loved so much he didn't really care if they ever would be published (that goes for all the Silmarillion)


PraileyTook 04-22-2003 08:17 PM

In FOTR - The Council of Elrond

Tinuviel87 04-22-2003 08:31 PM

Silm- Of Beren and Luthien
Fotr- Breaking of the Fellowship(sry if the title is incorrect)
TTT- Flotsam and Jetsam (I think thats the name of the chapter where they find M&P @ Isengard)or taming of Smeagol
RotK- Scouring of the Shire or Grey Havens (I love the angst... [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] )
Hobbit- riddles in the dark... Love Gollum, don't know why

The Saucepan Man 04-22-2003 08:36 PM

FotR: The Shadow of the Past and The Council of Elrond (sorry, had to go for two) - I love the way the story builds up and the connections with the events of the Hobbit are established.

TTT: Helm's Deep - My favourite chapter from when I first read LotR, a great description of a seemingly hopeless battle and wonderfully resolved.

RotK: The Scouring of the Shire - As someone said, Merry and Pippin come into their own.

The Silm: Of Turin Turambar - Tragic and heroic.

The Hobbit: Inside Information - Just recently read that chapter again. The interplay between Bilbo and Smaug, and the development of Smaug's character, are so enjoyable.


Iarwain 04-22-2003 09:11 PM

Of the entirity of Tolkien, I would read Beren and Luithien over any other chapter. Individually:

Hobbit: a bit hard to remember, I'll have to say Riddles in the Dark.

FotR: Strider, here is when the confusion lifted the first time I read the books.

TTT: The Voice of Saruman, such an interesting chapter, I love the title.

RotK: The Siege of Gondor, a thriller, simply put.

Silm: Beren and Luthien (of course)

UT: the Istari. I love the mystic feeling to these passages.

I suppose that's probably as far as is necessary.


Luinalatawen 04-24-2003 08:58 PM

The Council of Elrond. So many people are there and a lot of important decisions are made (obviously).

[ April 24, 2003: Message edited by: Luinalatawen ]

Sophia the Thunder Mistress 04-25-2003 01:25 AM

I once memorized all the chapter names in order in all of LoTR... needless to say, I've since forgotten most of them and now think I'm an idiot. But it does make favorites easier...

Hobbit- I love the first chapter, just where Bilbo meets Gandalf

FoTR- the Shadow of the Past
TTT- the Window on the West
RoTK- The Houses of Healing
Silm.- Ainulindale and Valaquenta or Of the Sun and the Moon
UT- Narn i Hin Hurin
Lost Tales- Kortirion in the Trees

Overall? I love the chapters that cover the bliss of Valinor most.


Cibbwin 04-25-2003 02:04 AM

FoTR: Farewell to Lorien and the Council of Elrond
TTT: Helm's Deep
RoTK: The Scouring of the Shire, The Siege of Gondor
The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies, An Unexpected Party
The Silm: Of Beren and Luthien

Lhunardawen 05-02-2003 02:38 AM

Definitely The Steward and The King, especially the part about Faramir and Eowyn...

Morgul Queen 05-02-2003 06:19 AM

Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies
FotR: The shadow of the Past, A Conspiricy Unmasked, or The Bridge of Khazad-dum
TTT:The choices of Master Samwise (No competition)
RotK: The Tower of Cirith Ungol or The Black Gate Opens (has anyone else noticed the angst-y trend in my Choices)
Silm: Akallabeth
UT:Aldarion and Erendis(ooooo, more angst)

The_Hand 07-05-2003 09:26 AM

One chapter out of ALL the books?? Can't do it but I can chose one out of just the lotr books:


Or in The Silmarillon - Turin Turambar!!!!!

peonydeepdelver 07-05-2003 09:58 AM


The Uruk Hai! It is Merry and Pippin's time to shine!!!!
Definitely, Frodo brandybuck! Either that for TTT or The Window on the West.

FOTR: At The Sign of the Prancing Pony, because of Nob. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] And because of Frodo's silly singing. I love that song.

ROTK: The Scouring of the Shire, or the one when the Fellowship is reunited after the Ring is destroyed. I forget what it's called though.

Eruwen 07-05-2003 11:57 AM

I would like to update a little from my above list. This is my new and improved favorite chapters...

The Hobbit: Riddles in the Dark
FOTR: The Breaking of the Fellowship
TTT: The Choices of Master Samwise
ROTK: The Grey Havens
The Silm: Turin Turambur
UT: Narn i Nin Hurin

Those are all of my favorites from the books I have read, though as you could possibly tell I like reading about Turin Turambur and, of course, Frodo and Sam the most.

dancing spawn of ungoliant 07-06-2003 12:01 PM

from the whole lotr trilogy:the battle of pelennor fields.
that's a real spray of emotions [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

The Only Real Estel 07-06-2003 12:25 PM

Wow, I hadn't checked much on this topic since it had 18 posts cause I thought it was dead. 34 posts kind've suprised me ( for a dead topic! )... [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img]

Everdawn 07-07-2003 01:44 AM

The Lothlorien chapters, The battle chapters and The last chapter. I still skim through Frodo and Sam's journey through Mordor, its just not as exciting as the others!

Yavanna Kementari 07-07-2003 05:52 PM

*bows and smiles*
Thats tough one!

I would say for me it would be the
Ainulindalë in the Silmarillion. I am a big history junkie!! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] Great question!
Thanks! -(~<~> Yavanna

Ascalótëion 07-08-2003 02:47 PM

Bilbo's eleventy-first birthday party, definitely. It's the esscence of the Shire.

Olorin 07-10-2003 05:26 PM

The Hobbit: Riddles In The Dark
FotR: Strider
TTT: Helms Deep

Olorin 07-10-2003 05:30 PM

The Hobbit: Riddles In The Dark
FotR: Strider
TTT: Helms Deep

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