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Rose Cotton 12-22-2003 02:08 PM

Best/Worse lines for RotK
This is just like the old Best/Worse lines threads done for Fellowship ( <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> )<P>and Towers ( <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> )<P>These are the guidelines:<P>I give a character and everyone votes on the line they like the best and the worse for that character in RotK. After a week or so I'll tally up the votes and then move on to another character.<P>Only I can change to a new character but I'll take suggections.<P>We can start with Frodo.

Oroaranion 12-22-2003 02:40 PM

Frodo saying:<P>"Oh Sam"<P>every 5 minutes.<P>He should just tell Sam he loves him. Every time Sam says something Frodo replies sounding gay!

doug*platypus 12-22-2003 04:41 PM

Oh, dear. Stand by and watch the fireworks start! I believe you'll be furiously flamed by furious Frodo fans, or get some kind of censorship warning from a mod. A shame, really.<P>I think that it won't be too long until we have decided the ultimate winner for worst Frodo line: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Go home, Sam. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>My vote for best line would be: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> I lost It. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>which he says to Bilbo when asked about the Ring (I think I got the quote right). My favourite moment, though was when he smiled as he went on board the ship at the Grey Havens. Absolute magic. That really took away a lot of the sadness, seeing that Frodo was going somewhere that he had a chance to be happy.

Orual 12-22-2003 06:09 PM

Worst line:<BR>This is a tough one for me, because though I didn't like some of the moments, Elijah Wood did them all so well...but I suppose I'll toe the party line and go with "Go home, Sam."<P>Best line:<BR>This might count as three lines, but my favorite is (handily separated by ellipses instead of periods), "I am naked in the dark, Sam...there is no veil between me and the wheel of fire...I see it with my waking eyes!" But if I had to choose one, it would be "I see it with my waking eyes". A close second would be "I'm afraid I lost it," with "I can see the Shire!" at a close third.

Beruthiel 12-22-2003 09:17 PM

For me Frodo's best line was: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Here, at the end of all things <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>It made me cry me eyes out! And its straight from the book <P>I thought the worse line was definitely "Go home Sam" It just shouldn't have been said at all!

Daisy Brambleburr 12-23-2003 01:37 PM

Best line? 'Here, at the end of all things'. Very moving and well said. Frodo had a lot of good lines in this movie. <P>All the 'oh sam's annoyed me, so that'll be my worst line. <P>'A diversion' can be counted as the funniest

Sapphire_Flame 12-23-2003 03:02 PM

Frodo's Best Line: "I lost it." (to Bilbo on the way to the Grey Havens)<P>Frodo's Worst Line: "It's sticky!...What is it?" (in Shelob's Lair); the "oh Sam"s were prevelent in all the films, and so do not receive any special recognition in this one.<P>Abedithon le,<P>~*~Aranel~*~

The Only Real Estel 12-23-2003 03:08 PM

heh, worst line was: <P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>"Go home, Sam." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>best line was probably his <P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>"I lost it."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>To Bilbo of course .

Jjudvven 12-23-2003 03:12 PM

"Go home Sam" seems to be the most popular, and I happen to agree was the worst line by Frodo.<P>I'm still undecided about the best line, but for now I'm going to go with "I lost it."<BR> <BR>

The ninth spelunker 12-23-2003 04:58 PM

It's hard to decide the best. I liked "the ring is mine" and "I can see the Shire"<BR>Best:"Here at the end of all things"<BR>Worst:"Go home Sam"

balrogman 12-23-2003 09:49 PM

best frodo line-"the ring is mine" but mostly because of his creepy smile<P>worst line-"no sam, dont hurt him" when sam is beatin the crap(yay!) out of gollum

Rose Cotton 12-24-2003 12:26 PM

This is my vote for Frodo:<P>I think that Elijah did his best acting in this movie so I loved all this lines. But if I had to pick one I liked the best is "Here at the end of all things."<P>The one I least liked was "No Sam, It's you." Which is what he says before "Go home." <P>Here is the talley SO FAR:<P>Best:<P>"I lost it." 4<BR>"I can see it with my waking eyes." 1<BR>"Here at the end of all things." 4<BR>"The ring is mine." 1<P>Worst:<BR>"Go home, Sam." 6<BR>"Oh Sam" 2 (Oroaranion-I'm assuming you didn't like the line. Correct me if I'm wrong)<BR>"It's sticky! What is it?" 1<BR>"No Sam, don't hurt him!" 1<BR>"No Sam, it's you." 1<P><BR>Still much more time to vote.<p>[ 1:28 PM December 24, 2003: Message edited by: Rose Cotton ]

Eomer of the Rohirrim 12-24-2003 02:52 PM

Frodo's best: "...naked in the dark..."<P>That whole line (although I cannot remember all of it) was really intense and particularly fantastic.<P>Frodo's worst: "Go home Sam."<P>Just ridiculous.

Failivrin 12-24-2003 03:35 PM

This is so hard!<P>Although i LOVED the "naked in the dark" line, i will cast my best line vote for:<P>"Here at the end of all things."<P>from the book and his very best acting in the movie<P>Worst line:<P>"Go home Sam."<P>STUPID.

BethoHOG 12-24-2003 05:03 PM

I'd have to agree with Rose Cotton and go with "No Sam, it's you." as Frodo's worst line. Poor Sam. <P>"Here at the end of all things" is one of his bests.

TealDude4 12-24-2003 08:26 PM

I think my favorites were:<P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> "I'm glad I'm with you Samwise Gamgee, here at the end of all things."<P>and<P>"The ring is mine." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>I'm not sure about the worst line, though.

Arathiriel 12-25-2003 12:30 AM

Frodo's worst line has to be: "Go home, Sam." - Gosh my heart broke for Sam when he said that!<P>Frodo's best line: "I'm glad you're here with me at the end of all things, Samwise Gamgee."

Noxomanus 12-25-2003 09:19 AM

I'd just like to say I never liked Elijah....he looks like a creep and is such an enormous softie.<P>Worst line(s): Not exactly a line but it's when Frodo lies on his bed and everyone comes in one at a's like the Surprise-show.<BR>"Oh Gandalf!"<BR>"Merry!"<BR>"Pippin!"<BR>"Gimli!"<BR> "Legolas!"<BR>"Aragorn!"<BR>"Sam!"<BR>Awful.<P>Bes t line: "Oh what's that? He's got crums on his clothes! Fat hobbit eats when master is sleeping!"<P>I loved it.

Ughósh the Abominable 12-25-2003 04:24 PM

Worst Frodo line is definitely "Go home, Sam" or anything surrounding that; the entire "go home Sam" sequence was entirely stupid, just a cheep device of Peter Jackson's to SHOVE IN OUR FACE the idea of Gollum's divisiveness and Frodo's internal conflicts.<P>Best Frodo line? Not sure. They were all pretty good, except of course "Go home Sam". There were so many other characters in this movie who had so much better lines. I think my favorite line overall would be Theoden's speech to the Rohirrim before their charge on Pelennor Field. That speech made my heart soar, both in the book and in the movie (one of the few carried-over lines that truly had that effect on me throughout the trilogy). His death in the book made me weep like a babe; his death in the movie probably would have, except for the fact that I was too ****ed off by the Dead Army coming to the battle. But that's a different story.

The Ninth Spelunker 12-26-2003 01:30 AM

I also didn't like Frodo's "I don't think I want to" in front of Shelob's lair, but "Go home sam" is worse

BoromirsBeard 12-26-2003 02:24 AM

I think "Go home, Sam" is Frodo's best line. Wasn't in the books but devastates everyone. How better to judge a great line than the gaping mouths and horrified expressions on the faces of the viewers?<P>His worst line was the "it's sticky! What is it?" line. Hard-pressed not to make some dirty jokes

Silmiel of Imladris 12-27-2003 01:40 PM

Worse: I hated "I need you on my side." It just annoyed me, probably because it rymes with the line before it. "Not without a guide." Arrrrggghhh! <P>Best: At the end, "Sam you cannot be split in two; you must be whole for many years." There was just something about this line that I liked.

Finwe 12-27-2003 05:29 PM

"Here at the end of all things" made me weep. I think that line really hit home how desperate their situation was at that point. Just seeing those two helpless little Hobbits lying there, ready to give up, nearly broke my heart.

Arnostae 12-27-2003 06:23 PM

Best: "I lost it."<P>Worst: "Go home, Sam."<P>I'm thoroughly predictable. *nods*<P>My vote for best line in the film has to go to Sam. "Come on, Mr. Frodo. I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!"

The Saucepan Man 12-27-2003 06:39 PM

Please could everyone read the first post before going on to add their opinion. Rose Cotton is asking for <B>Frodo's</B> best/worst line in the RotK film. So lines from other characters are off topic until Rose posts to move the poll onto another character. Posts that do not nominate a line from Frodo (or the current subject of the poll) have been, and will be, deleted.<P>My favourite Frodo line was the one that I had been waiting for throughout the entire post-Ring destruction sequence: <P>"I'm glad you are here with me, Sam. Here at the end of all things."<P>I can't think of a worst line. I didn't really mind "Go home, Sam", as it set up what was, for me, a great sequence in Shelob's lair. I would have preferred it, though, if Sam hadn't <I>actually</I> gone .<p>[ 7:43 PM December 27, 2003: Message edited by: The Saucepan Man ]

Silmiel of Imladris 12-28-2003 09:14 PM

I kind of changed my mind on my favorite Frodo line before it was Frodo epiloge to Sam but now I like this better.<BR>"How does one pick up the threads of an old life. Then in your heart you begin to understand there is no going back."

Olorin 12-29-2003 02:43 AM

Worst: Go home Sam. That was just terrible. I couldn't believe they put that in there! Humph!<P>Best: There were so many, but I really liked "Well, I'm back." Although "Here at the end of all things" and "I lost it" were both great.

Lyta_Underhill 12-29-2003 03:00 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>I didn't really mind "Go home, Sam", as it set up what was, for me, a great sequence in Shelob's lair. I would have preferred it, though, if Sam hadn't actually gone<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I didn't mind the "Go home" line either, <B>Saucepan Man</B>. The one I DID mind was one Frodo uttered preceding that line, "It's you," while looking at Sam with that surprised and accusatory look. That didn't fit Frodo for me, but I cannot really fault him for the line even so. The part where Sam <I>actually goes</I> is what bothered me. That was quite out of Sam's character for me. I was berating him the whole time! You're going the wrong way, Sam!<P>For favorite lines, I was rather taken by the "naked in the dark" and "I see it with my waking eyes" parts of the Mt. Doom experience, along with "here at the end of all things," as well as his understated "I lost it," to Bilbo at the end when Bilbo asks him about the Ring. His speech and affect slows down near the end, as if he is somehow changing gears, becoming something different, perhaps even fading a little or becoming "Elvish." <P>Cheers,<BR>Lyta

Mariska Greenleaf 12-29-2003 03:32 AM

Best line: "I'm naked in the dark"<BR>Worst line: "Oh Sam..."<p>[ 4:32 AM December 29, 2003: Message edited by: Mariska Greenleaf ]

Rose Cotton 01-01-2004 09:18 PM

Saucepan Man: Thanks. To those who have voted for the best overall line we will all vote on that seperatly after we're done with the major characters. I just feel it's better to do the characters first.<P>Alright, here is the final count for Frodo:<P>Worst:<P>In fourth place, with 1 vote each is:<P>"No Sam, don't hurt him."<BR>"Oh Gandalf...etc."<BR>"I need you by my side."<P>In third place, with 2 votes:<P>"It's sticky!...What is it?" <P>In second place, with 3 votes each:<P>"Oh Sam."<BR>"No Sam, It's you."<P>In first place, with 13 votes:<P>"Go home Sam"<P><BR>Best:<P>In fifth place with one vote each:<P>"Go home Sam" <BR>"there is no going back" <P>In fourth place with two votes:<P>"The ring is mine"<P>In third place with four votes:<P>"naked in the dark" and "see it with my waking eyes" <P>In second place with seven votes:<P>"I lost it" <P>In first place with twelve votes:<P>"Here at the end of all things"<P><BR>The next character is Pippin!

Silmiel of Imladris 01-01-2004 10:54 PM

Pippen is a little tougher to remember. I think most will chose how he offered his service to Denethor but his best line in my opinion was,<BR>"Gandalf! Denethor has gone mad! He is burning Faramir alive!" I just liked this line for some reason. <P>Worst~ "I will take care of you Merry." As heartfelt as this line was I just didn't like it and I have no explaination on why I don't.

balrogman 01-02-2004 03:46 PM

i cant think of a worst line for him, its been about a week since ive seen ROTK, but his best line is his whole song

Everlen 01-02-2004 07:37 PM

I think Pippin's best was... Gosh there are too many! well, its kinda easy:<BR>"Home is behind, the world ahead<BR>and there are many paths to tread<BR>through shadow, to the edge of night<BR>until the stars are all alight<BR>mist and shadow, cloud and shade<BR>All shall fade, all shall fade"<BR>His beautiful song! Who can not love his voice! Ahhh!<BR>worst line: "I won't do it again!" about the palantir... it makes him seem really stupid. As if he would have another chance to or something. It was just dumb to me.

Kalimac 01-02-2004 08:12 PM

"I'll take care of you," bothered me too, for some reason. Probably just because I wished they had kept the original exchange.<P>Actually I really liked "I won't do it again" not for its logic but for the way Pippin seemed to wake up to the magnitude of what he had done - he literally didn't have the vocabulary to describe how sorry he was for touching the thing. I don't think he was supposed to be thinking he'd have another chance to do it, just using an old, old excuse and realizing as he said it that it was no longer enough. So I'll vote for that line as the best, what the heck.

LuindringielHorsemistress 01-02-2004 10:22 PM

the song that Pip sang was def. the best line! duh<P>i actually thought that "I wont do it again" was really funny! but the worst line was..."I saw...HIM!" or something like that, after he lookind into the palantir...i think...but that was a hard choice

Everlen 01-02-2004 11:10 PM

I do agree with you somewhat now that you metion it. I really like that whole scene with Merry and what Pippin says. But it bothers me that he says, "I'm sorry alright," and you really feel for him and begin to believe that he is finally getting some brains (though his brainlessness is very lovable I must admit), but then he says, "I won't do it again," and it just takes away from what he just said. Makes you think "well nevermind, he is still as neive as ever". Its hard to explain, but thats what I meant. But I like the "I'm going to take care of you" line because if you think about it throughout the whole story Pippin is always looking to Merry for his countless questions and Merry faithfully answeres them. He takes care of Pippin. When Pippin says this to Merry it shows how he has grown and matured through everything, and has decided that it's time he started returning Merry the same care that he had been given. That's why I like it. <P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. Let my meditation be pleasing to Him; As for me, I shall be glad in the Lord. -Psalm 104:33-34 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

thephantomcredits 01-03-2004 11:07 AM

The worst line for me wasn't a line, but just a word. When Frodo awakes in bed and the fellowship comes to greet him, the way frodo says "Gimli" always struck me as very weird" My favorite lines come from Aragorn<BR>"You will suffer ME"<BR>and<BR>"My friends, you bow to no one!"<BR> I always love how Aragorn has held a deep love and respect for a group of people who are considered so insignificant in the hierarcy of middle earth.

Eomer of the Rohirrim 01-03-2004 03:02 PM

We are only discussing Pippin's lines just now. Please understand the 'rules' of the thread.<P>Pippin's worst; "The salted pork is particularly good." <P>....or something like that. I didn't really like the delivery.<P>Pippin's best; "I'm sorry, alright."<P>While I agree with the Everlen, who said that this line was followed up poorly, I do think that this line was delivered in a heartbreaking way, as if Pippin really knew that he had put his relationship with Merry in jeopardy.<p>[ 4:04 PM January 03, 2004: Message edited by: Eomer of the Rohirrim ]

Failivrin 01-03-2004 03:31 PM

oooooh, worst line:<P>"The salted pork is particularly good."<P>i hated his smile afterwards and i am annoyed that they cut out Saruman for salted pork.<P>best line:<P>"Is there any hope, Gandalf?"

mark12_30 01-03-2004 03:41 PM

From the book: "And this is first-rate salted pork. Or I can cut you some rashers of bacon and broil them, if you like." Merry, Flotsam and Jetsam.<P>While I'm here, and looking back over the thread, there were many votes for "Go home Sam" as Frodo's worst line. While I wasn't crazy about Sam's trip down and back up the stairs, still, I'd like to point out this section from Mount Doom:<P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR><BR>Sam knew before he spoke, that it was vain, and that such words might do more harm than good, but in his pity he could not keep silent. "Then let me carry it a bit for you, Master," he said. "You know I would, and gladly, as long as I have any strength."<P>A wild light came into Frodo's eyes. "Stand away! Don't touch me!" he cried. "It is mine, I say. Be off!" His hand strayed to his sword-hilt. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>If Frodo were to stop there, what would Sam do? but Frodo continues: <BR> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> But then quickly his voice changed. "No, no, Sam," he said sadly. "But you must understand. It is my burden, and no one else can bear it. It is too late now, Sam dear. You can't help me in that way again. I am almost in its power now. I could not give it up, and if you tried to take it, I should go mad."<BR><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><p>[ 5:52 PM January 03, 2004: Message edited by: mark12_30 ]

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