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Morgul Queen 07-31-2004 02:43 AM

"Frodo is Great...who is that?" - The Documentary
All hail the International Film Festival...held in Wellington! *grins and bows*

Today I went to the Figwit Doco with my friend, Hwin. We took a train into Wellington at 10 am. I hate having to walk to stations at 10 in the morning!

Anyway, We went, we saw, we fell off chairs laughing.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. The cinema, the Paramount, sold Kapati icecream, NZ's best (and most expensive) icecream. *drools* The Paramount also has twice the leg-room of any cinema I have ever seen! We could stretch our feet right out!

The crowd was filled with celebrities of the ilk of Lil' Phil off the Morning Crew at 91ZM and several What Now? hosts.....all were comenting on the extraordinary leg-room.

Enough about the leg-room....gods, there was lots of it though....anyway, after a brief speech by the film makers the doco actually started.

It began with a series of interviews, the cast and crew of LotR, the creators of, various pictures of Bret McKenzie with giant blinking red arrows.

Ian McKellen was particularly amusing. "Figwit? Which one was he? *huge, big, cheesy grin* Oh....I remember now."

It continued with the story of Bret's rise to stardom, his additional part in RotK, The Flight of the Concordes, The Black Seeds, various other projects he has been involved in, shot of Bret walking up the red carpet at RotK.

For all who care and manage to see this doco, I'm the one hanging off the bars with a wooden sword in my hand.

I'm kinda hard to miss.


The sword is really big.


the film finished off with credits and shots of various people...practically everyone involved in the doco really...pouting.

PJ was especially funny, as was Dom, Billy and Elijah's Turn-and-pout-in-unison trick!

If you're wondering why I'm not saying much, it's because I'm trying to convince you to go see it yourselves. the film makers are seeing about getting it out on DVD sometime soon.

Look for it at a CD shop near you.


InklingElf 07-31-2004 02:04 PM

Fascinating Morgul Queen


Ian McKellen was particularly amusing. "Figwit? Which one was he? *huge, big, cheesy grin* Oh....I remember now."
I'll be waiting for it :D

Azaelia of Willowbottom 07-31-2004 02:21 PM

I hope it finds its way from New Zealand up here to the USA... I would LOVE to see it! Does anyone have a dvd/vhs release date? It sounds like a must-see. :D

Saraphim 07-31-2004 03:06 PM

Ever since Maeg told me who Figwit was, I've been avid about that elusive elf.

I echo your sentiments, Azaelia, and hope that the DVD is sent over to the US!

Morgul Queen 07-31-2004 04:15 PM

They intend to release it on DVD, so keep your fingers crossed. It's also going to be on TV here in NZ, at least, that's what they're hoping for and so are we.

I am so taping that!

Lathriel 08-01-2004 09:06 PM

Well I hope this DVD can make it to the Blockbuster in Calgary, Canada.
It sounds really cool, I feel like I am missing out if I can't see it.

Sapphire_Flame 08-02-2004 06:57 PM

Figwit Lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Morgy! Do you know for sure if it's coming out on DVD in the States? I *SO!* need to see that! *fweeeeeeee!*

Figwit lives! ^ ^

Abedithon le,

~ Saphy ~

Orominuialwen 08-03-2004 03:17 PM

Yes, I would even buy it myself, instead of pestering my dad for it, because he just give me this puzzled look and say "Why on earth do you want that?" :D

Elennar Starfire 08-06-2004 10:45 AM

Ye're in it, Morgy? Loftyness! I want to see it...

Morgul Queen 08-16-2004 11:15 PM

I don't know anty release dates for sure, but it might also be on the RotK EE.

Azaelia of Willowbottom 08-17-2004 01:45 PM

OOO figwit documentary on the ROTK EE would be very cool! I hope it happens... just one more good reason to look foreward to the EE release. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for it! :D Figwit! :D

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