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Larien Telemnar 06-04-2005 07:59 PM

If Bilbo would give you a gift....
If Bilbo could give you a gift, like he did at his birthday party, what do you think he would give you and why? What kind of note would he write you?

Here's what I think he would give me:

A Day planner, because I'm always forgetting to do things!

(I think his note to me would go something like this)

To Amy Michelle A.K.A. Larien Telemnar- For your personal use. Please do not forget to write in it. :D

Kitanna 06-05-2005 12:21 AM

I like this idea for a thread. Good job, Larien.

I think Bilbo would probably give me some food or some books. Most likely the food. "To Kitanna, here's some cheese for you." Mmm Hobbit cheese.

Eomer of the Rohirrim 06-05-2005 06:26 AM

Nice thread
I think he might give me a clock to help me with my dubious time-keeping.

Estelyn Telcontar 06-05-2005 06:55 AM

This is a great thread idea, Larien! Since it's more humorous than serious, it really belongs on the Middle-Earth Mirth forum. I'm moving it there - please continue to read and post at the new location!

Hmmmm, what useful mathom could Bilbo give me? Perhaps some silver polish...

To Estelyn, for keeping your silver spoons shiny, so that they could be used occasionally!

Larien Telemnar 06-05-2005 05:42 PM

Thank you so much for the lovely compliments! So sorry I put it in the wrong thread, but I hope ya'll enjoy it! :)

Holbytlass 06-05-2005 06:23 PM

Thanks, holbytlass, for the 'great' meals-bilbo
It would be a cookbook and heartburn medicine.

Morai 06-06-2005 06:41 PM

Random Title#367
Hm, since my wandering personality would always have me drifting off to different places, I guess Bilbo would give me either a nice walking stick or perhaps a copy of his map of middle earth.

Elonve 06-07-2005 12:06 AM

A basket full of wonderful fruit and vegetabels.
Because I'd appreciate a gift like that and i love my veggies and fruits! :D
Zoloft Lawsuit Settlements

Vinyacoriel 06-07-2005 10:51 PM

Remember, the early bird gets the worm- Bilbo
It would be an alarm clock

Morsul the Dark 06-14-2005 12:09 PM

lets see it would be based off of a bad habit so hmmm...

Morsul-A lovely read for a Trivia Master

A guide to answering cryptic Clues, by SaucepanMan

turgon 06-25-2005 02:20 PM

bilbo's gift to me would be a walking stick.and some bread. The bread as I don't eat enough, and the stick to try to have a life again

THE Ka 06-25-2005 08:10 PM



Well, I think (though, i'm not sure since i'm not him...) Bilbo would give me frames to put artwork in, instead of cluttering my home in every nook and cranny...

~ Ka

Arwen Imladris 07-07-2005 10:53 PM

I think he would give me a (possibly incomplete) version of his book. In it he would write, "to my faithful audience: Arwen Imladris, I hope you enjoy having my tales in written form."

Lalwendė 07-08-2005 06:25 AM

So this is where we admit our failings eh?

I would say that Bilbo would give me some nicotine gum or patches, but then he is a keen smoker himself, so perhaps not. Maybe he would give me a pipe, to steer me towards a better pipeweed experience. :smokin:

I think that he would probably give me a set of pillows, to make the point that I ought to go to bed earlier and get a little more sleep, as one of current failings is waking up in an exceedingly grumpy mood. :(

the guy who be short 07-08-2005 09:31 AM

A broom. 'Nuff said.

Meela 07-08-2005 10:43 AM

Hmm, what would Bilbo give to me... perhaps some recipes. I'm somewhat famed for my cookies, so something culinary would be suitable.

Feanor of the Peredhil 07-08-2005 11:35 AM

Fantastic thread idea.

Let's see... if he was subtley commenting on my bad habits...


For you, and you alone.
With exact replicas of several items of clothing that do not belong to me, but have crept into the drawers of my dresser. *looks down at jeans she's got on*

If he was trying to be genuinely helpful, he would give me several clerks to handle my paperwork. *mutters bitterly about a paper that is highly important, and yet nowhere to be found*

fillynicole 07-16-2005 12:23 AM

This ones a toughie, as I am perfect.

A paper bag

For FillyNicole, a very emotional person
Well, except for my temper, and my tears, and my laughs, and my sarcastic remarks...

Elendhel 07-16-2005 12:35 AM

Bilbo would definitely give me a pipe for my pipeweed :smokin:

Princess Ai 07-16-2005 10:27 PM

Ooooh. Trixy. As much sa i want a pony id probly get a bomb in a box. :eek:

Attached note: Your days of stalking me are O-V-E-R!!!

husborne 07-17-2005 03:01 PM

A tree swing
A tree swing :smokin:

Lily Bombadil 07-17-2005 09:37 PM

This is a no-brainer. Billy-bo would give me a nice, leatherbound journal. (It would smell GREAT.) The attached note would probably say something about filling its pages and sharing my gift with the world. That or he'd say, "Here. Use it for that meaningless romantic crap you're always writing." But, hey, I'm getting published! In your face, Bilbo!

Alcarillo 07-17-2005 10:05 PM

Bilbo would probably give me a gigantic shelving system with all sorts of little bins and drawers. I'm very disorganized; as I type this I have a Rubik's cube, a wind-up contraption that vibrates, piles of papers, erasers, pencils, several combs, post-it notes, ander other junk all sitting on my desk, and the shelves I have a decrepit and leaning like the Tower of Pisa.

Alcarillo 07-17-2005 10:05 PM

Bilbo would probably give me a gigantic shelving system with all sorts of little bins and drawers. I'm very disorganized; as I type this I have a Rubik's cube, a wind-up contraption that vibrates, piles of papers, erasers, pencils, several combs, post-it notes, ander other junk all sitting on my desk, and the shelves I have a decrepit and leaning like the Tower of Pisa.

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