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Tigerlily Gamgee 10-24-2005 01:48 PM

LOTR Costume/Props exhibit
Well, I went to the LOTR museum exhibit in Indy this past weekend... so, here are my thoughts/observations:

Costumes included were:
~Galadriel (wow, this gown is gorgeous, and the beadwork on both the gown and cloak are amazing!
~Aragorn/Strider (very lovely in real life, I enjoy the materials)
~Frodo (his traveling outfit, it was the double's costume, though. It was cute, but not overly impressive)
~Arwen (her chase dress... very lovely, indeed)
~Arwen (blue gown... amazing bead work on this gown, and the case also included other fabric samples from some of her gowns not included in the exhibit)
~Gandalf the Grey (I loved it!)
~Saruman (very nice, but not as impressive as I thought it would be)
~Ringwraith (I wish it had been lite better so I could've seen the fabric texture... very intimidating, though)
~Sauron (GAH!!!!!!!! So cool! That is all...)
~Legolas (not as impressive in real life as you'd think, it looks better in the movies)
~Gimli (his double's costume... very lovely, I enjoy the detail)
~Theoden's armor (I still think this is some of the most awesome armor in the movie)
~Prologue Eleven Armor (stunning... absolutely stunning).
~They also had an array of various armors from the various kingdoms on display, and I think my favorite was actually that which belonged to the Haradrim.

There was tons of weaponry on display. The detail is amazing.
There was also a lot of jewelry. The One Ring got it's own room. It was one of the solid rings, though... no engraving. It was one of the oversized ones, too. Not as intense as I thought it may be. Too much "schtick" in the room to accompany it. The rings of the kings were nice, though. I never realized that they changed when they went from kings to wraiths. Nice attention to detail.
Galadriel and Celeborn's jewelry and accessories are stunning... as are Theoden's. And... they had Eomer helm!!! *swoon* I love that helm!

There were also some of the set piece minatures. They had Orthanc, Barad dur, The mill from the Shire (from Frodo's vision when it is in ruin)... they had a full sized version of Treebeard's upper half (his eyes are gorgeous), and they had the "dead Boromir in a boat"... he was just creeeeeepy. It looked like he would wake up and reach out to grab you!

Overall, it was a lovely exhibit, but I wish it would've been larger. The lack of any Eowyn costume was disappointing, as was the lack of actual Hobbit things. It was all, mostly, of the world of men and elves.

And, to end, here is my favorite picture... this is my friend, Ros, and I :-)

Daisy Brambleburr 01-10-2006 05:51 PM

I went to see that exhibition in the Science Museum in London a while back...I assume it's much the same thing!
I totally agree with you about the dead Boromir being creepy (I stared at him for ages to check for blinking) It's amazing what trouble and detail they went into for a second or two of film. It must have taken them so long to make.. it looked amazing.
I love your pictures! Me and my brother got one taken but we didn't dress up... your costumes look great.

Beanamir of Gondor 03-03-2006 08:31 PM

I haven't seen the exhibit yet (though I might give a limb or two to do so), but in reading through a LotR production book released right after RotK came out, apparently with the dead Boromir mentioned, one of the crew on set walked into the room, thought it was Sean Bean, and tried to wake him up.

Ellewen 03-27-2006 06:48 PM

OMG!!!! I loved it! I went twice! I got to hold Glamdring! I am the hieght of a female elf or tall male orc... And I was scared out of my wits when I entered and there sitting in frount of me was the huge troll!!! I had a great time! My favorite was the prop, and costume display though!

Taralphiel 03-31-2006 11:27 PM

I went to this exhibit when it was in Sydney (last year? I can't remember exactly when :P )

The costumes also blew me away. And all of the art that was framed. It's something completely different seeing it up close to having it tacked to your wall ;)

I stared at the "dead Boromir in a boat" for a good few minutes (there was a queue backing up behind me...). He scared the life out of me!

Yeah, great exhibition. Is it still touring?

Estelyn Telcontar 11-07-2006 11:01 AM

I very much enjoyed seeing the LotR exhibition last summer in Houston. Now it's coming to Germany! It will be shown in the Babelsberg Filmpark in Potsdam in February, March and April, 2007. For those interested, here's more information: HdR Ausstellung.

Brinniel 11-07-2006 06:25 PM

Apparently I already missed this lovely exhibit. It's already come and gone to Boston back in 2004. :( *sighs* If only I had been able to enter college two years earlier....

Azaelia of Willowbottom 11-11-2006 10:30 AM

Oh! Is this still around? It's been going for quite a while, I'm surprised! I sort of assumed that by now it would have been where, I don't know, since they supposedly can't set up a permanent

I saw it in Boston back in August 2004...I didn't have all the time I'd have liked to look around and see everything and watch all the little interview movies, so I'd love to go see it again.

Is it ever coming back to the States (Specifically the Boston area since it's not out of the question for me to get there) or is it done here for good? Does anyone know?

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