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Mornie Alantie 06-18-2002 10:06 AM

Who Was your favorite character in the Silmarilion?
I have a few, Turgon was cool cause he built Gondolin which is one of my favorites in the Sil. But I think Finrod was cool cause he... was... Cool. So Finrod is Probably close to the top

Eärendil 06-18-2002 12:15 PM

I think who is my fave is quite obvious...Eärendil. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] I just love water, the sea, and to sail (thougn I am hardly able to.) And he was just cool, and I like the fact that he came to Valinor. And that he and Vingilot sails in the sky, guarding Morgoth (still I guess?), and that he chosed to stay in Valinor for the love for Idril (his wife). I have more reasons, but I can´t explain (my English´s too poor [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] ).

[ June 18, 2002: Message edited by: Eärendil ]

Lothiriel Silmarien 06-18-2002 12:21 PM

Mornie, I'm always afraid of these topics! I mostly don't come into them because it is SOOOOO hard to pick!! But I love Finrod too! Here are a list of some of my favrorites. Most likely I'll forget and leave some out and then post later saying oh yeah I forgot!:

Finrod (he's just so cool, and needs no explination for it!)

Turin! (I like Turin too, he's just cool too. But the sister thing, well ok he didn't know!! That's Very tragic story, poor guy [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] )


Well, that's all for now. I most likely left someone out!! Actually, they're all cool! Not just the ones I picked (and I mean everyone from my list, even if I didn't say they were cool)

Anarya SilverBranch 06-18-2002 12:26 PM

Beleg and Morwen

Definently [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Tigerlily Gamgee 06-18-2002 01:25 PM

Luthien wins my vote!!!!!!!

Ungoliant 06-18-2002 01:45 PM

My favorite was Feanor, I'm not exactly sure why, but I liked him even if he wasn't all good.

Maédhros 06-18-2002 02:35 PM

Of course my favorite character is Maedhros. Althought he took the oath, he tried to beat Melkor and wasn't driven to evil as were his brothers Celegorn and Curufin.
He devised a plan to put himself near Morgoth to assault him in ME, and he gave the title of High King to Fingolfin.

Legolas 06-18-2002 02:44 PM

Fingolfin, and second goes to Glorfindel. I also found the personalities of Thingol and Fëanor interesting.

Imperica 06-18-2002 05:43 PM

So hard to choose because there are so many great characters. But in the end it comes down to two.

Fingolfin - He was so loyal to Feanor. Even when Feanor threatened him he still had love for his brother. Plus he is valiant and brave, rode to the gates of Angband and challenged the Dark Lord Morgoth, once the most powerful being and arguably the root of all evil. Morgoth feared him, and rightfully so because of the wounds Fingolfin inflicted upon him. I bet afterwards all the Orcs talked behind Morgoth's back calling him a gimp.

Beren - Overcoming impossible odds for love. It's so admirable the things he did. Going to the Wizard's Isle dressed as Orcs, then to the depths of Angband to pry a Silmaril out of the iron-crown of Morgoth. For the most beautiful woman of all [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Mornie Alantie 06-18-2002 07:10 PM

I think these topics are super hard. I guess I just like most of the characters Tolkien created, expecially elves.........And Pukel-men

But Elves are the all time high. Thats why I love reading the Silmarilion which others think is hard, but I enjoyed it to much to think so. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

TarElendil 06-18-2002 07:37 PM

Probably : Isildur,Elendil,Sauron,Morgoth,Hurin,Huor,
Turin,Tuor,Earendil or Fingolfin. I cant decide [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

The Silver-shod Muse 06-19-2002 12:02 AM

Although Feanor was foolish and depraved, he was a pretty neat character, and he really brought home the effects of Morgoth's "black touch" on the mind. Feanor seems almost (super)human. I'll have to cast my vote to him.

Eowyn of Ithilien 06-19-2002 04:21 AM

my favourite character's probably Finrod Felagund for his bravery and nobility...but my favourite tale is that of Beren and Luthien

Melephelwen 06-19-2002 07:18 AM

Idril Celebrindal.

I also like Lúthien and Beren, and almost everyone else, but those three are my favorite favorites. Don't make me explain, because I can't. There's just something special about them. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

The-Elf-Herself 06-19-2002 08:04 AM

Ooooooh toughie. Probably a tie between Gil-galad and Earendil.

Calencoire 06-19-2002 08:12 AM

It is really hard to pick. There are sooo many good things that they all did. But maybe my favorite couple is Beren and Luthien. They went through so much to be together and Luthien is one of the few pivitol female characters. They are a classic love story, [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] but I really love them.

shadow_knight 06-19-2002 12:39 PM

Turambar is my favorite

Lothiriel Silmarien 06-19-2002 02:54 PM

Hey Shadow Knight, welcome to the Downs!!! Hope you post often, see you around!!!! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Losthuniel 06-19-2002 09:50 PM

Mae govannen, Shadow_knight. being dead is fun!
hmm, tough (btw, i just finished the Sil today! happy!)
Beren and Luthien: they sacrificed so much for each other, and were so lving towards each other that the Valar let them return to earth.
Earendil: so cool. he had to be pretty special to get past all the barricades to Valinor. and he pleaded with the Valar for help.

Thinhyandoiel 06-19-2002 10:37 PM

Luthien was a fave, but not THE FAVE. I had two ultimate faves. Finrod Felagund and Turgon. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

*Varda* 06-20-2002 10:24 AM

From the few bits of the Sil. that i've read so far, it has to be Beren and Luthien. it was just the most lovely story and also Luthien is one of the few important female characters.

Remmirath 06-20-2002 05:36 PM

Aww. I love Elwing and Earendil, I always look up at the stars and think of Earendil as the evening (or was it morning?) star. It just seemed the ultimed Faerie story.

Losthuniel 06-20-2002 05:47 PM

i think its the same star

maleliel 06-21-2002 02:17 PM

I'd probably have to say Luthien was my fave cos she was so beautiful and she sacrificed her immortal life for Beren. I also liked Turin cos you can't help but feel sorry for the poor guy! I love all the characters though, except maybe a few of the evil ones (like Glaurung!) [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

merlilot 06-22-2002 11:28 AM

Hi, everybody!

OK, my favourite from the Sil? Well that leaves out all the hobbits. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] So, OK, here we go...

Finrod Felagund
Túrin Turambar
Nienor Níniel
Manwë and the rest of the Ainur - they are so cool
The baby Elves, like at Lake Cuiviénen - how cute

Melian 06-22-2002 08:56 PM

Turin and Ulmo are my favourites. I wonder why no one else mentioned Ulmo...

Necromancer 06-22-2002 09:17 PM

Hi everyone this is my first post [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] Anyways I'd have to say Fingolfin is my favorite character. Just think about it he challenged Morgoth the most feared and powerful being on earth to a fight! Wow this guy has guts, Thats why he's my fav. He also was pretty cool about the whole being left to die by Feanor.

Melephelwen 06-23-2002 07:16 AM

Hi James!!! Welcome to the Barrow-Downs! I hope you'll have fun, and don't think we're crazy!! (Just obsessed [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] ) I'm sure you wont regret being around!!
Btw, I forgot to mention Gil-galad as one of my favourites [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] He's the greatest male elf!! [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Nufaciel 06-23-2002 09:25 AM

My fave has always been Feanor...not sure why, still haven't figured it out.

Diabolik 06-23-2002 03:41 PM

Ecthelion and Glorfindel are my favorites since they both died killing Balrogs in the Fall of Gondolin. Also, Glorfindel is interesting since he came back to Middle-Earth from Mandos and was in helped Frodo.

Ruthwen 06-25-2002 03:12 PM

My favourite is definitely Elwing. I was flicking through the index and I thought her name was brilliant. Then I found out what happened to her, with the turning into a bird and carrying the Silmaril and so on... Besides, she gets to marry Earendil, lucky person that she is.

Naaramare 06-25-2002 03:35 PM

Beren. Because he mouthed off one of the most powerful elven lords on Middle Earth, and then called him cheap while he was at it.

Daniel Telcontar 06-25-2002 03:40 PM

If Gil-Galad counts, he is definetly one of mine. And Glorfindel, who dies in the most valiant way, and then comes back to ME and does all sorts of cool stuff.

But number one would have to be Fingolfin, who is very patient and loving towards hiw brother. And even though he is greatly betrayed by Feanor, he forgets his grudge against Feanor's sons because of the common foe. And when all seems lost, he does what few would dare; He rides to the gates of Angband an duels Morgoth. Although he loses he puts up a pretty good fight, and I doubt few would have the courage to fight like he does, or even get close Angband. Fingolfin is the bravest of all the old Noldor Kings.

Lush 06-25-2002 04:20 PM

Lúthien, because she was enchanting, and left a comfortable existence behind for the sake of her love. Beren, because the animals loved him, and because he never settled for second best, but was not cruel or foolish as other ambitions characters in the Sil. Finrod Felagund for his self-sacrifice. Ulmo, for staying so closely involved in the affairs of Elves and Men, though no one asked him to. And Húan, because you can't beat a talking hound of war!

Calencoire 06-25-2002 04:26 PM

My favorite would probaly be Beren and Luthien, just because their love story was so romantic and they died and came back to life and Luthien gave up her immortality for him... that is something we will never know. I have other faves to, but its been a while since I've read it. Oh yeah, I liked Earendil to.

Luthien_ Tinuviel 06-25-2002 08:27 PM

Luthien, Beren, Fingolfin, Earendil, Varda, Elendil. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Nice-Smeagol 06-26-2002 01:03 PM

My fave character is Feanor, because although the Valar forbid the elves to attack Melkor he did it anyway. That takes great bravery to the ones who could kill you extremely easily!

dragongirlG 06-26-2002 01:32 PM

Beren and Luthien were very cool. I also like the Valar, specifically Ulmo. Oh, and the Elves. Fingolfin! I loved him. Also liked Elendil and Earendil.

al'Thingolfin 06-28-2003 09:27 AM

A draw between Finrod and Fingolfin.

There are many characters I would like to know more about: Melian, Olwe, and Ingwe, for example.

tinewelt 06-28-2003 02:14 PM

My favorite male would have to be Turgon, mainly because he was responsible for the city of Gondolin, which is my favorite of the Sil. My favorite female though, would have to be Varda. O Elebereth! Elbereth Githoniel!

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