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Vráin Redmallet 05-18-2002 07:48 PM

Who is your favorite bad guy in the Lord of the Rings?
I personally feel that the toughest guy in the series is Morgoth. He created things so evil, not even Sauron dared disturb them. The only one that Sauron conversed with was Shelob the Spider. Who do you prefer? [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img]

ElanorGamgee 05-18-2002 07:54 PM

My favorite bad guy, er, gal from The Lord of the Rings is Lobelia Sackville-Baggins because she wasn't really that evil, turned out ok in the end, and was overall an amusing character. Now, the really evil guys I didn't like much at all, although I did feel sorry for Wormtongue [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

[ May 18, 2002: Message edited by: ElanorGamgee ]

Nufaciel 05-18-2002 08:02 PM

Mine was Gollum. We likessss the way he talksssss, oh yessss, my precioussss....

Vráin Redmallet 05-18-2002 08:09 PM

Yeah, I forgot about Gollum. He is pretty cool. Hissing isss funses...yesss my preciousss? [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Lindolirian 05-18-2002 08:09 PM

yes gollum was great but i'd hafta say...

the Silent Watchers.
they are so cool.

greyhavener 05-19-2002 07:13 AM

I thought Saruman was the most interesting bad guy. Gandalf turned to him for wisdom and support, but Saruman's desire for power had already corrupted him by the time Gandalf arrived in FOTR to consult with him. I want to find the story of how this transformation took place. Did Sauron deceive Saruman or did Saruman have a character flaw that only surfaced when the opportunity to rival Sauron presented itself? I find it very interesting that even after Sauron's destruction, Saruman went about doing small evil, unwilling to admit defeat or submit to another's leadership. This is a fascinating end for one who was once, at least in other's perceptions, Gandalf's better.

Cimmerian 05-19-2002 07:30 AM

Denethor, bad eggs with a touch of Dementia are awesome.

Vráin Redmallet 05-19-2002 07:55 AM

Yes, Saruman was a good bad guy. He does have a good play in the story, and the story behind him would be most interesting... [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img]

Melephelwen 05-19-2002 08:00 AM

My favourite isss definately Gollum!

Maybe I remember badly, but I think parts of Sarumans story is mentioned in Silmarillion (under 'Third age and the rings of power', something like that?)

burrahobbit 05-19-2002 09:27 AM


ElanorGamgee 05-19-2002 10:08 AM

Oh, I forgot about Gollum! Yesss, preciousss, we loves him!

VanimaEdhel 05-19-2002 04:05 PM

*does a double take* SAM?!?! Okay... not even going to ask...

Well, I'd say the evilest bad guy would have to be Melkor, for all the other evil sprung from him. In the way of my favorite bad guy, I have to say Gollum, because he was the most complex. And there are MANY discussions of that if you don't know what I mean (I'm too lazy to go into details).

Lanniae of the Axe 05-19-2002 04:51 PM

Oh, I never really cared for any of the bad guys. I pitied Gollum, but that was IT. Other than pity, I loathe the creature! Saruman was a traitor! All the bad guys were...well...BAD!

But the one bad guy you LOVE to HATE:

Grima Wormtongue!!!!!

The slimiest rat with a serpents tongue that ever whispered in a King's ear.

Lothiriel Silmarien 05-19-2002 06:10 PM

Ok, well I would have to say Morgoth because he was the evilest of them all. But other than the obvious, I'd have to say Gollum of course, and Feanor. Well, he wasn't really bad I wouldn't say that, but he actually was in a sense. He started the whole rivalry between the Noldor and the Valar. Oh and Maeglin too. See he wasn't that badd either, BUT he did betray Gondolin to Morgoth. He was held for his life though, so I kinda see both sides. He was both evil and not evil, if you get what I mean. Which I doubt that any of you do because I mighta lost you guys! Hope I'm not confusing you all [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] Oh, and let's not forget the Barrow-wights! Those things were pretty scary. And of course, the Nazguls! I sometimes call them the Nazgys.....

burrahobbit 05-19-2002 06:43 PM

You see, Sam is not unlike a pet dog. Frodo's pet dog, in this case. A dog may react poorly to any stimulus if it thinks that it's master in in danger, Sam is exactly the same way. Sam saw Gollum as a threat to his master Frodo, and to a point Gollum was a threat. However, I would say that once he had been tamed Gollum presented only a limited threat. Gollum searved the Ring, though he may not have wanted to, and to an extent Frodo controlled the Ring (at least as far as Gollum could see. Because of that I don't think that Gollum would have done anything to hinder Frodo until the very end of the journey at Mount Doom, where Gollum's will would have been broken very quickly and events would have played out much the same way that they did.

But. But because of Sam's doglike nature he couldn't help but treat Gollum rather badly. Gollum was a killer, this can't be denied. Gollum easily gave into temptation, this is a fact. Gollum was not a good person at all. Gollum was not a threat after the Emyn Muil. Sam's derisive attitude towards Gollum was not needed at all. Sam's derisive towards Gollum broke Gollum's mind and will much sonner than it would have otherwise, and thus put both Frodo and Sam into much danger that was not needed (Shelob, etc.). And so, Sam's cruel treatment of Gollum did great harm to the hero, Frodo. I can't blame him, though, he meant well. (I can't help but feel that I have heard that before, he meant well.)

shieldmaiden 05-19-2002 07:01 PM

Shelob, Gollum and Denethor, I simply adore his madness and looking forward to seeing him in the movie.

Gimli Son Of Gloin 05-19-2002 11:35 PM

I would say my favorite was Gollum, he was just cool.


Who do you prefer?
The correct form would be "Whom do you prefer? (Hope I don't sound sound snobby or anything, Vráin. I just can't stand errors like that, I guess I'm just a freak)

[ May 20, 2002: Message edited by: Gimli Son Of Gloin ]

piosenniel 05-20-2002 12:29 AM

If you'll concede it's a character - I'll vote for the One Ring. It was , by nature, thoroughly evil and certainly influenced all the other major characters and moved the plot along by its machinations.

Veritas 05-20-2002 12:45 AM

Yes, the baddest (Ihope I wrote that right?) thing is het One Ring, but the baddest guy? Mmm... I think Morgoth and Sauron. Morgoth 'made' evil and Sauron made the One Ring.

piosenniel 05-20-2002 12:52 AM

You are up early, veritas! & i am up late!
welcome to the downs!!

If we must vote for a bad 'guy' - then I'll take Morgoth - after all, without him there would be no story. Everything would have gone along wonderfully from the beginning of all things. And there would have been no glorious battles to read about or fallen heroes to cry over! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Veritas 05-20-2002 01:10 AM

Here in Holland it's now 9.00 so that's not early for me...

piosenniel 05-20-2002 01:15 AM

I am working at a very 'slow' computer at the moment and can only bring up one screen at a time so I couldn't access my international times screen. It is just after midnight here on the pacific coast of the U.S.

Are you coming to the birthday party for the Downs? It will be today at 9 a.m. - my only problem is I haven't figured out which 9 a.m. that is! (yes, I am bad with time!)

Veritas 05-20-2002 01:30 AM

The only thing I know is that when it's in continental Europe 3.00 pm, in New York it's 9.00 am.
But how far away that's from the Pacific coast. I think a hour or 3 or something? In time, I mean.

Veritas 05-20-2002 01:36 AM

Sorry, why do you have that stupid system with pm and am!!! Europe 15.00 NY 9.00

piosenniel 05-20-2002 01:37 AM

When it's 9 a.m. in New York, it's 6 a.m. on the pacific coast.

Is there a 1 hour difference between your time and Great Britain?

Veritas 05-20-2002 04:16 AM

Yes, continental Europe has + 1 hour difference with GMT.

btw, I haven't done a search yet, but how can you import a picture by your name?

piosenniel 05-20-2002 10:16 AM

Veritas - We also use the 24 hour clock here; but primarily for military time and also in hospital, where I work. Most of the rest of the U.S. uses the a.m./p.m. mode.

I'll send you a private message about how to put a picture under your name.

Please come down to the role-playing section of the forum in the Freestyle RPG room and join the birthday party for this site.

Grendel 05-20-2002 10:29 AM

Gollum is given more lines and more personality than any of the other bad guys in ME. He is interesting because he was on the border line of recovery, despite all the evil he had done. He has a personal history which rouses sympathy and a character so well crafted that he stands out among all the monsters ever created. He is the only bad creature in the LotR with which I empathise and identify.

Legolas 05-20-2002 10:39 AM

Vrain - that's rather odd. Morgoth doesn't appear in Lord of the Rings...he's still hanging out in the Void at the time of the quest. In your topic title, did you mean Middle-earth in general?

Anyway, my favourite evil character is Saruman. Wizards! [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img] [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img] [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img]

piosenniel 05-20-2002 10:42 AM

Hello Grendel - how appropriate that you should be in this thread! Mythic monsters should know best what defines them!!

Oh, and btw - Welcome to the Downs!

& let me extend an invitation to the site's 2nd birthday party now in full mad swing in the role playing section of the forum - the Freestyle RPG Room, to be exact!

Daniel Telcontar 05-20-2002 10:45 AM

Ah, Grendel from the story of Beowulf. But you're right, Piosenniel; Whe should leave this discussion and go to the birthday party. Even Grendel is invited, if he doesn't create to much havoc [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

piosenniel 05-20-2002 11:46 AM

I'm at the party! Where are you? & what do you look like and what festive clothes are you wearing? It's a large crowd, how shall I spy you out?

& Grendel - do come!!

Reyna Evergreen 05-20-2002 11:55 AM

What about the Nuzgul?! Has anyone thought that the nine Nazgul spread havock and fear everywhere they went? So what if they didn't last, they are my favourite evil psycopaths!! Nazgul are definitaly on top of the bestest evil charaters.

I still can't believe no one said anything about the Nazgul!!

Other than them, Morgoth rules.

Don't ask, when I get into the mood, I always fall for the darkest, most evil-looking hunk out there...^.^

onewhitetree 05-20-2002 12:01 PM



Who do you prefer?
The correct form would be "Whom do you prefer? (Hope I don't sound sound snobby or anything, Vráin. I just can't stand errors like that, I guess I'm just a freak)
(Italics by moi.)

The correct form would be, "I just can't stand errors like that; I guess I'm just a freak."

Alas for the lost semicolons! Alas, alas.


[ May 20, 2002: Message edited by: onewhitetree ]

piosenniel 05-20-2002 12:11 PM

Reyna Evergreen

Welcome to the Downs! And as for the Nazgul, please come to the birthday party in the RPG section of the forum - the Nazgul have declared a cease-fire and you can party with them to your dark heart's content!!

Veritas 05-21-2002 01:09 AM

Thank you for the help with my picture, Piosenniel!
It has to be shown when I post my message. So we'll see!

Veritas 05-21-2002 01:13 AM

Why the **** it's not working!?!?!
I'll have to go to school now, so I'll try when I come home. [img]smilies/mad.gif[/img] [img]smilies/mad.gif[/img]

piosenniel 05-21-2002 01:43 AM

Veritas - what sort of picture do you want? do you have the address for one. perhaps i can find one for you.

Niphredil Baggins 05-21-2002 08:31 AM

I can't believe it! Nobody has voted for THE BARROW-WIGHT! I sure will, he was frightening and the Barrow was a place of stale magic -wonderful. Maybe this site has somehow affected my opinion. But the Old Forest is the first section of the book to truly impress me. Old Man Willow is a sure runner-up.

If we go to Silmarillion, I'd say Eöl and Maeglin. I once wrote a fanfic with Maeglin in it.

Veritas 05-21-2002 08:42 AM

The offical LOTR site. By galleries is one of a swan kind of thing, I believe it's that boat of Galadriel. O wathever.
I just done: left klik picture-> properties -> block the URL (adres) -> my profile -> copy to that thingy and update my profile? Maybe the picture was to small/big, I used the thumbnail.
O well, I'll seek further.

Btw who's the Barrow-wight? I read the LOTR in dutch, so the names are different. Is it that gost-thingy who leads Frodo etc. in that tempel? Well that one is scary too.

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