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lindil 01-05-2004 11:20 AM

New Year Resolutions
After trying unsuccessfully to edit a particularly bad post of mine on the Haudh-en-Ndengin to correct my incredibly sloppy spelling and such, I have no choice but to resolve to edit my posts [over a paragraph long I tell myself] on Word before submitting them.

Being one of the worst offenders in this [and almost certainly the worst of all the old-timers here, I am sure some of you will be relieved.

Being one of the worst offenders in this [and almost certainly the worst of all the old-timers here, I am sure some of you will be relieved.

Anyone else have a Downs related 2004 [or from past years]Resolution to share?

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 12:34 PM January 05, 2004: Message edited by: lindil ]

DarkRose 01-05-2004 01:28 PM

Ah, I share the same resolution as you, lindil.

Another of mine is to never again refer to myself as 'the number one' LOTR fan. Simply because it is not true, although I consider myself a big fan. There will always be someone more fanatic and eccentric than me, no matter what. It's reality. Also, it slightly irks me when other people claim the same thing about themselves, so why do something that irks me? [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Another one is to avoid making topics that have already been done. I've been more careful about it lately, but in my first days as a 'Downser, I repeatedly made duplicate topics. =\

Finally, I resolve to try to voice my opinions more sensitively on the Downs, as so not to offend anyone. As we all should. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 2:28 PM January 05, 2004: Message edited by: DarkRose ]

Finwe 01-05-2004 02:34 PM

My New Year's Resolution isn't Downs related, but it definitely is Tolkien-related. I want to finally continue writing the Silmarillion Companion Book that I've been working on, on/off, for the past year and a half. I never really set aside much time to work on it, so I want to start doing that this year.

Carlas 01-05-2004 03:53 PM


Finally, I resolve to try to voice my opinions more sensitively on the Downs, as so not to offend anyone. As we all should.
That sounds like a good one, but I think I've been pretty good at not completely freaking out at anyone when they post something I completely disagree with, considering how many times I've screamed out loud "WHAT?!?" . [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Feanor of the Peredhil 01-05-2004 04:23 PM

My resolution is pretty simple: get a job and make some money while learning important life and money lessons. How it's related to the Downs or LotR? If I have a job, I'll have less time to haunt this forum. If I have extra cash, I can buy even more books and my contributions will be better. My other resolution (much harder I think) is to quit being so nit-picky about details. I'm currently obsessing about Theatrical Legolas's directional sense, and Theatrical Boromir and Faramir's hair color. Also Boromir in general. He stopped a Balrog with a horn!!! Leggy was crying in a corner, Gandalf was upset, and what does Bori do? He faces it down, blows a horn, and it stops short. That's what I call cool.


Orominuialwen 01-05-2004 04:31 PM

Two of my resolutions are LotR-related. I have resolved to read all of HoME this year. I'm still stuck on BoLT (yes I know that's sad, especially considering that I owned a copy of BoLT long before I owned UT, but I have read UT). I was rather annoyed when my mom started laughing when I told her this. My other relevant resolution is to finish my fanfic story because I only have about two paragraphs of it written. It's called The Lost Tale of Queen Berúthiel.

Diamond18 01-05-2004 06:26 PM

I haven't made any New Year's resolutions... because I'm already perfect.


Har. I did change my signature, though. That's something, eh wot?

Tigerlily Gamgee 01-06-2004 11:20 AM

Well, one resolution would be to get back to the more scholarly aspects of Lord of the Rings. I've kinda dwindled into a movie freak for the past year... and my merchandising has gotten out of hand.
I also would like to re-read The Silmarillion... so I'll make that a resolution for 2004.
Also, to start saving money so that I can go to more conventions... particularly one overseas.
I am also planning on making a Dernhelm costume for The Gathering in 2005; so, I'll have to get started on that this year.
And, of course, as for every year... get in shape! Hehe.

lindil 01-06-2004 12:17 PM

Quite the bevy of Tolkien/Downs related resolutions! And here I was concerned about possibly starting a thread for naught .
Orominuialwen, I am with you on the HoM-E task this year, Although it is more on my wish list than an outright resolution. I hope to get through a Volume a Year. And hey, if you get too stuck going from Lost Tales to Peoples [my problem as well] you could always reverse it! I am seriously tempted to do that. But I will try and stick with the primary chronology first.
Happy New Years to all [and since this is the eve of the Old Calendar/Orthodox Christmas/Nativity] Merry Christmas as well!

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 1:47 PM January 06, 2004: Message edited by: lindil ]

Lyta_Underhill 01-06-2004 12:58 PM


Har. I did change my signature, though. That's something, eh wot?
Right on, Diamond! I need to change my signature, but I just can't find anything I want under my posts more than old Huck Finn! I'll find one and it will probably come out of left field and hit me in the side of the head like a nasty flying insect! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

As for resolutions, I am resolving, somewhat like Frodo, to make it to Mount Doom this year. I am only just out of Rivendell, but I have chosen Frodo and Sam's path and I plan to stick with the entire nearly 1800 miles of it...right now, I just want to get to Lothlorien...uh, Moria...uh, Hollin...uh, Wild Country Path, maybe? (I suppose this could be construed as a "get in shape" resolution, couldn't it?)


mark12_30 01-06-2004 01:48 PM


I haven't made any New Year's resolutions... because I'm already perfect.
Of course, Di. [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img]

I wasn't gonna post this. But then, if I post it, y'all can keep me honest. (Geeez, true confessions...) A few of you will recognize how Downs-Related this is... Responsibility: finish the things I start.


"I have something to do before the end, and it lies ahead, not in the Shire. I must see it through, sir, if you understand me." (Sam; Fellowship of the Ring p. 98)

Linaeve 01-06-2004 02:41 PM

One of my many resolutions this year is to delve deeper into the world of Tolkien [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Nilpaurion Felagund 01-06-2004 07:46 PM

Hmmm...I don't know...never had a New Year's resolution since '97.

But 'Downs-related? I try to be better organised. Starting with these icons. - For general purposes. - For my guesses at Quiz room . (I'm raising my hand...I'm raising my hand...) - For any RPG-related posts. - C'mon, everybody knows this! - Whenever I pose a question (Yes, in the Quiz Room again... :rolleyes: ) - For wrong answers.

and finally... - For any post in the Books thread.

And then something about quoting. I've decided at a shorthand form of indicating the source of my quote (from the books, that is...)

Well, that's all I guess. Oh, wait. The Random non-LotR quotes! I can't decide when to stop them, but it might be soon(with an exciting concluding episode on the Quote Graveyard thread)

[ 8:48 PM January 06, 2004: Message edited by: Nilpaurion Felagund ]

Phervasaion 01-07-2004 03:08 PM

One thing ive gotta do is try really hard for my GCSE's this year (God help me).

Ainaserkewen 01-09-2004 10:35 AM

All I know is that I need to eat less mushrooms. Seriously, I porked out all christmas vacation on nothing but bloody mushrooms(and chocolate truffles). I'm starting to get sick of them, and that's bad people, that's bad!

Feanor of the Peredhil 11-27-2004 02:42 PM

Having successfully made it through Thanksgiving, it is officially the American Holiday Season. I predict [more] holiday commercials, [more] random Christmas songs, [more] humbugs floating around my house... My point, however, is that we have now entered the end-of-the-year bustle of cookies, forced family visits, gift giving, and the making of resolutions you do not intend to keep.

In the next year, I intend to follow through with requests, outright commands, and general wishes of my fellow Barrowdowners. Per request of the phantom, I plan to read Morgoth's Ring. After dancing about with Aman, I will try to make time for Shire RPGs. Pertaining to my most recent chat with Bethberry and Encai, I will continue my newly begun posting in The White Horse Inn. I will also appreciate Spock and Kirk more, starting by watching The Wrath of Khan.

What of you all, my friends? Have you begun to make resolutions? Will you keep them? For last years posters: were you able to keep any of your promises? I resolved to get a job... I had a summer job. I also resolved to buy more of the books... That I didn't do so well on, but I did receive a Complete Guide to Middle Earth from an old teacher, so there is a point to add to my tally. If only the rest of my un-Tolkienite resolutions went so well...


Meela 11-27-2004 03:41 PM

I don't generally make resolutions, because I don't generally keep them. I've made a sort-of-promise, which I can carry through to next year: to watch the movies more (or at all at the moment), and to re-read the books thoroughly, and to begin studying them in more depth.

Downs related: I've never been clever, so I'm going to try and improve that. I want to join in with more discussions, make some realistic contributions to the forum, and generally improve my fame, fortune, likeability, and all the rest.

mark12_30 11-27-2004 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by mark12_30
I wasn't gonna post this. But then, if I post it, y'all can keep me honest. (Geeez, true confessions...) A few of you will recognize how Downs-Related this is... Responsibility: finish the things I start.


Originally Posted by Sam
"I have something to do before the end, and it lies ahead, not in the Shire. I must see it through, sir, if you understand me." (Fellowship of the Ring p. 98)

Gee, I didn't do too badly in 2004.... Still going to work on it for 2005, though.

Encaitare 11-27-2004 10:32 PM

I don't really make New Year's Resolutions since I never seem to keep them, but I suppose I'll try a few.

1. I will continue my way through HoME, who knows, maybe I'll finish Lost Tales 2 ere the end of this year.

2. I will try to post more on the CbC thread, since doing so is fun and teaches me a lot, but it's so time consuming.

3. Maybe I'll join Fea in one of the Inns, or somewhere in the Shire. (Hah... then I will never finish HoME!)

4. I'd like to start a thread analyzing the movie scores; I tried it on the IMDb forums and it failed miserably, but I know we've got some people here who know quite a lot about music and such, and we could probably have some really good discussion on it. So perchance I shall do so. Nay, I shall. And if I don't, anyone who wants is allowed to pester me until I do. :p


I will also appreciate Spock and Kirk more.
You'd better. ;) And see the Wrath of Khan! :D

Eomer of the Rohirrim 11-28-2004 12:21 PM

Well, if I can think of a way to improve on my(admittedly already fabulous)self, I would do it straight away and not wait for a particular date on the calendar. :p

But I could possibly learn how to link to other threads. That would probably lessen the fury directed toward me....

Encaitare 11-28-2004 01:12 PM

You use the hyperlink tool (the button with the little globe on it) and the URL of the thread you want to link to.

Firefoot 11-28-2004 01:34 PM

I going to try to read The Letters of JRRT and continue my way through HoME - I rather stopped after the 4th...

Well, if I can think of a way to improve on my(admittedly already fabulous)self, I would do it straight away and not wait for a particular date on the calendar.
Maybe Eomer should try to learn humility... ;) :p

(Sorry, couldn't resist ;) .)

Lindolirian 11-28-2004 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Encaitare
You use the hyperlink tool (the button with the little globe on it) and the URL of the thread you want to link to.

Yes, but if you use the WYSIWYG editor (which is very nice otherwise), it doesn't give you a prompt for text, only the URL. So I just switch back to standard editor for the few times I hyperlink.
*EDIT: Check out the much more computer savvy Feanor below... Thanks Fea!

Erm... back on topic... I plan to re-read starting with the Hobbit, thru LotR, the Sil, UT, and HoME. Also the Letters and TA Shippey's Author of the Century. And Beowulf. If I get those last three for Christmas, that is. ;) Of course this is mostly to keep myself entertained after my (leg) surgery and I'm laying around with nothing to do, but I know I'll enjoy it.:)

Feanor of the Peredhil 11-28-2004 05:24 PM


it doesn't give you a prompt for text, only the URL.
You can still do it. What you do instead is type in whatever you want for a word to use as a link, say for instance "Click Me" and you highlight it. After it is highlighted, click the hyperlink thingamajig, and paste in your URL. Click "OK" and it'll turn your highlighted section into the hyperlink.


Of course this is mostly to keep myself entertained after my surgery and I'm laying around with nothing to do, but I know I'll enjoy it.:)
Good luck with the surgery. I hope everything is okay.


the phantom 11-28-2004 07:02 PM


Maybe Eomer should try to learn humility...
Yes, or you could just learn to accept that there are nearly perfect people. I'm willing to have a little faith in Eomer's claim. After all, it is said that everyone has a twin somewhere in the world, which would mean, if it were applied to me, that there's another nearly perfect person somewhere out there- and how do you know that Eomer isn't my twin?

Here's my resolution- try to keep up with The Downs during the next three weeks (projects and tests, a billion of them).

Eomer of the Rohirrim 11-30-2004 07:38 AM

An intriguing (and somewhat worrying) theory. :D (Well, worrying for the rest of you.)

And thanks for the link tips. Let's see if they are ever incorporated into my work.

Lush 12-01-2004 12:58 AM

New Year's Resolution:

Stop flying into a homicidal rage each time someone insults Liv Tyler.

Eomer of the Rohirrim 12-01-2004 01:47 PM

Are you implying Lush, that for every time someone has insulted Lovely Liv, you have flown into a homicidal rage? There's not enough time.... :rolleyes: (poor Liv)

I will certainly not refrain from shaking my head and rolling my eyes every time I hear someone call Denethor a pantomime villain. No matter how it may relax my associates.

Maeggaladiel 12-02-2004 12:25 PM

1) I will write enough (meaningful) posts to gain a personal title.

2) I will stop saying nasty words every time my computer decides it doesn't want to work while I'm trying to post.

3) I will try to post somewhere other than Middle Earth Mirth. *looks around* Hey! One down, two to go!

4) I will change my signature. Eventually. Once I come up with something good.

Other than that, how could one possibly perfect the Magnificent Maeggaladiel any more? (Other than decrease the size of her massive ego, that is.) On second thought, don't answer that.

Elennar Starfire 12-02-2004 08:59 PM

1- Give rep points to all those posts that set me into fits of laugher (I tend to be lazy about that)

2- Post in Books occasionally

3- Finish homework sooner so as to have more time to post

burrahobbit 12-04-2004 12:07 AM

I resolve not to make a resolution and then hurt myself so bad that I can't ever do what I resolve to do. Last year I resolved to learn to walk on my hands, then I hurt my arm and now I can't really hold anything really heavy with it or it starts to hurt again.

Imladris 12-04-2004 10:19 PM

Resolved: to make use of pronouns.

Regin Hardhammer 12-05-2004 01:02 AM

My resolutions....

1. To fill in my RPG saves before they start molding over.

2. To begin crafting another RPG proposal, one where I actually get to play a character who "wins" instead of losing....

3. To slog my way through Silm without falling asleep (where, oh where, are those Hobbits when I need them?)

4. To persuade my family to buy a new computer because this one keeps freezing and dumping me.

5. To finish my posts before 1am in the morning!

- Regin

Mithalwen 01-01-2005 01:18 PM

To be more like Heren Istarion ;) :D

Child of the 7th Age 01-04-2006 03:29 AM

I absolutely had to revive this thread!

If you are anything like me, you spend most of January making feverish promises about the things you plan to do in the coming months. I will not disclose exactly how many of these promises I actually manage to carry out. ;) However, I suppose that setting down goals, even very strange ones, is not a bad thing to do.

Here is my laundry list of good intentions for the coming year:
  • I will absolutely make a point to post in the new Hobbit discussion. Part of the Legendarium or not, the Hobbit is one of my favorites and I hope to do a better job than with my participation in the LotR chapter by chapter.
  • To finally draft a "serious" game proposal on the "healing" of Mordor in the early years of the Fourth Age and see if I can interest any others to join in.
  • To try and answer my pms more promptly.... I have been really bad about this in recent weeks.
  • One way, by hook or by crook, I am intend to reread the LotR with my new annotated reader's companion (Hammond & Scull) at my side to see if if there are any gems of wisdom hidden in those 900 pages of small print.
  • I swear to give out more reps for thoughtful posts, espcially those I discover in RPGs, since I feel these are often overlooked.
  • If I can ever get my act together, I promise to participate in oneWerewolf game to see what the hoopla is all about! (I can't believe I said this... :rolleyes: )

To all on the Downs.....may 2006 prove to be a good year for all of us! And a tip of the hat to B-W, and all the other mods/admins who put in so much time here and make this such a delightful place.

Does anyone else have any New Year's resolutions concerning the Downs that they have made this year?

Estelyn Telcontar 01-04-2006 07:25 AM

I have a few Downs-related resolutions for the coming year, though I didn't actually make them now. Here they are:
  • Finishing 'The Reunification of the Entish Bow' RPG! (It started two and a half years ago, which makes it the longest running RPG on the site, as far as I know, and it's time to close it.)
  • Chapter-by-Chapter discussion of 'The Hobbit' (Actually needs no resolution, as I enjoy the CbC discussions!)
  • Not taking part in another Werewolf game! (My one experience taught me that it is exciting but all-absorbing, taking up time and energy that I need for other projects.)

Oh, and I hope to continue my fan fiction on a more regular basis, though I won't make any guarantees...

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