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Dark-Caranthir 02-05-2003 01:51 PM

101 reasons why Samwise Gamgee is evil!
The title is self-explanatory,

1) He spied on Frodo and Gandalf talking

2) He spied on the Council of Elrond

3)He was mistrustful of Aragorn

4)If I remember correctly he spied on Frodo looking into Galadriels mirror (Maybe)

5)Overall he did more spying than Gollum

6)When Frodo was bitten by Shelob, Sam took the Ring into Mordor, to destroy it Ithink not!

7)When Frodo was held captive Sam seemingly got past the Watchers and infiltrated the tower on his own recieving no trouble from Orcs, coincedence? I think not!

8)Sam got his hands on some Orc-gear pretty easily, Hob-nobbing with Orcs, eh!

C'mon there must be some more reasons out there...

eleanor_niphredil 02-05-2003 01:53 PM

First santa, now Sam! My whole world is falling apart! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Hirilaelin 02-05-2003 01:57 PM

lol! This is really funny! I'll try to think of some, and when I do, I'll post them. Might be a while though...



Rumil 02-05-2003 01:58 PM

- He wanted to kill Gollum, obviously the hero of the story since he destryed the ring!

- He put a contract out for the slaying of two rabbits, sundry potatos and an unknown number of herbs

eleanor_niphredil 02-05-2003 01:58 PM

Dont forget his spying on Boromir!

Hirilaelin 02-05-2003 02:02 PM

Hmm... He was a conspiritor in the book, and spyed on Frodo to report back to Fatty, Merry and Pippin!

That good?



[ February 05, 2003: Message edited by: Hirilaelin ]

purplefluffychainsaw 02-05-2003 02:28 PM

LEAVE SAM ALONE!!! He is one of the ultimate heroes in the book!!!! They've just killed his charecter in the film. (Not unlike they killed Faramirs chaarecter) He dosn't spy on Frodo when he's looking in the mirror, he's invited. And he took the ring and shrugged off it's evils. Leave him alone! [img]smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Horse-Maiden of the Shire 02-05-2003 04:56 PM

*gasp* SAM?!?!?!? Sam could NEVER be evil!!! How could you say such a thing....*sniff* vision of Sam is ripping at the seams...LOL but seriously how did you come to the idea that he is evil?

Gorwingel 02-06-2003 12:35 AM

They just wanted to make fun of poor Sam and get all the Sam lovers mad. Though I just have to say...
He is not evil, Samwise Gamgee is the best charater in the book, don't make fun of him! It's not nice!
(though you are all kind of correct, he did spy a lot)

[ February 06, 2003: Message edited by: Gorwingel ]

Pookabunny 02-06-2003 02:45 AM

Ah, it saddens me to make fun of Sam, but it also is a challenge.... so here are my reasons why I (not seriously) think Sam is evil:

- He's a farmer, and anyone who has seen Seven Samurai KNOWS that farmers are BAD!
- He stole Frodo's gear when he thought Frodo was dead
- He pretended to be an Orc, and orc=bad
- He calls Rabbit conies and conie sounds like cronie and cronie means crook so he likes to eat ... crooks? [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]

Inderjit Sanghera 02-06-2003 03:01 AM

He's ridicuolosy revering of Frodo. Bordering on hom....Wait, let's not go THERE.

[ February 06, 2003: Message edited by: Inderjit Sanghera ]

Balin999 02-07-2003 12:39 PM

He's generating lists at the Barrow Downs when he shouldn't.

Eruwen 02-07-2003 12:46 PM

Lol. Yes, as I do agree with all of the Sam-lovers out there, this is only fun. Ya know, Middle Earth Mayhem!

Although, I do have to agree with Balin. There are way too many of these "list" topics in this section. But for the point of this reply, I will post one.

---Has anyone mentioned how he knowingly tried to kill anyone who came near Frodo? I mean, come on! Obsession is one thing...but I think Sam took his "bodyguard" image a little too {Sorry, typo.} [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Rose Cotton 02-07-2003 02:46 PM

Saying Sam is evil is like saying Gandalf is evil.

maikafanawen 02-07-2003 04:21 PM

But the fat hobbit knowss, he iss alwayss watching.

Then we poke out hiss eyesses. Make him crawl!

Yess, yess. Ssam iss evil becausse he hatess uss.

We wantss the ring ...

... but he knowss ...

It iss mine! My own!! My ... preciousss ...

beth 02-07-2003 05:18 PM

*hyperventalates* SAM IS EVIL?!?!?! [img]smilies/confused.gif[/img] I never would have guessed. This is so awful. *cries* No! No! NOT my Sam!! [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]

hehehehe...funny. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

eleanor_niphredil 02-08-2003 06:12 AM

speaking of Gandalf..... [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]

Oddwen 02-20-2003 06:13 AM

Yeah, "ninnyhammers" is probably an evil code word...and did anyone actually SEE the Gaffer after Sam went back and "had words" with him until the scouring? Hmm? He probably conspired with Lotho and Saruman to take over the Shire. Do you remember how he tried to kill Wormtongue? "He wasn't part of the deal, Sharkey! It was you and me all the way!"

eleanor_niphredil 02-20-2003 06:26 AM

It all explains why he was so eager to go to Mordor. Perhaps, perhaps e was leadinf Frodo to the dark lord! [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

I'll have nightmares for a week!

[img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] <---------the real Sam

[ February 20, 2003: Message edited by: eleanor_niphredil ]

Duncariel 02-20-2003 09:31 AM

Gandalf is the source of the evil in the fellowship? Why do you suppose Frodo took the ring, hmmmmm? Because he wanted to? DUH! Gandalf and Elrond forced him to go. During the healing process, he was brainwashed into thinking he was the only one who could take the ring. That's where Sam comes in. He continually spies on Frodo to make sure the "healing" of poor Mr. Frodo's hurts was complete. I love conspiracy theories [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]

Horse-Maiden of the Shire 02-20-2003 09:42 AM

[img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] Everyone's in on it except Frodo!! See, Aragorn always protects him because he wants to make sure he gets into Mordor so he can die far, far away. That's why he didn't follow Frodo and Sam at Amon Hen!! See? See?
And Merry and Pippin created diversions so that Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli would have an excuse for not following Frodo. Bwahahahahahaa!

Manwe Sulimo 02-20-2003 12:06 PM

Sam is evil because he never plays it again.

("We'll always have Cirith Ungol!")

Horse-Maiden of the Shire 02-20-2003 06:39 PM


Lady Alasse 02-20-2003 08:02 PM

-Sam is evil because he broke a carrot. A poor defensless carrot.

-Sam is evil because... uh... he smokes. Yeah... because he smokes weed. Just like Gandalf and Bilbo and all those people...


Olorin_TLA 11-09-2003 04:58 AM

-He made Gollum snap, as he was on the verge of not giving Frodo and Sam to Shelob! SAM'S the assasin!

-He threatens his fellow Hobbits with violence ("If I hear 'not allowed' much oftener I'm going ot get angry.")

-He picks on Gollum because of his looks - after all, he hardly calls Frodo "Obssesed" and "Dispossed", does he?

-WORST OF ALL, on return to the Shire, he does something heinious, worse than an Rok could do. All high on adrenalin from battle and having had no sex for at least a year (probabyl forever) (although he MAY have molested Frodo in Frodo's swoons...more evil!!!) he goes to the first house he can find, steals a woman not mentioned before int he Books and forces her to marry him! And then rapes her - 13 times! (at least - they had 13 kids!) Watch out Sam, Elrohir and Elladan are on your trail!!!

Lyta_Underhill 11-09-2003 11:55 AM


-Sam is evil because he broke a carrot. A poor defensless carrot.
I thought Merry broke the carrot! ("Oh, I think I've broken something..." out comes the broken carrot!)


he goes to the first house he can find, steals a woman not mentioned before int he Books and forces her to marry him!
Except there is the fact that the woman says she has been waiting for him for a long time! (Methinks Sam and Rosie are in it together!) [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]


Sam is evil because he never plays it again.
("We'll always have Cirith Ungol!")
BWAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! about Peter Lorre as Frodo? And Conrad Veidt as Elrond? Bogart as Aragorn, Bergman as Arwen, oh, the analogy falls down! Play it again, Samwise!


Lily Bombadil 11-09-2003 02:44 PM

Y'all are MEAN!!!!!!!! *sobs* MEAN, MEAN, MEAN!!!!!!!!

Sam's NOT evil!! He was just trying to help! Now GOLLUM is evil (mostly)!

Lily Bombadil 11-09-2003 02:49 PM

"rape"? I think not! There's a simple explaination for that:
The Sam's just sexy, man!

Luthien_ Tinuviel 11-09-2003 03:35 PM


He's generating lists at the Barrow Downs when he shouldn't.


Saying Sam is evil is like saying Gandalf is evil.
You couldn't have said it better, Rose.


Horse-Maiden, you've done if before, and you've done it again. You took the word right out of my mouth.


Y'all are MEAN!!!!!!!! *sobs* MEAN, MEAN, MEAN!!!!!!!!
Sam's NOT evil!! He was just trying to help! Now GOLLUM is evil (mostly)!

The Sam's just sexy, man!

Now I agree with all of the Sam-lovers here, as is quite apparent. I think you all are taking this making fun of Sam to the "next level", a place where, in my opinion, it should never go. Now, I realize that ME Mirth is for threads that are crazy, odd, or maybe even poke fun at the characters, but please, do so respectfully. There is such a thing as going too far. I have nothing against placing the characters in funny situations or laughing about something they did, but when you totally change the character and turn them into something they are not, such as certain comments made about Sam wanting to kill Frodo, or doing things to Frodo and Rosie, then I think that is rather disrespecful even to the fun side of LOTR.

Everdawn 11-11-2003 03:20 AM


He's ridicuolosy revering of Frodo. Bordering on hom....Wait, let's not go THERE.
That's what i was about to say. A little too revering if you ask me... With all this "Mr Frodo!" you cant say there's nothing suss. (As much as i do love sam...)


Saying Sam is evil is like saying Gandalf is evil.

You couldn't have said it better, Rose.

But on the other hand, im serious, i am quite scared of Sam... [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Miriel Undomiel 11-11-2003 01:27 PM

I think Sam is quite evil (not seriously, though...)
What did the orcs ever do to him? If thy were supposed to be on the same side, why does he run around banging the orcs with his pots?

He did spy a lot....
And he did go a bit far on the 'dont you leave him, Samwise Gamgee'-thing. I'm sure Gandy didnt mean starting an affair with Frodo was necessary....

Lily Bombadil 11-11-2003 02:03 PM

If I were ever to say that Sam is evil, I would do so from Gollum/Sméagol's point of view. Maybe Sam did some things that seemed "dodgey" to the rest of us, but he was a very good, true-hearted person, which is probably why Gollum thought him evil.

arianrod 11-12-2003 05:14 PM


I have nothing against placing the characters in funny situations or laughing about something they did, but when you totally change the character and turn them into something they are not, such as certain comments made about Sam wanting to kill Frodo, or doing things to Frodo and Rosie, then I think that is rather disrespecful even to the fun side of LOTR.
I agree, Luthien. I think this 'discussion' is crossing the line, regardless of the lighthearted nature of Middle Earth Mirth. Basically, saying these things about such a wonderful character just isn't funny.

Kates Frodo Temp 11-13-2003 02:55 PM


Since this thread is so obviously meant just to annoy Sam lovers, all I can say is that it's doing a great job. All you people who have taken this thread seriously, get a life!

Lyta_Underhill 11-13-2003 03:04 PM

Just think! If Sam had claimed the Ring as he considered, we'd all be serving the Potato Patch Lord of Middle Earth! BWHAHAHAHAAAA!!! Bow down before my day-lilies, you tiny mortals! [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] None who criticise my creeping phlox shall see the light of day again! BWAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!

How's that for Mirth? I must admit that some inspiration for this post arose from Oddwen's "Garden Plot" thread... [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]


Luthien_ Tinuviel 11-15-2003 05:43 PM


Just think! If Sam had claimed the Ring as he considered, we'd all be serving the Potato Patch Lord of Middle Earth! BWHAHAHAHAAAA!!! Bow down before my day-lilies, you tiny mortals! None who criticise my creeping phlox shall see the light of day again! BWAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!
I must say, Lyta, yours is a post that is amusing, light-hearted, and respectful to the spirit of the character and LOTR. I think this is the kind of thing that everyone would appreciate seeing more of.

Arathiriel 11-16-2003 10:59 AM

I know this is all in fun but MY SAM IS NOT EVIL!!!!

And someone please explain to me HOW they ruined his character in the movies? I thought Sam was portrayed true to his character in the movies and might I add that Sean Astin does a FANTASTIC JOB of portraying him too!!!

Yes, LEAVE my Sam alone!!!

[ November 16, 2003: Message edited by: Arathiriel ]

Lyta_Underhill 11-16-2003 12:06 PM


Yes, LEAVE my Sam alone!!!
I wonder if there would be a contingent of people saying this for any of the characters in LOTR, or if Sam is especially beloved in this way. He does seem to have a lot of defenders! I, personally, love Sam! He was my first favorite character when I came to the books years ago. But, I figure, if they'll let people wholeheartedly lampoon poor Frodo in the "Frodo the Nazgul" thread, then Sam is fair game! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

I appreciate your comments, Luthien about the spirit of the fun, and do take them to heart! And Arathiriel, methinks Sean Astin's Sam was one of the truest portrayals in the film! But that doesn't stop me from stalking about the house thinking of silly things like Sam the scheming gardener, because that's what he was! The chief conspirator! Step forward Samwise, you rascal! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]


Eowyn_Wildfire 11-16-2003 05:08 PM

in my opinion sam in not evil just his charecter is done badly in the movies!

anyhoo, I wonder how long it will be befor this topic is closed for being off topic ahhh nevermind!
got back from ROTK forget what I said about Sam his preformance was so good!

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 2:26 PM December 22, 2003: Message edited by: Eowyn_Wildfire ]

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