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Maikadurwen 07-06-2003 08:05 AM

anti- lotr people
a couple of days ago i was at the movies and this girl comes up to me (i have the one ring on a chain on my neck)stares at the ring mumbles somthing that sounded like freak under her breath. ever had somthing of that sort happen to you? [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Meela 07-06-2003 08:10 AM

Not mumbly, more outright "you freak!!!". Especially if I've been wearing a Lotr-style costume at the time. Which is more just funny stares, really.

ElenCala Isil 07-06-2003 09:11 AM

yeah yeah, I have had the exact same thing happen to me with my ring... but it's fun to shout out what it says in the black speech at them when they look at you funny!

Horse-Maiden of the Shire 07-06-2003 10:54 AM

Oh yeah. When you skip down a busy street in downtown Edmonton singing the Drinking Song, you tend to get a few odd looks... [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Lëowen 07-06-2003 11:09 AM

Whenever anyone calls me a 'freak' or something because of my liking LotR, I just insult them in Elvish and they leave me alone. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Maikadurwen 07-06-2003 11:24 AM

well i saw the girl today and i told her that she was a small minded human in elvish. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img] [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]

Elennar Starfire 07-06-2003 11:25 AM


Oh yeah. When you skip down a busy street in downtown Edmonton singing the Drinking Song, you tend to get a few odd looks...
I did that in a grocery store once, and got weird looks. I like getting weird looks. Another thing that's fun to do is to do your hair like an elf, and when people call you a weirdo, say "There is a foul foice on the air!" [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Orofaniel 07-06-2003 11:28 AM

When I talk about LOTR and Tolkien stuff, I often get funny looks. But I don't really care because they don't know what their missing, and that is what I'm telling them.(yeah right! I will not lie.........Okey, sometimes I tell them to shut up. Other times I just keep on talking and they get really annoyed.)


Orofâniel [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]


I did that in a grocery store once, and got weird looks. I like getting weird looks. Another thing that's fun to do is to do your hair like an elf, and when people call you a weirdo, say "There is a foul foice on the air!"
LOL, Love it!! I'll do that sometime... [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

[ July 06, 2003: Message edited by: Orofaniel ]

dancing spawn of ungoliant 07-06-2003 12:43 PM

i like keeping my hair in the same way as the elves does...therefore one boy keeps calling me legolas. actually i don't take that as insult(though i'm a girl) [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
he's interested in lotr(or m-e) and roleplaying but two of my best friends don't understand the enchantment of lotr.i feel sorry for them [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]

ElenCala Isil 07-06-2003 01:50 PM

oooh I sung the drinking song with one of my friends at this shop....plaza....thing! heh.. yelling "Mellon" at a door gets strange looks too though..

Lady_Galadriel 07-06-2003 06:14 PM

my boyfriend thinks LOTR is stupid, how wrong he is, and whenever I am wearing my one ring he won't come near me. Yesterday I insulted him in elvish, and now he thinks I'm nuts too... Maybe I am! [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Neferchoirwen 07-06-2003 08:19 PM

I was carrying the Deluxe DVD all around school when I forst got it. Apparently, the huge thing was in a box that could carry about 4 or 5 Lotr box sets. My political science professor asked me what was in the thing, and when I let her take a peep, there was the green box, with the book ends, and the green dvd case.

She thought I was crazy.

[ July 06, 2003: Message edited by: Neferchoirwen ]

Morai 07-06-2003 08:30 PM


Not mumbly, more outright "you freak!!!".
Something similar happened to me, I was sitting in Language Arts, and this one idiot said something like "It's so stupid when those freaks wear those rings."
At the time I gave him a huge death glare. (If looks could kill, he'd die 30 times)
But now I'm over it, in fact, I laugh at his stupidity.

I did that in a grocery store once, and got weird looks. I like getting weird looks. Another thing that's fun to do is to do your hair like an elf, and when people call you a weirdo, say "There is a foul foice on the air!"
Man, I have to try that! Now all I need is a straight jacket and a padded room! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Neferchoirwen 07-07-2003 01:16 AM

Looking back at my last post, I ralize that I coudln't blame my professor...I was carrying the darn thing around the university!

Later that same day, I had to meet my mom at the mall, and so I had to carry the box inside. All malls in Manila have routine security checks and so the security guard at the mall looked surprised to see someone come inside with a huge box (wide as my lap, can cover a half pregnant stomach, if I were pregnant).

Everdawn 07-07-2003 01:19 AM

The worst ive ever had is my best friend Todd say to me, "You are not an elf, so stop acting like one."

To that i replied, "well, lets just see you go to the undying lands then..."

But this whole tolerance thing is something i love to rant about, isnt it. So i wont start myself.

Mariska Greenleaf 07-07-2003 02:16 AM

my god, everybody I know thinks I'm crazy!
There is no one among my friends or family or collegues, that understand me. They call me a freak.
I don't really care, but it would be nice to have someone around that feels the same way about lotr.
Therefor, I'm really happy to have this forum [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Maylin 07-07-2003 10:17 AM

people thought i was crazy long before i read Lotr [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

purplefluffychainsaw 07-08-2003 06:52 AM

Yeah, people have just re-padded my cell ince I found Tolkien. Hmmm... there was something I was going to say... **Thinks** Argh! Pain! Hmmm... Oh yeah! I get called a freak for carrying my "pocket sized LotR" round in my pocket of my jeans... It does fit... just! Sow henever it's none school uni, out comes the jeans and the precious and I can take it with me all day! That gets me a few strange stares. Hmmm... What else... Grr... Mind's gone blank...

Aredhel Idril Telcontar 07-08-2003 10:09 AM

Everyone in my class think LotR is stupid. Horrible, isn't it? Once, when I told this friend of mine there's a language called Sindarin and Quenya she just laughed at me and said I'm lying. Eru, was I angry! [img]smilies/mad.gif[/img]
Whenever people say something nasty at me I just swear at them in Elvish.

There's a guy who thinks I think I'm Aredhel reborn.

Well, I always thought I was special. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]


Morai 07-08-2003 10:36 AM


Yeah, people have just re-padded my cell ince I found Tolkien.
Would have been the same for me, but I had just started showing my insanity to the outside world right around when I started reading LOTR. (Though, I do think Tolkien is partly responible. THANK YOU J.R.R. TOLKIEN)


. Hmmm... What else... Grr... Mind's gone blank...
Was that the Evil Rubber Duckies? [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

the phantom 07-08-2003 11:45 AM

Most of my friends view my obsession as only slightly odd, mainly because they all have things that they're obsessed with.

When someone mentions LOTR around me, I talk non stop until someone shuts me up or somehow gets me off the subject. Surprisingly, many members of the opposite sex have told me they enjoy hearing me talk about Tolkien's literature, because they love to see such extreme passion and obsession from a guy about something other than his car (and it gives them hope that if a guy can be so passionate and obsessive about a book, perhaps he could be that way about a girl).

Everdawn 07-09-2003 05:32 AM


many members of the opposite sex have told me they enjoy hearing me talk about Tolkien's literature, because they love to see such extreme passion and obsession from a guy about something other than his car (and it gives them hope that if a guy can be so passionate and obsessive about a book, perhaps he could be that way about a girl).
Well i can agree with what they are saying!!! None of the guys are interested in stories! of ANY kind! its all Rugby this or V8's that, or Sorry Eve, footie is on this arvo so i cant take you out today! AHHH! it dirves me MAD!... Ok now ive had my rant, i will resume my placid nature. In summary; It is great when guys show intrest in Tolkien.

Orofaniel 07-09-2003 05:51 AM


It is great when guys show intrest in Tolkien
I agree, I also think it's cool when they show interest for other books too. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

[ July 09, 2003: Message edited by: Orofaniel ]

TealDude4 07-09-2003 05:30 PM

I usually draw a line around LotR and whatever shread of a social life I have, not because I'm a closet-geek and ashamed of it. Its just how it goes with me.

But sometimes my geekiness come out and it wont stop until it causes alot of damage.

One time at school, my friend mentioned LotR just to get me started, and they started asking me loads of LotR questions. Up to this day, I haven't missed a single one. Okay, a few times I was fooled by a few trick questions, but I was on a roll. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]


many members of the opposite sex have told me they enjoy hearing me talk about Tolkien's literature, because they love to see such extreme passion and obsession from a guy about something other than his car (and it gives them hope that if a guy can be so passionate and obsessive about a book, perhaps he could be that way about a girl).
I'll admit, a lot of guys will tell you that the "guy talk" thing is a stereotype, but it isn't. If I found a girl that liked LotR I would be interested in her, but every girl in my school hates LotR.

Ask any girl in school something about LotR, and they will say, "I don't know, but Legolas is sssooooooooo hot!" IT'S NOT RIGHT, I TELL YOU!!!! [img]smilies/mad.gif[/img] [img]smilies/mad.gif[/img] [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

But, being a Tolkien-ubergeek has more positives than negatives, so its okay with me when people call me a freak, but I just laugh at it and forget about it.

You know what. We need a t-shirt just for us that says, "My name is [name here]. I'm a Lord of the Rings-Freak, and I'm proud of it."

Silmiel of Imladris 07-09-2003 10:06 PM

I guess I am lucky then. Everyone I hang out with loves LOTR. I never get any weird looks from people when we constantly talk about it. Though one of the times I saw TTT there were two girls there dressed as elves both wearing very pretty cloaks. If I would have been next to them in line then I would complemented them on their costumes. But unfortunatly I heard one smart a$$ girl say, "Hee hee, Oh my god look! They are wearing capes. What dorks!!! Hee hee!!" First of all they are just major fanatics not dorks and second the word is cloaks not capes. Collo get it! Capes are what Superman and Batman wear duh! Dear Eru, mortals are stupid.

Gorwingel 07-10-2003 01:13 AM

The only time that I ever got kind of made fun of about my love of LOTR and the works of Tolkien was when I was wearing my pin of Lorien, and some stupid jocks came over and said "Oh, that is from Lord of the Rings, are you some fan or something like that?", and me being the sort of shy person I am said "yeah". But it was okay.

I have not had much trouble with anti-lotr people because I have ran into so many people who saw my pin and were like "that is from LOTR, that is so cool, where did you get it? I should get one". There is an amazing number of people at my school who are closet geeks.

ElenCala Isil 07-10-2003 10:37 AM


Everyone in my class think LotR is stupid. Horrible, isn't it?
Ugh, I know exactly how that is... I can't have a decent conversation on anything important with anyone! It's always about the automatic change machines at McDonalds or stuff like...SHOES! [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] Don't they know shoes are e-vile? So I can't discuss the important issues such as balrog wings and so on. But at least I can go around cursing people in Quenya... [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] I don't mind strange looks, it's tons of fun, and I've always been brandished as a bit "weird" fun fun ^^

Annalaliath 07-10-2003 11:41 AM

Try living with my step dad. He is not anti LOTR but he is anti LOTR obsessive.

And yes at Hastings a few weeks ago these kids were making fun of the LOTR elves, so I looked at them and told them in Elvish that they were troll daughter, of course they were boys. I walked away laughing. I get those kind of things flung at me all the time but not just because of LOTR.

But it is still funny when two LOTR fanatics at the LLHS prom come out screaming Frodo lives all the way to the parking complex. My date was really embarrassed, But I continued with the do the wave thing and frodo lives all the way out of the complex( I was driving) on then onto Martin Luther King Drive. I think that given the circumstances Noah could have killed me. My friend Tim was red to the ears because of me and his date. that was fun.

But still when me and an old friend at the HP midnight release party started "an Elvish fight"( as another called it) people stared.

Oh and I can't forget the time I lost my floppy with all my school work on it. My antiLOTR friend was there and I started to do the whole " where is it my precious," routine. After a few " Thief Bagins," it was apparent that i had scared her. You see I had named it My Precious, and so it was called for. But then freaking the whole library out is another thing. My newest discs are called Lord of the Floppies...and Annalaliath, but in elf runes. I dare say that I can get those back from the Techs any time I loose them. Anna has my animations on it.......

[ July 10, 2003: Message edited by: Annalaliath ]

Olorin 07-10-2003 05:40 PM

Nothing like that haas ever happened to me, but that's really disgusting that some one would say that to you. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]

Mithril 07-10-2003 07:14 PM

I don't get called a freak or anything, except by a just a few people, who I then proceed to ignore. But everyone at my school looks at my book (I have the one volume edition) and asks how I can possibly read such a long book. No one at my school would even think of reading a book they weren't assigned to read, most of them don't even read the assigned books. So my problem is people who don't read at all

Maylin 07-10-2003 08:42 PM

Hmm, people thought i was weird long before i read LOTR. BUt some people at school claim they hate it, and they havent even read it. One boy ( who has never read Tolkien) even said Robert Jorden was a better writer [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] that idea is just scary beyond reason

Everdawn 07-10-2003 11:46 PM


Capes are what Superman and Batman wear duh! Dear Eru, mortals are stupid.
Woah! dont play on Batman, man! Batman is my hero! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] No seriously, all my friends and i did was follow Batman around at Movie World.. well half of the day anyway.

Yeah, Meela, of course people dont like lotr, most of my friends arent totally wrapped in it, but do i care.. nah. But thats what makes people unique, their ability to choose.

Now that ive read what i just wrote, i sound like some sort of strange person telling a moral of a story. Which scares me a great deal! so i will once again shut up.

Roccotari Eldandil 07-19-2003 07:59 PM

My friends/people at my school are mixed in their opinions. Some of them like it (a lot), some of them are neutral, and some hate it. Although even the ppl who like LotR fairly well gave me some weird looks when I was carrying Silm and Lost Tales around. "What's this?" "Oh, it's the history of Middle-earth! It's pretty awesome." [insert rolled eyes and "Holy COW you're obsessed!!!" here.] It's pretty nice though, one of my friends hasn't even finished reading the trilogy yet but is learning Quenya with me and has a map of Beleriand in her room.

elfearz1 07-19-2003 10:26 PM

I know how you feel. No one at my school likes lotr and my friends all think I'm a freak, but they love me for it! Most people are ok with it though, even when I run around with the ring on yelling "I'm invisible!" That's just the way my school is you could do whatever you want and no one will care as long as your not being fake and you are being you, so it's good. There are a few people who are actively against lotr. Like this one girl was all "I hate Lotr" and I replied "Lotrs hates you too!" kinda lame [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] oh well.


it would be nice to have someone around that feels the same way about lotr.
Therefor, I'm really happy to have this forum
Same here! I love you guys!

[ July 20, 2003: Message edited by: elfearz1 ]

Morai 07-20-2003 02:18 PM


Most people are ok with it though, even when I run around with the ring on yelling "I'm invisible!"
I've done similar. One time I placed my "one ring" on my thumb (that's the only place it fits) and I asked my nearby friend if she could see me. The cool thing was that she played along (or she really couldn't see me [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] ).
Another time I said, "Man, I need a refund, I'm wearing this ring, and I can still see my reflection! Dumb thing!"

Eressië Ailin 07-20-2003 03:10 PM

I've worn an opera cloak, my One Ring, a French flag tied around my waist, my 'SAVE THE ENTS!!!" shirt, and my white mask that covers half of my face to school many times (interesting combination, no?). You think I'm not used to getting weird looks (I, like Elanna Starfire, like them a bit [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img])?

Heh. I do that all the time with my friends, Morai.

HAPPY 6ooth POST TO ME!!! WOOO!! 6oo POSTS!!

[ July 20, 2003: Message edited by: Eressië Ailin ]

Lily Bombadil 07-20-2003 08:05 PM

My sister likes LotR, but she still hits me when I talk about it.
When I was on vacation, my sister bought a bow and was acting all Lame-olas (Lame Legolas attempt). I leaned over to my guy-friend and said, "She thinks she's an Archer of Mirkwood." He said, "An archer of Mirk-what?"
(He likes LotR, but he's not obsessed like all of us here.)

Duncariel 07-21-2003 09:48 PM


You know what. We need a t-shirt just for us that says, "My name is [name here]. I'm a Lord of the Rings-Freak, and I'm proud of it."
Ahhh, brilliant plan. I'm gonna get out my extra t-shirts and permanent markers and have some fun! No, we should seriously do that. I've been called a Freak so many times that it would be nice to not have to explain myself.

About the Ring thing. I was sitting in me science class innocently playing with my ring. This short kid next to me kept giving me these looks. You know, the look that says "Get a life" and "If-you-don't-stop-taking-that-stupid-ring-on-and-off-your-finger-I-think-I'm-going-to-kick-you." I looked at him and said "Auta miqula orqu" (go kiss and orc) I think I got him with that one. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Galenfea of Mirkwood. 07-27-2003 02:24 PM

On LJ recently a friend of mine was ritually slagging off litrature. As part of this lengthly rant she made the comment "Even crapper than LOTR and that’s saying something". When I queried her and asked her to justify this statement she replied "isn't it already justified enough? that their emotions, relationships, lives are totally unreal. totally too reserved. too untrue?"
Unfortunately I have been cursed with good manners from an early age and couldn't bring myself to type down some of the statements that sprang to mind. I simply explained in polite terms that of course LotR seemed strange whe you aren't used to it. However if she does it again I am going to drop the 'everyone is entitled to their own opinion' attitude and let her have it! [img]smilies/mad.gif[/img] [img]smilies/mad.gif[/img] [img]smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Sirithheruwen 07-28-2003 01:34 PM


I've worn an opera cloak, my One Ring, a French flag tied around my waist, my 'SAVE THE ENTS!!!" shirt, and my white mask that covers half of my face to school many times (interesting combination, no?). You think I'm not used to getting weird looks
Very interesting!!! I do have a "Save the Ents!" t-shirt, but it's actually a plain white t-shirt written with a black permanent marker. ( [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] )
I have a story that might amuse some of you, but most of you will probably think it's normal.
Me and one of my LOTr obsessed friend went and walked a mile to a big hill in her neighborhood, climbed to the top, and threw my One Ring off the side. Sadly, I never found it, and now I have to get a new one. But I destryed the One Ring!!!! [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img] GO ME!!!!! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

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