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LePetitChoux 01-06-2003 01:24 PM

LotR-related objects in everyday life.
Something has been bugging at me for weeks, that I see something very familiar every time I sit down at my computer. I've finally figured out what it is.

My USB port is called hama, like this:

Does anyone else see LotR-related names in their every-day lives? [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

arelendil 01-06-2003 01:46 PM

Everyday on my way to school I walk passed a car called Bilbo. And my Uncle has a coat with rohan written on it!

Frodo Baggins 01-06-2003 02:09 PM


I have a few CD's that are recorded by "Rivendell Records". And YES I am serious.

Meela 01-06-2003 02:12 PM

i keep on seeing a brand of cigarettes called Condor, and i keep on thinking it says Gondor
also im sure ive seen the name Theoden around somewhere

Manwe Sulimo 01-06-2003 02:14 PM

Actually, in upstate New York, there's a winery called "Rivendell", next to a river, in a very Eriador-esque place. I got a magnet as a souveneir, with "Rivendell Winery" in purple letters.

eleanor_niphredil 01-06-2003 02:50 PM

there is an area somewhere called Rivington that I call Rivendell(by accident)

Horse-Maiden of the Shire 01-06-2003 04:33 PM

this is more related to the movie
in my music book in band theres this song, i forget the title but at the end it says "from Elijah".
i know thats not really related to LOTR itself, and more to one of the actors, but y'know.

purplefluffychainsaw 01-07-2003 02:55 PM

In my village (Yes a village, that's how small and remote it is. Very like the Shire and I mean it!!!) There are three car number plates with elf on and in the nearest town (4 miles) There is a Buckland!!! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Mithril 01-07-2003 03:00 PM

I like to word find puzzles, you know the ones where they give you a list of words and you're supposed to find them in the box of letters, anyways, I was doing one about mythological creatures, and one of the words was Hobbits, and a lot of times I'll actually see or just think I see Middle-Earth terms or names, it's weird.

Lady_Báin 01-07-2003 06:18 PM

Where i live there is a Gimli realstate agenency. I can just imagine "N' did ya want th' larger cave with th' high ceilings, or a cozier place?"

The-Elf-Herself 01-08-2003 09:52 AM

Well, my brother has a stuffed monkey named Shelob.

arelendil 01-08-2003 10:59 AM

I really have gone too far. walking down the street thought i saw an elf calandar but when i looked closer it said seasons! i'm not joking!!

also talk on hobbys today in english kept on saying hobbits which the class thought very funny!

Farrehn 01-08-2003 03:58 PM

There's this plae near home called Rivendell.
But other than that, this one game, or actually a few, have mithril weapons and some Tolkienish names like "Gandolf' and "Galdriel' and stuff.

FarathrimMaiden 01-08-2003 06:01 PM

Well, i theres this house in the town next to our town, it has a garden decorated with all sorts of mystical signs with a bear holding a sign that either says Gandolf or Gandalf. I change the word habitto hobit, i think any word that sounds remotely like rivendell is in fact rivendell, and I have seen that rivendell rocords i think.

Erana 01-08-2003 06:19 PM

Yes!! When I go into my room I have this fan that looks tolkieny.....I hope that was like u were asking..

Sindafalathiel 01-09-2003 05:24 PM

There's this girl in my gym class who loooks a lot like Wormtongue...the resemblance scares me.

maikafanawen 01-09-2003 06:39 PM

My art teachers' name is Mr. Baggins. No joke. And there's a girl in my photography class who looks like Faramir. Also, there's a road by the mall called West Buckleberry Road. Also ... the last name of a football player, I think for Georgia Tech in the US, is Bilbo.

Sadbh 01-09-2003 07:44 PM

There's always an annoyingly obnoxious add for a pizzeria on the local TV stations, located on 'Bilbo' Street. Also, when asked what the capital of North Ireland was on a Social Studies test, I wrote Belfalas instead of Belfast... [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Lady_Báin 01-10-2003 07:04 AM

Sadbh thats too funny i feel weak now.

the eating erea at my school is called middle earth!! maybe i should bring lembas for lunch some time....

Thulorongil 01-10-2003 07:09 PM

in my music book in band theres this song, i forget the title but at the end it says "from Elijah".
actually horsemaiden, there is an opera-ish thing called Elijah. Probably where that came from.

The Elf Herself- has your brother read the books? or did he make that up? If he's read them, he is just a little strange

Also, I always call the evil people in my classes Mumakil and Ulaers. So many strange looks...

This leads to the LotR street signs, too
(I know an Ulaer who lives on Ithilien-Makes sense, doesn't it?!)

Thulorongil 01-10-2003 07:09 PM

ok, so you put the quote you want inside the quote box...

Ithaeliel 01-10-2003 10:01 PM

My two best friends go to horse camp in a town called Greenleaf. Also, today- I don't know if this counts- my ring slipped off my finger and onto the floor, and when I told my Science teacher it was gold so he could help look for it, he said, "The one gold ring to rule them all... and you dropped it on the floor?" I eventually found it, however. I just thought that was funny he'd mention it. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Horse-Maiden of the Shire 01-18-2003 10:12 AM

well, about two hours away from here is a town called Gimli (ha ha ha!!) and on my internet box thingy (i have hi-speed) it says: "ent" Ethernet. Ha!! I want a teacher named Mr. Baggins. Then i could say to my friends "Baggins? Sure i know a Baggins. He's over there. Misterr Baggins."

Shy Hobbit 01-30-2003 01:24 PM

A friend of mine has started growing his hair out recently, it's dark brown and he makes it real curly. Although he has dark eyes, he reminds me of Frodo. He used to have a silver ring that he wore on a chain around his neck too. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] slight differences, but he still reminds me of the Ring Bearer himself.

Pennthangeil 01-30-2003 04:31 PM

I live on Rivendel street.

Maikadurwen 09-20-2003 01:40 PM

i live on benton springs and my sister calls it bilbo springs

we also have pretty large stream at our house and i call it the brandywine
we even have a ferry called buckleberry ferry


I live on Rivendel street.
[ September 20, 2003: Message edited by: Maikadurwen ]

[ September 20, 2003: Message edited by: Maikadurwen ]

Daisy Brambleburr 10-02-2003 02:11 PM


In my village (Yes a village, that's how small and remote it is. Very like the Shire and I mean it!!!) There are three car number plates with elf on and in the nearest town (4 miles) There is a Buckland!!!
That's weird! I live about 10 miles from a little village called Buckland too.

On my computer monitor there's a little sticker saying 'celeron' but every time I see it I think 'Celeborn'!

My dad has some Rohan trousers. And one time in my chemistry test I wrote 'Aragorn' insted of 'Argon'. Whoops!

Finwe 10-02-2003 04:01 PM

I helped one of my friends with her presentation for Speech class (hers was how to groom a horse) and I was supposed to get up on the horse and ride it around a bit, just to give it some exercise. When I was riding back, I pulled off an Eomer and yelled, "To the King!!!!!!!!" and charged up to my friend. Said friend, who is also a LotR fan, just looked and me and said, "Gwanel nin, we aren't at Helm's Deep."

Arwen1858 10-02-2003 10:29 PM

Well, I constantly read the words 'Middle East' as 'Middle Earth.'
LSU used to have a quarter-back named Rohan Davey! I wonder if his parents named him after the Rohan in ME. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] Also, are any of you Babylon 5 fans? I used to watch it several years ago, and now I'm realizing there are a lot of things in there that came from LotR, or at least are pretty similar. Also, I'll see places and try to think about what place in ME it looks like. And sometimes I'll look at peoples ears to see if they're more pointy or rounded. And I'll see random things and think, 'Oh! That looks very elvish!' I know there are more, but I can't think of them now.

Lyta_Underhill 10-03-2003 12:17 AM


Also, are any of you Babylon 5 fans? I used to watch it several years ago, and now I'm realizing there are a lot of things in there that came from LotR, or at least are pretty similar.
Well, if there ARE Babylon 5 fans around here, they surely know where I got my first name! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

I do remember lots of stuff that mirrors or suggests the storyline and even names of LOTR: Z'ha'Dum being the most prominent of them, with the First One Lorien being deep inside the great chasm into which Sheridan leaps (Gandalf and the Balrog, anyone? He dove just before a nuclear device...). Other parallels, such as the migration "to the Rim" of the older beings and Technomages, etc. etc. and the use of the old evil by the newer minions of the "Shadows" (Sauron picking up where Morgoth left off, anyone?). The theme of the survival and slow resurgence of evil, even after great victory, would seem to be a main theme for both realms--Arda and the galactic realm in the "Third Age of Mankind" of Babylon 5.

Despite all the parallels, B5 draws from all sorts of fantasy and sci-fi works and concepts, although at times I like to refer to it as "Lord of the Rings in Space," just to be ornery!

Anyway, as for Middle Earth around here: my entire backyard (120 acres) looks like different places in Middle Earth. In fact, a large hill (small mountain? not quite!) rises behind my home and looks like an overgrown version (sans doors and windows) of Tolkien's illustration of Hobbiton on the 1973(?) version of the LOTR set (the authorized American version) Fellowship of the Ring cover. Another hill would resemble Weathertop if the stones rose above the trees and not vice versa, and there is a hidden dell I call Rivendell (abutted by Arwen's Rock and Tinuviel's Glade). Also a small creek with a bridge; I call it the Brandywine. Oh, and most of the guys driving pickup trucks in the closest town resemble Gimli...that's all I can think of right now!


Arwen1858 10-03-2003 01:06 AM

Lyta, every time I've seen your name, I've thought of Lyta Alexander from B-5. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
The first similarities I noticed between it and LotR were the Sheridan thing, and the fact that there are Rangers on B-5. Also, in LotR we have the white council, and the Minbari on B-5 have a grey council. The most ridiculous thing I've ever seen on the net was a B-5 message board. I was searching the net several weeks ago to find more similarities between B-5 and LotR, cuz I figured I was probably missing some. Anyways, on said message board, these people were saying how they couldn't believe Peter Jackson had the audacity to rip off Babylon 5 the way he did with his LotR movies!! As if all of that didn't come from the books, which came long before
B-5! [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] Poor, confused people!

Anyways, back on topic. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
I have the computer game Riven, which I think got it's name from Rivendell, and there's also a Mirkwood Flooring and Interiors not too far from where I live!

Lyta_Underhill 10-03-2003 10:29 AM


Anyways, on said message board, these people were saying how they couldn't believe Peter Jackson had the audacity to rip off Babylon 5 the way he did with his LotR movies!!
I saw a "news" article to this effect once, but it was firmly tongue-in-cheek! I think some people must have taken it seriously! It was on a site that also featured the appearance of Boromir and Faramir's OTHER brother, Jar-Jaromir! (complete with grafted Jar-Jar onto Boromir's body...ack!). You know, I suppose as many people could claim that Straczynski stole from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (both on a space station--similarity ends there).

Anyway, I've strayed far from topic now, so back to it...I used to be part of a radio show long ago that I didn't even remember had a LOTR reference in it until I went back and reviewed some old scripts. Whenever we wanted to pretend we were broadcasting from a pretentiously named "ballroom" as in the days of old time radio remotes, our pretentious ballroom was the Aragorn Ballroom! Heh heh!

Lyta (NOT a telepathic time bomb, but a nice person, really, once you get over her social ineptitude and tendency to see ghosts and conspiracies everywhere...oh, ignore this last part!) [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Orominuialwen 10-04-2003 09:19 PM

There are several ME named streets near where I am, including Merry, Greenwood, Ent, and Greenleaf. There is also a LothLorien co-op and Bag End Sound Productions. I also found a Greenleaf, Wisconsin on a map. Plus, my little brother looks a whole lot like Elijah Wood :D. People who don't even know him or about our obsession (he's as obsessed as I am ;) ) come up to me and tell me he ooks like Frodo. Also, there's a girl in my school named Arwen :D . No joke! When I first knew her, I hadn't yet discovered LotR, so I didn't even know what her name was from. I'll think of more stuff soon!

Silver Shadow 10-05-2003 09:42 AM

There's a house in my village called Baggit End and my schools catering service is called Shire Catering.

Amarantha_Daisy 10-05-2003 02:27 PM

Wow, Orominuialwen! that's a lot of stuff. Lucky you, you can shreik with happiness whenever you pass by any of those things [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

The only thing I've seen near me is a jewlery shop called "Galadriel's" ...I think I've mentioned that before...hmm... *sidetracked* Any-woo...yes. There may be more, I just have to look. I'll keep my eyes peeled ...Only...not literally...

Goldberry 10-05-2003 02:45 PM

That would be so fun to know somebody named Arwen, or Gandalf or something of the sort. Hey, I've got a friend named Sam... hehe [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Well, let's see...there is a town near me called Turin.

Orominuialwen 10-05-2003 04:05 PM

The only problem is that the only street I've actually passed by is Merry :(. I've only seen the others on a map. Also, I don't know where LothLorien or Bag End are, and I can't find them in the phone book :(. I really hope they're still around!

The Saucepan Man 10-05-2003 07:36 PM

This sort of belongs here ...

Currently, I have John Howe's wonderful picture of the hallway at Bag End, looking out through the open door, as the wallpaper on my computer at work.

Last Friday, I was giving a serious presentation at work using PowerPoint on my lap-top. So, I had the presentation all set up, and what was on the screen was also on the big screen for the audience, as it should be. The presentation went fine and, once it was over (and people were still milling about), I shut down PowerPoint. And there on the big screen, for all to see, was Bag End. Was it my imagination, or were there a few fairly perplexed glances at the screen?

Hmm, slightly embarassing, to say the least. [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Amarantha_Daisy 10-05-2003 07:53 PM


I've only seen the others on a map.
Now there's an idea... I'll have to look at my maps a bit more thouroughly... My parents will think I'm planning to run away [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Saucepan Man, that's great! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] I always get rolled eyes from my LotR backgrounds. Especially with the Argonath one... *sings* Stop! In the naaaame of love! I've never had something like that happen, though...

Arwen1858 10-05-2003 08:57 PM


And there on the big screen, for all to see, was Bag End. Was it my imagination, or were there a few fairly perplexed glances at the screen?
Hey, ya never know, maybe you'll find some other Lord of the Rings fans that way!Someone could realize you're one, and say something about it. Who knows? [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

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