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Taure Leafsilver 12-21-2002 08:27 PM

I think I'm gonna cry..................again.
This was the most emotional movie I've ever seen. I hav'nt cried so much since I saw The Phantom of the Opera.With Frodo getting more insnared in the power of the ring and all it is just to much for me. Oh, and the script is well written. For example: compare these two versions of one of Sam's lines and tell me which one is better,<P>movie: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>Frodo! It's your Sam! Don't you reconize your Sam? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>could have been: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Frodo! It's me, Sam! Don't you reconize me? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>I love you P.J! <p>[ December 21, 2002: Message edited by: Taure Leafsilver ]

Manwe Sulimo 12-21-2002 08:29 PM

Personally, I was just scared that Sam said "<I>your</I> Sam".

Rose Cotton 12-21-2002 08:40 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>Personally, I was just scared that Sam said "your Sam". <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Why? It's Tolkien. For example, heres a quote from The Choices of Master Samwise:<BR> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>"It's your Sam calling." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>And I agree. The Two Towers was definatlly an emotionall rollercoster.<BR>

Taure Leafsilver 12-21-2002 08:43 PM

It seems to imply "not just any Sam, <I>your</I> Sam. The one that will take care of you, no matter what"

Iarwain 12-21-2002 09:20 PM

It was an emotional film, though my anger prevented me from crying. I'm sure after I see it a few more times I'll end up sobbing at the end. Though "your Sam" might be interpreted differently today, I think it is a great symbol of Sam's willing servitude and devotion.

-Imrahil- 12-21-2002 10:28 PM

I loved Sam.<P>"I want to hear about Frodo and the ring daddy!"<P>Loved it, loved it. He saved the movie with his two little speeches near the end.

Tigerlily Gamgee 12-22-2002 12:23 AM

I agree with you, Taure Leafsilver. So many things were done so beautifully. I only got teary-eyed in the theatre though, I will do the big crying when I can watch in the privacy of my own home. I didn't cry at Boromir's death until I owned the DVD. So, I sure this will be the same, though I don't know if I'll be able to hold back public tears when seeing ROTK.

Beruthiel 12-22-2002 03:41 AM

I defintely got teary-eyed with <BR> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Frodo! It's your Sam! Don't you reconize your Sam? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>As well as Haldir dying, I have no idea why but I did.<BR>I also felt sad AFTER the movie was over, I mean now there is only ONE more movie and then its over, thinking about that got me really sad Anyone else feel like this?? or am I all alone?

Celebrodiel 12-22-2002 07:16 AM

I so nearly cried when Arwen said;<BR>"You have my love Father"<BR>

Rose Cotton 12-22-2002 08:17 AM

I guess I'm not that sentimental but I don't cry at movies. But if I could cry at movies these parts would have made me:<P>~When the elves show up at Helms Deep. They would be happy tears of course.<P>~When Smeogol feels betrayed and Gollum returns.<P>~Sam's speaches at the end. These would also be happy tears.<P>Maybe next year I'll cry for the first time. Probably because either I'll be extremely tired (I'm going to the Gathering in Toronto and that means I'll be watching all three Lord of the Rings movies in one day) or because of Shelob. I'm almost certain that will be a very emotional moment.<P>A part I like about these movies is that you are not constantly sad through the whole thing. PJ manages to put in some humor (Gimli) that brings your spirits back up for a moment.

Harmonica 12-22-2002 09:06 AM

It was such a tradgedy what happend to Smeagol and turned him into Gollum. When he had his first psychotic breakdown and went totally schizo discussing with himself, most of the people in the theatre laughed and thought it was funny. Me, I almost broke into tears, I felt so sorry for him and it was heartbreaking to see that scene.

Taure Leafsilver 12-22-2002 09:36 AM

I found gollum's shcizo scene both funny and sad. The camara changes for each personality was a stroke genius! The facial expressions were great! I thought it very cute when he does the "we told him to leave and never come back!!" I was going "Aaaaaawww! he's cute, in an ugly sort of way!" When Gollum came back I was say "Oh,no." Then When he's talking about <I>she</I> I said a little loudly "Yes!" be cause <I>she</I> is my favorite part!<P>oh, and just so ya' know, I like refering to shelob as <I>she</I>,it is creepy!!<p>[ December 22, 2002: Message edited by: Taure Leafsilver ]

Rose Cotton 12-22-2002 12:24 PM

I did get a bit angry when at the end Gollum called Sam "the fat hobbit"<P>Oh well, I guess he's right. But why not "the brave hobbit" or "the stubborn hobbit" or "the hobbit that makes the realy good Coney Stew" Ya like Gollum would ever say that.

Nenya 12-22-2002 03:03 PM

I suprised myself by not crying louder. Instaed of a big "oh my god there's gallons of water coming from my eyes"-scene, I kinda sobbed throughout the movie. <BR>In the "Don't you recognise your Sam?", I was way beyond tears. As I have said before, my heart just broke, I couldn't even cry. (someone's taking this a bit too emotionally... :rolleyes

LePetitChoux 12-22-2002 04:03 PM

I felt really sentimental in the scenes with the Rohirrim getting all the little boys to fight and their mothers crying...

Taure Leafsilver 12-22-2002 04:42 PM

That was sad. I was all the time imagining if that was me. One of the mothers or boys, scary.

Taure Leafsilver 12-22-2002 06:47 PM

I just found this pic, you'll know what it is. 3rd one down<BR>I'm going to cry now. <BR> <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>*sniff*</A><p>[ December 22, 2002: Message edited by: Taure Leafsilver ]

Túroch 12-22-2002 07:21 PM

Alright, even though it wasn't in the book did anyone else get teary when one of the Rohirrim mothers put her two children on the horse and told them to ride away. Sniff, sniff. I didn't really come as close to tears anywhere else. I was to insensed about some of the movie's changes to feel emotional. Same with Haldir's death. I could feel PJ wanted it to be emotional, but it just didn't come that way to me.

Taure Leafsilver 12-22-2002 07:25 PM

I did. The scene felt so familiar, as if I had seen it before. needless to say, I melted.

Diamond18 12-22-2002 08:56 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> I did get a bit angry when at the end Gollum called Sam "the fat hobbit" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>But didn't you just love the look Sam gave him when he said that? It was a sort of "I dare you to say that one more time" kind of look. <p>[ December 22, 2002: Message edited by: Diamond18 ]

maikafanawen 12-22-2002 09:08 PM

personally...Smeagol was my favorite! he was awesome. his schizo scenes were so cute. i love him so much that when Sam was cruel to him i actually got angry towards Sam!! gollum turned good (in case anyone didn't notice!!) he told the bad Gollum to go away! and then, in past themes, it says that Sam's harsh treatment was part of the reason for Smeagol to go permanately bad (ok, so the ring did some too) but there could have been hope! anyway, Smeagol made the movie. I'm glad there were some humorous parts.

Taure Leafsilver 12-22-2002 09:08 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>the look Sam gave him when he said that? It was a sort of "I dare you to say that one more time" kind of look. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>That <I>was</I> funny! wish they would've gone into the slinker/stinker nicknames more. It kind of came out of nowhere.<p>[ December 22, 2002: Message edited by: Taure Leafsilver ]

Aragost 12-23-2002 08:28 AM

They could have put more of the "shriekers" in to terrify gollum.

Nenya 12-23-2002 10:03 AM

Any of you ever read Asterix-comics? I'm telling you, I was expecting Sam to respond just like the way Obelix always does when someone calls him fat! He had the exact same look on his face.

Taure Leafsilver 12-23-2002 10:59 AM

never read them. where could I find the? Do you have a link?

Balin999 12-23-2002 11:24 AM

I'll have to admit that I nearly cried everytime when I saw Gollum, especially when Frodo called him Smeagol. I couldn't understand why I nearly wept but I felt so sorry for that poor creature. I also felt very sad when Gollum talked to himself (by the way, excellent work, P.J.), though everyone around me laughed at Gollum. I guess those were the people that hadn't read the books. <BR>But I didn't feel sad when Sam made his little speech to Frodo. I was so angry because of the many changes of the story, especially in the later middle part of the movie. The scene when Haldir died was too much for me, not because I was so sad, but because I nearly got mad of anger. First, 500 bow-elves come out of Lorien (!!!), Haldir (!!!) leading them. (that's because the actor had to play in the second part, too). And then, to top it all, Haldir gets killed. When I saw this scene I cried out aloud "Come on, this is such a crap" and I guess at least 30 people heard mein the theatre. But I was so upset that I wanted to leave, which I didn't, luckily.

DarkRose 12-23-2002 11:49 AM

Just to comment on matters of crying or sadness:<P>I got teary-eyed when:<P>1) In the very beginning of the movie, they showed Gandalf falling down the pit in Moria, stabbing at the Balrog. Since I had bawled loudly at the Balrog part of the first movie, it made me tear up in the second movie.<P>2) When Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas find Gandalf in the woods. I loved how Gandalf's face flickered into a kindly-old-man's face again for one second, like it had been back in the Shire when talking to Frodo.<P>3) Any part when the great strain that the Ring inflicted upon Frodo was illustrated. This just tore at my heart to see how Frodo struggled.<P>I actually cried when:<P>1) Aragorn was thought to be dead. It also breaks my heart when the (former) Fellowship loses people. =(<P>2) Frodo is holding his dagger at Sam's throat. That was just devastating.<P>Oh, I also cried when my mom spilled her entire liter of Diet Coke all over my new jeans. Apparently, she had forgotten that a towering class of Coke was perched on her arm rest, and she jabbed it with her elbow. Heh. That broke my heart more than the movie! (Kidding, kidding.)

Cherie Centaur 12-23-2002 12:11 PM

I never actually cried during the movie because I was soo mad at it. Though when Haldir died (why was he there in the first place?) and Gollum feeling betrayed I did feel some sympathy, then was ticked off at Faramir. But I know I'll burst into tears during RoTK, with the end and all.

Maylin Talese 12-23-2002 01:27 PM

I saw the movie yesterday for the first time, and while I was disappointed about Faramir.<P> I was between crying and screaming half the movie. I nearly had a heartattack when Frodo almost killed Sam, I wasn't expecting that until the next movie. Considering how much the movie was changed, (The elves, Ents almost not going to war, faramir) I would almost not be surprised if Frodo really does die, or Aragorn marries Eowyn instead, or something.

VanimaEdhel 12-23-2002 04:33 PM

I kind of quietly sobbed throughout the whole movie, even when I was laughing at Gimli's antics (John Rhys-Davies was stupendous). I cried hardest:<BR>1. When Gandalf fell, yet again (and I've read the books so many times, you'd think I wouldn't...something about the look in Frodo's eye when it happens)<BR>2. When they 1st touched base with each group, seeing where they were<BR>3. When Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli think that Merry and Pippin are dead (again: I've read them so many darn times!)<BR>4. When Gandalf comes back<BR>5. When Theodred died, but Theoden was too far gone to care<BR>6. When Eomer was exiled<BR>7. When they thought Aragorn was dead<BR>8. How Aragorn kept remembering Arwen, through all that...both when he was remembering her and she was remembering him (when she was standing over his grave too)<BR>9. When they all "knew" they were going to die at Helm's Deep, but fought anyway<BR>10. When Gandalf finally came<BR>11. Oh: when Legolas apologized to Aragorn<BR>12. Nearly every time Smeagol's little face poked through on Gollum's exterior...I felt so sorry for him<BR>13. When Frodo realized he was being taken over by the ring<BR><I><B>14. When Haldir died</B></I> (Oi vey, I cried so much)<P>Hmmm...I cried an awful lot...but I also remember smiling the whole time...yeesh: I need to have some emotional training...<P>I also laughed a lot, while tears were streaming down my face...

Namarie 12-23-2002 04:48 PM

I went to see it with a few of my friends and one sitting next to mee was one of my guy friends so I knew he would totally make fun of me if I cried so I kept holding it in until Sam made his first little speech and then I started bawling! It was so sad. And happy. Thats what I love about LOTR its so sad and happy at the same time. In the first one (in the very beginnig)when hes sitting in the tree reading, I started to cry because It was so happy but it was so sad to know that he was going to go on a journey that would change his little hobbit outlook on life totally. And especially in the second one when that hobbit song is playing and he goes "Frodo wouldnt have gotten far without sam" !

Namarie 12-23-2002 04:51 PM

I know Im posting again but i just have to say it gets very emotional when , in the battle sequences, how people are screaming but you dont here them, ya know? How their mouths are moving but all you here is the sad music and the swords clinking...

The Silver-shod Muse 12-23-2002 10:36 PM

Or when the music has stopped and you just hear the swords and the whistle of the arrows and the groans of the dying. That always gets me - it's like music in itself.

Taure Leafsilver 12-24-2002 12:46 PM

I always cry when I remember thet Frodo is going to change so drasticly, I breaks my heart. Sam also makes me cry for the same reson.

PippinSqueak 12-24-2002 01:35 PM

Even though he didn't have a big part in the last movie..i made me really sad when Haldir died. And when Frodo had the knife to Sam's throat and Sam looked so hurt. AND when they were making the young boys fight at Helm's Deep. The whole movie was emotional.

Taure Leafsilver 12-24-2002 01:44 PM

I'm going to the movie again in a few days and this time I'm prepared!! *waves handkerchief in the air*

Namarie 12-24-2002 02:40 PM

Hay Tuare! We are doing the play into the woods this year, I'm little red riding hood!

Tigerlily Gamgee 12-24-2002 11:59 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>Maybe next year I'll cry for the first time. Probably because either I'll be extremely tired (I'm going to the Gathering in Toronto and that means I'll be watching all three Lord of the Rings movies in one day) or because of Shelob. I'm almost certain that will be a very emotional moment.<P> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>I'll be there with you, Rose Cotton. We'll have to make sure to have a big ol' box of tissues on hand. I expect to be bawling in many places of ROTK, especially since they moved Shelob back.

Gryphon Hall 12-27-2002 02:42 PM

PJ was able to do what I thought no one would be able to do: actually portray Gollum in such a way that would evoke pity. Not the 'how pathetic' type of feeling pity or the 'better put him outta his misery' pity, but the 'oh, poor guy! don't hurt him!' pity. Back in the FOTR, all I felt was the second kind; by the TTT, I actually felt how Frodo's 'betrayal' must have been like. It was worse in the book, but the movie (no matter how rushed or abbreviated it was) made me cry with pity for Smeagol. <P>Other emotional moments for me was that muster at Helm's deep. I was not able to enjoy the full moment of it, however, because my seatmate kept commenting on how 'emotional' the scene was. Eventually, it ended up as just me watching an emotional scence on the big screen instead of vicariously experiencing the story.<P>Perhaps when I watch it alone next year. Maybe I can really feel it like I should have. Maybe then I can have a good cry.<P>Moral: Never sit beside a person who feels obligated to make a running commentary when watching 'Lord of the Rings'

Taure Leafsilver 12-27-2002 05:32 PM

I watched for the second time today and I sobbed even more than last time. I'm still gasping for breath! I do belive I'm in love!

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