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Old 02-24-2003, 06:04 PM   #50
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Hi!I agree with the people that said Boromir played his own important role in the Fellowship! He is as important as everyone else..and maybe even more than others..Now when it comes to the dream, if you really believe that a "force" made that desicion for Faramir to go, then why can't we assume that the "force" wanted Boromir to go instead of Faramir too? I mean that maybe it was Boromir who was supposed to go in the end..But anyway, this is the story of the book, and I believe there is always a good reason for it so I totally disagree with Anorien. Boromir does have a reason for being there and Tolkien would have never put a character there just to cover the space, there is more to him than that..Boromir gives the human touch in this story, shows the mortal wickness and the desire for glory, the importance of it then and his desperate need to save his city in result to fall under the power of the Ring, though he is very strong and brave..So if we start thinking about different options maybe we should think that if it wasn't for Boromir in Moria or on Caradhras maybe the others would have been dead, maybe Frodo would have tried to save Gandalf and fall into shadow too, maybe the Fellowship would never seperate and the Ring would have taken then Gimli or Legolas or even Aragorn and maybe they killed Frodo and take the Ring, and millions of other options..So what I am trying to say is that the only mistake is to think of different options when the story is just the way it is and we love it this way..
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