Thread: Movie Bloopers!
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Old 04-08-2003, 05:23 PM   #218
One Axe to Rule them All
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One Axe to Rule them All has just left Hobbiton.

Here's another lamer off the top of my head, helms deep, the orc that's running with the powder keg accidentally farts and the keg blows, killing about half of the orcish army.

Another one.
elrond-"you have come to answer the threat of Mordor..."
elrond-'What's so funny!?"
*elrond looks down and realizes that he's wearing arwens dress*
elrond-"it was a mistake!, i'm not gay!!!"

one more.

*Galadriel pours the water into the seeing pool, and sees that it's blue*

Galadriel- "what sort of devilry is this"

*Pippin sneaks up behind her*
Pippin- "It's not devilry, it's Tidy Bowl!"

The eye of sauron- "It burns!!!, the water burns!!"

Frodo- "So sorry man"

eye of Saron- "It's all good"
Why are you reading this? Go outside, be happy, get some sunlight! You're so pasty and thin! You horrify me, GO! Get some light before they take you too! It's too late for me but SAVE YOURSELF!
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