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Old 08-27-2003, 05:38 PM   #42
Vice of Twilight
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Nurumaiel has just left Hobbiton.

Edmund's Profile

NAME : Edmund

AGE : 7

RACE : Man


WEAPONS : His mouth is his greatest weapon. He's excellent at tormenting and teasing, name-calling, and other such things that would hurt a fellow boy's feelings, and the use of the older boys he has as friends. Sticks are also quite handy when playing pretend swords with his friends, though he would never be seen using it for real on a living thing.

APPEARANCE : Edmund looks much like his mother. He has brown curls, and a few freckles on either cheek and speckling his nose. Most people remember him for his lively, sparkling blue eyes that are constantly filled with wild adventure and excitement. It is most likely his eye color came from farther back than his parents. He's fairly slender, though he still has a little bit of his baby chubbiness left, mainly in his cheeks, though a little in his belly. Though he's an average height at the present time, when he's older he will most likely be tall like his mother and father.

PERSONALITY : Edmund is an active little boy who, like most boys, likes to have a good time. Unfortunately, through taking up with the wrong friends, having a good time mostly meant bullying other children. He also has a passion for tormenting the Cook at the inn, mainly hiding various tools from her and stealing food when she's not looking. Edmund is the ideal little terror, even to his friends at times. If things don't go his way, he'll lose his temper and give them a nasty time. Though he was not like this before, it is suspected by most that the death of his father a year previous seriously affected him.

However, he does have his good traits. Like his mother, he has a kind heart, and he only needs to get past the hard crust that's surrounding it, caused by the bad company he keeps. His kindness is mainly exercised in animals, and he's forever finding wounded creatures that he insists need his care. This bothers some people to no ends, but afterwards they see how much it's worth it when they see the gentleness and love he shows as he treats his patients.

Though he's a bother to her, he loves his mother very much, and does everything he can to help her. He can be difficult sometimes, and often throws temper tantrums, but such tears that come from his blue eyes as he runs to apologize to her! He would do just about anything for her.

HISTORY : Edmund lived in Bree all his life, with his father and mother at the Prancing Pony. When he was only six years old his father was killed, and, being very fond of his father, Edmund was very sorrowful. For a long time he was depressed and bored, then he found a way to pass the time by causing trouble with some of the other boys.


Edmund's First Post

Edmund Woolthistle, a young lad of seven years, sat on a little stool in the kitchen of the Prancing Pony, a basket of potatoes at his feet. His freckled face was bright read, partly with anger and partly because of his efforts. He had already peeled the awesome amount of five whole potatoes for Cook to mash later, and he was feeling pretty exhausted. Cook was, obviously, cooking, but at the same time she was watching Edmund with a stern eye.

He had to endure this suffering all because of that silly hobbit boy! What a crybaby he had been. All they (meaning Edmund and his ne'er-do-well friends) had done was try to have a bit of fun with him (which, you must take note, means teasing) and he had burst into tears. So when they had tried to play a game with him (stealing his hat and tossing it to one another, causing the poor hobbit boy more distress), they had expected him to cheer up, but did he? Of course not! He was a hobbit, so he wouldn't.

I am being punished because some stupid hobbit is a crybaby, Edmund thought ferociously, picking up another potato. I'll be stuck in this stupid kitchen all day because of that stupid crybaby. Reflecting on this grim thought, Edmund felt anger building up at rapid paces inside of him. Forgetting that Cook was watching him, even forgetting that he was sitting in the prison of the kitchen, he took up the potato he had just finished and hurtled it across the room. It narrowly missed Cook's head and with an indescribable noise hit the kitchen wall. Cook immediately turned flashing eyes towards Edmund, but the boy's own blue eyes showed no signs of remorse for what he had just done.

"...and if Edmund should cause any further trouble while in the kitchen, you may think of a suitable punishment for him." Those had been Andreth's words. Cook didn't hesitate to carry them out. "Edmund Woolthistle, you will clean up that mess immediately, and then you will finish those potatoes. Instead of letting you off after dinner like I had originally intended, you will stay and help me clean up. You can expect to be doing many dishes and scrubbing many tables, young man."

Edmund gave her a sour look as he crossed the kitchen to take care of the crushed potato. His slightly chubby face turned an even deeper shade of red, if that were possible. He had planned to take care of his wounded squirrel after dinner, but now Cook had to spoil it all. She would feel sorry when the squirrel died, that she would. But the poor squirrel, that had to suffer so that horrible Cook could satisfy her need for punishing innocent little boys! Edmund thought all these things with the anger increasing in him. The injustice of the world was too great.

[ September 06, 2003: Message edited by: Nurumaiel ]
In the fury of the moment I can see the Master's hand
in every leaf that trembles, in every grain of sand.
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