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Old 04-29-2003, 04:40 PM   #17
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: With Gambit, ambushing VanimaEdhel, most likely
Posts: 117
DayVampyre has just left Hobbiton.

“Do you live in Isengard? Forgive me; do you live on the streets of Isengard? If so, maybe you could help me find the way to where the do-gooders are meeting, as soon as you PAY for your drinks.”

Live on the streets of Isenguard? Do-Gooders?

Just because Avery was unable to read, she wasn't ignorant. She hadn't learned to read because perhaps she had been a little too occupied with not getting herself killed.

"No, I'm just as much from Isenguard as you are, Madame Scribe. And as for your
do-gooders if that's what you'd prefer to call them, if they are botherin' to meet, I don't know. You also need to lightn' up some...I can always manage to pay for what I drink, as hard as that can be for you to believe." Avery said stopping to take a breath and a sip of her drink.

"So where are you from then? Did they run you out of wherever it was you were?"

"No" Avery lied, but its not like she needed to know that Avery had almost been on the receiving end of a hangman's noose, "It doesn't matter anyways. So you seem to fancy yourself quite intelligent?"

"Quite" Ajada said, surprised at Avery's ability to use word that was more than two syllables. Avery noticed, but didn't say anything about it.

"Well, take a look around the pub, and tell me, Miss Ajada, tell me which one here is has the most money on him at the moment, let's see if all of your book smarts can tell you that?"

At first Avery though that Ajada wouldn't go for it. But she did, probably didn't want to appear less than divinely inspired to a common thief. Of the sparse people scattered amongst the tavern, three seemed to stick out. The drunk at the end of the bar, he was scraggly and was the owner of ripped clothes. A man that seemed to be dressed nicely enough, nothing overtly impressive. And an older man that sat in a booth behind them. His clothes appeared to be finely woven and antiqued. His hair though seemed to be oddly mussed up, a small flaw.

"The old man in the back, that's easy, Although it must have been quite an arduous task for your brain. That means hard."

Avery smiled at Ajada's overly confident statement.

"And you'd have gone home, with no money at all. The oldie's clothes, they're old, very old. He was very wealthy, then somethin' happen'd to him. Who knows what? But not anymore, that's all he's got left. The man dressed in the nice clothes, 'e's the one. See, nice clothes, defintly new, takes care of himself, probl'y has a nice cushy job somewhere. Get out of your books sometime Ajada, Oh and thanks for that handy explaining of that word, hate to go through life without knowing that..."
~~Your finger hired the crew?
~No, that's silly. The man who lives in my finger hired the crew, Mr. Bimbol.
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