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Old 05-07-2003, 06:00 PM   #25
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: With Gambit, ambushing VanimaEdhel, most likely
Posts: 117
DayVampyre has just left Hobbiton.
The Eye

Avery had gone silent after her little annoyance of Ajada. She had turned back around on her seat holding her head in her hands, massaging her temples. The new drink did not taste quite right. Maybe she had had too many. She had blocked the conversation out until she heard the name.

She turned in her seat to face Radagast, pushing some stubborn hair out of her face and sucked in a breath.

"Well, I was sent here by the court. They wanted me to try and find out why there was violence in the Fanghorn." She said sighing heavily at the end of her sentence. She turned to the barkeep, "A thing of water, when you get the time" she muttered to him as she turned back to Radagast.

"really?" he questioned
"I doubt it, why would the court send an illerate fool like her" Ajada said, and Avery would have knocked her right off the barstool, had she not been so light-headed at the moment. She let it slip

"It wasn't exactly the deal I wanted, but it beats being at the wrong end of a looped rope" She said, rounding on Ajada.

The barkeep slid the glass to Avery and Avery took a drink. The water was a refreshing change and washed down the bitterness of the drink. Avery felt her eyes now to be a bit watery, but she blinked it away and chalked it up to nothing.

"I know, it certainly isn't the most noble reason to be goin', but, its the only reason I got. List'n, the air in here is gettin' to me, don't think I'm not grateful for your company, but I think I'm goin' to have a seat outside for a while. I'm a bit, I dunno, dizzy, I suppose. I should be back in a bit." She said, standing up and giving a nod in Radagast's direction.

Avery headed out the door of the Salty Tear an over to a small forge just across the way. There was a splintery bench, and it being the only one around, Avery had seat. She bent over holding her head, taking in a few deep breaths trying to clear out her head, which had been getting cloudy. Then she sat back, resting her back and head against the stone wall of the forge, head upward looking into the sky. It was calming, the cool breeze played in her hair and Avery had almost drifted into a peaceful sleep when she heard

"Hey, too nice a night to be out alone, mind if I have a seat?"

OoC: I threw that in should anybody want to use it, I don't have anyone particular in mind, I hope thats ok
~~Your finger hired the crew?
~No, that's silly. The man who lives in my finger hired the crew, Mr. Bimbol.
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