Thread: Swan Wood - RPG
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Old 11-11-2003, 03:57 PM   #202
Aylwen Dreamsong
The Melody of Misery
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: The Island of Conclusions (You get there by jumping!)...
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Aylwen Dreamsong has just left Hobbiton.

"Of course I'll do anything you ask of me if it involves ending these battles and having peace again," Jesslyn murmured her reply, meaning every word. Of course everyone involved with the Swan Wood skirmishes wished for it to end quickly and with as little troubles as possible. So far, they had encountered far more problems than they could almost deal with, but everyone prayed for the end to be near at hand.

Jess let the conversation rest there, and both the women soaked, enjoying the water for as long as it was warm. Jess contemplated what exactly everyone loyal to Laurel would do next, but set those thoughts aside for more conforting memories. Jesslyn recalled her home and her family, and fear seemed so far away at that moment that Jesslyn had no doubt of returning home safely, with Cartil alive to return to his duties. It will all be over soon, Jesslyn promised herself, not quite caring if it would turn out to be true or false.

Jesslyn finished washing and dryed off with the towels provided by the woman who had come in earlier. She donned the clothing, which was far too loose for Jesslyn but were clean all the same. Jesslyn said farewell to Laurel, promising the tired young woman that she would tell Cartil of the meeting. With that, Jesslyn left the bathroom and walked out into the main hall of the Healing House, looking around for the room she had once found Cartil in.

As she walked around the main hall, Jesslyn tried to ignore the wounded and dying around her. Most who had come to the Healing House with fatal wounds the day before were lost, and had been removed from their cots for a proper burial when there was time. The weak and wounded still rested on their cots, sleeping or silently praying. And then there were the rare few who had been fatally wounded but still struggled to keep a hold on their life. Some still fought to stay in the living world, either for fear of death or for fear of leaving someone or something behind.

That could've been you, something spoke to her, nagging at the back of her weary mind. Jesslyn shook her head, but the thought continued to race through her brain. Or Cartil. Or Laurel. Or Leena. Or... Jesslyn shook her head one las time and let the horrid voice slip away. Then Jess continued on her way towards Cartil's cot.

"My, my, my," Cartil murmured as his sister drew near. The messenger man made an audible sniffing noise with a dramatic air. "Don't you smell pretty as a rose now. Now all you need to do is go back home, brush your hair, put on one of your sister's dresses, and find some little boy to run off with."

Jesslyn laughed. "No boy would come after me. Even if I were wearing a dress and had my hair untangled. You know that, Cartil."

"Well, I didn't mean someone chasing after you. I meant you chasing one of the little boys back in town. Anyway, what is on your mind now, little sister?" Cartil questioned, seeing the look in his sister's eye and recognizing it immediately. Jess sighed and crouched down next to Cartil's cot.

What should I tell him? Jesslyn wondered. Should I tell him how I keep picturing all of us dead? How I wish and hope and almost imagine us going home and back to our duties fine, but knowing that it's not true? We're all going to die, I know it! Jesslyn wanted to slap herself for thinking the former thought, but could she deny her conscience, and the feeling?

"Ahh, well," Jesslyn stuttered, making her decision of what to say just as she opened her mouth to speak. "There will be a meeting tomorrow. Laurel will be there, and with her we will decide what our fate and the fate of Swan Wood will be. Can you bring up the strength to make it tomorrow?"

"Anything for Laurel," Cartil agreed, rearranging his head on the pillow he had been recently given. Jess was inwardly relieved to note that Cartil had no idea of her battling feelings, or, at least he didn't say if he noticed. Jesslyn nodded gravely.

"Good, now get some rest so you can come!" Jesslyn ordered in mock seriousness before walking off to perhaps help any of the healers, or occupy herself somehow. Jesslyn hoped such tasks would take her mind of the looming whispers that lingered and floated through her mind.
...Come down now, they'll say. But everything looks perfect from far away - Come down now! But we'll stay.
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