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Old 08-09-2003, 06:51 AM   #132
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Rivendell
Posts: 807
Manardariel has just left Hobbiton.

“Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Fianna
Happy Birthday to you!”

Fianna´s eyes grew as round as apples as Mia brought in the big birthday cake. Made of different doughs, with lots of honey, dried fruit, nuts, and some whipped cream on top of it all; it was truly a masterpiece. Secretly, Mia thought it was her best creation yet and was planning to suggest it to Bethberry at the next big party. The next party! she laughed to herself. The last one was barely over and she, Mia was making plans for next year!

“Happy Birthday, my big girl!” Mia hugged her sister tight, giving her an extra big birthday kiss. Fianna giggled. “Tickes.” she confided, but glanced up hopefully. “More?” Mia laughed, giving her another kiss, and another one, and another... “There! Six kisses, one for every year you´ve been my little sunshine!” They laughed.

Mia scooped cake on everyone´s plates and watched Deor and Briga give their sister her presents: Deor had scraped up his last money for a honey-pop from the market; a sticky and very sweet candy the kids were crazy after, but Briga gave her a little stone she´s found, shaped like a butterfly. After these sweet little gifts, Fianna exitedly looked up at her sister. “And you?”

Mia pulled out a parcel from behind her back. Fianna eagerly ripped it open and, oh what joy as she found a brand- new jump-roap and two dresses for her favourite doll. Fianna clutched all her treasures in her arms as they went off to the White Horse.

Later, the day had turned to be as normal as ever, and Mia was depressed. It was Fianna´s birthday, afterall! Shouldn´t she be organizing a party instead of standing here, in the kitchen, making soup for strangers?! She had promised her mother on her deathbed to make the children happy, and now she couldn´t even make Fianna´s birthday a fun and happy occasion? She could hear the city kids, occupied with their usual games –hide and see, fire-water-earth, tag- and from time to time caught Fianna saying things like “It´s my birthday, you know...”- it could have broken her heart.

After showing a new visitor –accompanied by a gorgeous baby- her room and pushing her false cheerfulness to the end, she made a decision.

“Misstress Bethberry?” Chewing her lip, she looked at her boss. “Umm, ma´am, you see, it´s my sisters birthday and I was wondering, could I, maybe...have half the day off? Please? I promise I´ll come in at night tomorrow, I´ll do whatever you want me to, but please, can I just do something with Fianna today?”
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