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Old 01-25-2004, 10:45 AM   #33
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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Okay, here it is: Profile and post. I hope it's alright... If not... then.. just let me know, and I'll change it or something. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]


Name: Frôzhal

Age: About 27

Appearance : Frôzhal is a stout and masculine man. He is quite pale, but he has the typical Haradrim features. His small face gives one the impression that he is younger than he really is. Frôzhal's eyes are hazel brown and his hair, which reaches him to the back of his neck, is dark brown with this dreadful mix between grey and black. His mouth is thin and small, not in proportion with the eyes or the nose. His nose is long, ending with a huge tip, pointing upwards, and his eyes/eyeballs can almost get annoyingly big.

Personality: Frôzhal is definitely the man in Middle-earth who is most dependent on people around him. He does nothing on his own, or rather, he can’t do anything on his own. He basically needs help for everything. People would describe him as unintelligent, helpless, pathetic, but loyal. He never objects to anything anyone says, and is therefore 'easy' to be around. However, he is slightly respected among the Haradrim, but only because he has a wealthy father. Frôzhal is naive, kind and tries to be very humble.

Frôzhal's hates doing something new. His negative attitude to all sorts of changes is unbearable. When he first starts to complain, it'll take him a while to stop and think about something else. Frôzhal has few own opinions, and those opinions he has are all stupid. He chooses to follow the crowd, simply because he doesn't know what else to do. Both Frôzhal’s lack of opinions and the fact that he is so dependent on others, wouldn't make him a good leader. It wouldn't even make him a good role-model. His tactic skills are even worse. Frôzhal would, honestly, believe that a Haradrim army with 100 men could bring down a Gondorian army with over 1000. (As you see, he is extremely naive.)

He tends to suck up, which may get him in trouble, but it has helped him a great deal. Actually, it helped him get where he is today, a part of the Haradrim army. Frôzhal is very superstitious and believes that pride is ones biggest flaw and will eventually be ones downfall.

Even though he is simple minded he is skilled with the sword. This is perhaps the only thing he is actually skilled at.

History: Frôzhal grew up to be a man, depending on everyone else. In his child hood, he always had his two sisters around (older) or his parents, who all were eager to please the youngest in every way. Frôzhal became spoiled and in many ways helpless. He could do nothing on his own, because he was always used at being entertained or that others would do things for him.

From early age he was thought that Sauron was the only Master. Frôzhal has always looked up to this powerful individual, even though he has been 'inactive'. He though, is convinced that Sauron is the true master and he will return.

By the time he was fifteen, the only thing he could do by himself was handle his sword in a proper way. His low skills within everything else have kept him getting the position in the Haradrim army he originally wished for. Now, however, he lives by sucking up and doing what the head of the Haradrim commands. Frôzhal dreams of climbing the ranks, even though everyone knows he'd only lead the army to its destruction. Believing such a thing also proves how naive he really is.


First post

Frôzhal straightened up as he felt his patience coming to an end. A company had arrived at the headquarters a while ago, and the Haradrim was starting to get curious about it all. He made his way away from the trees, where no longer he was 'protected' from the annoying sun rays, and towards the two storied building. He shivered as he saw Lan’kâsh on the balcony. There was at least one more sitting there, but Frôzhal couldn't see who. This especially, made him even more curious. The man hesitated for a few moments; what on earth was he doing? Sneaking up on Lan’kâsh? He shook himself, trying to avoid looking any further at the balcony. Again, he straightened up, keeping his mask.

He made his way away from the headquarters. It would certainly not be wise of him to lurk around here, in hope to overhear what was going on, if he wanted to get a better position. What if he was getting a better position? Why else gather at a balcony? Frôzhal frowned by this. A better position, he thought, smiling to himself. A man came running pass him, shaking Frôzhal.

"What are you smiling for?" he asked rudely. Frôzhal despised this man, but couldn't do anything but to answer politely. "I was thinking about... when I am getting promoted," he said, giggling even more. The man broke into an evil laughter, shaking his head so hard that Frôzhal expected to see it fall off from the man's neck, any minute. "Promoted?" he said, gathering himself. Frôzhal nodded.

"Listen up, guys!" the man announced, after a few moments with silence.

Quite a few men, who stood nearby, turned around and looked towards Frôzhal and the man, who was named Ringlâsh. Some of them started to laugh already, even though they didn't know what all this was about. Frôzhal felt uncomfortable about the whole situation he suddenly found himself in. He sighed, as Ringlâsh started off, telling the others that Frôzhal thought he was getting a promotion soon.

There was a roar of laughter. Some laughed so loudly, Ringlâsh had to calm them down before continuing;" So, when do you expect it to happen?" he asked, staring at Frôzhal innocently. Frôzhal grew red, shaking. He didn't want everyone to know that he was getting promoted before he actually had been.

"Calm down guys," he started. "I haven't been promoted, yet" he said, grinning, forgetting that everyone was giggling.

This would be a day to remember for many of them. Such great fun as this was seldom nowadays and most of them knew they would have loads of fun in the time to come, mocking Frôzhal about how naive he was.

"I just want you to know," Frôzhal said, after his long pause. "That you are still my friends even though I climb the ranks," he finished.

Again there was a roar with laughter and Ringlâsh waved Frôzhal off. "See you soon," he said evilly. Frôzhal turned away, being satisfied about how he had managed to make the situation less uncomfortable. His promotion would only mean that he was more in charge, their friendship (Frôzhal believes that is called friendship) would never end.

"Good luck with your promotion!" someone called after him.

Frôzhal was happy they at least supported him, yes; wishing him good luck was a sign of support. A few minutes had passed before he realised that he had been proud. He had been proud when telling the others that he expected to be promoted soon. This was ones biggest mistake. He shook his head, trying to think of a how to make this to something positive. No, it's wasn't possible! This would definitely be his downfall. He huddled together, leaning his back to a huge tree trunk. He was full with regret and his conscience made him shiver. Frôzhal gulped as he saw Jinan come out from the headquarter building about hundred paces away.

Had Jinan been promoted instead of himself?

As this thought struck him, he realised that if Jinan had been promoted, he surely wouldn't. Within a minute's time his dream had been crushed, there was no promotion! He made a grimace, how in the world could Jinan get promoted and not him?

With clenched teeth and determination he stood up, held his head high and wandered off to the headquarters in hope to find out about this... this... Jinan and how he had got a promotion.... This just had to be a promotion, right?


Nova [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 3:51 PM January 25, 2004: Message edited by: Novnarwen ]
Scully: Homer, we're going to ask you a few simple yes or no questions. Do you understand?
Homer: Yes. (Lie dectector blows up)
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